
By honeymoonlwt

11.8K 629 98

Charlotte is a fan who has a complicated life, especially because of her father. She moves to London for her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 3

448 22 3
By honeymoonlwt

I press the lock on my phone to see the screen flash up, displaying the time of 3am. I sigh and get up, trying to reach the door handle in the dark without waking Hanna. I head to the kitchen and boil some water then I grab a mug and some cocoa powder.

"Charlotte ?"

I tense at the mention of my name but immediately realise it's just Hanna.

"Hey... Did I wake you up ?"

"Yes but don't worry it's fine. Why aren't you sleeping ?"

"I couldn't" I shrug, pouring the hot water into a second mug and holding it out to her.
She thanks me and we both sit on the couch in the living room.

"Why's that ?"

"I'm not feeling very well" I admit, pulling a face.

"Oh honey, what's wrong ?"

"I don't know, I probably caught a cold yesterday. Anyway it's not very important"

I look up at her and smile before sneezing.

"Bless you"

"Thank you"

"I hope you won't be sick tomorrow for the show ! It would be a shame if you sneeze on Harry after spilling a glass on him !" She giggles and I can't help laughing but quickly changing the subject.

"You know... I can't stop thinking about yesterday. He was so ... "

"Real ?" She smirks

"I'd say flawless and everything I had imagined"


"Anyway, what time is your train tomorrow ?"

"2 pm"

"I'll miss you"

"Me too love" she pouts.

I'm so lucky to have a friend like Hanna. She's always been there for me since my mum died two years ago and I'll always be there for her as well. Unfortunately, I don't get to see her a lot anymore because I moved to London and she's still living in Paris.

"And you, at what time do you have to be at the stadium tomorrow ?"

"Hmm I'm not sure, let me check"

I get up and grab my phone that I left on my nightstand then sit back next to her and switch it on.

"So... 5:30 pm"

"You have a front row ticket right ?"

"Yes Ma'am. Cool isn't it ?" I smirk and she answers with a giggle.

As I'm on my phone, I open Twitter and log in on my account. I'm immediately struck by the number of retweets on my last tweet and all the notifications I have. I quickly understand why my tweet got so popular.

"Guess who added my tweet to his favourites on Twitter" I smirk. Hanna looks up at me and her jaw falls open.

"No way ! Harry ?! What was your tweet about ?"

"I said met Harry Styles tonight and spill a glass of wine on his new Yves Saint Laurent shirt, why am I like this ? 😫😂"

"Jeez" she laughs and I join her

"I'm such a weirdo "

Her gaze drops into mine and we laugh even more until our stomachs hurt.

"He must have been so pissed that you ruined his shirt though"

"I know right, that's why I paid him a drink, as an apology"

"How did he find your Twitter anyway ?"

We both stop laughing and I look away for a second, trying to think about it. But I have absolutely no idea how he found it. He only knows my name.

"I don't know" I shrug.

"That's weird"

"Yeah...Well anyway I should go back to sleep. I don't want to be exhausted for the show tomorrow"

"I bet you're buzzing about it, aren't you ?"

"Actually it's the first time I'll see all of them and go to one of their concerts so yes"

"Enjoy love"

I smile and lean towards her to put a goodnight kiss on her cheek before going back to my room and immediately falling asleep, feeling completely happy.

Author's note:

Thanks for reading ! What do you think will happen next ? 😌 Vote, share & comment it would be lovely to have some reviews on my work 💜


And sorry for the short and shitty chapters, it's my first story but it will get better after :)

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