Your Life With The Maximoffs...

By RebekahHunt

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Basically you and your life with the Maximoffs :) More

Chapter One - Meeting Magda
Chapter Two - Meeting Peter Maximoff
Chapter Three - Welcome to my Addiction
Chapter Four - Peter's Collection
Chapter Five - First Day of School
Chapter Six - Lunch and Such
Chapter Seven - When Those People Come In
Chapter Eight - "This is Ice Queen When She's Younger?"
Chapter Nine - Changing History (Hope's P.O.V.)
Chapter Ten - Changing History (Peter's P.O.V.)
Chapter Eleven - "Wanna Come to my School?"
Chapter Twelve - "He Wants to be Our Dad Now"
Chapter Thirteen - "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa... No Kicking Butts Without Me!"
Chapter 14 - First Day of Mutant School!
Chapter 15 - Peter Beats The Heck Out Of A Evil-Doer
Chapter 16 - Sleepover!
Chapter 18 - So... Who Kidnapped You?

Chapter 17 - Peter Wants To Marry You!

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By RebekahHunt

Peter grinned and asked you, "Did you really not realize that?" You were shocked at his response. You couldn't believe that he would want to marry you someday. Your face lit up and your cheeks were blazing red. He took you hand in his and told you, while looking straight into your eyes, "It would be the biggest honor in my entire life if I could marry you one day. I mean, this is our Senior Year of high school... well, I guess Mutant school. I would love to marry you this next summer, actually."

You really could not believe what he had admitted to you. "He... really wants to marry me? But... why?" You thought to yourself, feeling like all of this was just a dream. "Why... Why do you wanna marry me?" You asked him aloud, looking right up to his eyes. Before they were on the ground.

Peter cupped your face in his hands and told you, "Because, silly, I love you... You're the best thing that has ever happened to me..." You saw Peter blush. You blushed back and told him, "I love you, too... I... I just... I just love you so much." And then you began to cry, feeling the love overfill yourself. You grinned at him and hugged him tightly. "I'm so happy...." You told him, through tears that were streaming down your face. Peter just hugged you, letting you cry in his embrace. He wiped the tears away from your face and told you, "You're so beautiful." You smiled and said, "Thank you, Quicksilver."

He grinned and simply told you back, "You're welcome, Ice Queen." and kissed you on the lips. "Now, go on back in there and join your sleepover once again. But just don't let them convince you that you need to wear makeup everyday... You look beautiful without it." Peter said, letting you go. You said goodbye to Peter and he waved back, then sped away. You sighed heavenly and couldn't believe it! Peter wanted to marry you! You were extremely happy and couldn't wait to gush about it with your girls. :)

You opened the door to your dorm room and sighed. "Soooo....?" You heard Wanda ask you and then you faced the girls and grinned. "He thought I already figured that he wanted to marry me..." You explained and the girls started their giggle fit.

"I knew it! Yes, I'm getting Hope as my sister-in-law! Yes!" Wanda exclaimed and hugged you. You could not stop smiling. The girls started a pillow fight and mainly attacked you. They were truly excited for you and Sandra stood up and said, "I think we should watch Hope's favorite movie to celebrate!" The girls all agreed and they made popcorn and got soda from the mini fridge that you and Leslie had in the room. You popped the DVD in the player and watched it. Most of the girls fell asleep during it and once it was over, you were the only one still awake. You sighed happily, looking at your exhausted friends. You got into your bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

You had a beautiful dream... It went like this...

"Aww, Hope! You look so lovely!" Wanda exclaimed and hugged you tightly. She had tears in her eyes. You told her thank you and all of your other friends complimented you as well. Then, you looked into a full length mirror and saw yourself. Your hair was in a bun and you were wearing your dream wedding dress. You choked up and started crying. You couldn't believe that this was you! "Oh my god!" You yelled, in disbelief. Tears were rolling down your cheeks and you could not stop crying. "Wow...." You said, shaking your head. You grinned back at your friends and told them, "Thank you for helping me with all of this... I could not do this without all of your help!" They all sort of smiled and said, "You're welcome."

"Now, Hope! Dry those eyes and let's get going, sweetie. You don't want to be late on your own wedding day." Wanda told you and you then realized that Wanda was in a different dress than the other girls. Wanda had a beautiful yellow dress on and the other girls had light blue dresses. You realized that Wanda was your maid of honor and the other girls were bridesmaid. You looked over to Lorna. She had this adorable little red rose dress on and she was the flower girl. She smiled up at you and told you, "I love you, Hope." You grinned at her and got on her level and said, "I love you too, Lorna." And you hugged her.

"Come on, Hope! We have to be there in the next five minutes! We don't have time to spare!" Wanda exclaimed, nearly dragging you outside.

And that's when you woke up. You looked at your alarm clock and it read 10am. You groaned and looked around your room, remembering that your friends were still here. You looked around and smiled at your sleeping friends. You decided to get up and hunt for some breakfast. You entered the kitchen where you could get snacks and everything like that. You opened the fridge and looked inside. There was a few donuts and you got some out and poured yourself some milk. You sat on one of the nearby stools and ate the pastries. You gulped down the milk and then, a familiar guy walked in and looked at you strangely.

"Hey, Hope. You doing okay today?" Logan asked you, looking through the fridge.

You smiled at him happily and said, "Absolutely! Peter told me he wanted to marry me last night."

Logan looked at you and asked you, with eyebrows raised, "Really? Impressive..."

You nodded yes and asked him, "Have you ever... Have you ever met someone that you wanted to marry, Logan?"

Logan sat down on the stool across from you and admitted to you, "Actually, yes, Miss Hill, I have. I'm not going to tell you who it is though."

You grinned and asked him, "Aww why not! Come one, Professor! Tell me!" You pleaded and he just shook his head no.

"Not gonna happen, Hope. I might tell you one day, but it's not gonna happen today." Wolverine told you and you sighed and complained. Wolverine rolled his eyes at you and told you, "Hope, stop complaining!" You nodded your head no and just kept complaining. Wolverine couldn't take it anymore, so he said, "Fine. You really wanna know who it is?"

"Yes!" You said, with a wide grin on your face. You had gotten to him!

"Fine. It's Jean..." Wolverine admitted, with a slight blush.

"Professor Grey?!? AWW!!!" You gushed and asked him, "Will you tell me why?"

Wolverine shook his head no at you and said, "Enjoy your weekend, kid. Don't you dare tell anyone else! You don't wanna hang out with all of the Professors all day, now would you?"

You nodded your head no and told him, "Later." and he left the kitchen. You got up off the stool and threw your trash away. You washed the dirty glass of milk and put it back up in the counter. You left the kitchen, feeling more awake. You ran into someone and told him, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Then, the guy shoved you across the hall into the wall. "Ow! What the he--!?" But before you could say anything else, you saw who it was. It was the same guy that had attacked Clint the other day... It was Alex!

"Hey! Just what are you doing here?" You asked him, quickly getting yourself back up. The guy could throw a punch, but it was no problem for you to get right back on your feet again. You glared at him angrily and then, Alex attacked you from behind, leaving you with a knife stuck in the middle of your chest. You fell onto the floor and started to throw up blood. That's all you could remember, before Alex knocked you right out.

You woke up in an unfamiliar white plain room. You looked around and it was just white all around the whole room, with nothing in it besides you. It was pretty compact. You started to panic. "Oh my god, where the hell am I?" You asked yourself aloud and head a voice come from somewhere, "You are in the brotherhood's private hideout. You are our newest recruit! Congratulations!"

"Who the hell are you and what do you want from me?!?!?" You asked the ominous voice, pretty angrily. You tried to get up, but you couldn't. You looked down at yourself and saw your hands and feet were chained to the wall behind you. You couldn't escape even if you tried.

Then, a very familiar face entered the room and said, "Well, hello Miss Hill. Welcome to the brotherhood."

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