I'm Scared To Get Close, I Ha...

By Mimi_Mae

15.9K 393 70

Amelia Pixie is forced to move to Sheffield to live with her dad after having a past of drug and alcohol abus... More

Authors Note:
~ Chapter 1 ~
~ Chapter 2 ~
~ Chapter 3 ~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 5 ~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Chapter 9 ~
~ Chapter 10 ~
~ Chapter 11 ~
~ Chapter 12 ~
~ Chapter 13 ~
~ Chapter 14 ~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
Authors Note:
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
Authors Note:
~ Chapter 19 ~
~ The End ~

~ Chapter 8 ~

635 17 0
By Mimi_Mae

A-N – Sorry this is just a quick filler chapter so sorry if it's kind of boring. Enjoy!

- Mimi x


( Oli’s POV )

My vision is blurry but I can see the end of the gun in my fathers’ hand starring me in the face. He stands like this for what seems like an eternity, his hand shaking frantically, my heart beating out of my chest I’m surprised I haven’t had a heart attack yet bearing in mind the grim reaper is starring me right in the face. I sit up slowly as my fathers’ hand continuing to shake uncontrollably.

“Don’t move boy,” he shouts, his voice shaky as I back down to my previous position on the floor.

“You’re pathetic,” he says before pulling the trigger.

Everything from there is a blur. I see a figure push my father over just before I black out.


I open my eyes and look around to see I am lying in a pool of blood. My vision is completely clear and I feel no pain. I turn my head up to see a crying Amelia behind a gun pointed directly at me.

“Amelia?” I whisper in confusion as she begins to cry, tears falling down her face like a stream. I push myself up from the floor and begin to walk towards her. She drops the gun and continuous to sob more and more. I come close to her and wrap my long arms around her, squeezing my eyes tightly shut and kissing her cheek and neck trying my very best to comfort her. When I open my eyes I see her not my arms but on the other side of the room. I try to run but the closer I get the further and further away she becomes. I try to scream her name continuously but nothing comes out, not even a whimper.

She suddenly she goes out of sight and now I’m here, alone on the cold floor, dyeing.

( Amelia’s POV )


“Don’t worry Amelia, everything will be fine,” Sam reassures, placing his hand around my neck as I fall into his lap. I’m currently waiting in the waiting room at the hospital waiting to hear some news on how Oli is doing.  I can’t believe this, he shot him, and now I’m here waiting to see whether or not Oli is dead or alive and honestly I am freaking the fuck out. Sam keeps trying to comfort me but honestly it’s far from working however Alix and Jordan are just standing there, completely mute. I don’t know why but I’m not crying, I mean I feel like crying, I feel like I should be crying but I’m not, I’m just not. I have nothing to say, nothing to do but to just sit here and wait.

Wait to see how Oli is doing.

Wait to see if the police have caught his father.

Wait for this entire situation to actually sink in.

Just wait!

I sit here in Sam’s arms for hours, however it seems like an eternity. I had convinced Alix and Jordan to go home however Sam insisted he stayed and honestly I’m so glad he did. Sitting here in his arms makes me feel secure, as though Oli isn’t laying down only a few rooms away on the very edge of life and honestly this entire situation is making me sick to my stomach.

“Miss Pixie,” I hear a lady call out as I rush over to her instantly almost as if I knew she was about to call my name.

“Yea, erm h…hi that’s me. Whats happening? I..is he okay?” I stutter trying to get her to tell me as soon as possible.

“Lets just say that your lucky you called as soon as you did. Mr Sykes… Oliver has had a large trauma to the head. All we can tell at the moment is that he has unfortunately been induced into a long term coma,” the nurse says with a friendly and reassuring voice.

“Okay, thank you,” I simply reply before turning my heel and walking back over to the seats. I can hear Sam jogging up behind me before I know it pulling me into a tight hug. I sob my heart out into Sam’s chest as he keeps me secure in his arms.


Oli lay there completely still and lifeless as I walk into his room leaving Sam behind. I walk over to a chair next to his bed and sit down after placing a small kiss on his lifeless cheek. I grab his pale hand and hold it firm in mine and begin to speak whatever came to my head first.

“Hi Oliver,” I say taking a long pause before starting again.

“I know it might be scary right now but everything is going to be fine. You have experienced so much throughout your life that I know you can fight this just as hard. The police are out looking for your father at the moment and I have all the faith that’ll find him and lock him away for good. I can’t wait for you to wake up, things are gonna change and everything is gonna be perfect. Dads coming home tomorrow, kinda annoyed out of all the times you get put in a coma its today ‘cause honestly he drives me insane,” I say with a slight laugh before more tears began to form in my eyes.

“I’ll see you tomorrow after school okay? Love you,” I finish before leaving a long kiss on his hand and leaving. I rush out of the room to see Sam waiting for me and I keep an emotionless look on my face because honestly I don’t know what to feel right now.

We drive back to Sams and I stay at his house for the night, not prepared to be by myself. We stay up all night, chatting watching movies having crying sessions and honestly this kind of took my mind off of the entire situation. I am so thankful for Sam, he is honestly the bestest friend I could ever have.

I spend the rest of the night restless in Sams bed, falling asleep and then waking up again. Dreaming of the entire situation. Sometimes it would hit me the situation and I would cry my self asleep again before waking up and repeating the entire process.

This is truly painful!

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