Dream A Little Dream (21+)

By ArmyAjumma1980

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What happens when the guy you've dreamt about all your life, turns out to actually exist? Would he even know... More

warning and side note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9💦
Chapter 10💧
Chapter 11
Chapter: 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 4💦

120 8 7
By ArmyAjumma1980

When everyone got back to the dorms, the older ones having stopped off for alcohol, they all agreed to gather in Raina's dorm room to continue getting to know everyone.

Jin popped into his room to invite their other roommate, but he declined so he'd be able to send his friend home in the morning.

Raina finally got to meet Ha Ni, and she really liked her, for about five seconds until the overly dramatic flirt thought Zack was the perfect target for her unwanted attention.

Even after he repeatedly pushed her away and told her he was dating Mika, the girl would not leave him alone.

Namjoon even tried to step in, and she flipped her hair in his face and ignored him. But when she had the nerve to try shoving her way between Mika and Zack, it was the last straw for Raina, who saw red at her friend's mistreatment.

Before anyone knew what was happening, she had Ha Ni pinned to the floor by her hair with her other hand wrapped around her throat.

"We've all tried to be civil and request you to politely leave my best friend's boyfriend alone. There are plenty of single men in this room you could have flirted with, though I'd be shocked if any of them would touch you with a ten foot pole. But a ho's a ho, no matter where you're from." Raina spoke right into her face in a surprisingly calm tone.

"Do you know how we deal with skanky hos like you where I'm from?" She loudly whispered into Ha Ni's ear.

The frightened girl shook her head, eyes opened as wide as they could get.

"If you don't want to find out, I suggest you stay with some friends tonight and request a different room tomorrow. Because if you ever treat one of my friends like that again, you won't be asked politely and you won't get a warning. I'll just snatch a hand full of hair and make sure your plastic surgeon has plenty of work, if you catch my drift."

With her warning made, Raina released her and stood holding her hand out to help her.

Ha Ni placed a shaking hand in her palm and looked at the Korean girls behind them.

"Aren't any of you going to defend me?"

"Bitch please, if it had been me your nose would already be broken." Hobi's girlfriend Wheein scoffed as her roommates Hwasa, Moonbyul, and Solar wrapped their arms around Raina, Wheein, and Mika in a show of solidarity.

In the small amount of time she had spent with these four women, Raina felt like they had been friends just as long as her and Mika; and they felt the same about Raina and Mika.

Ha Ni then turned to pout at the boys, who all pretended not to see anything.


"What threat? I didn't see anyone threaten you. Did anyone else hear or see Ha Ni get threatened?" Yoongi asked the room, getting shaking heads and a few mumbled "no's" in reply.

"Only threat I heard was a racial threat to get a foreign student kicked out of school. But I could have heard wrong. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens." Namjoon commented to no one in particular.

Ha Ni screamed in frustration and stomped off to grab her suitcase so she could leave.

"I'll come get the rest tomorrow." She huffed before storming out of the room.

Raina turned and wrapped her best friend in a hug that turned into a huge group hug once all her new friends joined in too.

"Thank you guys. You didn't have to defend me like that." Mika cried and lowered her head.

"Of course we did, you're just as much one of us as Raina now." Responded Hwasa as she led Mika to sit between herself and Zack.

"Well, now that we've gotten rid of the skank, let's have some fun!" Jin called out with an evil glint in his eyes. "How about a game of truth, dare, or punishment?"

"What the hell is that? I've heard of truth or dare, but why add punishment to it?" Zack asked, taking the question out of everybody's mouths.

"That way if anyone is too afraid to do a truth or dare, they can just accept a punishment drawn from a hat. Everyone will write down the last thing you would ever want to do for a punishment and fold it in half. Then if you don't want to do a truth or dare, you have to draw a punishment." Jin explained.

It actually sounded like an interesting twist to the usual game.

"I'm in!" Raina called, kicking off a round of ascent from everyone in the room.

Namjoon grabbed some pens and tore some paper into strips while Hobi grabbed one of his bucket hats to put them in.

Everyone else refilled their drinks, wrote and tossed their punishments into the hat, then found places to sit around the room in a girl-boy-girl pattern.

Since it was his idea, Jin spun the bottle first, with it landing on Hobi, who wasted no time choosing dare.

"I dare you to....... Make out with Wheein for 2 minutes without popping a boner." Jin called out, chuckling, "unless you want to chicken out."

Before Hobi could respond, his girlfriend grabbed his face and brought him closer to her.

"You got this babe. Just think of something gross, like making out with your grandma or something." She whispered before attacking his mouth with her own.

But 30 seconds in, she moaned into the kiss and his manhood sprung to attention faster than he could whimper an "oh shit".

"Damn Hobi, that didn't last long!" Hwasa called out expressing everyone's thoughts and earning a groan of defeat from the man in question and a look of embarrassed pride from Wheein.

She was embarrassed for Hobi's quick loss, but proud that she affected him that much.

"As punishment for failed tasks, take a shot of tequila straight. No lime, salt, or anything." Jin dictated.

Hobi groaned, but downed his shot with a cough and reached to spin the bottle.

The game progressed with everyone failing more than they succeeded from the difficulty of the dares or questions, so they were all fairly drunk when Jin spun and the bottle landed on Raina.

"Fuck it! Give me a dare!" She called in her drunken state.

Jin thought for a moment before a truly evil smile graced his gorgeous mouth.

"I dare you to draw out a punishment to complete AND you have to spend 10 minutes in the bathroom doing, whatever you can manage in 10 minutes, with the person who wrote it."

"No problem, pass the hat." She called with more confidence than she felt.

She reached in and grabbed a particularly small and tightly folded piece of paper and handed it to Jin.

"Your punishment is,,,,, drum roll please." everyone began drumming on the floor until he finished unfolding the paper and his eyes flew wide.

"Well, um, the punishment is that you have to wake up Yoongi for class every day for a month."

"Damn, that's just mean. Who would write something like that?" Namjoon commented.

"Why? What's so bad about that?" She asked cluelessly.

"I'm not very nice when I'm woke up." Yoongi confessed with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Okay, but who wrote it?" Mika asked for her, and all of their eyes flew wide before they busted out laughing their asses off as Jin stood up and held his hand out with his eyes down and his face turned a crimson red at having his own dare backfire and blow up in his face.

"NOW THAT'S WHAT YOU CALL POETIC JUSTICE!" Yoongi yelled as everyone laughed til their side's hurt.

"Okay, come on lover boy." Raina giggled as she laced the fingers of one hand with his and used the other to wipe away the tears that had accumulated from her laughter.

"WAIT!!!!" Taehyung yelled. "I need to pee first."

This caused another round of laughter, yet when it was done, a line had formed so everyone could relieve themselves before the dare could commence.

"Lets just do it in your bathroom. I'd offer my room but it's not unpacked yet." Raina huffed impatiently.

"Fine with me. Tae, come with us to time it." Jin agreed, Tae shrugging and standing to follow them.

"Don't forget to grab a condom first." Yoongi casually called out to them, instantly causing both to flush red. "Cute." He mumbled at seeing Raina's flushed face.

When they entered the other dorm room, Raina noticed that it's layout was roughly the same as hers, but there was less room from all of the gaming equipment set up and the extra seating they had everywhere. Exactly what she'd expect for four college guys.

"Um, my room would be more comfortable, if you'd rather do it there." Jin quietly suggested.

"Its your dare, if you're okay with it it's fine with me. Besides, it's probably more sanitary and I can see where I need to go everyday to wake Yoongi up." Raina agreed.

She wasn't sure what she expected, but from his shy behaviour, she did not expect what happened as soon as the door was shut and locked behind them.

Jin wasted no time and stripped his shirt off as he quickly advanced on the beautiful red head. In seconds he had her pinned to Suga's bed with her own shirt off and their hands groping, pulling, caressing every inch of clothing, skin, and hair as they kissed, licked, and bit at each other's exposed skin until they had stripped each other of all clothing.

As Jin grabbed his impressive erection and began to pump it a few times while he tore open a foil packet, Raina finally gained a little composure.

"Wait! Jin, I've never actually done something like this before."

"That's okay, I'm not going to slut shame you or anything." He casually replied as he prepared to enter her wet hole, but she held him back again.

"No, you don't get it. I've NEVER done THIS before." She said again with emphasis and understanding finally slammed into him.

"YOU'RE A VIRGIN?!?!?" He cried out in shock.
"Shit Raina, why didn't you say something. I never would have made you do this dare if I'd know."

"But I want to do it." She assured him, "I was always pretending to date Zack so he and Mika could be together. And Zack was one of the popular guys that everyone loved so none of the other guys tried anything. I just wanted you to know so you wouldn't be surprised and could maybe go a little easy on me."

She blushed and looked down as she bit her bottom lip nervously. Jin lifted her face gently and smiled softly at her.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Your first time should be special, not some drunken dare."

Raina shyly nodded her head yes as she reached for his softening member and began stroking him back to arousal, his head thrown back as he groaned allowing her to kiss and suck on the soft, smooth skin of his long, graceful neck, earning her the sexiest moans yet.

"Please Jin, I want you. You are handsome, sweet, sexy, and you feel soooo good touching me."

As she pled with him and stroked his massive erection, he finally gave in and began stroking her folds and circling her clitoris with his thumb before inserting a finger into her throbbing core.

He stroked and stretched her womanhood as he began to suckle, bite, and kiss all over her breasts.

One finger turned to two and finally three, as he pumped his fingers into her, prepping her for his girth. As soon as he felt her on the edge of her climax, he deftly replaced his fingers with his cock, slipping it in and past her intact hymen in one smooth stroke and stopped.

"Oh fuck, you're so fucking tight. I don't know how long I'll last princess." He quietly moaned with their foreheads touching and his thighs against the backs of her own as he rested his cock completely inside her cavern, giving her body a chance to adjust.

"Shit Jin, you feel fucking amazing, I can't believe how good it feels," she moaned out against his lips, lifting up to kiss and nibble on them.

He began rolling his hips slowly and gently, he didn't want her first time to be a rough and hurried quickie. He wanted it to be a cherished memory for her.

But as she moaned and cried out in ecstasy, she wrapped her long legs around his small waist and began urging him to go faster and harder until he was pounding into her as fast as his hips could go, both crying out loudly.



Just a few slamming strokes later, Raina exploded around his cock, coating it with her juices, it running down his length and her slit to drip in Yoongi's bed.

Jin joined her soon after, sloppily pounding into her a few more times to ride out their highs.

They shyly smiled at each once they had calmed down and caught their breaths. It was during this post orgasm moment that they finally heard Yoongi banging on his bedroom door.

"You guys have been in there for an hour!!!! So hurry it up and finish, everyone else has gone to bed and I'd like to as well!!!" He yelled through the door before inserting his key and unlocking the door.

"Seriously Jin!!!! You couldn't have walked the three extra feet to YOUR bed?!?!?" He yelled in exasperation.

He rolled his eyes at Jin but smiled at you, letting you know he didn't mind YOU being naked in his bed, just Jin.

"Whoops, sorry Suga. I forgot we switched beds." Jin chuckled in embarrassment while pulling Suga's blanket up to cover you and tossing the green haired, smirking man his pillow.

"You can use my bed tonight and I'll wash your bedding tomorrow."

He then looked at Raina and gently smiled down at her as he tucked some stray hairs behind her ear and pecked her nose.

"Do you want to just sleep in here tonight? We still have a few days til classes start, so you don't have to get up early." He suggested, lovingly rubbing his nose against hers and playing with her hair.

Raina bit her lip and gave a tiny shy nod that caused Jin's smile to get even bigger.

"Yoon?? Can you give us a minute?" He asked the younger male, only to hear soft snores already coming from the other bed, making Raina giggle at how quickly he fell to sleep.

Jin chuckled at his friend as he got up, his now flaccid member slowly sliding free of Raina's warmth, pulling a moan from both at the loss of connection.

He removed the full condom and tied it off before tossing it in the waste basket they shared. He then gave Raina one of his shirts and a pair of boxers to sleep in.

"I'm going to hop in the shower, do you want to join me?" He quietly asked, getting a bashful nod from the suddenly shy woman.

He tugged on the boxers he had worn earlier and grabbed a clean pair for himself before grabbing two towels from their shared closet. Jin held one
of the towels open so Raina could stand up and wrap it around her body so she could get to the shower without showing everyone her naked ass.

In the shower, they helped each other wash and clean up. Sharing the space under the shower head, exchanging gentle caresses and soft kisses as they went.

Once clean, Jin stepped out first and quickly dried himself before holding her towel open for her again. She couldn't believe how sweetly he was treating her.

He helped her get dry and dressed in his clothes before leading her back to the room they had been in.

"Go ahead and get into bed, I'm going to just grab some water and a few pain pills for later." He then kissed her on her forehead and nudged her into the room, her heart fluttering at the sweet gesture.

She quickly dozed off, floating into her dreamscape on cloud nine. Not even the presence of he-who-must-not-be-named in her dream could bring her down.

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