did you mean it? // dreamnotf...

By xaalexandria

551K 14.2K 58.6K

George had only been in the u.s for about 2 years now. Every since he's moved, he's had feelings for a footba... More

hey! a/n btw
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen

chapter thirteen

23.6K 656 2.5K
By xaalexandria

Song suggested: The beach :)

    He wondered what Clay was going to ask George.

An alarm went off.

Karl shot up, because for some reason his alarm had scared him this morning. He softly nudged George to wake him up.

"I don't wanna," George complained.

"You have to," Karl responded. "We both have to get ready."

    George sighed and got out of bed. He picked out a comfortable outfit from his bag and walked to the bathroom. Since he had showered the night before, he only had to get dressed and do his hair. George didn't really care about what he looked like today, he didn't even want to go. He remembered that this was how he felt after everything with Clay happened, except this was about ten times worse. It was because it was his father who had said many awful things to him. Not just someone he had feelings for.

    George stepped out of the bathroom and allowed Karl to walk in. Karl let George go first since he didn't have to shower and Karl did. It just made more sense. After about 20 minutes, Karl walked back into the room to see George on his phone. He looked awful. Karl knew George probably didn't want to go, but at the same time, he thought it might be good to let something else take the situation off of George's mind.

    "Hey Karl," George announced. "Why didn't you tell me Clay texted last night?"

    Karl awkwardly stood there. He felt bad looking at Clay's message, but he just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything worth waking George up.

    "I'm sorry, i was just making sure it wasn't anything i needed to wake you for," Karl apologized.

    "It's okay, i just didn't notice it and didn't want him to think i was ignoring him." George answered.

    George had texted Clay back, agreeing to meet him at his place after school. He was nervous. What did Clay want to ask him? He had said it was something important.

After the two boys were ready, they had walked out of the front door, earning a sweet goodbye from Karl's parents. George was almost like their other child if they were being honest.

Karl and George got into the car and started the drive to school. Karl took the driver seat, considering it was his car, and George took the passenger. They both sat in a slightly comfortable, but also uncomfortable silence. George had Clay on his mind, while Karl was worried for his best friend. It was a short ride from Karl's home to the school, so they were there in no time.

Karl proceeded to get out at a normal pace while George slowly made his way out of the car. He didn't want to be there. At all. The two brunettes walked into the school and began heading towards their friends, but George was stopped by someone. It was Clay.

"Hey Georgie," Clay greeted. He had a smile on his face that had quickly dropped at realizing how upset and stressed George looked. "Is everything okay?"

George fell into Clays arms. He didn't care about the stares he gained, and neither did Clay. George chocked back his tears. He dove closer to Clay's chest each time he was closer to crying. Karl looked back to see George was gone, but then saw that he was just with Clay.

"I'll tell you when i come over," George answered. He hugged Clay tightly and slowly walked back over to his friends.

    Sapnap waited for George to walk off before saying something to Clay.

    "Clay," Sapnap spoke.

    Clay looked away from George and made eye contact with his best friend. He gave him a look, telling Sapnap he was paying attention.

    "Please don't break that boys heart," He pleaded. "I can tell he really cares about you and trusts you. I'm begging you to not break his heart. I know you've never heard things like this come from me, but i'm serious."

    "Don't worry Sapnap, he means a lot to me. All of it has honestly made me believe in love at first sight," Clay smiled.

    Everyone had a concerned look on their face. George had taken enough time with Clay to allow Karl to briefly explain the situation. George fell next to Karl, laying his head on his chest, just like he had done with Clay. Karl wrapped his arms around George to comfort him. George then had an unpleasant surprise coming towards him.

"Hey Georgie! What's the matter," Schlatt chuckled.

Even with holding back tears, George was furious with the presence of Schlatt.

"I know what you did," George replied, barely audible for anyone else to here.

Everyone knew it was Schlatt's doing. They weren't stupid. No one had any idea what the reasoning could be though. Not one.

"Did what? I'll beat up whoever hurt you, i promise Georgie," Schlatt laughed. No one found his joke funny.

"What is your problem dude?" Alex shouted.

"What's my problem? My problem is that Clay owes me. It's been a year, and it's my time to make him pay. I'm going to ruin his life" Schlatt snickered in a low voice.

"And what does that have anything to do with George at all?" Karl asked in an agitated tone.

"I'm going to ruin everything in Clays life, and George happens to be one of them." He whispered. "Do i think George deserves it? No. Do i think Clay deserves nothing? Yes. Yes i do. I have my plans to ruin everything in that idiot's life. Watch it George." Schlatt replied as he walked off.

George turned back to Clay, looking at him with tears in his eyes. What did Clay owe Schlatt?

The bell rang. Everyone made their ways to their classes. George felt a nudge to his shoulder, he knew who it was.

"I'm here, i'll skip if you just need someone through out the day. Okay?" Clay spoke to the shorter boy.

"Okay," George whispered. It was the loudest he could get without bursting into tears.

He wondered if now was the right time to ask Clay what he owed Schlatt. No, no it wasn't. George had to much going on and who knew what the answer would be. He smiled at Clay before walking to his seat. Clay made him feel better, even if it was just being around him.

    The day went by unusually slow. It wasn't the best day either, which wasn't a suprise. Lunch was almost completely silent, and classes felt like each one was hours long.

    Eventually, it was the end of the day. The group, and i guess you could include Clay and Sapnap into the group as well now, made their way to the side of the school where they'd meet everyday. George walked over to Clay once he made his way over there. He wrapped his arms around Clay's torso and laid his head on his chest.

    "Can i ride with you?" George asked quietly.

    "Of course," Clay answered. "We can go right now if you want."

    George nodded. The two left their friends and walked to Clay's car. Both boys sat in their seats and Clay began to drive off. He felt awful in the moment, not knowing how to make George feel better as he sat pitifully in the passenger seat. God, this was worse than seeing him that one day at school.

    They quickly arrived at Clay's home and both of the boys walked into the house. They walked straight to Clay's bedroom and sat on the bed. There was something bothering George, and you couldn't tell Clay any different.

    "Now, tell me what's wrong," Clay said bluntly. "I can't stand to see you upset any longer."

    George burst into tears without even getting a single word out. He fell into Clays arms. His arms were tightly wrapped around Clays waist. It made him feel safe. Clay rubbed circles into George's back, as a way of calming him down.

    Eventually, George spoke. He had calmed down enough to tell Clay everything. What Schlatt had done, how he ran away, and what his father had done. The thought of his father made George want to puke.

    Clay sat there in shock. Tears had filled his eyes. He felt awful knowing George had gone through that all in one day, and it was Clay's fault. He invited George to stay the night.

"I'm so sorry Georgie," Clay apologized. "You deserve the world, you're too important to have any of that happen to you."

Clay laid his head on top of George's. He still had a hand on his back, and his other hand was running through the brunette's messy hair.

George looked up at Clay.

"Clay," George spoke.

Clay moved his head and looked down to the brunette who laid beside him. George then asked the question that Clay had planned to ask George. It was the reason he invited George over.

"What are we?"

(1499 Words)
haha i missed leaving y'all with a cliffhanger ;). i apologize for not posting a chapter yesterday i was very busy. lucky for all of you though, i'm posting every day again this week. also, thank you for 23k reads like um omg.

stay safe, i love you all so much. <3

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