my fallin angel

Oleh wolfietoons101

53.9K 1.2K 340

what happens if number five wasnt alone in the apocalypse? what happens when the fallin angel and number five... Lebih Banyak

before you read
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Authers note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Bonus chapter
Bonus chapter2
Bonus chapter 2 part 2

chapter 9

2.1K 48 3
Oleh wolfietoons101

Alex: that there is my late girlfriend and my unborn son.

Five and Luther's eyes widen. Alex sighs before continuing his own life story.

Alex: Before I meet five... before I became the devil I, like many others, was an angel. I was only 14 when I meet her. Her name was Allison harper... she was nice and beautiful. We both started to go out. Me being the "son" of God, I was a prince. I had blonde hair, well dirty blond hair to be exact. When I was 18 years old when my dad cast me away... making me into a devil. When I was thrown in hell, I was known as the king. The ruler of all of hell. I would punish the human who did things to innocent people. I would place them in their room, putting them in a place with something that they most fear. Allison and I kept seeing each other, knowing the consequences that would happen if we got caught. Allison was my first love, and I would do anything for her even if she didn't even ask me to... when we both got caught, the punishment was to take Allison's life away. I tried everything I could to get to her... but I was too late. My brother, who was standing next to my dad, personally took me back to hell, where I spend my eternity away. While I was so distorted about her death... I didn't realize something. My brother Amenadiel threw two photos.... it was her and a baby ultrasound. I was infuriating that my own God damn brother just stood there and watched Allison die with our baby.

Alex was shedding tears. Feeling the betrayal and the sadness of his heart, started to break.

Alex: I promise that I would get my revenge once we stopped the apocalypse for Allison... but that changed when I meet five hargreeves. I was sent by my father to go count how many people died in the apocalypse. I was only there to just walk around before I was going back to hell. When five called out, I couldn't believe that a mortal was still alive. But since I read the information about five... it made sense as to why number five was there in the first place.

Luther: but you just met him and you already figured him out?

Alex: I have the power to do anything Luther... I could see anything from the past or future. There was a book I had to see who I needed to punish or who I need to help. When I saw five was wearing around his neck, I saw the feather glowing... it was one of my feathers so I had to make his wish come true... to be honest with you, I didn't know that the human knew the old folks tail. So I stayed with five until I was kidnaped back to hell, making my plans to destroy heaven. As I stole stuff like weapons and food. I went to talk to Lizy about my plans when I found out she was pregnant with my brother's baby, so I took it a pound in my hands to use her as bait for my stupid brother. After that, I asked her to cut off my wings. I took them and threw them in lava so that I wouldn't have to see them again. Once I got back to five, we stayed together as a couple Then got married. When one day I was walking back a woman appeared. She was the handler and was giving five an offer that he couldn't refuse. I knew that give was still human and couldn't survive in the apocalypse. So I made him go. Because if he didn't know what happened about the apocalypse and everything else. He wouldn't be here, trying to stop the apocalypse. I just gave him a little push. He had to do it because it was supposed to happen.

Five: but you told me that we were running out of supplies? You—you lied to me.


Alex screamed, standing up. Looking directly at five who were shocked about Alex's outburst.

Alex: if you didn't listen to me, you would've stayed there by yourself five... my brother found me again, knowing that something was up and why I kept going back to the apocalypse. So I lied to you because I didn't want you to suffer anymore... you was dealing with a lot and you need to see other people... even if you had to kill them to survive. I rather that you be a killer than stay in the apocalypse... I only did it because I love you. And I'm sorry.

Alex looks down, knowing that his secret and truth had to come out. Alex was ashamed but he had to do it. If he could go back, he would but he didn't was to dwell on the past.

Alex: for 50 thousand years I killed sinners all day and night. Punishing them as I was making plans to go with my revenge for a different reason and trying to go back to five. I worked my ass off until I figured out what time and place five were. I made my great escape, leaving Liz in a room that would change every time Amenadiel would try to find her. And well I appeared behind five.

Five: so... you never cheated on me?

Five looked at Alex, staring at him with the hope that his husband of 50 years didn't love someone else.

Alex: no, God no... you were the only person that I love five and well I was interested in the people... my eyes were only on you.

Alex smiles at five loving. Making sure that five was the only person he'll love. Many did try to get his attention but it never worked. Alex stayed day and night finding where five could be. He was always a few minutes behind when he finally found him.

Alex; look I'm sorry that I couldn't go with you or take you with me... if I could go back, I would but what's done is done. I just hope you forgive me.

Five hugs Alex while Alex hugged back. It's been a while since he felt something. He just didn't know how to show his emotions. As they had their moment, the three went back to the academy. Alex and five were walking to Klaus's room when they noticed a trail of blood. Alex felt like a shark because he uses to eat the demons or human sinners when they did someone wrong. Alex was bigger back then but that didn't stop him from going back to his bad intentions.

Five; you okay?

Klaus turns around to see the two boys.

Klaus: Yeah, I'm okay.

Five: don't remember the dog tags or the new tattoo.

Klaus: the dog tags are from a friend.

Five: I know the symptoms, Klaus.

Klaus: when they attack the house, trying to find you... they took me instead

Five: in return, you took their briefcase.

Klaus: Yeah, I thought it had money so that I could pundit.

Five: but where did you go or should I say when. Where is it now Klaus?

Klaus: I destroyed it. Poof.

Five: you destroyed it, you know what this means you, moron.

Klaus: Why do you care

Five: I needed it, to go back. Now cha-cha and hazel will do anything to get it back.

Klaus starts walking away. As five writes a note for cha-cha and hazel to meet them. Alex looked around to see what he could do. He could see his sister now. To talk about the situation. Alex walked to five feeling awkward about what happened a few minutes ago. Five looks up at Alex as he finished the note. He walked up grabbing Alex's hand and walked to his room. Five could feel Alex tighten up his hand. Five smiled before getting back to work. As the hour went by, five was finishing up his equation, Alex was sending a note to his sister lighting who worked for a different commission that saves people or the entire world. Alex finished up when five called him out.

Five: I think I got it, Alex.

Alex walks up next to five, looking at his equation to see if he was right.

Alex: you missed calculated again.

Five: what, no I didn't.

Alex grabs the chock out of five hands and fixed the equation.

Five: I hate how smart you are but not at the same time.

As the two looked at five's work, Luther walks in.

Luther: hey, what is all of this.

Five: it's a probability map of who causes the apocalypse.

Luther; oh okay... I'm not following you?

Alex: Okay, for your small brain, we made a list of who makes the world go bye-bye. Do you understand or do I have to drill it into your head?

Luther: no, I got.

Five: it's probably these four people.

Luther: So you're saying that one of these people cause the apocalypse... who is this, is he some kind of bad guy or something.

Five: no, I think he's a gardener.

Luther: wait five theses are innocent people, we don't kill innocent people.

Five: not we, me and Alex will.

Five pulls out a sniper rifle.

Luther: where did you get that from?

Five: in Dad's room, I think he used it to kill rhinos or something.

Luther: five you don't have to do this, I'm not letting you do this.

Five: then have fun stopping me.

As five was about to walk away, Luther grabs Alex's shirt and putting him out the window.

Alex: what the actual fuck Luther

Five immediately turns around and points the gun at Luther.

Five: put him down, Luther.

Luther: put the gun down. I know how important he is to you.

Alex was slowly getting angrier as he was about to burn Luther's hand. Five drops the gun as Luther threw Alex out the window. Five blinks, grabbing Alex and going back inside his room.

Five: honey, are you okay.

Alex looks at five with his red eyes as they were in flames.

Alex: I'm gonna kill him

But before Alex could get up, five pushes him down, making sure he calms down. As he did, Alex's eyes go back to blue.

Luther: I can do this all day five.

Five: you're not giving me a choice Luther. But there is another way.

Alex looks up and knows what five was talking about. Alex puts his head against five's four head. The three drove to the meeting spot, that five-note said to meet. Alex made sure he told his sister before leaving. As five and Luther talked, Alex looked out the window waiting for cha-cha and hazel.

Five: you're still a young man Luther, do waist it.

Alex: Yeah, I don't want to walk you up to hell or heaven.

Luther: um okay and Alex isn't that the grim-reaper thing?

Alex: who said I wasn't the reaper? I can turn to many forms you know.

As they wait, another car pulls up. five, Alex and Luther walked out of the car. Luther has the fake briefcase in his hand as five were standing next to Alex. Cha-cha and hazel got out of their car, then walk towards the three men(?)

Cha-cha: where's the briefcase number five

Five: so this is how you introduce yourself all these years.

Cha-cha: we don't have time for this kid.

Five: don't worry, we can get back into our car and called it a day.

Cha-cha: you wouldn't even make it halfway their kid.

Five: maybe but from your forays you know that my brother is not your average person and my husband is not your everyday kid.

Hazel: that's right, I dropped the chandler on him then the other kid just came out of nowhere and zapped me to the wall.

Behind them, Luther was confused about what they were saying and as for Alex, his eyes were watching them very closely so that he can kill them if they lay a finger on five.

Five: I need you to call your employer, I need to talk to her face to face.

Cha-cha: just don't tell her about the briefcase.

Five: fair enough.

Five walked back to his husband as cha-cha went to the phone to call them. Alex wraps his arms around five.

Luther: what happens now?

Five: we wait.

As they waited, an ice cream truck was driving by, and in the car was Diego, Klaus, and ben. As they drove by cha-cha and hazel start shooting when they thought that it was some kind of set-up. As they shot, they were blown away but stopped at mid-air, as Luther was about to cover five and Alex. A woman who appeared walked up to the scene. Alex lets go of five, but five grabs his hand and walks up to the handler.

Handler: it's been a while number five.

Five: not long enough.

Handler: I see you have someone with you.

Alex looks at the handler with boredom.

Five: yes I do, this here is my loving husband.

The handler looks at Alex, up and down as Alex tightens his grip on five's hand. As five and the handler start talking Alex felt something was coming but he knew his sister was there.

Five: what about my family?

Handler; what about them?

Five: I want them to survive.

The harder looks around and looks back at five.

Handler: everyone?

Five: yes, everyone... including my husband.

Handler: ill see what I can do, do we have a deal?

Five: one more thing.

Five walks up and throws the gun far away from cha-cha's and Hazel's line of reach, then moves the bullet that was aiming Luther. Before five was about to shake the handler's hand. A girl appeared from some type of portal. Five and the handler were confused but scared of who it was.

Girl: hey Alex, it's been a while. Got your note by the way.

Alex: it's really good to see you... Rosalina.

The girl had dirty blond hair and light blue eyes. (Just imagine that this is her)

Five walks up to Alex.

Five: may I ask who you are, and what are you doing here?

Rosalina: my name is Rosalina Wasabi and I'm your sister-in-law. I'm Alex's older sister.

Alex: I have something to discuss with her five.

Alex looks at five before kissing his lip.

Alex: ill be back.

Five pouts but kisses Alex one last time.

Five: okay, I trust you.

Handler: come along five, we have a business to talk about. Don't worry fives husband, ill take good care of him.

Alex just glares at her, then smiles at five before he walked up to his older sister.

Rosalina; it was nice meeting you five.

The two wave goodbye when they magically disappeared.

Five went up to the handler and shook her hand. As they both disappeared, everything went back to normal. Luther was wondering what happened to the couple but he ran up to the Ice cream truck, grabbing his siblings after throwing the briefcase away from them so that they could escape. As cha-cha went after the briefcase, hazel went after the gun. Trying to shot five siblings but fails because he realized that there weren't any bullets. As the Hargreeves siblings left, haze and cha-cha were stuck.

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