Wrath, Violence, and Love. (I...

By cheerfulreaper

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Izuku Midoriya. Quirkless. Has been his entire life. Always will be. And yet, that's not all. He's bullied... More

Гнев: Origin: Part 1: A day to live in Imfamy
Гнев: Origin: Part 2: A new path
Гнев: Origin: Part Three: Convictions
Гнев: Origin: Finale: First Blood
Hero Killer: Prequel: Ally
Hero Killer: Part 1: One Coin
Truth and Lies: Part 1: Who am I, really?
Truth and Lies: Part 2: Secrets

Hero Killer: Part 2: Dead Men

847 47 73
By cheerfulreaper

AN: Takes place day before Hosu incident. 

"FUCKING HELL! LET GO OF HIM!" I shout, pulling one kid with yellow hair off another black hair as he attempts to beat the shit outta him. 

"FUCK YOU, SASUKE!" The blond kid shouts as the black-haired one spits out blood

"Fuck you too, Naruto." The kid named Sasuke replies. 

"YOU WERE LIKE A BROTHER TO ME!" Naruto shouts, as I continue to pull him out of the shop

"AND YOU NEED TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I roar, and the entire cafe goes silent. I drag Naruto the rest of the out of the shop, and toss him onto the concrete. 

"Go home, cool the fuck off." I snarl, as he glares up at me, and gets to his feet, and in my face. 

"Fuck you!" He snarls, and I narrow my eyes. 

"Get out of my face before I rearrange yours." I snarl, and for a few seconds, we hold the stare, before he scoffs, and walks off. Shaking my head, I walk back inside, and check on the Sasuke kid, who's now nursing a black eye

"You good?" I ask

"I'm alive. He packs a punch." Sasuke says, and I sigh

"Alright, as long as you're good." I say, and return to the spot on my wall. 

"Ingenium, are the rumors true that you had an encounter with Stain recently?" A reporter on the TV catches my attention. I wonder, will he lie?

"I did. However, before he could do anything, Гнев attacked Stain, forcing him to flee, and chased him. I gave chase for a few minutes, but they both lost me." Ingenium says, and I raise an eyebrow. Interesting spin. 

"They lost you? How do two individuals without speed quirks run away from someone with one?" Another reporter asks

"My quirk is excellent for long, extended stretches, but both of the individuals were incredibly mobile and knew how to vanish. However, I am confident, that in time, we can catch and bring both of them to justice." Ingenium says, and another reporter speaks up

"Who would you, as a highly-ranked hero, place precedence on?" She asks, and Ingenium thinks about it

"Stain. Despite Гнев much higher death count, Stain is arguably more dangerous, since he has proven he has little to no killing heroes. It means that he wouldn't be opposed to killing anyone who gets in his way. Not to mention, he has shown the ability to fight off multiple heroes at the same time." Ingenium says, and I raise an eyebrow. I like to think I'm more dangerous, but to each their own, I suppose. 

I stop paying attention as a duo enter the door, setting the small bell off. I glance over, and see a hero enter. I tense, almost instantly, and my hands drift down to my belt, where I have my knife, but I pause as I look over the pair. 

A green-haired woman, with a orange bandana, a sleeveless navy shirt, yellow gauntlets, black boots, and orange and green striped pants. Smile Hero: Ms. Joke. I may not see her a perfect hero, considering the several accusations of robbery and threats, but she isn't bad, persay. Just a tiny bit troublesome. One thing you usually don't see is her mask, strapped over her face, which if I'm not wrong, helps neutralize her quirk. 

Her intern, however, is who intrigues me. The only identifying parts that make me even realize that there is another person is the pair of boots and gloves. One glove waves at me, getting me to raise an eyebrow. 

"Hello! I've heard from my intern here that this place has some good food!" Ms. Joke says, and I completely relax, as the invisible girl seems to glance at me, based on the slight movement of her hands. Reading body language is pretty damn hard when there isn't a body to read. 

"Oh. Well then, what do you want?" Ikkaku asks, leaning across the counter. 

As Ms. Joke begins to order, the gloves and boots walks up to me

"You know, I think I have to change what I said earlier. The scars make you handsome." The girl says, looking me up and down, I think. 

"You're.......Hagakure, correct?" I ask, and she waves her hands back and forth, in a nodding motion, I guess

"Hey, you remembered me! Not many people do. I'm pretty easily overlooked." She says, and I chuckle

"Funny. Anyway, quick question, you aren't naked, are you?" I ask, and she giggles. 

"Do you think I am?" She asks, coyly, and I raise an eyebrow. 

"Logic says no, evidence says yes." I reply, and she giggles again

"No, I'm not naked. It's a suit made from my hair that changes to be invisible with me. Way too cold otherwise." She says, and I sigh

"Makes my life easier." I mutter, and she seems to perk up

"What was that?" She asks, and I look to where I think her head is. 

".....Makes my life easier. Makes you harder to assault. And I'm not gonna deal with that shit." I say, and she giggles yet again. 

"I suppose...." She says

"Ooh, is this your boyfriend, Invisible Girl?" Ms. Joke asks, sidling next to her intern, surely having a shit eating grin. She frantically waves her hands as I face palm. 

"W-what? No! I've only met him once before this!" Hagakure says, and I nod

"Can confirm." I say

"Hmm....you so sure? You two seem friendly." Ms. Joke chuckles, and I smirk slightly. 

"I'm generally a friendly person, unless you give me a reason not to be." I say, and Ms. Joke looks me over. 

"You know, you could probably be a hero with your build. Why aren't at a hero school, if I may ask?" She asks, and I sigh

"My quirk is essentially useless." I say, and Hagakure scoffs, and I glance at her, surprised. 

"That's what people said about my quirk. No quirk is truly useless." She says, and I raise an eyebrow. 

"Okay, fair, but more to the point, my quirk isn't good for hero work." I say, and this time, Ms. Joke speaks up

"That's what people said about my quirk." She says, and I sigh

"Look, I have my reasons for not going to a hero school. I'm comfortable with my way of life." I say, and Ms. Joke laughs

"If you say so. Also, why do you have the knife?" She asks quietly, and I raise an eyebrow

"Wait, he has a knife?" Hagakure asks, and I sigh, then slightly left the lower left hem of my shirt to show the knife at my waist, or the at least the handle. 

"This is last-resort kinda shit. Thankfully, I haven't had to use it yet." I say, looking at the green-haired pro, who hums 

"Well, as long as haven't killed anyone, I don't really care!" She says, laughing

"........That's dark." Hagakure says, and I chuckle

"Dark humor is popular." I reply, and Joke points at me

"See? He gets it!" She says, and Ikkaku clears his throat

"Your food, Ms. Joke." He says, and she perks up more, if at all possible. 

"Thank you!" She says, walking up to the counter, as Hagakure follows her to her seat. 

They begin to eat, but all the glances tossed at me don't go unnoticed. 


"You know, outta all the places to try to rob someone, an alleyway is incredibly cliche." I say, as I rip the blade outta of the hands of the would-be robber. The girls who he was attempting are cowering behind me, as if I give damn about them at this exact moment in time. 

"Fuck you!" He shouts

"I'm not gay, but thanks, I guess." I reply, tossing his knife as his turns red

"I'MMA KILL YOU!" He shouts, a pair of blades coming out the palms of his hands, and charging me. I don't move until the last second, slamming his left aside, and kneeing him in the gut, hard. He bends over at the waist, and is knocked out when I bash his head against the alley wall. He slumps to the ground, unmoving. 

"No, ya won't." I sigh, and then turn to the women, who are looking at me, still scared. 

"Scram." I say, faking a lunge towards them, and they need no convincing, taking off the into the main street as I climb back up onto the rooftops, and watch as the women hail a cab. Walking away, I look out of the city, which seems mostly peaceful. 

That image is shattered when something screeches like a demon, and I see moving fast towards me from my left. Drawing my pistol, I fall to my right, twisting, and firing off the silenced Makarov 3 times, drilling the thing flying at me in the chest. It screeches, and lands on the roof opposite me, barely moving. 

Looking at the creature, I move to finish it off, before something explodes, and I hear another screech. Looking to my left, I see a fire breaking out. Looking at the creature, which has pale grey skin, along with an exposed brain, forces itself to it's feet, and screeches at me, it's ugly and somewhat human face scratched up. 

"Shut up." I snarl, pulling the trigger on my Makarov one last time, and blood explodes from the creature's head, now with a hole through it's forehead. 

I begin to run from roof and roof, heading towards the fire, and I eventually stop on a roof overlooking a plaza, watching as Pros dance around with a pair of the creatures. 

As I watch, Ingenium comes roaring into the fight, slamming his foot into the head of one of the creatures. A Mini-Ingenium also roars into the fight, helping to remove and evac some of the wounded heroes. His younger brother, I assume. 

I watch for a few minutes, as Ingenium spars with the creatures, and is eventually aided by a dual burst of fire. 

Endeavor and his son, the one who got fucked over on national television by Bakugo, have arrived, and are currently burning the shit outta the creatures. I smirk a tiny bit as Ingenium seems to have a slight disagreement with Endeavor. I watch for a few more minutes, before Endeavor huffs, and storms off to take care of the other creature. Ingenium looks around, and seems to spot me, before giving an imperceptible nod, which I return, and then continue on my merry way. 

I take off, heading towards the outskirts of Hosu, and as I do, I hear the sound of a blade scraping along the ground. Stopping, I look down at the alley beneath me. 

Lo and behold, it's Stain, dragging his chipped blade along the ground. I look to see who he's attacking, and I see it's Ms. Joke and I assume Hagakure, based on the pair of boots now on the ground, next to Ms. Joke. 

"You are not a true hero. Die." Stain says, raising his sword. He begins to bring the blade down, but he doesn't even get the chance. 

Dropping behind the Hero Killer, I place my hands on his neck, spin, and body slam him onto the alley floor using his neck as a grapple point. 

"Гнев?" Ms. Joke asks, and I don't respond. Instead, I pull out my Makarov, and flick the safety off, then grab my knife, 

"So, you're back. Here to kill me?" Stain asks, as he gets to his feet. I yet again don't respond, at least not for a second. 

"You said it yourself. You would kill me the next time you saw me. So bring it." I snarl, slightly deepening my voice. Stain smiles at my statement

"I like you even more now! Let us fight!" He shouts, charging me. I dodge his initial slash, and block a knife with my own, then fire off a shot from my Makarov that slams into one of his hands, blowing a hole clean through the flesh and bone. Stain hisses in pain, but continues fighting. He slashes at me yet again, which I dodge, ducking behind him, and slashing his left calf. . He growls in pain, but forces my to dodge yet again, with a backwards slash. 

"You're slower than I thought, Stain." I say, and he growls yet again

"Stop treating me like a weakling. I have killed more heroes than you." Stain says, and I laugh

"They're cocky motherfuckers. Killing regular thugs is more annoying. Usually, there's more, and they are out of shits to give." I snarl, and Stain charges again. I dodge the slashes, and then ram my knife up to the hilt into his shoulder, then grab his sword, and after kicking him in the chest, rip it out of his grip and toss it aside. The blade skitters on the ground as I advance on the wounded serial killer. 

"You seriously plan to kill me? The one person who could be your ally?" Stain asks, as he draws a knife, and slashes at me when I get close. I merely dodge, grabbing his wrist, and twisting hard, forcing him to drop it. Ripping my own knife out of his shoulder, I slash his face, then headbutt him, blood flying yet again. 

"I have other allies, Stain. You don't." I say, as he falls to the alley floor. He glares up at me, and makes one last-ditch attempt to hit me, with a knife thrown at my face. It hits my mask, and glances off, hitting the wall and then the ground. His eyes widen, as I pin him to the ground with my boot, and stare down at me. I lift my mask enough to let him see my face, and his eyes widen

"You......you're nothing but a child." Stain mutters, quietly. 

"Indeed. Now, I want you to answer a question. Do you know who's creating the choas and those creatures?" I ask, looking at Stain as I lower mask again

"........They call themselves the League of Villains. They are nothing but villains with no vision. Not a threat." Stain says, and I sigh

"I'm not sure about that, but so be it." I say, then kick him in the head, knocking him out. Grabbing the man by the collar, I drag him out to the street, then walk over to his sword, picking up the chipped blade, and after removing the sheath from Stain's hip, attach it to my own, and sheath the blade. 

I then return to the alley, and crouch down in front of Ms. Joke, who looks at me, fearful. 

"I'm not going to kill you. Despite your minor crimes, they don't warrant death. But in the future, I would advice you not to continue." I say, looking into her green eyes, before looking at Hagakure, or where I think her form head. 

"And you. Try to stay a real hero." I say, before standing up. But before I can do anything, I feel something click onto my wrist. Looking down, I see a handcuff on my wrist, connected seemingly to nothing. 

"You...you are under arrest." Hagakure says, her voice trembling. I look at where I think her head is, and sigh. 

"No, I'm really not." I reply, before yanking hard on the cuff on my wrist, and I hear her move towards me, and feel her body hit mine. Quickly pulling my knife, I slam it into the chain between the cuffs, and it snaps. I back away, and nod at both women. 

"I wish you luck." I say, and then run out into the street

"Гнев!" I hear Endeavor shout at me, and I turn to see him, followed by his son, along with Ingenium and his brother charging at me. 

"I would love to say, but I most go." I say, then throw a smoke grenade, and pop open a sewer grate, and hop down inside, and booking it down the tunnel as fast as I can. 

Dead men don't tell tales. I want mine told. 

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