Konoha's Light

By A_Human_I_Think

3.6K 71 11

This will be a gender swap story, for two characters. Naruto is going to be a girl known as Nakuto and Hinata... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5

Chapter 4

550 13 3
By A_Human_I_Think

Okay so just so you know, I will be changing up the story a bit, so please don't come at me! I promise most of it will still stay the same. I am also sorry if everything is not exact since it has been two to three years since I have watched the series. I hope you don't mind. I might skip some of the episodes and just have a story over the important parts of the series but those will be in as much detail as I can put it in. Anyways, enough hold up, let's get on with the chapter!

Naruko's POV: 

I was playing with my hair while walking to the table when I saw everyone else was there. 

" Oh hey! Am I late?"

" No kid. Don't need to worry." I smiled and nodded before sitting down. I whipped my hair behind the hair since it was still sort of wet and I didn't want to get it on my clothes. 

" After you guys are done eating, we are going to train a bit more, if that is okay." Kakashi asked, more off demanded. 

" Yeah! Then we can stop those bad guys so they won't hurt anyone anymore!" I yelled. It brought a smile to their faces. I sighed inwardly. I'm glad that they are smiling. Except the kid. He just slamed his hands on the table, which shocked me. Then I noticed, he was crying.

" But why?" 

" What did you say?" 

" All this stupid training is just a waist of time! Gato's got an army! They'll beat you down and they'll destroy you! These cool things you all say, they don't mean anything!" 

They all just looked at him, but I looked down, feeling a dark shadow cover my face,my anger just continued to bubble. 

" No matter what you do, the strong always win and the weak always lose!"

" Just speak for yourself. It won't be like that for me, you got that."

" Why don't you just be quiet! Just looked and you makes me sick! You don't know anything about this country, you just budding in! Always laughing and playing around! You don't know what it's like to suffer and treated like dirt!"  

I threw my plate against the wall, it making a loud crash as it collided with the wall. My head was still down. He was shocked into a scared silence. 

" Listen to yourself whining and complaining like some sorry little victim! Look, you can wimp for all day for all I care. You're nothing but a coward!" I yelled, slamming my hands on the table, standing up while looking at him with the harshest glare I can manage. He looked mad, but I didn't care.

" Naruko! You went too far!" I just growled and left the table, flipping my hair behind me as I went. 

" Naruko!..." I could hear the kid crying as I went, but I need to cool of some steam first. I kept walking, out of the house, where ever my feet would carry me. I had no idea where I was going, but soon I entered a plain field full of flowers. The light shining through just made it even more beautiful. I walked into the middle and sat down. My hair flew behind me, out of my way, and I just laid down, taking a breather. I ended up falling asleep. I woke up to someone shaking me.I looked up to see someone looking at me with slight concern in her face. Wait, is it a her? 

" Who the heck are you? Oh, oh uh, I mean, hi there, where did you come from? You know, what are you doing out here and all that?" 

" I'm gathering herbs."

" Herbs?" 

" Yes, that's right. They are for treating illnesses and wounds." I looked down and picked one up.

" You like starting work early, huh sis?"

" Yeah. It's calm but I didn't think I would find anyone sleeping out here in the woods."

" Hehe. Well I was going to start training but it was so peaceful so I ended up falling asleep." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. 

" So are you a ninja? Cause I noticed that headband you're wearing. Or are you just making a fashion statement?" 

" You noticied that? Well yeah, I am!" I answered while smiling.

" Oh really? I see thats very impressive." I laughed a bit.

" But, does that mean you're training for something dangerous?"

" I'm just developing me skills so I can get stronger. "

" You seem very strong now, is that not enough?" 

" No I mean to get stronger and stronger, I have to keep practicing!" 

" How so? Why is it so important?"

" So I can become the best ninja in my village! That way everyone will no who I am and they won't treat me bad anymore! There is also this kid I have to prove something too!"

" So are you doing it for this certain person? Or are you doing all this training for yourself?" 

" Huh?"  She started laughing. " What are you laughing about? What's so funny?"

" Is there someone who is precious to you?"

" Someone...precious to me? Well...yes, no? I don't know..." I answered, looking down in slight confusion. 

" You see, when a person has something precious they want to protect, then they become genuinely strong."

" Huh? Oh..." I thought back to everyone who had protected me, iruka sensei, kakashi sensei.

" Oh! I know exactly what you are talking about..." I said while smiling softly. She picked up her basket and got up again. 

" You will get strong, very strong."

" heh."

" Goodbye. We'll meet again sometime." She said while walking away. She stopped and started talking again.

" Oh, by the way, i'm a boy." 

" Huh." Whaaa! No way! He's prettier than me! I herd footsteps and turned around to see Sasuke walking toward me. 

" Finally. I found you. Come on Naruko." 

" Oh hey Sasuke." I answered, getting up. " You were looking for me?"

" Yeah. Let's go." 


I lied down. It was late, and no one talked during lunch and dinner. I guess I made it awkward again. Wait-a-go Naruko. You ruined things again. I sighed while combing my hair, which caught Sakura's attention.

" Hey Naruko?" 

" Hm?"

" Don't you think what you said was a little...harsh?" I stopped combing my hair mid way, and stayed quiet for a bit. I continued combing and answered. 

" No. If he really went through something as bad as he described, then that would have not hurt him in any way."

" Naruko, he lost someone precious to him...you know his..."

" Yes, but he can't go around saying things like that without knowing what others might have gone through Sakura. It's rude and inconsiderate. Sure, he is a kid, but the sooner he knows the better. "

" You calling him a coward was inconsiderate Naruko!"

" I just told the truth. He has no idea, what kind of pain other people go though. He needs to learn to hold his tongue." 

" Come on! He is a kid!"

" And I am too in case you didn't notice. He just lost his father! I lost both my parents just a couple hours after I was born, because they were trying to save my life. I had to watch kids with their parents and try not to cry. Imagine how I feel."

" Naru-"

" No. We aren't talking about this anymore. I'm going to bed." I answered, and that was the end of the discussion.

Kakashi's POV:  

I walked to the dock to see the kid sitting there. I walked up to him. 

" Can I talk to you?" He just looked at me , and I looked back. I went and sat down next to him. " Naruko can be a little...harsh sometimes, but she doesn't hate you. Your grandfather told us what happened, to your father. You probably don't know this but, Naruko also grew up without a father. In fact, he never knew either of her parents. And she didn't have a single friend in our village." The kid looked at me when I said that. 

" Huh?"

" Still, I've never seen her cry, sulp, or give up. She's always, eager to jump in. She wants to be respected. That's her dream. And she'll put her life on the line for that. In a heartbeat. My guess is, she just got tired of crying. And decided to do something about it. 

" Woah...hmh..." 

" Even though she is young and still learning, she knows what it means to be strong. Like your father did. I think she knows better than any of us, what you're going through."

" Woah..." 

" What Naruko told you earlier, as cruel as it sounded, she's probably told herself that a thousand times." He looked at me with such interest in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe it. I don't blame him. She is very good at hiding her feelings, I see her do so almost everyday...


Naruko's POV: 

I woke up to see no-one there. Huh? I walked out of the room to see the kids mom washing dishes and the kid sitting on the table.

" Where is everyone?"

" Oh, they left a while back. They should be back later today." 

" They went without me?!"

" Well they saw how tired you were and let you sleep in. No rush though." I sigh and nodded, walking about the the room we stayed in to get ready for the day. I was in the middle of pinning my hair back when I heard a knock on the door, and then a crash. I placed the pin down the see a bunch of thugs threatening the woman and the kid. I don't think they know i'm here. That's good. I walked behind them, signaling the kid to keep quiet. Then, I kicked one back. This caught the attention of the others. They looked at me, before laughing. Hah?

" Ha! They left this weak kid to defend these two! Hilarious!" I felt a tick grow on my forehead. 

Can you just teach them a lesson? I don't like that they called my vessel weak. 

" Yeah yeah, got it." They looked confused.

" Oi brat, who are you talking to-" Bam! I kicked him in the face before he could continue. He fell back and I kept my foot and him.  I stomped on his face for good measure, and he passed out. I put a bored expression. That's it?

" Seriously? That's it?" I said, while looking at the others. I kept a blank face with a dark stare at them. They shook a bit under the stare just one yelled, "I'm not scared of a kid!" 

" Sounds like you are trying to convince yourself, then convince me." He got mad and charged. I just side stepped and kicked him into the wall. He crashed into it and fell to the ground. I'm pretty sure I heard a crack but okay. 

" You...brat!" He yelled, before passing out.

" Oh. Sorry about your house Mrs." I said, facing the kids mom.

" O-oh no i-it's fine." She said shakily. She got up to try to leave,

" No need to leave. If things get bad for me then run okay?" She nodded and brought her child into a corner.  

" Now, who sent you exactly?" 

" Why should we tell you." I punched that one in the face and he fell back.

" Some thugs you are." Three of them came toward me at once, I just punched both sides and kicked back, pushing them all away. They passed out, I don't know how.

" Now i'm going to ask again. Who sent you?" I said deadly calm. By now, I took out half of them. Well this was boring.

" Kid do you know who you are messing with?"

" Nope. But I feel like I should be asking that question. Oh well." I said, shrugging, before punching him. 

" Now I am going to ask again. Who sent you?"

" Gato did!" One yelled. I smiled warmly and punched him in the stomach.

" Why, thank you for being so helpful." 

" You idiot! Why would you tell her?!" Bam! Another kick to the head.

" Watch it." I said dead calm. They seemed scared out of their mind for some reason. I wonder why. "What?" Two charged and I sighed. I kicked them both were it hurt before knocking them out. Only one more left.

" So, are you the leader of this bunch."

" I'm not scared of you!" He yelled before running towards me in full speed. I side stepped and chopped his neck.

" Jeez, I didn't even ask. Welp! You two okay?" I asked looking over, stretching a bit.

" U-um Naruko, y-your eyes are r-red..." 

" Eh? They are?" I took out a kunai and used it to look at myself. " When on earth did my eyes turn red?"

Sorry. I got interested. It is easier for me to look at what's going on like this. 

" Of course." I looked back up at them. They were already standing and dusting themselves off. " No need to worry about it! It's nothing serious! They just sort of, do that from time to time. I dunno why."

" Ah. Okay then."

" I suggest you go somewhere were Gato can't find you. More people might be coming. By the sounds of it, I need to head on over to the bridge." 

" Will do. Come on Inari, let's go."  He looked at me and I gave him a warm smile, before he went out the door with his mom. I guess i'm not tying up my hair today. I sighed and rushed out the door. 

Oi. You think you can turn my eyes back. Or at least one please?

Fine. I'm keeping one though. This is interesting.

I sighed in annoyance and moved my hair to cover on of my eyes.

Is this good enough for you. The eye that isn't covered has to be normal.

Eh. Good enough. 

I got to the bridge to see Zabuza and Kakashi in a full in fight and this huge ice prison surrounding Sasuke. What the? I noticed that Kakashi saw me and he gave me a look as to say , ' don't reveal yourself.' I nodded and went to Sasuke secretly. What the heck is this thing? I went to go inside but was stopped by Sasuke putting his hand up.

" Naruko don't come inside! Once you do you can't get out again. Try to break the ice from outside!" I nodded and ran to a mirror. I kicked it and got a crack into it. Ow. I kicked it again, and was able to kick a whole into the ice. It shook for a bit, before breaking. Sasuke noticed and tried to run to the gap when all of a sudden I was kicked in and the mirror behind us closed up. Great. Now we both are in the ice cage of doom. I fell onto Sasuke before shooting back up again. 

" You idiot! Now we both are in!"

" How is this my fault?!" Just them I pushed Sasuke out of the way as a needle slipped past me, cutting my cheek. I looked over to see a guy in the ice. Huh? DID HE JUST FOLD OUT OF THE ICE AND GO TO OTHER ONE?! HUH?!  We ended to trying to leave the cage while avoiding the needles he is throwing for quite a while, before I sensed something in Sasuke. I looked over to see that his eyes are red. Wait. Sharingan?! I am so glad he got it. Perfect timing I swear. All of a sudden two needles hit my knee joints and I feel to the ground. I tried to get up but I couldn't. What the? Suddenly more needles came toward me and I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact, but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Sasuke standing in front of me, all the needled impaled into him. 

" You..idiot..." And then he passed out. I grabbed him and slapped his face a little.

" I'm not the idiot here Sasuke, you are...I would off survived you moron." 

" Such shame. And he just unlocked his Sharingan as well. Oh well. The useless always die in the end." I looked and him and he flinched for a second. And then, I blacked out. The next thing I knew, I was about to punch him and his mask fell, and I stopped.I stared in shock.

" Why are you not striking?"

" Y - you're the guy..."

" I am." 

" That is why your chakra signature was so familiar that day..."

" You can recognize me just like that?" 

" I can, I always could. That's how I know if people are following me or not. I was...forced , in a way, to learn it..." We both were quiet for a while.

" So you do have someone precious to you."

" Of course I do. I said I did didn't I?"

" I also have someone precious. His dreams, are now my dreams, and I will do anything to accomplish them. "

" Is this person, Zabuza?"

" Indeed. As evil as he is, I will gladly give up my life to make sure he is safe." 

We just stared at each other for a while, when suddenly his eyes widened and he moved at a blinding speed. I looked over to see something heartbreaking. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand.

There I saw, Kakashi sensei in shock, his arm gone straight through his chest. He coughed. He might off said something but I didn't know. I herd Sakura yell and soon she ran past me. She ran past me again but with Sasuke in her arms. I couldn't even pay attention to them. I walked to the, slowly, still not over my shock. Kakashi took his hand out and Haku was thrown from them by Zabuza. How dare he throw him like some sort of rag doll! I rushed over but Kakashi reached out to me to pull me back, but Zabua grabbed my arm and lifted my head up and looked at me. I glared as hard as I could.

" Oi brat." He said while laughing. " You aren't human are you? Now that I get a good look at you, I recognize you.  You're the brat my village wanted as a weapon all those years ago. They sent men to capture you but they never managed to. I wonder what happened? Perhaps you know-"

I slapped his hand away and moved back to were the others were. He just looked at me, expecting an answer. I saw the Sasuke was awake and watching. That good he is alright, I knew he wasn't dead but I didn't think he would be able to move. 

" Oi brat. Answer me." The others just looked at me confused. I just frowned.

" They're dead. Everyone who came after me with the intent to kidnap is dead."

" Say brat, did you kill them? All of those Jonin." I stayed silent.

" No. I didn't. I only knocked them out. The village took care of them after that."

" I wonder how you did that..."

" That is non of your business." 

" Naruko, what is he talking about?" I herd Sakura ask behind me. " Why would people be looking for you? I understand Sasuke but you don't have anything special in that way." It did sound harsh, but I knew she was just curious, and that she ment well. Zabua started laughing like a maniac. 

" YOU DIDN'T TELL THEM! THIS IS HILARIOUS! Well let me fill you in pinky."

" DON'T YOU DARE! KEEP THAT MOUTH SHUT!" I screamed. They are not finding out like this. 

" I will have to agree with Naruko. It is an S rank secret Zabuza. They are not supposed to know." 

" You think I-" 

" Well would you look at that." We all turned our attention to the group of men on the bridge. 

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