Another Love || Jordan Parrish

By its_courts_

84.3K 1.9K 290

Madison Argent is back in town for her sisters funeral. Little does she know that Beacon Hills needs her help... More

2. Explanations.
3. Slow Down.
4. Stubborn.
5. Offer.
6. Saviour
7. War.
8. Holiday.
9. The Healing Process.
10. Crush.

1. Dead Pool.

16.3K 304 47
By its_courts_

In this book the Argents have lived in Beacon Hills all their lives. so, please keep that in mind when reading :)

"She was great with a bow and arrow." Dad informed me as I ran my finger tips along Allison's bow.

"She was great at everything," I admitted, Allison was always better than me. She was a daddy's girl. "Oh, why did I have to leave?" I whispered to myself, but dad heard me. He put his hand on my shoulder and I closed my eyes.

"Maddie, you left because you felt like you had to. You wouldn't have been able to save her." He informed me, making me exhale deeply.

"How do you know?" I asked, feeling helpless. He sighed as he took his hand off my shoulder and took a step back.

"Allison died saving her friends." He stated and I turned around to look at him dead in the eye.

"And what about mom? What about Kate?" I asked angrily, finally letting the tears fall.

"There's some things you don't know Madison. And I intend to keep it that way. The less you know, the more of a chance i've got to keep you safe. I can't lose you too." He admitted, as I noticed the tears in his eyes.

"Dad, I can't stand around and just do nothing.. Let me help-" I started as I stepped forward but dad pushed me back.

"No!" He shouted, "Don't you understand? I can't lose you too. You're all i've got left. I'm not going to let you get involved in this."

"I'm already involved, dad. And I can protect myself." I told him before I walked past him and out of his office. I left the apartment, just needing air and space. I needed to think. I got in my Landrover and drove to the place I used to go to when I was a kid. In the woods a little way back from the Hale house there is a river. I used to go there when I was sad, I used to go there with Allison. As I arrived I saw that it was fenced off, but like that was going to stop me. I parked my Landrover and got out before observing the fence. I took a running start and jumped up the fence, grabbing the netted metal for support as i climbed up and jumped over. I exhaled deeply as I landed on my feet. I smiled slightly.

"Still got it.." I said to myself as I ventured into the woods. It was about a 5 minute walk before I ended up reaching my destination. There was a wide opening with the river just after it. Allison and I used to come here and we'd talk for hours. There were times where would camp out in the summer and we'd look at the stars and take dips in the water to cool off. And thats what I wanted to do. Take a dip. I pulled my top off and dropped it on the floor beside me before I pulled off my skirt and dropped it on top of my top so I was left in my underwear and I flipped off my shoes. I took a deep breath before I dived into the water. I got an adrenaline rush as the cold water hit my body. When I came up I laughed out loud as I remembered how Allison and I had so many good times here. Then I heard a cough behind me and I turned around abruptly meeting two Deputies.

"Well, well, well? What do we have here?" Deputy Haigh laughed as he moved my clothes with his foot. I knew him, I had many encounters with him in the past at the police station. He obviously didn't recognise me.

"You know this is private property right?" The other Deputy asked. I looked at him and took a deep breath before nodding.

"Yeah, yeah I do." I admitted and he stepped forward and leant down a little with his hand out stretched.

"Would you please get out of the water, miss." He said and I nodded as I put my hand in his and climbed out of the water. Deputy Haigh wolf whistled and I narrowed my eyes at him, seeing as I was only in my underwear and I was soaking wet.

"Watch it, Haigh." I warned and he furrowed his eyebrows and stepped forward.

"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do? I'm a deputy" He said as he poked me in the shoulder. "What are you? You don't have any authority."

"I'll have authority to kick your ass if you touch me again." I threatened making him laugh at me.

"Oh really? We'll see about that, love." He laughed as he stepped forward again.

"Don't touch her, Haigh." The other Deputy ordered.

"Shut up Parrish, I do what I want." Haigh snapped before Deputy Parrish stood in front of me.

"You won't touch her again." He warned, and I slightly smiled from behind him. He turned around and looked at me, " Please miss, put your clothes back on."

I did as I was told and I put my clothes back on while the two Deputies argued.

"So the new guy thinks he's got more power over me?" Haigh asked, I could tell he was getting angry.

"No, I'm just doing my job." Parrish replied, and I clapped my hands and stepped forward.

"Yes, and he's doing very well, where as you, you were never good at your job. I don't know why they made you a Deputy.." I snapped, making Haigh furrow his eyebrows.

"I know you.." He mumbled and I smirked.

"Yes you do." I answered. and Deputy Parrish turned around and looked from me to Deputy Haigh.

"Who are you?" He asked, and Deputy Haigh answered for me.

"Madison Argent. She's trouble." Deputy Haigh said lolwy.

"I used to be trouble." I corrected. I was an 18 year old girl when I left Beacon Hills, I was trouble. Big trouble. I didn't know what was good for me, and I made it my mission to make everyone's lives a misery. I spent more time with Kate than my parents and Allison, but one day, I decided that I needed a change. So I left Beacon Hills and lived with my grandfather, Gerrard. He returned last year and I said I wasn't ready so he came alone. And here I am, once again. Less troublesome, less crazy and more mature.

"I don't believe that one bit," Deputy Haigh said aggressively, "If not you wouldn't be trespassing on private property now, would you? Besides, you're still stupid. You left your LandRover right out the front for us to see when we were doing our patrol."

"Maybe I missed it." I whispered as I looked at the floor while I ignored his comment about me being stupid. I missed it all. I may have been trouble but at least I enjoyed myself.

"Missed what?" Deputy Parrish asked, he sounded like genuinly cared. I looked up at his soft facial features and smiled weakly. I felt the tears coming. Deputy Parrish noticed and touched my arm gently.

"Come on Madison, lets get you out of here." He said softly and Deputy Haigh laughed angrily.

"Don't tell me you believe those crocodile tears, Parrish?" He asked in disbelief but Deputy Parrish only sent him a glare. He took me back to my LandRover and I smiled at him.

"I'll follow you to the station. I'm going to see the sheriff anyway." I told him and he nodded in response, a smile still playing on his lips. Deputy Haigh shook his head.

"You know what, you go to the station, I need to speak to Deputy Parrish. We'll catch up." He said grumpily and I nodded as I got in my LandRover. He's probably going to have a go at Deputy Parrish for being a decent man.

I drove to the Sheriff's station and as soon as I walked in a few familiar faces sent me strange looks. People don't recognise me anymore, it's kind of annoying. I walked past the reception and the receptionist ran after me.

"Hey, you can't just walk through like that!" She said but I ignored her as I walked into the Sheriff's Office. He was staring at some paperwork on his desk and he didn't bother to look up.

"Ever heard of knocking?" He asked sarcasically and I giggled quietly.

"Hello to you too," I laughed and as soon as he heard my voice Sheriff Stilinski propped his head up to look at me.

"Maddie?" He asked in disbelief and I flashed a smile.

"Did you miss me, Sheriff?" I asked cheekily and he got up from his chair and walked over to me, embracing me in his arms in a hug that has been long overdue.


I had a long chat with the Sheriff, and as night fell, two familiar faces came around the corner.

"dad, we-" Stiles began but he cut himself off as soon as he saw me. His mouth dropped open as he stared at me. Stiles always had a massive crush on me, he thought I didn't notice it, but I did. But right now, I didn't care that he was surprised to see me, I was so happy that finally, someone had recognised me. I got up from my seat and went over to him, hugging him while he hesitated for a second to hug me back. As I pulled away I ruffled his hair.

"Stiles, how have you been?" I asked, and he couldn't really find his words. He never could, I always used to think he had a stutter.

"U-uh, you l-look different," He stuttered making me laugh.

"I may look different, but you're the only person that has recognised me." I told him as I smiled at Lydia, who also didn't recognise me. She looked to the Sheriff.

"Am I supposed to know this person?" She asked and I laughed.

"I'm Madison Argent, Allison's older sister. Nice to see you again Lydia." I said with a smile and her mouth dropped. She looked at Stiles with a worrying look on her face. She gripped on to his arm as she stared at me.

"Stiles, she's on the dead pool." Lydia whispered, her green eye's almost watering. I furrowed my eyebrows. And looked from the Sheriff, to Stiles and back to Lydia.

"The dead pool?" I asked, shaking my head slightly. But no one answered me. Lydia turned to the Sheriff and looked at him expectantly.

"Maddie, will you wait outside while I talk to my son and his friend please?" He asked nicely and I nodded before I left the room. I sat on the bench outside The Sheriffs office and to my surprise I was sitting opposite Deputy Haigh's desk. He looked suspicious, very suspicious. And as he looked around to see if anyone was looking at him he typed on his computer making me curious. I almost jumped out of my skin when The Sheriff opened his office door and poked his head out.

"Anybody seen Parrish?" He asked and I bit my lip.

"I wish," I laughed as The Sheriff looked down at me making me stop laughing immediatley. He looked up at Deputy Haigh.

"Haigh, have you seen Parrish?" He asked and Deputy Haigh looked worried as he looked left and then right.

"No, haven't seen him." He said and The Sheriff walked back into his office, closing the door behind him. I knew he was lying and as I stood up to challenge him I heard footsteps to my left making me look, and to my shock and horror, there Parrish was, butt naked, covered in black ash. I gasped as I watched him, he didn't even look at me. He stared at Haigh and all I could do was stare at Parrish. I may be older than I used to be, but Parrish turned me on. Even if I was confused why he was naked. He was so muscular.

I was surprised when Haigh noticed Parrish he stood up and his hand went straight for his gun that was on his belt while Parrish walked forward towards Haigh. Parrish pushed Haigh up against the wall, while Haigh struggled. Haigh fired shots but it wasn't at Parrish, it was at me. I let out a cry as a bullet hit my leg. I dropped to the ground to get out of the way from any other shots and I watched in horror as Parrish pulled Haigh onto the floor. He was on top of him as The Sheriff opened the door.

"Hey! Hey!" He shouted but Haigh shot his gun again, in the directon of the Sheriff. The bullet collided with his arm making him kneel on the ground as Stiles and Lydia kept back.

Parrish punched Haigh in the face.

"But you're dead!" Haigh shouted and Parrish threw another punch. I thought he was going to stop but he didn't. Parrish kept hitting Haigh and before I knew it he crawled off him and stood up, trying to catch his breath back.

"Jordan.." The Sheriff whispered as he stood up. "Explain yourself."

To my surprise, Jordan came straight over to me on the floor and looked at my leg. I looked up at his worried face and shook my head at him.

"I-I'm fine." I told him and he looked at me again before looking at The Sheriff.

"Haigh tied me to my car and poured gasoline all over me. He set it alight, but i'm still here." He explained. "Am I going crazy?" I watched as The Sheriff shook his head.

"He's on the dead pool." Stiles pointed out and The Sheriff sighed.

"No, you're not going crazy." He admitted. Making me want to know how the hell Jordan is still alive, and what the hell a dead pool is. And why i'm on it.

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