I don't know anymore! -A Jill...

By FanGirlIgLol

8K 93 688

A few months after the final battle Gilly's still dealing with all the stress and anxiety of Alva trying to k... More

Hanging out with Jax
Quieting of minds, or at least an attempt
Animals are angels
Moving fast
Real Therapy
Assignments and eavesdropping
Tricked again
So the search begins
Well they found her


658 9 67
By FanGirlIgLol

"I hate to break this up, because it's adorable, but we should probably go to bed. We have school tommorrow." Kayla said standing awkwardly infront of Jax and me, she was smirk-smiling, though.

"I guess.." Jax trailed off. He looked at me and I was reminded yet again that I'd never seen eyes like his anywhere else when he caught my gaze. "You gonna be alright if I go, Theif?" He asked. I sighed.

"Y-yeah," I said and realized I was still sitting in his lap and got embarrassed. "I-I'll uh.. just.. y'know.." I stuttered as I got up. Jax chuckled and I shot him daggers.

"See ya tommorrow, then. Goodnight, girls." He said fairly loudly as he started to leave. "And if you change your mind, you know where to find me," Jax whispered to me. I nodded and we all yelled goodnight as he left the room.

"You okay?" Maxine asked as I walked over to my bed. I just nodded. I grabbed my pajamas and put them on and came back to Maxine telling Kayla to go to bed and not pester me with questions. Kayla then flew off my bed and onto hers. I sat down on my bed and patted Wilson. He's such a good mouse. I love him, and Jax. Wait.. what?! No no no! He's just my bestfriend. That's all. I think... no! That's all. Don't go there, Gilly.

"Goodnight, girlies." I said in a cheerful voice. "Night," Kayla responded and Maxine was already out cold. Kayla followed not long behind her and I sighed. I rubbed Wilson's back gently and then he fell asleep, too. I contimplated working on an assignment before I realized I didn't have any to work on. Maybe I could read a book..? Nope, I forgot to get one. Looks I'll have to go to sleep.

I fell asleep quickly, there was no denying I needed it. That however, didn't push away the nightmares. They were always there, always waiting until I was alone in the land of dreams. I hated going to sleep now. In the begginning it had been an escape from the reality of interveiws and fanfare and hatemail, but eventually the reality of what had happened caught up with me. When everything that happened really sunk in my world came crashing down around me, and my escape became my torment. My dreams are the only place Alva and Stiltskin still lived and no one else knew because I couldn't bring myself to tell them.

My dream was simple. I was alone with Anna in a pitch black room and the only sound was Alva's laugh. Anna was holding a wand and smirking with an evil glint in her eyes and Alva's laugh echoed around and around and it felt me feel like I was suffocating. The room was completely white except for some red spots by where I was standing and I couldn't move. I couldn't see anything besides Anna and endless white but all of a suden a scream cut through the laughter. "AHH!! Gilly, help, please help!! GILLY!!" I heard the screams and I knew exactly whoes they were. Han and Hamish. I felt tears on my cheeks and I yelled back. "I'm trying! I don't know where you are!" And then there were hands on my arms and I was being shaken.

I opened my eyes and I was back in mine, Kayla's and Maxine's dorm room. I was breathing hard and Kayla was on my bed looking down at me very concernedly. Maxine was still snoring in the distance, Peaches was quacking at her and Wilson was squeaking by my ear. When I opened my eyes she sighed in relief and hugged me. "Thank god. You were yelling and rolling around in your sleep and- are you okay? Do you want me to get Jax or-"

"Yes! Er.. yes, if you don't mind." I said. She nodded and got off my bed, woke Maxine up and walked out of the dorm. Maxine was looking around, clearly confused why Kayla had woken her up so abruptly and then she saw me. She got out of bed and came over to sit on my bed. She just kept asking if I was okay in a very anxious voice despite how many times I said I was fine.

Kayla and Jax got there, but they weren't alone. Jack and Ollie had followed them. Jax looked anxious, Ollie was looking between Kayla and Jax trying to figure out what to do and Jack was teasing Jax, who despite how anxious looked was obviously restraining himself from punching Jack.

"Are you okay? What happened? Do you want to talk about it?" Jax said sitting down next to me (Maxine moved so he could and went over to her bed). Ollie climbed onto Kayla's bed with her and Jack was sitting at Maxine's desk.

"J-just a nightmare. And yeah, I'm okay." I said, forcing a smile. Jax was not impressed nor convinced by this answer.

"Your not okay. But you don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to.." He said. I hugged him, I couldn't help it. He looked so worried and it made me want to hug him and never let go. I started mumbling about the nightmares, all of them, all of it, even how long I'd been having them into his neck. He didn't say anything until I was done, and he didn't say anything about me latching onto him, either. "So.. you've been having them for months and you didn't know what to do?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said into his neck and he and hugged me tighter.

"You could've told me." He said, although I knew he wasn't trying to make me feel bad.

"I know. I just didn't want to. I-I didn't want to bother you with it." I said and instantely regretted it because I knew what he was going was to say. And he said it.

"You could've told me, Theif. And you are not a bother. Ever. And you can tell me anything. I-I care, Gilly. I always have and I always will, I lo- I mean we are bestfriends.." He said. "Please don't keep things like this to yourself for so long. It can't be good for you. Even if you don't tell me, you should tell someone there are other people who care, too."

"I know. I know I should havetold someone, I just.." I trailed off.

"Didn't want to bother anyone even though your friends all care and were worried and were waiting for you to tell someone?" Jax asked, and smiled at me leaning on his shoulder with his arm around my waist.

"..Yeah." I said and laughed a little and put an arm around him to and sighed with my head on his shoulder. "This is nice."

"Yeah it is," He said and I could here the smile in his voice.

"I said that out loud?"

Jax laughed. "Yeah, you did. I love you, y'know."

"I know. We're bestfriends." I said and he interlocked our fingers.

"Tell her!" Ollie yelled and Jack chuckled and Kayla and Maxine were laughing there head off. Jax stuttered a bit and eventually said something else.

"Just best friends?" Jax asked and it took me a minute to understand what in Enchantasia he meant.

"You mean...?" I said and wanted to know what he meant.

"I- yeah." He said and I didn't even know who to respond to that.

Woo, woo! Another chapter! Have fun with this, y'all probably hate me for this cliffhanger. As always, thank you all so, so much for reading, commenting and rating! It means a lot! :)

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