The monster and his doll || M...

By JiminNme1

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Jimin and Namjoon are both stuck in a hospital unknown of each other existence until one special night... More

.32. End


847 53 2
By JiminNme1

Jimin sat in his hospital bed, emotionless and mute while a doctor tried talking to him about his past. Jimin didn't even listen to the doctor, he just looked at him with his big black eyes and waited till he finished so he could have his time to himself. Jimin hated when the doctors tried getting information from him, he didn't like talking about himself or even talking at all. Last time he even said a word was probably 10 years ago, when he was 6.

He remembers it all so clearly, it was a simple word. He whispered the word stop to his dad before going unconscious by his bloody fist. Just remembering it made Jimin turn his head a bit as he felt discomfort. The doctor stops at this movement since Jimin hasn't moved since the hour he's been in his room. Jimin didn't show emotion on his face tho and the doctor sighs. "Well doll, we'll try again next week. You need to talk to us soon enough," the doctor says while standing up and closing his notebook.

Jimin just stayed still and silent, as per usual. The doctor sighs again and leaves the room, closing the door behind him as well as locking it. Jimin turns his head and looks out the window and at the other tall tall buildings that surpassed the clouds.

Now you see Jimin is called a doll for the reason why he is so emotionless and still and mute, and also because he actually looks like a porcelain doll. The doctors didn't know what else to call him since he didn't classify as the other types of humans that were on the planet. There are 3 types of humans, first are the normal ones that live a normal life with kids, and the kids go to a normal school with no trouble or anything. Then there are the protectors which are basically just people that protect the earth and make sure everyone stays safe. And Last but not least there were the monsters.

When the monsters first started coming around, they were just seen as a legend, a myth, but when more people starting growing into them at the age of 4-6, which is when most people get to know what their purpose will be in life, scientists and doctors knew they had to do something about it. Monsters are obviously very dangerous so they are quickly locked up in the basements of hospitals and labs. Ever since then they get tested on and barely any other sort of contact or escape from their patted prison in the darkness of the basements.

So as you can tell Jimin was nothing like these types of humans. After he was found half dead in bed and brought to the hospital, everyone thought he was just a normal human. But no, Jimin shut himself off from the world after waking up and promised himself he would never, ever speak again, especially after everything he's been through because of his parents. Jimin can't let himself trust anyone now. This lead to him basically becoming a doll. Being stuck in a hospital bed ever since, his skin became extremely white, pale and fragile, he rarely moved and stayed as still as he could as much as he could. He felt almost scared to show emotion or expression on his face now too, so he didn't.

[later that night]
Jimin looks up at the ceiling tiredly at the little airplanes turning around slowly while a blaring alarm went off as well as a bright red light flashing on and off. Jimin didn't know what was happening but from the screams of terror and fear and the sound of death overcoming doctors and scientists and nurses, he had a feeling a monster escaped the basement prisons. But at the same time Jimin wondered why a monster would go all the way up to his level of the hospital which was pretty much one of the highest levels, and not just leave.

Then he hears the heavy and slow footsteps of the monster coming down the hallway, a low manic laugh following. Jimin stayed still and emotionless as always, not thinking much will happen since his room door is closed and locked. He was still scared tho, and it reminded him a lot of the times where he hid in the closet at home, listening as his father walked by calling out for him. Jimin tries not to think about it too much and just concentrated on the three little planes that slowly turned around.

However they suddenly stopped and then next thing Jimin knew his room door is swung open and banged against the wall. He doesn't flinch tho, and he just slowly turns his head to look, making eye contact with bright red eyes that held so much anger and frustration. Jimin doesn't show his emotions as always, so used to suppressing them, and he turns his head away, looking back up at the still airplanes.

The monster was honestly shocked and he steps inside the room, his tall and buff body leaving a flurry storm of ashes behind him. "Aren't you scared?" The monster then asks in a low echo like voice and like with everyone else, Jimin doesn't answer and keeps silent and still. The monster scoffs and rushes next to his bed, looking down at Jimin's beautiful face and then feeling somewhat calm. "What's your name?" The monster asks. He waits for an answer but Jimin stays as still and quiet like a doll.

Now annoyed the Monster shakes Jimin's bed and so Jimin turns to look at him, looking at him with his big black eyes that held nothing. It confused the monster and he didn't understand how someone could be so lifeless. "What even are you?" He asks only to then have a loud gunshot be heard. The monster jolts and then falls right onto Jimin. Jimin looks over at the door and sees at least 20 guards rushing into his room and circling around his bed. 2 of them step forward and pick the monster up before rushing away, a couple guards rushing over to Jimin. "Did he hurt you?" "Are you hurt?" "Did he talk to you?" They ask.

Jimin just sighs and closes his eyes before turning to his side and basically ignoring the guards. "There's no point trying to get him to talk, he's the doll," someone then says and so the guards leave and then his door is closed and locked again as if nothing had just happened.

"That boy..." Namjoon whispers, "what boy?" The doctor that sat across from him says, a thick protective glass between them and just a microphone in front of them so that they could hear each other. "The one that didn't even look alive," Namjoon says as he recalls Jimin's face. "No expression or emotion at all," Namjoon says and looks at the doctor who hums. "You must have seen the doll then," he says and Namjoon looks at him confused. "That was a doll? Why did it move then?" Namjoon says a bit worked up.

"No it's not a doll, we just call him that because he, well, he just doesn't act human and is just like a doll," the doctor explains and Namjoon hums. "What's his name?" He asks. "We are not allowed to share personal information about other patience to you, and we are not here to talk about the doll we are here to talk about how you murdered at least 15 of our workers and almost escaped last night," the doctor says while crossing his arms and Namjoon huffs as he leaned back in the chair and also crossed his arms.

"Wasn't it expected? Huh? That one of us was going to be so fucking sick and tired of being imprisoned and drugged and tested on for practically our whole life?" Namjoon says in disbelief. The doctor nods and writes down in his notebook before looking back at Namjoon. "Do you regret your decision?" The doctor asks and Namjoon scoffs. "Of course not," he says. "Will you be doing this again?" The doctor asks and Namjoon goes to say yes but he knows better. "No, it's not worth it anymore," he lies and the doctor nods before writing down on his notebook.

"Well Namjoon, I will end our session here, there will be more security in front of your room just in case," the doctor says and stands up. Namjoon rolls his eyes and then stands up before walking further into his room, laying down bored on the patted floor. He listened as the doctor left his side and then lifts up his hands before playing around with a ball of light. Now Namjoon knew he was very powerful and that he could have done way more damage if he wanted to when he finally had the courage to try and leave. He just doesn't want to show all his potential because god knows what kind of experiments and drugs they'll try to put him on after.

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