Your Life With The Maximoffs...

Von RebekahHunt

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Basically you and your life with the Maximoffs :) Mehr

Chapter One - Meeting Magda
Chapter Two - Meeting Peter Maximoff
Chapter Three - Welcome to my Addiction
Chapter Four - Peter's Collection
Chapter Five - First Day of School
Chapter Six - Lunch and Such
Chapter Seven - When Those People Come In
Chapter Eight - "This is Ice Queen When She's Younger?"
Chapter Nine - Changing History (Hope's P.O.V.)
Chapter Ten - Changing History (Peter's P.O.V.)
Chapter Eleven - "Wanna Come to my School?"
Chapter Twelve - "He Wants to be Our Dad Now"
Chapter Thirteen - "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa... No Kicking Butts Without Me!"
Chapter 15 - Peter Beats The Heck Out Of A Evil-Doer
Chapter 16 - Sleepover!
Chapter 17 - Peter Wants To Marry You!
Chapter 18 - So... Who Kidnapped You?

Chapter 14 - First Day of Mutant School!

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Von RebekahHunt

The next morning, your alarm rang at 7am. You rolled out of bed, groaning and turned it off. You stood up and walked over to your dresser and grabbed a cute plain lacy black dress, with matching tights, some underwear, and a black bra. You opened the door leading to your bathroom and got into the shower. After that, you got dressed and walked back to your bedroom and found black ballet flats. You grabbed your backpack and heading out to the dining hall for breakfast. You decided that you should probably sit at the same table you did yesterday and so, you did. You forgot what your first class of the day was, so you took off your backpack and unzipped it. You found your schedule and realized that you had Mutant History 101 first with Logan. You grinned and couldn't wait to be taught by him. You figured he would know a lot about it, considering he was one of the very first X-Men. You looked over your schedule and realized you only had four periods. You grinned and were very pleased with this.

The following classes were Elemental Powers with Professor Storm, Time Travel for Beginners with Professor Xavier and then finally, How to protect yourself and your fellow Mutants with Professor Grey. You had heard a lot about about Professor Storm and Grey and you were excited to finally get to meet them. You were about to try and go find Peter, but as soon as you stood up from the table, he comes speeding towards you. He knocked you over, with a forceful hug. You laughed really loud and he asked if you were okay. You said yes and told him to sit. While sitting down, Peter asked you, "Are you officially ready for today?"

"Yes! I forgot what schedule looks like. Can I see again?" You asked him curiously, while putting your head on his left shoulder. He nodded yes and took off his silver backpack and said, "I love you." And surprised you with a kiss on the lips. You blushed and said, "I love you too. Now gimme your schedule."

Peter laughed and unzipped his backpack and searched for it in the mess of the stuff that was already in there. Peter's backpack was like a girl's purse. You looked at him and said, "Seriously? You're worst than me with my purse."

"Am not!" Peter replied and stuck his tongue out at you. You stuck yours back at him. He finally found his schedule and handed it over to you. His was Concealment with Raven, Speed Control with Hank (who knew?), Mutant History 101 with Logan, and the only class the both of you had together, How to protect yourself and your fellow mutants with Professor Grey. You sighed and said, "The only class we have together is the last class of the day. That sucks."

"Well, it could be worse. Hey, you need to make more friends, anyways!" Peter encouraged, but you knew he felt the same way. You frowned and said, "But... I don't like other people."

Peter laughed and said, "Yes you do. More than me, at least. I'm sure you'll be okay. It's gonna be fun! We don't have to worry about any humans figuring out that we're mutants anymore."

You smiled slightly at him and said, "I guess. I know Wanda and I have Mutant History 101 together. I guess I can have the first and last class with you guys. I think I just might survive."

Peter grinned at you and said to you, "That's my Hope." And kissed the top of your head. "Now where is everyone and the food?" He asked you and you laughed. The top three things that were always on Peter's mind was You (Hope), How fast he could run anywhere, and Food. Peter loved food, but as much as he ran and as fast as he did as well, it wouldn't matter how much he would eat. He'd always burn it off.

"I don't know." You said and right after you said it, The professor all came in. You waved at them and most of them waved back. Peter just smiled and then, the students filled in to the dining hall. Wanda waved at you and sat down next to you. She hugged you and Clint sat down beside Peter. They fist bumped and started talking about stuff. For breakfast, you had a huge cinnamon bun, some milk, and a banana. Leslie had the same thing, but she chose chocolate milk. Once breakfast was over, Professor Xavier dismissed you all for first period and Leslie, Wanda, and you all walked to Mutant History 101 with Logan. Of course, it was way across the school. The three of you basically ran together down the halls and across the lawn. You entered Logan's room just in time. There were luckily three empty spots in a row, so the three of you took them. You looked around and you didn't know anyone else in the room besides Wanda, Leslie, and Logan.

Once the bell rang, Logan stood up from the chair he was sitting in at his desk and said to all of them, "Hi. I'm Professor Logan. My mutant name is Wolverine, in case any of you haven't heard of me, but when we start our lesson tomorrow, I'll tell you all about my story. Today, we're gonna introduce ourselves to each other. I don't really care about it, but Professor Xavier does. He wants you all to become friends and trust one another. He wants to set you all on the right path, here at his school. You see, Professor Xavier made the school to unite a very special team of good-willed mutants called "The X-Men". The "X" stands for Xavier of course, and I am happy to say that I have been an X-Men for a while now. He means everything to us and we will follow him to the ends of the earth. Anyways, before I get any more sappier, here's what I want you to do. I want you to come up here and say your name, what your powers are, where you're from, and how Professor Xavier found you. I know how some of you were found, but the others need to know as well. So, let's start with..." Logan said, looking around the room for someone to call on. "Blake! Come on up!"

A rather tall and lanky guy walked up in front of the room. He had red hair, green eyes, and wore a Jimi Hendrix shirt with black skinny jeans. He looked bored as he said, "I'm Blake King, I have the power to control fire at will, I'm from Dublin, Ireland, and it's pretty simple how Professor Xavier found me, really. I guess he was touring Ireland for fun and he accidentally saw me try to burn a piece of wood in a forest nearby. He came over and said to me, "You control fire?" and it went from there. He asked me if I wanted to come to his school and I said all right. He talked to my mom and she said okay. So, I'm here now."

Everyone clapped and Logan said to him, "Pick someone." So Blake pointed at you and said, "You."

You sighed and retreated to the front of the room. You grinned and said, "Hi, I'm Hope Hill. I'm from New York and I have the power to time travel, I can show people my memories and I have ice powers. I already chose my mutant name and it's Ice Queen. It's kind of a long story about how Professor Xavier found me... Well, to sum it up, me and my boyfriend Peter, Peter goes here too now, by the way, were recruited by Professor Logan here to... eh, uhm... get Professor Lehnsherr out of jail, I guess. So yeah. Professor Xavier asked Peter and I if we wanted to come to his school and the both of us said of course! That's really how basic it can get."

Almost all of the classmates clapped and looked like they were in a state of aw at you. I mean, you did already have your mutant name and you're already part of mutant history. A girl your age raised her hand and said, "I have a question... Are you the girl that helped them stop Stryker?"

"Uhm... Yeah, I mean in a way." You answered and Logan explained to her, "Yes, Miss Hill here helped me save the mutant race, along with Peter Maximoff. They were very useful and they probably know a lot more of their strengths and weaknesses than you, but that's okay. This is a school and we are certainly going to help you figure them out."

The girl smiled at him and said, "Thanks." You kept awkwardly standing in the front of the room and asked Logan, "Can I sit down now?" Logan nodded and the whole class still had their eyes on you. You sat down and the rest of the period went on until the bell rang for period two. You said goodbye to Wanda and Leslie, as they had no more classes with you. The girl that had asked you the question earlier caught you in the hallway and said, "Hey! What do you have next period?"

You looked at her, a little surprised at why she wanted to know so bad and replied simply, "Elemental Powers with Professor Storm. You?"

She grinned and replied, "I do, too! Do you wanna walk with me there? I'd love to get to know you more! You seem really cool and I'd like to become friends, if we have stuff in common. I'm Jenna, by the way. I've got the power of flying."

You nodded and said, "Sure you can walk with me! Have you heard anything about Professor Storm?"

She nodded no and said, "No, not really. I've just heard that she can obviously control the weather."

The both of you walked together down the hallway and into the classroom. You saw Sandra over in the corner, so you introduced her to Jenna. They said hello and you all sat down near each other. The bell rang and a tanned women with black long hair and a white streak in the front came into the room. "Hi, my name is Professor Storm." She said to the class and smiled. "Some of you are not sure why you're here yet, but that's okay. We have seen some potential in all of you in the element powers. You might not have some yet, but maybe you have some powers that are still hidden inside yourself. You never know until you try. Anyways, what I want us to do today is to talk to each other and get to know each other. Today is probably the only day where I am going to let you do this, so take advantage." She grinned and the students talked to one another.

"So, Jenna... Do you think you have elemental powers?" You asked her and she frowned and replied, "Not really. I mean it's possible that I might have wind powers or something because I can fly, but other than that, I don't think so. What about you, Sandra? What's your powers?"

"I... I-I have plant powers..." Sandra explained and Jenna smiled at her and said, "That's awesome! I bet you can do really cool stuff!"

Sandra smiled slightly at her and said, "Yeah, I can make flowers grow faster and everything like that! I love my powers!"

"Do you have your mutant name yet?" Jenna asked her and she nodded no. "Me either, but Hope here does. Her's is Ice Queen."

The three of you talked for the rest of the period, but Jenna did most of the talking. Jenna was really friendly and outgoing. She was the type of person that would love anyone and anyone would love her as well. You had no one you knew in your next period with Hank, so you just listened to him talk about himself the whole period. Well, I guess everyone did because he told you all about the history of the school the whole period. You were honestly about to fall asleep until the bell rang, signaling for the last period of the day, How to protect yourself and your fellow mutants with Professor Grey. It was the class that you and Peter had together and you felt someone grab your waist from behind, as you were walking down the hallway. You spun around and said, "Hey!" but then you saw Peter.

"Peter! I missed you!" You exclaimed, giving him a tight hug. He blushed and replied, "I missed you too. Now c'mon, we gotta go to class!" He held the back of your head and sped off to the classroom. He stopped and removed his hand from your neck. He opened the door for you and said, "Ladies first." You smiled at him and walked inside. A long brown hair, brown eyed lady was sitting in the chair at the desk. You knew it was Professor Grey. You thought about all the good things you had recently heard about her and you wondered if she would like You and Peter. You two sat in the back, as you both were the first two there. After a few minutes, the rest of the class filed in and sat down. The bell rang and almost immediately, Professor Grey introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Professor Grey. I'm so excited to be teaching you all! I have a passion for teaching other mutants, so I am ecstatic to be teaching the future X-Men, as I am a current member of the X-Men now. In this class, you will learn how to protect yourself and the rest of your race. It was originally taught by Professor Xavier, but he thinks that I can teach it better now. Anyways, I am very excited and I hope you will enjoy this class as much as I did when I was younger! Today, I want you guys to read! Read a magazine, a book, anything! I have a lot of reading material in here, so don't worry if you don't have anything. Reading makes you more knowledgeable, so for today, it's a reading day!" Professor Grey explained and you heard Peter groan. You knew that he hated reading, so this will be painful for him.

You snickered at him and he asked, "What? Are you laughing at me because you know I hate reading?" You nodded and just kept laughing. The rest of the period went fast for you, but painfully slow for Peter. Once the bell rang, it was time for lunch.

"Finally!" Peter said, racing you to the dining hall. Before you could get there, you heard a loud "HELP!" So Peter stopped and looked around. You saw Wanda, panicking. You both ran over to her and asked, "Wanda, what's wrong?"

"Clint... Someone just attacked Clint!"


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