Matt miller x Reader 'Code to...

By Charbearz

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Saints row AU, The reader (you) x matt miller. This is a short story. To sum it up, you and Matt meet in not... More

Living with him
Closer//spicy chapter warning
so what does this mean?
Moving forward
Getting over you
The plan


253 7 9
By Charbearz

This chapter is happening at the same time as the last chapter. Only this Matt's side of the story until I flip it again at the end.
(This song if for Matt's experience at the club.)

'I seriously miss (y/n). I wonder how the Saints have been treating her. I hardly hear anything about her, so I doubt anything I do is true. The Saints are evil. This is all their fault, they corrupted her'

"Hey, boss, me and some of the other guys are going to this new club that opened up. We think you should come? Just cuz, you've been out of it lately..." One of my men entered the room, I haven't left this room in days, I don't think I even remember what the outside looks like...

"Maybe you're right, I'll come" as I stand to leave he stops me.

"Woah woah, no offence boss, but you need a shower. And why don't you were something other than that  uniform of yours?" He puts his hands up defensively.

I look down at myself, and I admit I haven't thought about what I look like lately..."What'd you have in mind"

(I mean, picture him how you want to but I'm living for the idea of him dressed in this 😌)

After a shower and an outfit change, I was finally ready to go. I was wearing stuff way out my comfort zone and I wasn't even allowed to bring my ear piece. But I was kind of excited to get my mind off of (y/n) and the Saints.

When we got to the club, the music and drinks kept me distracted for a bit, but after a while my mind just dragged me back to (y/n). I downed my fourth drink and ordered another one when a girl with long wavy brown hair, big breasts and fluttery eyelashes plopped down next to me and smiled. "Hey handsome, you here alone?" She put her hand out and touched my thigh.

"I'm with friends-" I go to gesture at my friends and they are on the floor with some girls I've never seen before.

"Y'know, I've been watching you and I saw that look on your face, instead of sipping drinks, you should be out on the floor" she winks at me, clearly meaning to dance.

"I don't know, I just ordered a drink..." I look her in the eye and my guard falters. They look like (y/n)s. She puts her hand in my face.

"Come on, you know you want to. So, take my hand, gimme a chance!"

I look at her hand and back to her face, her eyes are so similar to (y/n)s, I don't even notice myself grabbing her hand until she pulls me onto the dance floor. She starts swinging her hips and I just match the form of every one else. She then turns around and shoves her butt into my crotch. I feel my face flush and I stick my hands up to push her away but instead she grabs them and places them on her hips. She turns her face to look at me and I get lost in her eyes, the rest of her fades away and all I can see is (y/n). Before I know it I'm giving into her dance, I start grinding back. She steps away and does a spin. She faces me and puts her arms over my shoulders swaying and bouncing with the music.

"So what's been holding you back are you feeling afraid? Cuz you look terrified. Nobody cares if you slip up and fall on your face."

"No, I was just lost in my head, I guess" I glance away realising who I'm with and step away to order drinks. I slam them down one after the other. She follows me there and just sits next to me, watching.

*Content warning, slight NSFW and kinda coercion/non-con (poor Matt)
It's not long or very detailed but if you don't wanna read it scroll till you see the sparkle:✨*

*30 mins, and 10 drinks later🥴😶*

She pulls me into the corner at the back of the club and puts a hand down my pants. I don't stop her, I can't at this point. I just look into her eyes and mumble a weak "please don't." She rolls her eyes.

"I've seen you watching me like you wanna be taking me home, so if you think I'm sexy hurry up and get in the zone!" She grips my cock inside my pants and pumps it a few times, my moral compass goes wacky and I give in. "Ugh fuck it I don't care anymore" I flip our positions and press her against the wall, I put my hand on her neck I look into her eyes and drown remembering that night with (y/n) and put my lips to hers. We just start making out...


Your side to the story now.

You and Shaundi show up to the club and find a table, Shaundi orders your drinks and, tries to distract you from your mind, with small talk etc. This lasts like 20 mins until she sees it's not working and instead takes you onto the dance floor. Your mind finally wanders away from Matt, as you focus on trying to dance. Neither of you notice Matt, or him leave the dancefloor, and he doesn't notice you. Shaundi and you dance for what feels like ages before leave the dancefloor and go to rest at tables at the back of the club to get away from the noise and excitement. Before you get there however, time seems to stop as you catch sight of Matt, he looked more rough and defined and even from here you could see his frame seemed stronger, more chiseled, your joy in seeing him halted and time came rushing back, you stop as does Shaundi, at that moment you watch Matt push some bimbo into the wall and make out with her. You feel the hair on your neck stand up, your blood run  cold, a lump forms in your throat and your stomach churns. Shaundi tenses next to you, her brows furrow and her fists clench. She opens her mouth to speak, but you grab her hand and pull her away before she can.

"Fuck this Shaundi, fuck it all!" You shout pulling her through the crowd and out to the street, a slight drizzle starts and tears pool in your eyes.

"Fuck that guy, (y/n) he's an asshole" Shaundi pulls you into her arms, "what you need is a rebound hun"


"Trust me you need to get over him and remember, how awesome you are. You don't need him he's just some stupid boy toy" she grabs your hand and you both head to a different club. This one is a little more popular as it's right next to a hotel and a theatre. And is more established.

As you walk inside you take in the crowd and find the bar, tears threaten to come back and you slam down 4 more drinks to try and numb the pain. "What do I do Shaundi?"

"Stop drinking for one, try an relax, Im not trying to pressure you or force you, this is just a suggestion, but I think you should try and move on, take someone to that hotel next door, obviously get him to pay, but just in case here's some cash. Just if you want to though, I know I could go for some stress relief" she passes you a wad of cash and leans on the bar, putting a hand on your cheek she kisses your forehead and heads to the floor.

"Thanks Shaundi" you call as she leaves. You stuff the money in your handbag and sip your new drink, feeling the alcohol start to take over, your find goes foggy but you finger the wad of cash and firmly decide *not* to hook up with someone tonight. You swish the ice around in your drink, the life you had with Matt before comes into your mind playing over like a sad movie. All the happiness seemed so stupid now. You eyes well up again with tears and you let them fall.

A man sits next to you at the bar and puts his hand on your shoulder. "Hey what's a pretty thing like you doing crying in a place like this?"

You brush off his hand, "none of your business weird-o" your insult trails off as you look at his face, the resemblance to Matt seemed uncanny at first but after a couple of drinks it was obvious, his hair was dark brown not black, his eyes were slightly further apart and more narrow, not in an ugly way, in fact looking closer he seemed to be part Asian, however his eyes being blue were a throw off. His attractive ness was obvious that you knew, but he wasn't Matt. You sigh heavily and faceplant into the bar.

"Jeez never gotten that kind of reaction before either your really upset or I'm just really ugly" he laughed and ordered a drink, " seriously though what has got you so bummed"

The alcohol made you more open and you started sobbing as you explained "I had to leave my boyfriend like two or three years ago and I haven't spoken or seen him since and I went out tonight with my friend Shaundi *sob* nd i saw him *hic* makin' out wif some slut *sniffle* well maybe not a slut I don't knoww" my face was still on the bar but I turned my face to look at him.

"Yeesh, I'm sorry about that. But I mean it's been years since you've even spoken. People change and move on. Maybe, you should do the same" he winks and finishes his drink. He goes to stand up, but you grab his sleeve.

"You're right" you sit up and wipe your face managing a weak smile.
"Drink with me?"

The night goes by Shaundi left early with a guy and after some weak flirting and more drinks you wake up in a hotel room, being spooned by the guy you met last night.

"Oh god" you whisper and get up out of the bed carefull not to wake the guy, your head throbs, "oh god" you clutch your head and look at the ground. "Oh god" you cover your nakedness with your arms and search for your clothes, when you bend down to pick them up and almost throw up. Scrambling to pick up your clothes you frantically find the bathroom and lock the door, throwing up into the toilet. You flush it and hear a gentle knock at the door. "You okay in there (y/n), you drank a lot last night" you hear him chuckle. You strain to remember what happened after Shaundi left, but you couldn't recall a thing. Just darkness. You immediately felt uncomfortable. "Uh yeah, do you mind if I use the shower, you don't need to throw up or anything too?"

"No that's fine, I didn't drink much myself" you listen as his footsteps disappear from the door.

'Ew, ew, he just watched me drink myself to oblivion and took me to bed himself?' you felt sick and groggy as you turned on the shower stepping under the water you scrubbed your body like it was caked in dirt and germs. You kept trying to remember what happened last night, but it was in vain. You started to panic, 'did he use a condom? Was I willing? What did we do? Did we go all the way? Was I even awake?' you turned off the shower and got changed, you decided not wash your hair until you got home so you could leave immediately. You still felt dirty, however not just because of your hair, you didn't want to see the man again but you knew you had to. You leave the bathroom and find your handbag.

"Feeling better?" He smiles and holds a glass of water to you.
You reluctantly accepted and drank some, giving it back.

"Yeah, Listen, I gotta go. Uhm, did you use protection? Was I,...uh nvm. Just I'm not protected or anything and I don't know you and I don't remember anything."

A weird glint passes in his eye at the last sentence, making you shiver. "Yes I used protection, you can check the bin over there if you aren't sure." You glance in it and the evidence was there but somehow wasn't reassuring. "Awesome thank god, I'm gonna go uh, bye" you rush to the door, but he stops you.

"Do you have a way I can contact you? Like your phone number or something?" You pale at this and brush off his hand.

"I'd rather not" you open the door and step out, he follows you.

"Are you sure? Did I do something wrong?" You stop and turn half way down the hall way.

"No, no, I just don't wanna do stuff like this again. Nice meeting you" 'I don't want to hurt his feelings, I mean, it was probably my fault that something happened last night.' You thought.

"Uh, we don't have to. I just want to get to know you" he sounded desperate. It made your skin crawl.

"No offence but I'm not looking to meet new people. The Saints are all I need" you prayed dropping the Saints bomb would deter him.

You watched his face fall and he went to leave. 'yes!' "oh, okay I'm sorry then"

Just as you turned around to leave yourself, you heard a woman yelling and things breaking as the door in front of you slams open to a lean but muscular man with a shirt draped over his arm, as he hobbled out pulling up his pants. "Look its not personal, I just don't want to see you ever again" he said back in an English accented voice that was so familiar to you, and so handsome.

"Oh yeah, 'nothing personal, just don't talk to me ever again!' I hate you! I can't believe I paid for this hotel room!" She slammed the door in his face and he zipped up his pants, adjusting them. He turned and you froze in place as his eyes met yours. You suddenly felt so self-conscious it made you sick and you wished you had washed or at least tried to tame your hair. You waited for the world to swallow you up.

He seemed to freeze too as he took in the sight of you. He noticed your figure was fuller and plumper than before, it was sexier that's for sure, your hair however was a mess, and washed of mascara was smudged under your eyes. One look at you and he could tell what you were doing last night in this hotel. The knowledge made him too angry and too jealous to remember how long it had been since he saw you. And he didn't even consider the fact he had done the same thing, as he pulled you into his arms and forced his lips to yours. You shoved him off of you.

"Get off of me Matt! What's wrong with you" you felt a lump swell in your throat again, it was almost guilt. You tried not to cry, you really did, but your defence shattered when he said.

"Who were you with? You're mine no one else's!" He was stupid. And realised this as you burst into tears, his whole demeanor changed and the events that lead to his assault flooded his mind and he was filled with regret.

"(Y/n) I'm sorry I wasn't thinking straight i-"

"No. You weren't. You were thinking with your dick! It's none of your damn business who I was with. And I don't know who you think you are calling me yours after spending a night with some other woman! And you had the audacity to kiss me?" The lump was too great and you thought you might choke. It was too hard to speak, so you just went to leave. But Matt stopped you, grabbing your hand.

"Wait, (y/n)" you ripped your hand out of his.

"Don't. Touch. Me." Was all you could manage as you stormed out. Leaving him there stunned.


Well that's just depressing, here's a cookie for going through that emotional roller coaster 🍪. Remember kids drink responsibly. I tried something new and based part of this around a song. I know it was kinda lazy the way I wrote random female #1 s dialogue. But it works. I won't be doing it that intensely ever again but I might make song lyric references occasionally, because I express myself better through song....hAH hahaha ha, get it cuz my name is Charlie, like Charlie from Hazbin hotel. Anyway I'll stop before this gets long. Thank you for your continued support 😊 it was compelling and I managed to get this chapter out sooner than I thought 💕🥺✨

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