The Amazing 5 Boys Who Are TH...

By nicnicangeline

3.7K 42 22

What happens when Will and his sister Bec find out that they have a new sister. What's going to happen to the... More

The Amazing 5 Boys Who Are THE COLLECTIVE
Chapter 2
Update Note
EPILOGUE !!!!!!!


169 2 4
By nicnicangeline

~~~ next day ~~~


I woke up and I had no idea but Julian was sleeping in my bed !! I think I must of fell asleep in the lounge room and he probably carried me to bed and went to sleep. I don't know what happened. Just a guess. But I liked him sleeping in my bed considering I love him so I guess it's fine.

He was facing the side so I went to put my arm around him but he scared me as he turned around. "Thanks for scaring me Julian !!" "No worries babe". I gave him one of my faces that he knows and he nodded. OMG !!! Yayyayyyy !!!! He started to kiss me again. I miss his kiss from yesterday !!

We got up and he finished his packing for his flight later. Yes he has to go to Sydney for X Factor now with the boys. Me gonna have no one now at home.... Uh oh .... I just realised something. Since they won't be here Lachie can easily hurt me !!!! SHIT !!!!! This can't happen. He can't know I'm here by myself. 

"Julian !!!!" I screamed ! "What's wrong ?!" He's worried face is so cute. Oh stop worrying about his cuteness. I couldn't stop staring at his face and lips. Far out. "I know you love my face and you want to kiss me but. Tell me what's wrong first". "i can't stay here by myself !!" He gave me a confused and worried face. I started to cry and he hugged me. He let go and I just managed to tell him. "Lachie !!!! He could come hurt me. He can do anything if he finds out I'm here by myself !!!!" "SHIT !!! I totally forgot !!!"

I ran to go see the rest of the boys and I just sat on the stairs in their waiting for one of them to wake up. I had tears falling down and Julian just kept hugging me from behind. All of a sudden Trent woke up and realised I was sitting on the stairs with Julian. He jumped which made us laugh. That made the rest of the boys wake up. "What are you two doing here. Nicole you do realise we're shirtless and just in our boxers" he laughed. "Hey me fine with it. I got Julian !!! And don't forget I have Will as he is my annoying and loving brother. Soz bro, still love you though." I said while poking my tongue out. "Hahaha whatever Niki !!" He called me Niki !! "Trent called me Niki !!! My nickname that I haven't been called as in agess." I exclaimed while doing a little dance. They all laughed at me. "Anyways Nicole, what were you doing in here in the first place ?" Trent asked me. I didn't want to talk. So I leaned into Julian's chest so he knew to talk. He told them how I can't be myself here while the boys are gone because of Lachie and how he can do anything. They all screamed out "SHIT !!!" Just like me and Julian did earlier. Well I screamed it in my head but same thing. I screamed it. 


I woke up at the same time as Jayden and Zach due to Nicole and Julian laughing. Trent laughed while saying "What are you two doing here ? Nicole you do realise we're shirtless and just in our boxers." She smiled saying "Hey me fine with it. I got Julian !!! And don't forget I have Will too as he is my annoying but loving brother. Soz bro, still love you though." She poked her tongue out too which made me laugh. I heard Trent call her Niki and I wasn't sure how she would take it but surprisingly she exclaimed "Trent called me Niki !!! My nickname that I haven't been called as in agess." while doing a little dance. We all laughed at her because of how crazy she is. Trent asked her what she and Julian were doing here in the first place and I saw her lean back into Julian's chest so I straight away knew something was wrong. That's when Julian explained to us that Lachie could do anything to Nicole if he found out if she was here by herself. We all screamed out "SHIT !!!"

Nicole screamed "Me want piggy back !!! Hahahah ". They all screamed out that they wanted to piggy back her so she had to choose and she chose Jayden which was funny, I actually thought she'd choose Julian but it's just a piggy back hahah. Julian gave her a sade face but Nicole told Jayden to walk over to Julian so she could kiss him. 

They left the room and I went to get my phone to text Ronan about Nicole.

Text to : Ronan

Hey I need to ask you an urgent question. My sister is going to be left at home alone and her ex boyfriend just bashed her up yesterday. We all just realised that he can do anything to her if he found out that she was alone. So could I bring her with me and the boys so we know she's safe ?       Will.

Text from : Ronan

Yeah sure, We don't usually let but for this reason definitely. We'd rather her to stay here than at home alone if something does happen because she'll be safe here. 

Text to : Ronan

Thanks man

Text from : Ronan

Don't mention it

I went to go see Nicole and the boys. I saw her running away from Zach and Julian with their phones with them chasiing her all around the backyard. It was quite funny. I looked at Jayden and Trent and as Nicole came back in with their phones us 3 tackled her to the floor and tickled her so much that she then dropped the phones so the boys could get it back. It was actually quite funny. I told Nicole the good news. "Nicole, I just spoke to Ronan and he said you can come with us boys to Sydney. You're allowed to stay with us while we're on X Factor." She had a massive smile on her face. I knew it was for a few reasons. She's always wanted to go to Sydney, she wanted to see the contestants, she wanted to get away from Lachie and she told me she wanted to come be with us. She said if she had to stay home without us she couldn't do it. She ran up to me and gave me a big hug. I looked at Julian and I couldn't explain how happy he is. All the boys are happy. "Go pack your bags Nicole !!"


Will just told me I can go to Sydney with them because of Lachie !!! OMG yayyayyyyy !!!!!! So happy. Now I have to pack my bags.

~~~ Hours later ~~~ 

I finally finished packing. We had half an hour till we had to go to the airport. We all got changed and made sure we had everything we needed. This is so good. I can get away from Lachie for a while. Phew !!!!

After a while we got to the airport. We checked in and went for a walk and sat down somewhere. Then all of a sudden it was time to board. We took our seats on the plane. I got to sit between Will and Julian !!!! I looked to my right and I recognised someone. It was Rebecca. "Rebecca !!!" "OMG !!! Nicole !!" we started texting each other like crazy and then someone took their seat next to window next to her. I looked at who it was. It was out of nowhere Lachie !!!! What how could it be Lachie. I hit Will and Julian. They looked at me really angry so I just pointed to Lachie. They were shocked. Both they're expressions changed dramatically. It was actually quite funny.

Will turned around to tell Trent and Zach and Julian told Jayden.

We finally got to Sydney. Oh Sydney Sydney Sydney. About time. We walked off the plane and we all went to get our suitcases. 


We were all on the plane and Nicole saw Rebecca so they started texting each other like absolute crazy but then all of a sudden Nicole pointed out that Lachie was on the plane. Lachie was sitting next to Rebecca. I was holding her hand and she started to shake heaps. I told her it would be okay but obviously she wouldn't believe it.

We had all finally landed in Sydney. We got off the plane and we walked to get our suitcases. I gave Nicole a piggy back as we went to get our suitcases. Nicole was so scared. She jumped off after a while and we got our suitcases. We finally got them and she couldn't stop hugging my arm considering Will insisted he took her suitcase with his. You can tell how close Nicole and Will are. 


We all got off the plane and got our suitcases. I texted Nicole explaining why Lachie was with me on the plane.

Text to : Nicole my girl <3

Umm you know how you're in Sydney to go to X Factor with the boys. Well I have to be there too for Lachie because his brother Nathaniel is on X Factor too. Sorry. Nathaniel did kind of say to the judges that Lachie couldn't stay by himself because of you. Sorry

Text from : Nicole my girl <3

Umm that's why I'm here too. I told them that he can do something too. I'm extremely heaps scared.

After that, while I was walking I could just see Nicole on the floor. I ran up to her and she was crying so much. I tried comforting her but it didn't work. I did actually know why she was crying. It was because Lachie was here and he was going to be at X Factor because of Nathaniel.  Lachie ran up to us and I screamed out so loudly hoping the boys heard me "Don't you dare touch her Lachie, you've done enough damage to her don't ya think ??!?!!" The boys heard because I saw them running through the crowd. I told them what I told Nicole in the text. I saw Julian give his suitcase to Trent so now he had to carry 2 suitcases. I don't know why but them Julian lifted Nicole up and carried her out with the boys so then I understood. 


Me and the boys were walking to the car while Julian was carrying me. He always carries me when there's somehting wrong. I like it. I whispered in his ear "Can we just be together ?! All the boys say we'll be a cute couple and I think so too. We are extremely close and we did kiss after all and stuff. He replied saying "Please !!" I nodded and he then kissed me. Yayyayyay !!!!!!!


We all started walking to get to the car so we could go. But then I heard Julian scream out to me  and he had asked where Nicole was. I stopped all the boys and we looked behind. We heard Rebecca scream "Don't you dare touch her Lachie, you've done enough damage to her don't ya think ??!?!!" I thought to myself "Shit". I then saw Nicole on the floor cyring while Rebecca was trying to comfort her. We all ran to them. Rebecca then let go of her to tell us what happened. I saw out of the corner of my eye Julian giving Trent his suitcase. He went over to Nicole and lifted her up. We all left and he was carrying her. Far out. Get together you two. It's killing me. Seriously.

We got to the car and Julian yelled out "Wait !! We have something to say ". He looked down at Nicole and she nodded. Please say what i want you to say. "Me and Nicole are together now for good !!!" Finally my sister is with Julian. Took them a while. "Finally !!!!" I yelled as I ran up to them to give them both hugs and kiss Nicole on the forehead. She whispered to me "Thank you" "For what sis ?!" "Everything. You're the best brother ever !!!!! You're everything to me ! I love you " I gave her another hug. I whispered to her "Please don't hurt him, he's like a brother to me." "I won't !!" I said out loud to Julian "Julian don't you dare hurt her. Devastate her and I'll break your face." "Got it !!" I heard Nicole then say " Be careful because he will and I'll make sure of it !!!! So don't you dare devastate me babe !!" "I'm glad to know my little sister knows me a lot now heheh !!!" "Bro, of course I do.  

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