High school Agents

By yamivee

99.9K 3.2K 3.4K

Korra and her parents work in a Organization as agents. Korra's Parents adopted, Bolin, Mako, and Kai and ma... More

Meet the...Smiths
untold business
the stepping stool
lover boys
The Memories
The Plan
Phase 2
Truth or Dare
The Unexpected
The Unexpected pt2
Mini Mission
Confesions Pt 2
After all these years
Family Reunion
Korra Alone
The Truth
A Promise
No More Secrets
The Flight
Welcome home
I'm Not Him
Misson Lotus
Top secret
Plan Kai
Plan Kai pt 2
End game
A Two Sided Story
The old Korra
I Remember

The White Lotus

2.3K 89 140
By yamivee

Kai and Jeremy rested in the rooms, they both been through a lot. Jinora stayed with Kai holding him, she was scared that she lost him forever but he's here, by her side.

Senna, Mako, Bolin and Asami questioned the Female fire bender, luckily they got her to talk but not much. She goes by the name Ashley, she worked for the red lotus since she was 19, which was 6 years. She didn't really know Zaheer's plan, all she knew is that the serum that has given her powers is a trap. She kept saying Zaheer is a liar.

Asami: "how is it a trap?"

Ashley: "he told us that he would only give us the powers, that with the powers we will fight against the White Lotus." She explained "but what he didn't say was that brainwashed or not the serum would automatically 'connect' with this new commander that'll control us"

Senna: "how did you find this out?"

Ashley: "I saw him talking to this scientist lady, her names... I actually don't know her name, anyways not the point, the point is that we might be under control by Zaheer now, but once he gives this commander person the powers we will be under their control, it won't have a choice, that's why I said brainwashed or not because at the end of the day we're all brainwashed once that new commander gets the serum, it's like mind control basically"

Bolin: "and what do you know about this new commander?"

Ashley: "I didn't even know about the new commander until your brainwashed friend said something, that's what got me to sneak around Zaheer, I wanted to know the truth and the only way to stop the mind control is killing the new commander"

Senna: "why are you telling us this?"

Ashley: "because you figured out how to make the serum maybe you can help take away the powers, help me get out of this"

Asami: "and why would we help you?"

Ashley: "because I told you how to stop the attack from happening"

Bolin stop listening to the conversation with Ashley, he pulled Senna to the corner of the room.

Senna: "what is it?"

Bolin: "the serum, the one you made, would that make us brainwashed too?"

Senna: "what do you mean?"

Bolin: "she just said that the serum Zaheer made would brainwash the benders into following a commander, does that mean us too?" He was worried

Senna: "I don't think so, I made 2 kinds, because when I was observing the one Mako took from the fire bender I noticed there was these small metal bits, I didn't want to put that in you guys so the one I gave Asami didn't have it, when I saw it worked I knew you guys wouldn't need it" she explained "but now that I'm thinking about it, maybe that's what will control their minds"

Bolin: "would there be a way to get rid of it, Kai still has Zaheer's serum"

Senna: "shit you're right" she sighed and rubbed her forehead "don't worry I'll try and figure something out"

A knock on the door caught everyone's attention, Opal walked in with her phone.

Opal: "they're here"

Asami: "perfect"

They all made their way down to the main entrance leaving the fire bender girl tied up in the room, once the main doors opened, it revealed Lin and 2 men in blue and white armor.

Opal: "auntie Lin!" She hugged the older woman earning one back

Lin: "we need to start moving if we are going to stop this man and his army" she smirk "so inform me what you guys know"

Asami, Mako, Bolin and Senna told Lin everything they know. They told her about their bending too. They said that when Kai wakes up that they'll find out more information.

Lin: "Zaheer really went all out" she paced the room "but you guys won't get brainwashed right?"

Senna: "no we won't"

Lin: "but Kai and these two fire bender things will"

Senna: "yes"

Lin: "how are you planning to get rid of it?"

Senna: "we don't know yet, but me and miss Sato will figure something out"

Lin: "speaking of Sato, I have Hiroshi in the aircraft, when he found out his daughter was out here he made sure we took him with"

Asami: "great now comes the lecturing" she pinched the bridge of her nose as she walked towards the aircraft where she would find her father.

Hiroshi: "Asami" he was happy to see that his daughter was okay "what in heavens are you doing here? We were almost killed and you want to take a trip across the world, what is wrong with you"

That's right, Hiroshi didn't know about Asami leaving all the way to the south, he didn't know about Yasuko being alive. So Asami told him about her being alive, captured, brainwashed and now is part of this huge army of benders. Asami told her father the plan but she failed to mention Korra, it's not that she forgot, she just didn't want to breakdown in front of her old man.

Hiroshi: "this whole time, she was alive" he couldn't believe it "and what about Korra? You mentioned her family but not her" he saw how saddened his daughter's face became "she's not dead, is she?"

Asami: "no..." she was trying her best to hold in her sobs "she was taken trying to save mom" she wanted to cry thinking about how Zaheer capturing the 2 most important women in her life, she fell silent trying to hold back her tears.

Hiroshi: "you love her don't you?" He asked the girl earning a scared nod "oh peaches" he held the girl in a soft hug as she cried into him "don't worry, we'll get them back"

After hours later they came up with a plan. Asami and Hiroshi worked together on building a magnetic syringe, Senna mentioned the size of the metal bits would probably turn into some kind of liquid if mixed with the human body heat. Mako, Bolin, Senna and Jinora questioned Kai to find out what he knew, but he only knew the same information the fire bender girl knew, his memory was still blocky, he couldn't remember certain things. Opal, Wu and the white lotus members continue to train, while Layla kept watch of Zaheer's list.

Hiroshi: "okay we're ready" he held the knew invention in his hand

Mako and Bolin brought in Ashley as their test subject. Hiroshi took her arm and started to extract silver liquid out of the body, it filled 1/4 on the syringe so they knew it wouldn't take much to control their minds. Kai and Jeremy were next.

Layla: "guys he's done" she showed them the laptop with a completed list "he also knows the white lotus is here, we need to make a move now before he makes the first one"

Bolin: "we don't even know where his base is"

Asami: "but we have someone who does" she looked at Ashley

Ashley: "and why would I help you" she pulled a Asami line

In one quick move Asami grabbed the woman smashing her against the wall as she grabbed a scalpel pressing it against the woman's neck drawing blood but nothing lethal.

Asami: "because the last thing you want to be is useless to me" her eyes were filled with anger, she wanted to kill this woman but she couldn't or she'll be further away from Korra

Ashley: "you wouldn't"

Kai: "hey Asami, I think I'm getting my memory back" he spoke sarcastically, scaring Ashley

Asami: "then I guess you're useless after all" she smirked at the woman

Ashley: "wait no don't do it, I can still help!" She felt Asami put more pressure onto the blade "please, I-I can fight besides you guys, I didn't really like Zaheer!" She started to cry, "I was just joking! I'll help!"

Asami: "good" she removed the blade and walked towards the aircraft "let's move"

Everyone followed her to the aircraft without any questions. Ashley ended up showing them the way, she led them to a large empty field.

Ashley: "we're here"

Asami: "you better not be bullshiting me" she glared at the woman

Kai: "she's not, I remember this"

Lin nodded and went to tell her pilot to land the aircraft. Once they landed, everyone got out the aircraft, they looked around, there was not one single building, it was was just a plain grass field for miles.

Bolin: "I don't get it"

Asami: "it's underground" she looked at Ashley "isn't it?" She earned a nod

The ground began to shake. Miles away the saw the ground slide open like a ancient tomb. Like a elevator tons of people rose from the ground, there was a large tank in the center with a man standing on it.

Asami: "Zaheer" she felt nothing but anger, her hands were covered in her flames as she stood there

Hiroshi: "wait a minute, that tank...that's my invention" he was offended that someone other then him built something he worked hard on

Lin: "this is the white lotus, stand down!" She spoke through a bullhorn "we have you surrounded!"

Bolin: "are you sure about that?" He whispered to Lin

Layla: "there's 40 something Thousand of them and 15 thousand of us, we're out numbered" she added "even if we had the numbers that still won't stop him"

Zaheer: "Stand down?!" He spoke into a radio mic and he's voice came out the tank "but we just got here!"

The tank's hatch opened, a tan muscular girl with short brown hair climbed out, she wore all black.

Asami: "Korra" her eyes softened

Kai: "she's the key..." he spoke to himself thinking about what he said earlier when he was brainwashed "the key" until it hit him "Korra's the new commander!" His eyes widen

Layla: "that's right! She's the only one getting a different type of serum!"

Mako: "the strongest one of them all"

Korra bowed her head to Zaheer then looked straight at her friends with a evil grin.

Bolin: "she's already brainwashed"

Lin: "move out!"

The white lotus and Lin charged for the benders with their guns.

Asami: "once it enters her body the only way to stop  her is..." she never thought she would have to say it "to kill her"

Senna: "and we can't let that happen"

Mako: "what's the plan?"

Asami: "Dad, I want you to make a transmitter"

Hiroshi: "a transmitter?"

Asami: "yes, maybe it can shut off the brainwashing with the electromagnetic waves and Korra won't have to die" she looked at Kai, Wu, Opal and Layla "you 4 are going to help my father." They agreed to her demand "Everyone else with me"

Everyone: "yes ma'am!"

Asami: "Move out!"

They all split into 2 groups. Asami and her group joined the White Lotus into battle but with a different objective, they wanted to stop Zaheer and take down all the benders but Asami just wanted to get Korra back.

So far not one enemy bender made a move, not even a step, they all stood there like soldiers watching as the white lotus ran towards them with their guns.

Korra and Zaheer looked at each other, he gave her a nod, she took a knee as Zaheer walked up to her.

Zaheer: "may the new commander rise!"

Asami: "NOOOO!"

The glowing liquid disappeared into Korra's neck, Korra screamed in agony, wind blew around her like crazy. Her eyes glowed as she floated in the air.

Zaheer: "it's working!" He smiled

Bolin: "she's the fucking Avatar!"

Asami didn't think anymore, she wants revenge, she wants Zaheer dead.

All of the enemy benders' eyes glowed for a second and went back to their normal eye color, they've been activated.

Korra landed in front of the tank just a couple feet away from Asami. She raised her hand then dropped it pointed at her enemies. Her benders ran after them.

Asami: "Fuck" she was trying to think of something

Shots were fired, benders were dropping dead and so were white lotus members.

Korra began to walk towards her 'friends', Zaheer got in the tank and drove it following Korra. Korra and 5 other benders started to run towards the small group of teens and 3 adults, on of them being her mother and the other 2 being Jeremy and Ashley.

Ashley: "we are so dead"

Zaheer: "they're building a transmitter" he said to himself as he noticed Hiroshi and other people building a something, he grabbed his mic "Korra the transmitter!"

Korra: "you 5 get go, I'll take care of them" she earned a nod

Asami: "they're after the transmitter!" she lighting bend 1 of the 5 benders, she didn't know how she did it but it felt good, she continued running "Mako, Jinora make sure the others don't get to the transmitter"

Mako&Jinora: "on it!" They changed directions and ran after the 4 left

Asami: "Ashley and Jeremy find a way to take out that tank, split!" She watched as they both went opposite ways so Korra won't stop them "Bolin and Senna, we get Korra"

Korra: "not bad Princess" she earth bent a rock at them "who knew you could be such a great leader"

Asami: "Bolin!"

Bolin: "on it!" He earth bent a larger rock destroying Korra's

Senna turn her water into icicles and sent them to Korra. Korra had no trouble redirecting it back towards the three.

Asami fire bent with everything she got melting the ice. When the fire went out Korra was gone and they were now face to with the tank.

Bolin: "Look out!"

The 3 of them separated dropping to the ground as the tank shot bullets like a machine gun killing more white lotus, the nozzle rotated and now the tank was now a blow torch. It was headed for Senna.

Asami jumped in front of Senna and absorbed all the fire taking it in, she used all her energy and blasted at the tank with all her might, but the tank took zero damage.

Asami: "It's fire proof" she looked at Bolin "try metal bending it!"

Bolin tried but nothing was happening. Maybe Bolin couldn't metal bend yet, or the tank wasn't metal at all. 'Where's Ashley and Jeremy?' She looked around  not seeing them.

Senna: "Asami get out the way!"

Asami looked over to the tank, the nozzle rotated again, Jeremy came crashing in tackling Asami out the way just in time as the tank shot a canon ball.

Asami: "where's Ashley"

Jeremy: "there" he pointed at a woman collecting electricity around her "we're going to blast it hoping that it'll stop the engine"

Asami: "alright we need more power" she looked over at Senna "get Mako!"

Senna ran towards her son who was still fighting with Jinora against the 4 other benders, Senna took Mako's place, who sprinted back to Asami.

Asami, Ashley, Jeremy and Mako started to collect electricity.

Asami: "Now!"

The 4 of them aimed and fired the lighting hitting the tank disarming it. Smoke filled the air.

"KILL HER!" Lin's voice caught Asami's attention. Asami saw she was talking about Korra.

Asami: "no" she ran towards Korra who was not hesitating on killing people

1 by 1 the white Lotus fell. Korra fire bent a circle around her to stop her enemies, all of her enemies were blocked but 1.

Korra: "lucky me, I got miss Princess" she smirked "it's an honor"

Asami: "don't do this, I don't want to hurt you"

Korra: "then you'll make my job easier"

Korra earth bent a rock towards Asami, who dodged it easily. Asami ran towards the girl who ended up blasting air at her putting distance between them. Then out of no where Korra froze, she reached her hand to her heart.

Korra: "my connection with the other benders, I lost half of them" she said to herself, she looked up at Asami "you did this!" As she walked up to the woman

Asami: "Korra stop, this isn't you!"

Korra: "don't act like you know me!" She grabbed Asami by the shirt and slammed her to the ground, their faces were inches apart "why do you always get in the way!"

Asami: "K-Korra"

Korra: "you had someone build that stupid transmitter, I'm impressed princess, but I still have control of the prisoners, that includes your mommy" she saw Asami's eyes widen "I'm guessing you had daddy build the it, looks like I'll be adding to my Sato collection" she smirked

Bolin: "get away from her!" A rock came out of no where knocking Korra off the girl

Korra: "good to see you again brother" she smirked "now if you excuse me, I will be taking my leave" with that she air bent herself away from the 2

Asami: "she's going for Hiroshi!"

Asami walked out the circle of fire finding half of the red Lotus benders confused and the rest still attacking or dead, she looked at her father, she noticed 2 figures heading for him.

Asami: "shit"

Hiroshi, Opal, Layla, Wu and Kai were surprised it worked but even more surprised when 2 new guests arrived.

Hiroshi: "Yasuko?"

Yasuko: "hello my love" she smirked as she made a large rock float and threw it at her husband

Kai: "look out!" He tackled the old man to avoiding him getting hurt "Wu take Layla!"

Wu didn't hesitate, he right away took the girl taking her to safety. Korra grabbed Kai by the collar of his shirt. The boy was scared, he never seen his sister this mad or determined to kill something.

Korra: "where's the transmitter?" She spoke into the boys eyes

Kai: "I'm not telling you shit"

Asami: "Stop!" She ran towards them catching their attention.

Korra dropped the boy who quickly ran to Opal. Asami stared into Korra's glowing eyes, they were no longer blue. Korra smirked with a chuckle, next thing Asami knew her arms were pulled to the ground by rock, Asami was now on her knees.

Asami: "mom?" She noticed the earth bender who also held her father hostage "let dad go!"

Korra moved away from Asami now that she was taken care of.

Kai: "Come on Opal we need to finish this" he told Opal as they were programming the transmitter

Opal: "all most there"

Korra noticed the 2 working on the transmitter.

Korra: "hey little man" she grabbed the boy pulling him away from Opal

Korra threw the boy to the side, Opal was next. Opal refused to move, she had to finish it. Korra reached for Opal until cuffs made of rock covered her hand. She looked to the side finding Bolin, Mako, and Senna, she started to laugh.

Korra: "looks like Princess isn't the only one getting a family reunion" She was laughing as she broke the cuffs and took her defense stance

Yasuko brought a large rock to her and walked towards Asami.

Asami: "mom, stop please" tears fell from her eyes

Yasuko: "This is for your own good" she had a evil grin across her face

Asami: "Wait!"

A/N: I need to make these chapters longer😭
Sorry for any errors - yami out

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