The fate I'd fear you'd have.

By drakfreddy1012

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(imma do this story because this ship is underrated) though, had you ever wanted to protect someone? love th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 42

106 4 27
By drakfreddy1012

A\N: Meg thought it was the end of the book XD

Demo woke up by the sound of a snap.

she perked her head up, now ready to attack anything out there.

plus, Demo would get sleep if she wanted to.

but she only sleep for a few seconds or so. minutes might count as well.

she looked everywhere, but mostly looked where Burt was.

of course, she rolled her eyes once she Burt with Sven.

not surprising anymore.

well, since she awake, she might as well say awake.

how long have they been in the wild, days? weeks? months?!

it been weeks.

but months? Demo doubts it.

she just can't wait to get to safety.

but she knows nowhere is basically safe.

it's quite sad, but makes sense when the toppats are chasing after your butt.

Demo looked at the couple, sleeping on each other.

clearly, Demo doesn't understand.

Burt has to know Sven is the third in command.

one of the important people in the toppats. urg.

it clearly puts Burt's life in danger.

so loving each other it's a huge risk.

but guess they'll take that risk.

Demo couldn't believe it once she found out.

Sven, or so she thought, was putting them in clear danger.

but, Burt put his life on the line for him.


Demo scoffed.

she didn't care Sven. not one bit.

she knew he was bad from the start.

but Sven never did anything bad... right?

hope not.

 but Demo didn't care if he did anything bad or not.

he's a toppat.

and how much she hates them, she'd rather rip Sven into small pieces.

but if Burt's happy whenever he's with Sven, then she'll let them be.

even if she has the urge to kill him and fed his body to a bear.

she was lying on the ground, staring at the dark blue sky.

then she looked at, once again; Sven and Burt.

oh lord.

it might be a long week.


the sun shined again, when is the day gonna be cloudy?!

it is, but you can feel the sun. for some reason.

Demo blinked twice at the grey sky.

'i want it to rain.'

Demo thought, smiling to herself.

though, there might be a chance of rain..

fuck the weather channel. they tell LIES.

well, that's what Demo thinks at least.

Sarah was fiddling with the backpack's zipper.

it was making that annoying zipper sound.

Demo walked over to Sarah, now wanting to take the backpack away from her.

"how long have you been awake Sar?" Demo asked.

now, Sar is a nickname Sven gave Sarah.

but Demo likes it when Burt says Sarah's name like: Sara.

it sounds the same-

Sarah shrugs. 

"n-n-not sure. there is no time to tell. back home, there was always an old clock that would strike at 7 am." Sarah explained.

Demo and sighed and looked over to where Burt and Sven are.

Sven is asleep, but Burt is not.

Burt enjoying the warmth he needed for the past 2 days.

Demo decided to talk to him..

for a bit.

before Sven wakes up.

"hey.." Demo whispered to get Burt's attention.

"hm?" Burt hummed, making eye contact with Demo.

"i need to speak to you about.. him." Demo pointed her paw at Sven.

"what about him?" Burt asked, raising an eyebrow.

it was quite weird for Demo to ask about Sven.

unless if she wants to judge him.

"did you even know that he's.. the third in command?" Demo asked.

Burt nodded, making Demo get off guard.

"what?! how do you even trust this man?!" Demo cried. she doesn't even care at this point.

"look, it took awhile for me to trust Sven, but he's... not what you think he is.." Burt fiddled with his thumb

Burt knew Sven the best so he wasn't clearly lying, but something tells Demo something else.

"still, he's just putting you in danger! your wanted in the toppat clan!" Demo pointed out.

Burt suddenly got annoyed and rolled his eyes.

of course Demo noticed, and decided to make a fuss.

"did.. did you just roll your eyes?!" Demo snapped.

Burt didn't make eye contact and ignored Demo.

he was sick of her telling him the same things over and over and over again.

that's when Burt felt something painful in his stomach.

he hated it already.

he had the urge to vomit.

'but i didn't even eat anything?! then why...?'

Burt's mind raced with questions, and they blurred Demo's voice.

"are you listening to me?!" she cried.

Burt took in deep breathes, in and out.

causing Demo to stop screaming.

the sound of Burt breathing in and out, woke Sven up.

strange to him like this.

"are... are you okay?" Sven asked, but Burt shook his head.


"i..i ... n-need to.." Burt's face showed green, causing Demo's eyes to widen.

"to...!!" Burt couldn't even finish what he was gonna say.

that's when he threw up a whole shit ton of.. blood.

Burt coughed in the progress, he was shaking badly.

everyone paused.

Sarah wished she didn't see that.

is Burt even okay?!

turned out all the liquid they put on him so way too strong.

but he's okay.

i guess..

Burt stayed quiet..

and shocked. of what just happened.

he hated it all.

"do you need to drink water?" Sven asked.\

of course, he had to be the one to break the silence.

"yeah... please.." Burt shivered.

Demo stared at Burt, wondering what she could have done to prevent this...


writers block got the best of me-

Words: 853

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