His Ice Princess

By ivnshi

341K 8.6K 1.6K

Luna has been known as a famous ice skater since she was little and now, she's known to be one of the younges... More

Shine Bright : MOONLIGHT
special chapter
Valentine's Day special (15)
special chapter
a small thank you!
author note
special chapter : Happy 40K reads!!
Special Chapter : 110k reads


5K 165 8
By ivnshi

Practice practice ~

Everyone was getting ready to practice. They were all in different practice rooms with their units. Sunghoon was with Heeseung, Sunoo, and Ta-ki. The four trainees were in one of the rooms, monitoring the choreography of the BTS song 'FAKE LOVE'.

Ta-ki was the unit leader yet, he doesn't really have experience in this kind. He still asked help from the other members, mostly Heeseung. The four were just practicing for about 30 minutes before deciding to take a break first.

They drank some water and sat on the floor. Sunghoon fixed his hair while Sunoo was monitoring their dance. Heeseung was just resting on the floor as well. Sunoo then suddenly thought of something.

"형딜! Ta-ki! How about we play a game while we rest?" Sunoo asked his unit members. "A game? What kind of game Sunoo 형?" the small Japanese boy asked the older male. "A question game! You have to answer the question and if you don't want to, you get a flick on the forehead!" Sunoo said the rules.

Heeseung and Sunghoon looked at each other and both sighed. "Okay then..." Sunghoon said, a little skeptical on what the younger trainee had in my mind but agreed. Little did he know, Sunoo had a plan to try and have Sunghoon confess his feelings about the person he likes.

Sunoo sat on the floor and they decided to play rock paper scissors to know who'll answer first. Ta-ki and Sunoo ended up losing while Heeseung and Sunghoon won.

Sunoo and Ta-ki played one more round to determine who'll answer a question. And it ended up...

Ta-ki winning and Sunoo losing. "Wah!" Sunoo said surprised while the others were laughing at his reaction. Sunoo gave a little pout.

"Hmm, ah! Sunoo do you like anyone?" Heeseung asked the younger male. Sunoo tapped his chin to think if he liked someone.

Suddenly, Luna appeared in his head. Unconsciously, he started smiling. The others of course took note of this.

"Who are you thinking about to smile so brightly?" Sunghoon asked in a teasing manner. Sunoo just shook his head.

"I don't like anyone 형" Sunoo said with a smile. Somehow deep inside, his heart skipped a beat when he thought of Luna.

Probably because they were close and he gotten used to the girl's personality every evaluation. Sunghoon and Heeseung looked at each other while Ta-ki had a suspicious look on his face.

Neither of the three believed that Sunoo didn't like anyone but they decided to continue the game instead. Sunoo knew he said that he didn't like Luna when Jungwon asked him but now, he doesn't know anymore.

Sunghoon, Heeseung, and Ta-ki played again but Sunoo didn't join this time since he just finished answering a question.

Heeseung and Ta-ki ended up winning which meant Sunghoon had to answer a question. Sunoo took this as a chance.

"Sunghoon 형! You said you liked someone when BTS sunbaenim were helping us. Who's the person you like?" Sunoo asked Sunghoon with stars in his eyes.

Sunghoon just turned bright red by the younger male's question. Heeseung joined the teasing and asked his the same question.

"Yeah Sunghoon. Tell us who it is~" Heeseung said while nudging the ice skater's shoulder. Sunghoon thought about it for a while.

He let out a hum and thought of their Luna sunbaenim. Like Sunoo, he smiled by the thought of her.

"You all know her. She's precious to us I guess" Sunghoon replied. Ta-ki immediately knew who he was talking about.

"Ah! Is it Lu-" before Ta-ki could even finish his sentence, someone knocked at their door. It was K.

"Hey what were you guys talking about?" the oldest male asked the four trainees. "Nothing, we were just playing while we took our rest" Sunoo explained and the others nodded.

"Hm okay then! By the way, let's have lunch now" K informed the males. "We'll follow after we wrap things up. Thanks K 형!" Heeseung said while the older japanese boy left.

After the door shut, Sunoo gave a playful smile directly towards Sunghoon. "Luna 선배님 huh?" Sunoo said. Sunghoon's eyes went wide and he started chasing Sunoo out of the room.

Sunoo ran quickly towards the kitchen with a tomato Sunghoon running after him. "Kim Sunoo get back here!" Sunghoon said while chasing the younger male.

Sunoo just giggled. "Catch me if you can 형!" Sunoo shouted back and found himself in the kitchen.

The rest were already there and saw Sunoo being chased by the loud introvert. "What were they talking about?" Jungwon asked while eating his food.

"I don't know but they look happy" Jay replied with a smile and took a bite of his food. Jungwon nodded in reply.

Sunghoon finally catched up with Sunoo and the two eventually started to laugh. Heeseung and Ta-ki followed afterwards with a small smile.

They all finally started eating their lunch together. Talking to one another and just having a great time.

That was a day in their life as trainees in a survival show シ

- 끝 -

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