The Kings Shadow

By DivineDaydream

70.5K 1.7K 109

*Under Major Rewrite* Jericho Baratheon, the one true child of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. First b... More

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8.9K 160 14
By DivineDaydream

Jericho knitted his brows together as he sat in the Red Keep's library reading a worn and tattered book he had found in the deepest aisles of the room. He was in such deep concentration that he wouldn't have cared if the room around him was set on fire; he just wanted to continue reading and learning what the book before him had to offer.

What intrigued him the most about the book was that it spoke about all sorts of creatures that once lived in their land until people began hunting them down for their own safety or for sport. The dark-haired boy was currently on a chapter that spoke of shapeshifters and how they used to live among people long ago with no conflict, he even learned that most lived in small settlements that gave the animal they transformed into an advantage in survival.

The boy continued to turn the pages, more than eager to learn about those creatures and how they had gone extinct, but he was soon interrupted by a hand snatching his book from his hands just as he was approaching the part on how humans became shapeshifters.

An annoyed look crossed his face as the boy looked up, ready to ask for the book back, until he realized that the person who had taken his book was his mother. Jericho's expression quickly turned into a pleasant one as he looked at his mother, he was honestly relieved it hadn't been Joffrey knowing that if it was his book would have already been destroyed.

"Jericho, my darling, shouldn't you be getting ready?" His mother asked, giving him a questioning look as the woman looked her son up and down, taking note that he was not dressed for travel.

Jericho nodded his head, "Yes, mother, I'll get ready right away." He responded, standing up with a smile before placing a kiss on his mother's cheek as he made his way to his chambers.

Cersei watched as her eldest son disappeared from sight, her smile fading into a frown as she looked down at the page Jericho had been reading. With a deep sigh, she began making her way out of the library with the giant book in her arms, knowing she would be sure to destroy it later.


Once in his chambers, Jericho began to change into traveling clothes as he thought about his recent return to King's Landing. He had spent most of his life at Casterly Rock with his grandfather after his father had declared him unfit to be his heir, at first Jericho didn't understand what he had done to upset his father enough to send him away, but as he grew older, the boy took the opportunity to learn everything he could from his grandfather instead of wallowing in self-pity.

As he was in thought, Jericho heard a soft knock on his door before letting them know they could enter. Jericho observed as a young lady walked into the room with a timid expression that soon melted away into one of stone once she was in the room and closed the door behind her.

"Come to see me off?" Jericho asked, smiling at the girl as he leaned against his desk.

He watched as the dark-haired girl made her way to stand before him, her clothes similar to the ones the royal maids wore and the same hairstyle. The only thing that stood out from most was her olive-colored skin and sun-kissed features indicating she had been born someplace deep in the south where the sun always shined.

"Of course I have, you'll be away for some time, and I wanted to know what your orders for me were." The girl responded.

Jericho sighed disappointedly, "Why do you never play along with me, Jazmin?"

"Because I know that it is your way of deflecting problems, and now that I'm taking a good look at you... you seem worried."

"How did you know my deepest secret?!." Jericho exclaimed, feigning surprise.

"I've known you for a long time, my prince. It would be rude of me not to know how you work." Jazmin said.

Jericho grinned at the girl as he moved to pull on his traveling boots. "You know you don't have to call me that."

"Yes, but it is the appropriate thing to call you."

"Not really. I don't care about titles." He told her with a shrug.

"You should, it gives you power that others do not have."

"That's true, but I never asked to be born with power."

"No one ever does." Jazmin spoke softly, an almost pitying look crossing her eyes.

Jericho and Jazmin stared at each other, Piercing blue eyes challenging dark brown ones, both trying to convince the other of their belief. The young man was the first to look away, beginning to feel uncomfortable under Jazmin's intense gaze.

"For someone that claims to follow my every order, you sure are insubordinate." Jericho stated, causing a ghost of a smirk to grace Jazmin's lips.

"We agreed I would keep you in check, so I am only doing my job."

"We did agree to that, didn't we?"

Jazmin nodded firmly, causing Jericho to let out an amused huff, "Alright then, let's get this over with then." Moving to stand by his balcony, Jericho leaned against the frame as Jazmin moved to stand beside the young man. "While I am gone, I want you to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary and report it to me once I return. Don't get yourself in any trouble, either. I can't afford to lose my most trusted spy."

"I never get in any trouble when you're not here to cause any of it."

"Are you insinuating that I am trouble?"

"Have you met yourself?" Jazmin asked with a raised brow and an amused look in her eyes.

"How rude and I thought I was your savior." The young man told her with a slight gasp.

"Just because you saved me doesn't mean I need to lie to your face."

"I feel hurt, Jazmin. I thought we were friends."

"In that case, friends shouldn't lie to each other."

Jericho let out a genuine laugh, he was glad Jazmin was playing along with his banter. He needed a few moments of peace where he didn't need to pretend to be the person he always pretended to be, and Jazmin was always the one to see that. She was good at reading people, especially him.

"You know, it's not too late to join me."

Jazmin finally let a smile across her face as she shook her head, "I'm afraid I will have to refuse. You need me here to watch over things while you are away, and I favor the warm weather over the cold."

"I had to try once more." He responded with a shrug. Jericho really wanted Jazmin to accompany him so he wasn't all alone on this trip, but he knew she was more comfortable in King's Landing, where she could keep an eye out for any dangers that might threaten him.

"You always do."

Jericho gave the girl a smile as he began to head for the door ready to leave at last, "Don't miss me too much while I'm gone."

Jazmin let out a huff, "There's no chance I will."

"If you say so." The boy whispered, leaving the room and the girl in it behind. He was finally ready to face his family for the upcoming journey knowing everything would be kept under control with Jazmin's watchful eyes.


Winterfell was said to be a cold and gloomy place for anyone who was not from there but to Jericho, it felt as if he was arriving home for the first time in his life as if Winterfell was where he truly belonged. However, he couldn't quite gather why he felt the way he did, given he hadn't stepped foot in the North since before he was sent away.

It had taken a month of travel to arrive at Winterfell so the king could ask Lord Eddard Stark to become the new hand of the king. In that month, Jericho learned a lot about himself, especially how much his patience could be tested before he had to step away. Joffrey seemed to find Jericho's patience to be the most amusing and entertaining thing, while Jericho kept himself from killing his younger brother.

"We're arriving!" His uncle Jaime Lannister announced as the gates of Winterfell came into sight. At the news, Joffrey emerged from the carriage and took one of the Kings guard's horses, with Sandor, better known as the Hound, rode behind the crown prince to protect him from any danger that might arise.

"Ready to be in front of a crowd, nephew?" The blonde man asked, riding up beside the young man. There was no doubt the man looked like any knight in shining armor out of children's stories with his tall frame, comely features, and a cutting smile that made any maiden swoon.

"What do you think, uncle?" Jericho responded with a raised brow and a sly grin, but his smile soon disappeared into a troubled frown. "I have no doubt Lord Stark knows the reason behind my father's sudden visit by now. I only hope the man declines. It would be best if he and his family remained in Winterfell as Wardens of the North."

"I highly doubt it, he and the king are like brothers, and the man has a great sense of honor and duty." Jaime told his nephew as he looked over at the boy trying to read his expression, but the boy knew just how to hide his thoughts and feelings from most except Jazmin. "If I may ask, why the sudden interest in Lord Stark?"

Jericho looked straight ahead at the walls coming closer and closer into view, "Because King's Landing is not the place an honorable man should be, I believe Lord Stark would be better off here in the North with his family. My father is selfish in trying to hand the Kingdom's problems to an old friend who deserves nothing but a peaceful life after all he has done for him. Still, I already know how all of this will play out. Lord Stark will accept both of my father's offers of being the new hand and of his eldest daughter's betrothed to my younger brother because he thinks he still knows my father, but people change with the years." He told his uncle.

Jaime only looked at the boy in surprise that he had predicted so far into the future. The boy had undoubtedly learned much since his years at Casterly Rock. It frightened Jaime a bit, knowing the boy was just as perceptive as his father, but he knew that Jericho would pick up a few things after living with the man for years.

While Jaime rode alongside Jericho, they neared the gates as the sun had risen higher into the sky. They followed in through the gates behind the king, who could barely stay on his horse since he had gotten so fat over the years.

Jericho's piercing blue eyes scanned his surroundings. He couldn't help but admire Winterfell as they entered the courtyard; it was beautiful and unique in its own way, much different from King's Landing and Casterly Rock. It was said that the Stark's castle was situated atop hot springs, which kept it warm in the worst winters. Jericho also heard stories of the many winding tombs under the castle containing the remains of past Starks and secret passages. He found Winterfell to be quite intriguing, his curiosity urging him to explore the castle and all the secrets it held.

As Jericho scanned the courtyard, his gaze soon landed on the people standing at the front of the crowd; he could only assume they were the Starks, the North's protectors. His eyes immediately found a man who could only be the head of the house Eddard Stark.

The man looked well for his age, considerably better than his father. It seemed that the man had taken well to the end of the war and his life in the North, unlike Robert had in King's Landing.

Jericho knew he was a good and loyal man even though he had only met the man once when he was a child, but knowing what he did, Jericho knew that asking him to be the king's hand was selfish on his father's part since Kings Landing wasn't a place for honorable men.

Jericho watched as his father unmounted his poor horse, finally giving the animal a break from the heavyweight it had been carrying. Then, with the help of a stool, Robert finally reached the ground as everyone around them kneeled before their king in respect, Robert motioned for Eddard to stand along with the rest of his family.

"Your Grace," Eddard said as he bowed his head in respect.

Robert studied him for a moment before speaking. "You got fat." Eddard raised an eyebrow causing the king to give out a laugh at his old friend. The two men embraced in a tight hug as they laughed before Robert turned to Catelyn Stark. "Cat!" He greeted, pulling Lady Stark into a hug as the Lady of Winterfell smiled in greeting.

"Your Grace."

The king then introduced himself to the rest of the Starks. After they had all introduced themselves, Robert turned to Eddard. "Take me to your Crypts." He suddenly demanded, causing Jericho to frown as he turned and noticed the look on his mother's face.

"We've been riding for a month, my love. Surely the dead can wait?" Cersei advised him softly, earning a glare from Robert before marching away with Eddard.


Jericho wished he could go and comfort his mother, but he knew she would push him away, especially in front of others, so he stayed where he was. He looked over at Joffrey as the younger boy rode his horse beside him before he spoke, "Father told me I am to marry her." He stated, smirking towards the oldest Stark girl who was blushing next to a brown-haired girl.

Jericho raised a brow at his brother, "Why are you telling me this?" He asked as he watched the Stark girl, her red hair causing her to stand out in the crowd.

"Because it goes to show Father favors me over you." Joffrey told him as he rode off with a wicked laugh, but Jericho didn't pay him any mind as he found himself watching as the girl disappeared inside the castle.

"I'm sure you are all exhausted from your long journey; please allow me to lead you to your chambers." Catelyn Stark spoke, stepping forward.

"I agree, thank you." Cersei responded, tearing her gaze away from where Robert had just gone with his old friend. "Come, children, let us rest." The woman called to her children.

Jericho nodded, dismounting his steed as he ran an affectionate hand over his mares silver coat. "You did well, Adira. Now it's time for you to rest." He whispered to the horse as he began to lead her to his uncle, who would place her in the stables. Once he handed the mare off to the man, Jericho made his way toward his mother and younger siblings following after them as the lady of Winterfell led the way.


After the royal family's arrival, Sansa had run to hide in her chambers until the feast began. The girl was too excited to contain her delight; she wanted nothing more than the opportunity to spend time with the perfect blonde prince she had laid eyes on in the courtyard.

She had spent hours after that picking the perfect dress to catch the boy's attention. In the end, the dress she had chosen for the welcome feast was a rich shade of royal blue with detailed grey embroidery running down the long sleeves. Her red hair was braided and pinned back halfway in a typical northern style, eager to impress the prince.

"You look beautiful," Catelyn told her daughter as she put the finishing touches on the young girl's hair.

"Do you think Joffrey will like it? What if he thinks I'm ugly?" She asked her mother nervously, causing the woman to scoff.

"Then he is the stupidest prince that ever lived." Her mother told her sternly.

Sansa lifted the mirror in her hands, looking at her reflection, "He's so handsome." She spoke dreamily, causing her mother to let out a huff at her innocent daughter. "When will we be married? Soon, or do we have to wait?" She asked impatiently.

"Hush, now your father hasn't even said yes." Catelyn said, hoping her husband would refuse Robert's request.

"Why would he say no? He'd be the second most powerful man in the Kingdoms," Sansa told her innocently.

"He'd have to leave home... He'd have to leave me. And so would you." Catelyn said, trying to convince her daughter, wanting her to stay and keep them all together, but the girl wouldn't give up on her dream.

"You left your home to come here, and I'd be Queen someday. Please make father say yes." Sansa begged her mother.

"Sansa-" Catelyn tried to say but was cut off by her daughter.

"Please, please, it's the only thing I've ever wanted." The girl said as she looked at her mother, but her mother couldn't look at her, thinking about how she would be losing one of her children.


Meanwhile in another part of the castle Jericho stood in his chamber while Cersei spoke with him.

"Why must I attend?" Jericho asked his mother as the woman stood by the fireplace. She had been trying to convince her son to attend the feast since she had made certain her other children would be dressed and presentable for the night's feast.

"I have already told you it would be rude of you not to attend."

"Mother, you know I greatly dislike large crowds of people, especially when I do not know the place that well."

"We must all make sacrifices in this life, my dear, and this is just one of many you will have to make."

Jericho watched his mother noticing how the fire caused her hair to light up like the sun and her eyes to look like those of a predator. "If I am to become the King's Shadow, should I not be noticed?"

"Nice try, but you are not the King's Shadow yet, and you still have to make appearances even if you were."

Letting out a sigh, Jericho decided it was time to wave a white flag and let his mother have her way. "Fine, I will attend. I will not promise to stay the entire time, but I will attend for as long as I can bear."

Cersei smiled at her son, cupping his cheek. "That is all I ask of you." She said, giving him one last smile before releasing him and making her way out of his chambers.

Jericho stood in the room all alone before letting out an exasperated sigh, "Now to find something suitable to wear." He muttered to himself as he walked over to a chest he had filled with clothes for his stay at Winterfell. 


The feast carried on for hours as Jericho kept his promise to attend, the young man watched as everyone enjoyed themselves, laughing and chatting. The young man had spent the last few hours making small conversation with people here and there, knowing he was required to do so as a prince.

For once, Jericho thought he would be able to handle a large social event, but as he stood in the room full of people, he could feel himself tense with each passing second. His breathing was growing heavier as he felt the air around him thicken, causing his lungs to burn with deprivation while his body felt as if he was in a scorching desert instead of the cold of the North.

His eyes darted around rapidly, never landing on anything or anyone. He was looking for something that wasn't there, something he could use to ground himself, but he couldn't, so instead, the young man began to make his way towards the doors, each step seeming longer than the last.

Jericho attempted to ignore the overwhelming sensation of the crowded room as he tried his best to avoid anyone in his path. It seemed as if an eternity had passed before Jericho could step outside, causing him to take in heavy gulps of air the coldness of the night, causing his throat and lungs to burn in relief.

When he was able to recover himself and become aware of his surroundings, Jericho realized he was in the open, where anyone would be able to witness his state. He knew that if anyone were to see him and spread rumors of how the prince was weak, it would only cause trouble for his family.

Forcing himself to stand upright and recompose himself, the young man began to make his way toward his chambers. He needed to get away before he lost control of himself. In the distance, a howl could be heard as Jericho continued on his way, he began to realize he was lost. He was sure that if he had taken the correct way, he would have been at his chambers long ago, but try as he must, he could stop his feet from moving.

He found himself drawn to a clearing inside the castle walls, a place he could only assume was the godswood. Jericho looked upon the heart tree, the only tree that stood in the center of the woods with the face of a man carved into it. However, Jericho was soon pulled out of his admiration of the godswood when he heard soft footsteps approaching, causing him to whirl around and stand in a defensive position as he noticed three sets of glowing eyes staring right at him.

"I told you he was one of us." A young but strong voice said proudly as the three eyes came out of the shadows revealing two young girls and a young boy.

They seemed to be around ten and five of age, younger than Jericho, but they carried themselves in a way that caused them to appear much more potent than many grown men. Jericho examined all three of them, taking in how they all looked completely different but similar simultaneously.

The one who had spoken was a small girl with hair the color of dark wood and pale skin. The other young girl had hair as dark as a raven's feather, reaching down past her waist in a beautiful braid. While the last one was a young boy with short brown hair, his eyes observing Jericho's every move, ensuring the boy was not a threat.

"Who are you?" Jericho asked cautiously as the girl who seemed like their leader approached him with a kind smile while the other two watched him threateningly.

"You have the wolf inside you." She said, ignoring his question as she began to circle around him, "How long have you been one?" She asked with a tilt of her head as she stepped closer to him and sniffed the air around them, causing Jericho to take a step back.

"What are you going on about? Who are you, and what do you want?" The young man asked, trying to put space between himself and the girl.

The girl stopped and smiled kindly at him, "There is no need to be afraid you are among friends."

Jericho stared at the girl in shock, not understanding what she meant, but all the while, he couldn't ignore the feeling that he did understand every word she had spoken.

"He sure does have a wolf, but who knows where it might be." The other girl spoke mockingly as she began to circle him.

Jericho could feel himself being cornered, causing his mind to race and his heart to beat fast until a low growl escaped him, causing the two girls to stop in their tracks and a look of satisfaction crossed their faces.

"I knew you had it in you, you have just been tamed for too long." The brown-haired girl said with a knowing grin as Jericho's eyes widened in realization.

"No." Jericho firmly told them, "I am not a wolf or whatever you might think I am. I am completely ordinary." He continued as he began backing away from them.

"Now, how do we make his eyes show the wolf?" The boy asked as he walked up to the other girls.

"Let's not be hasty. First, let us introduce ourselves to our new friend." The girl who seemed to be their leader said as she looked back at Jericho.

"I apologize for our sudden appearance and rudeness. We just wanted to be certain that you had the wolf within you." The girl spoke before continuing, "My name is Aurora, this over here is Ivory, and the boy over here is Peter." She introduced, indicating to each one of them respectively. Jericho's mind continued to race with a thousand questions, and before he knew what he was doing, he had taken off. The young man continued to run until he reached the castle and found a maid he gladly helped him back to his chambers.

"He's getting away." Ivory commented as she began to make her way forward, but Aurora stopped her.

"Let him. He is not ready to accept who he is yet." The girl told her companions with a sad look.

"I still think this is a waste of our time, and we should just leave the brat where he is. It would be hopeless for us to waste our time on him when we could be helping others who still have an opportunity." Peter said, crossing his arms.

"I have to agree with Peter for once. The boy has pushed his wolf too far for it to even be reachable anymore." Ivory told their leader, who stood with her back to them.

Silent passed through the three before Aurora turned and smiled, "I do not think he is helpless; if he was truly hopeless, he wouldn't have heard our call after all."

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