What we do in the Dark

By OritaXia

239 1 0

"Tell me how bad you want it," he spoke softly. "How bad you want me to ruin you." He caressed my waist, runn... More

Author Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twnty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Author's Note

Chapter Three

12 0 0
By OritaXia

There was a muffled sound of birds chirping and a blinding light as I woke up. I was still in Zev's arms, but now I was facing him. I didn't move a muscle, or at least I didn't think I did. "You up Jasper?" He asked softly.

"Yeah," I said with my morning voice. "how'd you know?" I smiled, moving away about a foot to talk to him properly.

"You're normally really tense, but you're so relaxed when you sleep. I felt your muscles flex slightly when you woke." His voice wasn't raspy like it normally was when he had just woken up.

"Oh, it's that bad huh?" I'm usually slightly tense but I didn't realize it was that noticeable.

"Yeah, I'm actually surprised you don't have neck pain from it."

I looked up at the ceiling and yawed, closing my eyes. I looked back over at Zev. "Well I do get sore sometimes, but it goes away after a bit. Massage centres are expensive."

"Yeah, I guess that's true. Ezra has this massager that he says really works. I could ask him to borrow it for you. I can massage those knots out of your back too." He poked at them. I could feel my face heat up. Hopefully, I'm not red.

"Did Ezra tell you where that thing's been? You know he's freaky as hell right? A massager, I can only imagine the stuff he's gotten himself into with that thing." I laughed. I love Ezra for that, the stuff he gets up to honestly.

Zev laughed with me. "Levi's always telling me to not let him buy any more toys and stuff because it's cluttering up their apartment. I swear he probably gets the most pussy out of all four of us." He sighed.

"Well, Levi is tall, handsome and muscular, the ladies love him just as much as they love Ezra." Ezra was small, cute and feminine according to the ladies, but like I said before they still absolutely love him.

"Yeah. I can't compete with that." His tone wasn't serious but he was right in a way. Zev has more sex than me, I think, but he's not nearly as sex hungry as Levi or Ezra.

Then there's me. I have sex. Or I used to, but I don't like to do it with random strangers. Though sometimes you have a rough week. I personally prefer my imagination. I hooked up with a random girl one time, and I'll never do it again. It was so weird, doing it with someone I didn't love or even like.

"How bout I go make some breakfast?" I moved even further away and raised an eyebrow. Zev can't cook, like at all. I've tried to teach him but it almost always ends in disaster.

"Um, you sure that's a good idea Zev?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He sat up stretching his arms over his head. The sunlight coming through the curtains left an enchanted glow on half his well-toned body. "It'll be fine." He smiled.

I really didn't want him to go through the trouble, but he was already getting up and he wasn't gonna let me stop him. "Well, let me help yo-" I started to stand up.

"Sit your ass back down Jasper." He said very sternly. I did as I was told and sat my ass back in my sleeping bag.

He turned and walked out of the room.

Usually I'm the one telling him not to do things, and or to make sure he does whatever needs to be done. No use in arguing I guess. I'll just sit here till he comes back.

I fought the urge to get up and help him, so instead I fiddled around with my phone till he got back.

"Order up." I put my phone down and looked back to see Zev carrying a tray with two hands. It had a stack of slightly burnt pancakes with some fruits on the side, a cup of orange juice and a shot glass filled with extra syrup.

He placed it on my lap and smiled. "Wow Zev, this looks great." He actually did a really good job.

"Thank you. I'm not gonna lie though, I did get those pancakes from the freezer. I tried to make them from scratch but... yeah let's not get into that, I'm glad you think they look good." He smiled with his eyes shut.

"They do. Um, what are you eating, though?" I was just curious.

"Oh mine's in the kitchen I'll go get it, I just wanted to give you yours first." That's very nice of him.

He turned on his heel and went into the kitchen to get his own food.

He came back carrying a less impressive-looking plate of pancakes, they were more burnt and his overall plate aesthetic was, well, a mess. Not to be rude, I just feel bad that he gave me all the nice ones.

He sat down next to me. "Dig in, what are you waiting for?"

"You." I looked at the beautiful setup he gave me, then at the less appealing setup, he gave himself.

"Oh well, there's no need for that. Eat." He picked up his fork. "How's your hand feeling." He gestured to my bandaged hand.

"It feels okay." It didn't hurt so I guess that good. It would suck if I had sprained or broken something. I focused over to Zev's plate of pancakes. "Zev why'd you give yourself the burnt ones?" I shifted on the layer of plush blankets I was sitting on.

He looked over at me. "I was hoping you wouldn't notice that," he laughed nervously, looking back at his plate. "Well the second try, you know after the whole make them from scratch thing didn't work, also didn't really go as planned. But the third one kinda... did. Ok, maybe not but they turned out the best, so I gave them to you." He looked at me and smiled.

"You sure, it's ok?" I gave him a skeptical look.

"You always give me your best-baked goods, so I wanted to do the same. You never give me burnt food, so why should I give you any. Only the best for my best buddy." He turned back to his food and started to cut the pancakes into bite sizes.

I didn't say anything else about the topic. I didn't want to bother him about it. After all, it was already so nice of him to do this. I'm not a bossy person and unless it's causing him physical or emotional harm, otherwise I'll let him do whatever he feels is right.

We sat eating behind Zev's couch facing the closed curtains that were still allowing quite a lot of light through. We didn't say much, just ate.

I don't think Zev can't cook or bake, I think he can but it's just a disaster whenever he does. He's slightly messy. Well slightly may be an understatement. Not many things he has cooked end up tasting funky. Most taste decent. Not to be critical because I know he tries, but the problem I find with the food he tries to make is that it's very plain or overly spicy. He can't seem to find a good middle ground for spices. One time he cooked us some fried chicken, but he spilt the pepper and didn't think much of it. My British ancestry couldn't handle it. Even Zev who likes spicy food teared up.

We finished up breakfast and Zev took our dishes to the kitchen to wash. I didn't even bother to ask if he needed help this time, I just let him do his thing.

We ended up chilling for a few hours. Playing video games, watching movies and anime. I even read more of my book while Zev played on his Nintendo Switch.

It was now well after lunch, considering we slept in and that you could say we skipped lunch. Spoiling our appetite with some of the sweets I brought Zev.

Zev was sat next to me on the couch. "Jasper?" Zev stopped playing on his switch and looked over at me.

I looked up from my book and met his blue eyes staring at me through his glasses. "Yeah?" He looked at me nervously.

He plastered a smile on his face. "You wanna go out for lunch? My treat." His smile changed to a hopeful one.

He looked like he thinks I am gonna say no. "Of course I'll go out for lunch with you, but you don't need to pay-"

"No, it's ok. I want to. They gave me a raise at work, soooo... That means lunch." He laughed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh really, when did this happen?" That's rare for them to give raises, especially to a part-timer.

Zev has a part-time job in construction. I'm not really sure how he got into it with so few years of post-secondary school, but hey, what do I know. I'm not sure if he has an apprenticeship or likes how all that stuff works but he's doing it.

He doesn't directly build things all the time. From what he's told me he does a lot of errands. He's the lowest on the food chain, but they treat him well, he gets paid a decent amount, and he's happy.

His expression was now neutral. Rubbing his eyes tiredly behind his glasses before he spoke. "Last week. I wanted to surprise you with lunch or something, but it didn't work out how I planned it. So that's why it's less, err... of a surprise." A soft smile appeared on his lips.

"Oh, well then I guess I can't object." I giggled.

He turned his game off and put it down on the coffee table before standing up. "Well let's go. I'm gonna get changed, we can drop by your place so you can change if you don't want to wear the same clothes as yesterday." He waited for my answer.

We were both still wearing what we had worn to bed. Me in my pj pants and him in his boxer-looking shorts, us both shirtless.

"Ok, yeah sure. I'll clean up my stuff to take back."

"No. Uh I mean, why don't you stay the night again. I-i'm worried about you and your sleeping thing." He smiled awkwardly looking like he wasn't sure if he had said the right thing.

It's unlike Zev to be awkward around me. Maybe it was... Was it because I cried in front of him like that last night? I knew I saw something change in his eyes. Does he think of me as weak, pathetic?

I mean, I guess I am.

I am pathetic. Crying over getting angry. Not even being strong enough to control my own thoughts and dreams, letting that imaginary 'thing' into my head.

How could I be anything but pathetic?

"Earth to Jasper! You ok? It's ok if you don't want to, I was just-" He looked worried.

"No no I do, sorry I was just thinking about something." I laughed, well softly chuckled, it was fake, but hopefully, he didn't notice.

"Oh... ok. Well, I'll go get dressed stay here I'll go with you to your apartment." He ran off to his room.

While he was gone I put my shirt back on. I sighed heavily. I'm making myself depressed by thinking like this. Regardless if I'm pathetic or not Zev clearly still wants to be around me, so I guess it's fine.

He came back dressed in one of his usual trendy outfits, he had taken his glasses off of course. He still hates his glasses, and I hate that he does. He stuffed his keys and wallet into his pockets and we were on our way to my place.

We got in and Zev flopped on my couch, laying his head back to look at the ceiling.

I went into my room to change. I need to look somewhat presentable. Zev's looking all snazzy, so I can't just wear jeans and a hoodie. I mean I guess I could but I'd feel underdressed.

I don't think I've ever dressed in what Zev would call trendy clothes. I have very little fashion sense.

I ended up settling for a pair of light blue jeans that were folded up a few times at the ankle, and a light pink wool sweater my mum bought me a few years ago. It was a bit big, she had hoped I would grow into it, but I guess I never really did. I didn't wear it often but it's very cozy.

I tucked the front part of the sweater into my jeans and added a black belt. Amongst all the fashion tips Zev has thrown at me over the years the only one I really remember is that if you tuck in a shirt you should also add a belt. I think that was what he had said. Well, I guess this is good enough.

I was about to walk out but then I realized that if I was gonna stay another night at Zev's I should get some clean pyjamas ready for when we get back. So I went to my draws and picked out some bottoms and a pair of boxers. I probably won't need a shirt but I'll bring one just in case.

I folded everything properly and placed it on my bed for later.

I walked out to see Zev in the same position with his eyes closed. "Hey, um... ready." My face heated up. I wonder what he'll think of my outfit.

He opened his eyes and looked over at me. I felt weird standing here while he looked at me like this, it was almost embarrassing.

Almost as soon as his eyes wandered over my body looking at my outfit his eyes widened.

I guess he's not used to seeing me in something like this.

A big smile formed on his face. He flew off the couch towards me. "Oh my god you look so cute, I love it." He took a walk around me examining the outfit from almost all angles.

"Wha- dude I'm not cute." No one has ever called me that, well I guess when I was growing up people called me cute, but not as an adult.

"Yes, yes you are." He pinched my cheeks.

I swatted him away and he just laughed. "Okay okay, let's go," I said with a smile, he turned and walked to the door putting his shoes on. I followed and did the same.

We soon arrived at the place. It was a nice calm cafe that also sold a few full meals, we loved the place.

We both ordered sodas and sandwiches, but with very different ingredients.

Zev hates most vegetables unless I cook them, but even then he's still hesitant. It's worrying that the only veggies he eats are the ones I cook for him. Cause I don't tend to make him full meals often, I don't really have time. Like usually, I'll find out that all he's eaten all week are noodles, so I'll whip up something for him. Or I'll be making my dinner and he'll show up at my door looking at me with puppy dog eyes because he got lonely and wants some sweets.

Then I'll split the food I had made with him. I always make extra for the next day, or for when Zev does come over.

Despite my passion for baking, I also love to cook. All through high school, my diet was horrible like Zev's, but maybe even worse if that's possible. I had a friend back then that would often cook so I got some nutrients that way, but when I moved away I didn't have him anymore. So I decided with my new independence as an adult that I'd learn to make my own healthy meals.

Zev took out his wallet to pay. "Zev I feel bad, let me pay for at least part of it."

I reached for my own wallet. "Don't you fucking dare-" he turned to the cashier who seems startled by the sudden use of inappropriate language. "Uh sorry." He smiled brightly at her and she smiled awkwardly back. Zev's smile drops as soon as he turned back to me. "Put that back in your pocket right now."

"But-" He got right in my face, our noses only a measly inch apart.

"No buts. I won't hesitate to punish you." My heart jumped in my chest and a chill went through my whole body. Wow, what was that feeling?

His face went red and he backed away from me to a normal distance. "Ah sorry. But for real Jasper, I'm paying." He smiled softly.

I almost wanted to laugh, it was kinda cute the way his cheeks flushed. Zev wasn't one to get embarrassed easily. Like for example yesterday evening when that delivery girl was at the door. So I do enjoy seeing his face flush red now and then, call me a bad friend.

He paid and we waited for our food.

Soon our food and drinks came, we took them into our hands and picked out a table. We picked a two-seated table next to the window.

We placed our food down and sat. "So I know that you said that I'm always doing stuff for you and you want to do things for me for a change... but I don't understand, it's very sudden?" I spoke in-between bites.

His eyes widened slightly, but he quickly looked away from me. "Well... after you helped me out yesterday I realized something... well not so much realize but more like something I can't ignore anymore."

I raised an eyebrow. Not that he could see it because he wasn't looking at my face, but down at his sandwich. "And what was it that?" I was curious as to what caused this huge shift in character?

Our eyes met for a second before he stared back down at his food. "I-I... It's not important. The point is, you deserve better and I'm gonna give you better," he said with determination.

My heart thumped in my chest. Why does that keep happening? "You can tell me you know, we've been friends for almost 4 years." I smiled and kicked his foot slightly under the table.

He was still looking away from me, his face got redder, but he decided to speak. "Well like I said," He stopped and looked over to the right, I looked in the same direction. The cashier was closely observing us. Standing at a table nearby. When she saw us looking though she turned away really fast.

Not to judge but what's her deal? Whatever I guess. "You were saying." I looked at him waiting for him to respond.

He looked back at me when I spoke. "Huh, nevermind... Let's eat and get back home so we can play more games." He smiled brightly.

"Oh, ok. Yeah, let's." I smiled back at him and we started to eat again.

On our way back to Zev's place we quickly stopped at mine so I could pick up my extra change of pyjamas. To my surprise, Zev didn't touch my fridge, it was making me more worried than happy though. He always goes through my fridge. I even leave extra food in there for him with his name on it so if I'm asleep he doesn't need to wake me up, I'm a light sleeper so he usually does anyway, but I don't mind, we spend more time together that way.

Eventually after hours of gaming TV and junk food, which I usually won't eat much of, but hey it's fine once and a while. The sun and set storm clouds rolled in. It was time to sleep. Well, I guess it had been time to sleep for hours now, after all, it was three in the morning.

We had already brushed our teeth, changed into our pyjamas and I also removed the bandages from my hand to let it heal better, all while after we took our shower. At separate times that is... obviously.

We laid down in our respective sleeping bags. We didn't really talk much before we fell asleep, just a mumble of a goodnight.

I think we were both just so tired from all the events that had happened over the past two days and just wanted to sleep.

But Zev did ask me to wake him up if I had the sleep thing again. Which of course I had no choice but to agree.


I couldn't sleep, it had been about an hour maybe. I was laying on my back looking up at the ceiling with my arms behind my head listening to the storm. I love the sound of rain, it's so relaxing. I turned over to look at Zev who was facing me, his eyes shut and his hair falling over his cheeks. He looked so peaceful.

One of his arms was stretched out towards me, his palm facing upward.

I looked back at him then back at his hand. For some reason, I had the urge to reach out and hold it. Without really thinking I reached out for his hand. "Princess what are you doing?" I pulled my hand away so fast I'm surprised I didn't wake Zev up.

I looked over at the end of my sleeping bag to where the voice had come from, and sitting there with a smug look on his face was none other than Thorin.

I stared at him, not moving a muscle.

Wait... am I, asleep?

"You still don't believe I'm real huh?" He sighed. He was being less of a tease than usual today.

"What is that supposed to mean? If I wanted to bend you over and fuck you right now I totally could. Or whenever I want. You couldn't defeat me. Couldn't make me stop." He seemed more stern than usual, but not angry.

I sat up. Huh, I guess I can move with total freedom. "What gives Demon guy, why can I move, what kinda fucked up sleep paralysis is this?"

He looked so done with me. He rolled his eyes before speaking. "I already told you my name is Thorin, and I also already told you this isn't a dream." He seemed off, I can't explain it but he wasn't himself.

"What's wrong?" I asked sincerely, he seemed more serious than usual.

"Huh?" He looked very shocked. "How could you possibly-" It looked like something clicked. He smirked at me, crawling from the end of my sleeping bag a few inches away from my face. "Well if you wanna help me feel better so bad-" He put his hand on my dick through my boxers.

"Hey hey hey, stop that." I tried to push his arm away but it didn't budge, he was really strong. Does this mean he let me push him down last night?

"Hey what happened to your hand?" He asked, moving his hand from my crotch.

"What do you mean? You did this to me. When I punched you. Well through you I guess. But this isn't real so-" He cut me off.

"Oh shit. I'm so sorry."

"Ehh?" What... He's sorry?

"Here give it." I didn't move. "I said give it!" I quickly raised my hand out to his. He held it and raised it to his lips kissing it before cupping it with both hands. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"But you're a demon, isn't that what they do is hurt people, one way or another?" He let go of my hand and I looked down at it, it was completely healed. It was more than healed, it was better, he had somehow gotten rid of any old scars I had too.

A smile formed on his lips as he crawled closer straddling my body. "Now princess, whoever said I was a demon?"

"Well I mean you kinda-" He sat back on my thighs.

"You humans for fuck sakes, always making assumptions. I never said that I was a demon, I told you my name but you still chose to call me 'demon guy', so that was you not me." He shimmied forwards a bit and grinned down on my dick.

Again I tried to push him off me but it didn't work. As a reflex, I feel myself slowly getting hard. "Come on please can we not do this now, Zev is literally right next to me. T-this feels wrong." I looked over at Zev's calm sleeping face and I felt my dick pulse.

"Well, your body's telling me that it feels right. Maybe one day when you guys finally confess to each other, we can all have a threesome. That'll be fun. I have yet to show you all the things I can do." He winked, still rubbing his ass on my cock.

"Fine whatever, just please ah, at least slowdown." I couldn't help but let out a soft moan.

"Meh fair enough." He slowed his movements, but it just made it more agonizing. "Oo imagine Zev grinding his perky little ass on you. That sounds fun." He smiled wickedly. I could help but envision it for a second I found myself clenching my sleeping bag. "Or maybe you wanna grind your ass on his dick. And maybe he'd fuck you after." My underwear is gonna have precum all over them and I don't have a clean pair.


"S-so what are you then if you're not a demon?" I asked with a shaky voice, trying to change the subject.

"Well I mean you weren't totally wrong. I'm half demon." He continued to move slowly, but he spoke so calmly like he wasn't rubbing his ass on me.

"And the other half?" I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. 

"Well, my other half... I'm half..." He stopped moving and looked me in my eyes with an unamused expression.

"I'm half angel." 

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