Let's play truth or dare


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What do you think would happen when Harry Potter, hermione Granger, Sirius Black, Remus lupin, Tom riddle, pr... More

Chapter 1!?
Chapter 2!?
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
7th chapter
8th chapter
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

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Remus spun the bottle and it landed on Harry. Harry who was helping himself to another Beignet.

"Uh, Harry?" Harry blinked at him . "Truth or Dare, Pup?"


"Do you have an animagus form and if so when did you learn it?"

"Yes and we learned it second year." Harry replied, " It was easy for me. I'm a natural Animagus but Hermione pestered me to teach her then I couldn't explain how I did it so i had to send for some books from a few book stores and it took the better part of Christmas break but she finally managed. We didn't let Ron know about it."

Harry spun the bottle and it landed on Draco.

"Truth or Dare."


"Well, I repeat Remy's question to you."

"I am and it took three years to learn it!" Draco huffed, "I finally got it down last year."

"Harry, didn't you say that Natural Animagus run in pure blood families?"

"I did." Harry smiled at Hermione. " and it does. But the Potter family is older than the Malfoy family and the Gene must not have been passed on from the Black family."

"Oh, " Hermione nodded, "Okay, then. "

Draco huffed again thoroughly annoyed.

He spun and it landed on Hermione.

"Truth of Dare ."

"Dare ."

"I dare you to tell us your deepest darkest family secret."

"I'm adopted." Hermione burst out. "My parents don't know that I know. I found the papers in my dad's desk drawer when looking for a book. I was adopted from an Orphanage in Great Britain. There wasn't any information about my birth parents only that a man with long blond hair dropped me off. "

Harry's eyes suddenly flashed he'd made the connection. Sure it had taken him all night but he sometimes forgot Hermione was adopted.

"Wait," Draco said, "Dobby!"

"old master Draco is calling Dobby but he is not being able to come ." Winky said , "Winky is helping?"

"Can you remove Wizard Glamour?"

Winky is being able to do that." Winky nodded, "Who?"

Draco nodded to Hermione. Winky danced around Hermione and the snapped her fingers. Hermione's eyes became the same color as Draco's and her hair , though still bushy, became the same color blond. Otherwise she began to look more like Narcissa and Sirius. Harry hugged her.

"You just look prettier to me, 'Mione."

"My Andy!" Cissy grabbed the girl and began hugging her only to get a pillow in the head and her daughter dragged back over to her spot. "She's mine!"

Harry's eyes flashed and murder was shown on his face. The message was clear. Her name was Hermione and she belonged to him.

"O-okay, but may I set up visitation rights?"

"Yes." Harry said, "You and Draco may meet us here for family dinner every Sunday at 1. You may see us at 6 every Tuesday and Thursday at the Leaky . Monday and Wednesday's at 4 at the Muggle Cafe across from St Mungos and Saturday's you may see us at 7 at the Three Broomsticks. "

Cissy was quickly writing the schedule down on a piece of paper Draco was still staring.

"I can come?" Draco asked uneasily.

"I said you could." Harry waved him off. " 'Mione may not leave my side. Never!"

"That's going to make dating hard." Remus mumbled to himself and received a glare.

"You will be supervised on every date until I know you properly protect my 'Mione!" Harry stated, "and you will like it!"

Remus nodded quickly. He noted Tom was smirking at Harry with some kind of emotion in his eyes. If he didn't know better he would have said it was love.

Hermione smiled weakly at Harry. While Cissy and Draco gushed their thanks on to Winky . Winky was beaming and saying she was happy to help.

Hermione cleared her throat and spun the bottle. It landed on Tom.

"Truth or Dare?"


Hermione frowned in thought. Then smirked.

"I dare you to make Harry sit in your lap for the next ten turns."

Sirius choked on his pumpkin juice call him a kid but he liked it for breakfast. Harry suddenly jolted and tried to get away while Tom just pulled him into his lap.

"You're too light." Tom said to the boy. "You need to eat more. " Harry huffed and downed more coffee. He was still hungry he suddenly growled, "Yes?"

"WINKY !" his elf appeared. "Who told you to spike my food with Appetite Stimulant?"

"Master Doggy is saying Master is needing it." Winky answered wringing her hands. "Master is still hungry yes?"

"Yes." Harry said grudgingly. Winky beamed and left the food for her master to pick from and vanished. " I can't believe you resorted to that."

"Why didn't I think to resort to that?" Hermione huffed, Sirius grinned at her. "But is that really the only healthy way to deal with an eating disorder?"

"Well..." Sirius scratched his neck. "Yes, and no. If they like throwing up then no unless you give them Stomach Soothers. Even then it's no impossible for them to make themselves throw up. "

To stop that conversation before it got started Tom spun the bottle it landed on Sirius. Who frowned at the offending object.

"Stomach Soother!" Harry yelled and suddenly had one in his hands he downed it . He passed his plate to Remus who ate it. It was another french concoction Hermione liked. "That thing better never appear on my plate again. It's gross."

"It tastes different to everyone." Draco said, cutting Hermione off. " I don't like it either. It's a wizarding dish."

"Truth or Dare, Sirius."


"Okay, If Harry ." he squeezed the boy gently. "Were to leave the war would you and your werewolf go with him?"

"In a heart beat." Sirius said, " We only stay in this war to protect him and Hermione."

" 'Mione!"

"Send letter to Rita saying we are out of the war and will be moving to spain."

"Misdirection. " Harry said to Sirius and Remus. " If anything I'd move to Sweden I liked that house we went to."

"Why Skeeter?" Cissy asked.

"4th year we learned that she was an illegal Beetle Animagus." Harry explained, "The Slytherin's were more than happy to give her interviews about me and Hermione. " Draco blushed he remembered that. "So now 'Mione and I blackmail her to only print our articles un changed she can do what she's wants with everyone elses . We'll vouch for Sirius when he becomes Lord Black."

He was now eating scrabbled eggs on a piece of buttered toast with hot sauce on it. He took a bite.

Sirius spun the bottle and landed on Cissy.

"Truth or Dare."


"If you could have married any wizard but Lucius who would you have married?"

"Rabastan Lestrange."

"Why is everyone picking him?!" Bella demanded. " Our Lord said he was the Favorite!"

"It's because he's quite and sensitive. " Cissy was nearly drooling. "and the things I could do to him..."

"MOTHER!" Draco yelled effectively cutting her off.

"Oh, I'm sorry Draco and Hermione, dears."

"No need." Hermione said , waving her hand. "I've met him and I happen to like the quite type."

Remus blushed.

"Like mother like daughter." Cissy said with a fond smile.

Remus quickly wrote that down nodding at Sirius that he understood and noting that Harry wasn't trying to get away from Tom and was effectively distracted once more.

Cissy spun and it landed on Tom/Harry.

"Er." Cissy said, "Harry, dear? Harry?"

Tom gave Harry a little shake and nodded at the bottle then Cissy.

"Yes?" Harry said,

"Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to use a Weasley Product that will get rid of Lucius' hair."

" 'Mione what do we have?"

"We have a number of the hair line." Hermione answered she was a digging in her bag. " We used a few on Ron since we got them. But I think Baldy Waldy would do." She surfaced with a small pill. " I'll do it you can't get up for another 7 turns."

Hermione returned with a picture and everyone had a good laugh. Lucius Malfoy was Bald but still had his horns.

Harry spun the bottle. It landed on Remus.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Dare me, Pup."

Harry set his empty plate down finally full.

"I dare you to sing "The Impossible " "

"Oh!" Hermione squealed fetching her boom Box "I love that song!"

Remus gave a tight smile and waved the head phones' off.

"I know it." she nodded as he stood taking a bottle with him. "Music."

Hermione turned it on.

'My dad chased monsters from the dark
He checked underneath my bed
He could lift me with one arm way up over top his head
He could loosen rusty bolts with a quick turn of his wrench

He pulled splinters from his hand
And never even flinched
In thirteen years I'd never seen him cry
But the day that grandpa died, I realized

Unsinkable ships sink, unbreakable walls break
Sometimes the things you think would never happen
Happen just like that unbendable steel bends
If the fury of the wind is unstoppable
I've learned to never underestimate the impossible

Then there was my junior year, Billy had a brand new car
It was late, the road was wet
I guess the curve was just too sharp
I walked away without a scratch they brought the helicopter in

Billy couldn't feel his legs, said he'd never walk again
But Billy said he would
And his mom and daddy prayed
And the day we graduated, he stood up to say

"Unsinkable ships sink, unbreakable walls break
Sometimes the things you think would never happen
Happen just like that, unbendable steel bends
If the fury of the wind is unstoppable
I've learned to never underestimate the impossible"

So don't tell me that it's over, don't give up on you and me
'Cos there's no such thing as hopeless if you believe

Unsinkable ships sink, unbreakable walls break
Sometimes the things you think would never happen
Happen just like that, unbendable steel bends
If the fury of the wind is unstoppable
I've learned to never underestimate the impossible'

Remus sat down. Hermione was sniffling and wiping at his eyes.

"That was rather emotional." Cissy said dabbing at her eyes. Sirius seemed to be holding himself together better than the girls and Remus just seemed to want to fall apart. "Good song though."

Remus didn't answer just spun.

"Lets have some fun with songs." he decided as it landed on Hermione. "Your choice, Truth or Dare."

"Go ahead." Hermione challenged. "Dare."

"Because of you."

"That's more of a song Harry needs to sing not me." she said and sure enough got a pillow to the head. "But I'll do it. "

I will not make
The same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break
The way you did, you fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known
Better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life
Because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you'

Harry was empty and staring off into space by the time Hermione ended the song and fell to her knees. Once again crying. She had another song she wanted Harry to hear so she hoped to Merlin it landed on the right person. She spun and it landed on the very person she wanted.

"Truth or Dare Sirius."

"Why not?" Sirius said his voice a little rough with emotion. "Dare."

"Alyssa Lies." Hermione set the music and let him listen . Sirius was soon fighting off tears but nodded when ready.

My little girl met a new friend
Just the other day
On the playground at school
Between the tires and the swings
But she came home with tear-filled eyes
And she said to me "Daddy, Alyssa Lies"

I just brushed it off at first
Cause I didn't know how much my little girl had been hurt
Or the things she had seen
I wasn't ready when I said you can tell me
And she said

Alyssa Lies
To the classroom
Alyssa lies
Everyday at school
Alyssa lies
To the teachers
As she tries to cover every bruise

My little girl laid her head down
That night to go to sleep
As I stepped out the room I heard her say
A prayer so soft and sweet
God bless my mom and my dad
And my new friend Alyssa
I know she needs you bad


I had the worst night of sleep in years
As I tried to think of a way to calm her fears
I knew exactly what i had to do
But when we got to school on Monday I heard the news

My little girl asked me why everybody looked so sad
The lump in my throat grew bigger
With every question that she asked
Until I felt the tears run down my face
And I told her that Alyssa wouldn't be at school today

She doesn't lie
In the classroom
She doesn't lie
Anymore at school
Alyssa lies
With Jesus
Because there's nothing anyone would do

Tears filled my eyes,
When my little girl asked me why Alyssa lies

Daddy tell me why
Alyssa lies

Harry stared at Sirius no emotion on his face. Sirius on the other hand had broken down. Remus was holding him and Cissy had rushed over to do the same. Tom understanding hugged Harry to him. Hermione was sobbing herself but shook Cissy off to help Sirius muttering that she was crying for Harry because he wouldn't. The whole room heard but Harry just didn't respond. Draco seemed to battling his own demons the same with Severus but Sirius and Hermione were the only one's who had broken down and actually began crying.

A silent and unknown agreement went up that they would keep with the songs until either they couldn't handle it anymore or Harry gave up and admitted his abuse. If the songs kept going on like this then it was going to get emotional and they all knew it. Severus quickly went to gather all of his Potions kits. He figured they were going to need calming draught and a lot of it.

Harry on the other hand had his own coping mechanism.

"Winky! " the elf appeared. "Drinks and keep them coming. "

Winky gave a worried look to the sobbing mistress and Godfather and nodded. Soon alcohol was around them along with enough munchies to fill an army or feed the Weasley's lunch. Which ever came first.

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