A Pirate Story

By Hydranga2

513 35 7

This is sort of based on the game Pirate 101 since me and the girls (if you read my other stories about wizar... More

Characters 1
Troggie business
Skull Cave
Moving Forward
Jonah Town
Quid Pro Quo
One-Eyed Jack
The Antique Store
The Crew Makes the Home
The Crew's New Home
Puerto Mico
Gortez Part 1
Funny Scenarios
Troggy Trouble
Rumble in the Jungle
Hear no Evil, See no Evil
Hear no Evil, See no Evil pt 2
Three Queens pt. 1
Rachel's Birthday

Welcome to the Jungle

9 2 0
By Hydranga2

The group and Ratbeard meet up with Aguirre who looks Ratbeard up and down but decides later to ignore him.

"You are worthy. But are you ready?"  Aguirre inquires opening the door.

"Prepare yourself, hairless ones, for you are about to behold the glory of the Gold Monkey! I will meet you within." Aguirre said letting them through.

"Yada Yada!" Warwick said bored.

They are soon me with Gortez in all his glory.

"Hi, we've come to-" Sally begins but Ratbeard interrupts her, "Arrr, we've got 'im, cap'n! Now let's clap 'im in irons and take 'im back to Puerto Mico." Ratbeard happily calls out causing the monkeys and Gortez to pull out their weapons.

"I swear, why didn't ye die where we left ye?" Rachel asks Ratbeard glaring at him as she pulls out her guns.

"And ye girls say that rum and yum would make me brain dead, we all know Ratbeard will do it much faster." Warwick told Sally as he spins his magic staff.

Sally sighs, "Let's get this over with."


"You have been Beaten... he who could not be beaten. Hope is beaten. We... we are lost. Death is all that is left for us." Aguirre says hanging his head low in fear.

Sally, Rachel and Warwick look at Ratbeard with pointed looks.

"No! Stay here, my children. Fight on against the Hollow Men! Young Pirates, your mission was to take me, not my soldiers. Leave them in peace, I beg you." Gortez said wisely, walking up to Sally with a pleading look.

"Relax, we didn't even intend to fight ye to begin with. I had planned a idea to negotiate to have ye come with us without destroying their faith in ye." Sally told him holding out her hand to him to have him stand on his feet.

Gortez looks at Sally in surprise.

"Don't even worry yer gorilla head, man. Ratbeard is a idiot. He's not actually apart of the crew we use him as a distraction that we throw into battle to get beat up." Rachel explains to Gortez.

"Yar! Wait what?" Ratbeard cheers in agreement before realizing that they planned to use him as bait and never see him again.

"Let's just get to Puerto Mico, before Ratbeard ruins anything else." Warwick said conjuring up some chains to cuff Gortez.

** Puerto Mico**

"Oi, Majordomo, we're back ye piece of s***!" Rachel yells at him. 

Sally goes up and sees a female monkey in place of the previous Governor.

"And you are?" governor Duarte asks Sally.

"I'm Captain Sally Davenport. We've got Gortez in chains. We have a agreement, if we captured him we'd have a treaty with Skull Island." Sally summarizes as she removes her hat and wrings it out between her palms.

"You've gone where? You've done what? Gortez in chains? A treaty with Skull Island? I have no idea what you're talking about!" Governor Duarte exclaims in shock having a hard time catching up.

"The previous Governor, uh, Governor Medina, made the deal." Sally tries to explain but Duarte interrupts her and waves her away.

"My Predecessor, Governor Medina, was traitor to the Crown. He is now working in the Obsidian Mines of Orryx." Duarte begins.

"Never asked all that." Sally mutters placing her Captain's hat back on her head. 

"Whatever arrangement you had with my predecessor vanished with him. I have no knowledge of these... matters, and take no responsibility.' Duarte trails off noticing Sally narrowing her eyes down at her.

"Yer government is off and all types of stupid. Why Avery wants a treaty with it, I don't understand." Sally said glaring at the Governor. "What do I and my crew do with Gortez, we'll kindly give him back to his cult." Sally said gesturing to the open door.

Duarte gulps, "If Gortez has... transgressed, it is not my place to deal with him. Gortez must go to the Royal Court in Monquista City to answer for his... deeds. I'm afraid I can't spare any ships - you will take him. My Majordomo will make the necessary arrangements. I bid you good day." Governor Duarte said pushing Sally out the room terrified of the younger woman's glare.

Sally let's out a annoyed groan before storming down the stairs. She meets her crew and the Majordomo at the end of them.

"My, you've caused quite the stir." He mocks Sally only for her to narrow her eyes at him causing him to clear his throat in fear before adjusting his collar, "Here, these travel permits will allow you to pass the blockade into Monquista." The Majordomo says handing Rachel a map and Sally the permit papers.

"You have a Windstone, I presume?" The Majordomo asks them.

Warwick, Rachel and Sally exchange looks, "A what now?" Warwick asks for them all.

"Windstones allow a ship to pass through a Stormgate and sail to other worlds. Does your ship have one?" The Majordomo explains annoyed.

"I'm guessing a Stormgate is that big vortex we pass by occasionally." Sally tells Rachel who nods in understanding.

"We don't have one." Warwick told the Majordomo.

"I should have known. " The Majordomo says cockily. "Never fear - our skies are plagued by privateers from Marleybone. Attack them, and you can win a Violet Windstone." The Majordomo said showing them a picture of how the privateers will look like.

"once you have the stone, proceed directly to the Stormgate and Sail through it to Monquista. When you arrive at court, do not mention my name." The Majordomo shoos them out.

Once they reach the ship again Rachel turns to Sally who was holding the maps of Monquista.

"Looks like we have quite the ride to do now." Rachel told Sally looking over her shoulder at the map.

Warwick looks at the two girls who he had grown to see as sisters.

The sunset shined beautifully down on them as Sally picks up the barrel of food she ordered from the Monquistans in the shopping area. She still held the map in her hand along with some other papers needed for traveling.

'She's grown a lot from that unconfident little lass we've met.

He enters the boat after Sally taking the last barrel and sees Rachel leaning against the edge of the ship with a lighter for her Mooshu pipe in her hand, she had removed her vest due to the hot weather revealing her cleavage and how many guns she actually had strapped to her corset.

He smiles at the two girls who were occupied with making plans to get the privateers.

He looks out over the ocean and spots a familiar small ship that he's seen occasionally during their travels. He pulls out his spy glass and see a familiar man with a little boy and dog, the little boy was laughing in excitement over the wind blowing in his hair. Warwick lowers the spyglass and chuckles.

"Aye1 Warwick catch!" Rachel calls out to him, he turns around only to be met with Sally throwing him a bag.

"Yer welcome in advance!" Sally shouts to him as Rachel nods before heading up to the wheel.

Warwick looks at the bag before going down to his cabin. Upon opening it he sees a new outfit and a new flask.

He smiles and get's dressed before looking at himself in the mirror, the dim light being his only light source as the sky went dark outside his circle window.

Warwick smirks at his reflection beneath the witchdoctor's mask and lifts it so only his mouth is shown. He admires the art of the flask given to him before taking a big swig.

"Where would I be without them?" Warwick mutters softly.

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