Strange new World (Nier autom...

By SainQPl

8.8K 183 35

To be honest. I have never played in nie automata,but i readed a lot of stories about that.Besides this is my... More

Strange New World Ch.2 Something is wrong
Strange new World CH.3 Strange signals,New plans
Small changes
Strange New World CH.4 First Contact
Conversations,disbelief and missions.
Important Information
Strange New World CH.6 New Plans
Strange New World CH.7 Routine
Strange New World CH.8 Rainy Days
Quick and important question
Strange New World CH.9 Bath Time /Pt.1

Strange New World Ch.1 Introdution

1.8K 18 0
By SainQPl

(3rd Pov)
Jack was a normal teenage europian.As child he left Poland with family in 2008.His Mother name was Amelia and name his father was Leszek. They left own country few years after the borders were liquidated to find better life on the West. They went to the Germany to find a better Job, but near the border between Poland and Germany, because their own home was 30 kilometers away from german border. Their first year in Germany was not good,because many people from eastern europe left for economic emigration so it was very hard for Jack parents to find a good Job with good Salary to cover the cost of renting a flat and other necessities. They earned more than in Poland but the standard of living in Germany was much higher which meant that everything was also more expensive.His father worked on Oil station and his mother worked as a waitress in local restaurant. Fortunatly they were able to send own son to university in Bautzen. Well they tried, but it wasnt his Dream to become layer or doctor. He wanted to be more useful for society, he believed that a job as a typical electronics technician would be more profitable and easier to find due to their shortage in those years.Of course his own parents were against that idea because as they said "this is for your own good, you can be somebody important or nobody, that is your choice."

Instead of his parents he decided to study as electrician. He knew that parents want for him to be a doctor or layer, because they knew that such people earn a lot of money, and they wanted for him a good luxury life, but it wasnt his cup of tea. These Jobs were too responsible for him and his conscience to be responsible for life of another man.

.His father found other Job which was much more beneficial. Now he worked as truck driver. He delivered goods to the South europe to ex Youguslawia and Turkey.In that fact his father were in home no które than 7 months per year. He said that he delivering mainly alcohols and machine parts to Serbia and Turkey. One Day when he was home he took Jack to the Forest to show him "small secret" after a short walk in wet Forest in The middle of spring after Rainy Day they found themselves in an old abandoned sawmill in the middle of a coniferous forest, which consisted of several wooden houses that were badly damaged and decayed. It was evident that this place had been abandoned for a long time.
The small cattle houses were mainly former wood yards and in the very center of the facility was the main building with the walls in which there were previously wood cutting machines as the heart of the entire facility.
It all looked like a place from a horror movie, and the only thing missing was a thick fog and the smell of wet wood, which, however, was not lacking after they approached the objects inside as they felt the characteristic earthy smell that entered their noses along with the smell of ozone after a recent storm that had passed just an hour earlier, they had to wear rubber boots to protect them from mud.

(Jack Pov)
-"Dad, where are we?" Of course i always liked this kind of places, it was some kind of hobby to visit abonamed places like this.But i have never been Such away from civiization, because i was always afraid that i get lost.

-"Zaraz zobaczysz, ale nie pożałujesz,chciałem się upewnić ze nikt nas nie usłyszy,poniewaz jak by ci to powiedzieć dostałem coś od przyjaciela w Serbii co nie jest tutaj legalne (You will see in a moment, but you will not regret it, I wanted to make sure that no one will hear us, because how would I tell you, I got something from a friend in Serbia that is not legal here) "He said in polish. In home i comunicated with my mom in german because she was a german citizen and with my dad in Polish, so i know three languages :German, Polish and English.

-" Co masz na myśli nielegalne tato?. Mam nadzieję że nie przywiozłeś narkotyków z Sebii, wiesz ze byłe tereny Jugosławii są nazywane czarną dziurą Europy"(What do you mean illegal dad? I hope you didn't bring drugs from Sebia, you know the former Yugoslavia is called the black hole of Europe.").
I said with a bit of humor, but when I was still living in Poland, I remember when our teacher of Knowledge about Society said that the governments of those countries are relatively new, so their legal and customs systems at the borders are not as effective as in the rest of the European Union countries, so much easier it is there, for example, to trade in weapons or other illegal things in there.

-Hahaha no son, I just got a gift from a friend. You remember Kurtz right? This is the guy who was 54 years old when he came to us 2 years ago to offer me a job in 2010 as a driver.? During one of the trips, when he was traveling with me in a convoy on the way back to Germany, we stopped in the forest to rest after a few hours' drive. He then said that he was going to the forest for a while and after , less than 30 minutes had passed when he returned with the box covered with mud we tried to open a box and..

-"What was inside? " My heart began to beat faster. I knew what could be in this box, because when I was 14 I wanted to be a war historian and even started to study war history intensively, so I heard about the plan of the Yugoslav government, which, before the break-up of the country, was hiding boxes with old weapons like MP 40 or mass-produced quantities of poor-quality rifles. They wanted to arm the people in this way and create their own Volksturm in the event of a war with the US, but unfortunately it turned out to be their nail in the coffin when the civil war broke out.

-"What did you expect to see "He said when he saw my smile. Also he knew about my passion to weapons. He saw it on my face when i was with him and mom on shooter duribg one of our family trip and he was right. When i fired a real weapon for a firts time in my life i fell in love in Pistols and later in machine pistols.

-"Well i heard about these boxes ealier and.. "

-"So lets come here"  he said pointing at the main building in facility.

-"Ehh fine "i said and we started to walking inside

-" I know you want to watch it now, but  you know that weapons are pretty loud and we dont police in here when somebody will hear the gunshots. -

-"Yeah it could  be...  Wait a second, so you have also ammunition?! How many !?." I knew there were at least ane magazine in pistol or machine pistol,
But wouldn't waste it if there were only one magazine but if he suggested that I try shooting a gun, it means that there was also ammunition and it was much more than just one magazine, maybe three or even five!.  I thought as we entered the building. Old wood-cutting machines are still inside. Strange nothing was taken, even the scrap collectors took nothing. Apparently this place could be  so old that everyone has forgotten about it. What could it make sense, the more so as this place looks like it remembers the times of the Third Reich. Even the machines look like they were from the mid-1930s, which is not all that surprising considering that workers and their families could escape the Russians to the west and the documentation itself was destroyed in the air raid. Every were was smell of ozone and wood as we arrived to control room with all equipment located in second floor of building with view on all production hall.

Than he took of small backpack

And then he pulled out a medium medium box made of wood. Inside was an object wrapped with a rust-colored cloth. Get her out and start to unwind and show what I've been waiting for. There was a weapon inside. Surprisingly, it was not some home-made grenade or an old revolver from World War 1, but a light gray M 57 tokarev Yugoslav pistol


"wow i was expecting old WW2 weapon or even ww1 weapon". I said when i took old pistol in mu hands with a little twinkle in my eyes. Of course I am 18 years old and i am not stupid and know how to deal with weapons like this.

-Yeah i knew you're gona like it. There was also a revolver but it is hiden in house in a locker. I think it was french revolver or something. . I thought that mainly American made revolvers "

-I respond" No not only, everyone thought that only American were produced revolvers, it is due to American movies, where only American have revolvers with their Colt or Remington revolver.But also other nations prodeced their own revolvers, of course it was American invention, but only American prodecued it l. There was french, british and even german revolvers but most of the American revolvers were produced and exported than the other ones. I said it with a little pride in my voice, because not many people really know it, so I can always shine with knowledge and this.

-"Right anyway don't you want to try how it works "Said ponting on old
Destroyed metal clock on wall  with smile on his face.

-" Right!" i shouted with big excitiment, than i took aim and pulled trigger and.." CLICK CLICK "

-" Huh?" i was suprised Why i couldnt shoot, and when i turned weapon i Saw that there is no magazine

"I think you forgot somethig "My dad said with smile on a face holding a magazine in other hand offer it to me.

-" Right" with nervous and excitement i took magazine put it into pistol i  reloaded and.. "BANG BANG". To be honest it was the Best feeling ever every one should try it out.

(3rd person Pov)
After small shooting practice jack with his father decided to back home because night was getting close. They packed and went home.

His father Leszek told that these weapons are their secret and he cant tell about it even own Mother, because she have no idea about that.
He agreed.

Few months later in june the vacation started and Jack had he longest vacation ever,because now when he finished the high school he waited to start studying in a New school to be Electrician,but he had to complete some practic tests to be accepted in New school fortunatly he learned basics about mixing cables or reparing complicated connections very quickly, maybe because when he was a kid he was helping his grandfather who was mechanic, so he knew the basics.

During vacation he decided to learn something about survival. He bought  a camuflaged heating suit few MRE (two polish MRE and 2 American) which he bought on internet. Also he bought a medium green backup, red flashlight, compass, survivalisit guide, lighter, advancet pocket knife, canteen, camuflaged bandana, Mountain boots, raincoat, flint and also medic pack  with bandages, saline, medical gloves. He spent almost all his own money for that,but he always wanted to try out and that was the Best moment to try survive in a Forest. At that time, his parents were going abroad on vacation so he was alond for 2 weeks

(14th june 2018)
Alright i think that's all of it. So now you are responsible for our home. His mother said calmly. She was trusting him.

-"I know, i know. Dont worry about me, i am not a kid" I said boredom in hmy voice, she was too worried, I wasn't a child anymore!. I was hiding my plans about my into the forest for a few weeks.

-"Alright Amelia get in or we will late for airplane to italy! " said Leszek with furious in voice

-"Fine Fine" my mom said and than gaved me a kiss for good bye and she got into the car.

(Jack Pov)
Finally they are leaving.I mean it is not that i hate them, but come on. Milions people are traveling everyday around the world, why they are so stressed?. I have no idea. The only things what you need is money, clothes and passport and that is it.But this is their first flight ever l. This is the first time when will be in the air, Well that makes sense.

-"Airport is not so far away, and you still have almost 5 hours to your flight, no need to hurry" It was true. There were 14:36 and their plane should take off at 18:45 and way to airport was short like 1 hour of driving car. I know that something can happend. But come on.
-You know that everything can happend, like a traffic jam." My mom said with small anger. Yeah she is scared with flight i can feel it how she shaking inside. Than my dad started engine. I opened the enterace gate, the  wheels of the roadster moved over the mud collected by the last rain. It was a hot summer, but not everything was dry by the time. It's a bit ironic that my parents decided to clean the car before they left, knowing it was going to rain. I think they just got bored of constantly checking to see if they forgot something.
They passed the gate They drove onto an unpaved dirt road, accelerated and drove away. I was alone and stood there for a minute because I was ready to go through with my plan. At night, when they were asleep, I went to the forest, where I hid all the purchased equipment under one of the bushes, but fortunately I wrapped it in foil to protect it from rain and also had to contact my friend from school who agreed to lend me his motorcycle off-road. Normally, no one would lend me something so expensive, because after all, such a thing is not a toy, but fortunately for me I knew him well enough and he knew me well enough to lend it to me. So I decided not to close the entrance gate. He was supposed to bring me a motorcycle on a trailer while he was going to town to buy fuel supplies that they needed. From what he told me, he intends to smoke meat throughout the holiday, and since it takes a lot of time and requires a lot of heat energy, he has to buy it for one trailer.

He should arrive at 13:00 so i have less than 10 minutes. I decided to check my equipment one more time. Everything was fine my compas, map, flint, food.I went to home and closed every single door and switched of Electricy in house,but before i left i remembered about secret, which my dad hiden in locker behind painting.

In place where i am going is empty from bears, but i hears about wolves. I turned around and run to the locker. There was code lock. But i know the code. I rememberd the code when i was watching how my dad was hiding documents in. I typed in the code and the safe opened with a characteristic sound "Click"I saw my pistol with 3 magazines. I took everything (just in case) and quickly closed it. When i closed the safe and main doors i Saw the motocykle, but there my friend was not there. Than i looked at my Phone :

And i saw a message" Sorry i am in hurry so i dropped it in front of your home, see you in another week, by the way there us also a radio in front bag, you know that in Deep forest your Phone signal can be very bad, on the back of radio you have written frequencies for paramedics ". Well that makes sence, when i was in home i hears the engine who stopped just for a 1 minute before he Leave.Jesus l, he is very Quick , i respond "Alright no problem thanks for a radio"

Well it is time to go

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