Trust - Lucas Sinclair

By aholm2

53K 1.1K 283

Mind flayer is back The gate is reopened Russians in Hawkins?? This is going to be good! Lucas Sinclair x OC ... More

Authors Note/Disclaimer
Suzie, Do You Copy? (Part 1)
Suzie, Do You Copy? (Part 2)
Suzie, Do You Copy? (Part 3)
Suzie, Do You Copy? (Part 4)
Mall Rats (Part 1)
Mall Rats (Part 2)
Mall Rats (Part 3)
The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (Part 1)
The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (Part 2)
The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (Part 3)
The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (Part 4)
The Sauna Test (Part 1)
The Sauna Test (Part 2)
The Sauna Test (Part 3)
The Flayed (Part 1)
The Flayed (Part 2)
The Flayed (Part 3)
E Pluribus Unum (Part 1)
E Pluribus Unum (Part 2)
E Pluribus Unum (Part 3)
The Bite (Part 1)
The Bite (Part 2)
The Bite (Part 3)
The Bite (Part 4)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 1)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 2)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 3)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 4)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 5)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 6)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 7)
The Battle of Starcourt (Part 8)
Extra Chapter!!
Book 4!!

Season 4 Teaser!!

940 21 26
By aholm2


That's all that Nikki saw as she floated around the non ending void of darkness and no gravity.

She didn't know how long she has been there. Maybe a few hours? A few days?

An eternity?

She didn't know. She didn't have the concept of time the outside world did. Nor did she care about the time passing.

The last thing she remembered was fighting the Mind Flayer. She was scared, tired and hurt, but the moment she fell into darkness, she didn't feel anything.

The physical pain she endured was gone, along with her feelings and thoughts.

She was simply just there.

Not going anywhere and not caring about what it meant for her.

She was dead.

But she couldn't care less.

It was peaceful. Silent.

Until it wasn't.

Nikki had a tingling feeling in her side, right where the Mind Flayer had gotten her in their last battle.

Slowly, the tingling feeling turned into a sharp, consistent pain. And that feeling spread throughout her body, until she felt like a punching bag that's been hit too many times.

The pained deepened, where she could feel it in her bones.

Nikki opened her mouth to start to scream. But, instead, she gasped with her lungs filling with air and snapped her eyes open.

She was no longer surrounded by darkness.

She was surrounded by bright lights and loud sounds that sent a wave of pain to her head.

She tried to move but her hands and feet were strapped down to the cool metal surface she laid on.

Her skin felt like it was on fire. She felt some drops of sweat trickle down her face as she let out a weak scream from the pain.

She heard rustling beside her as two figures moved in her blurry vision.

She tried to get her eyes focused on something but all they would focus on was an IV bag of blue liquid.

She caught sight of a blurry man looking over her as she let out another weak scream.

Her heart was racing and wasn't helping the pain in her body as it pounded. The sound flooded her ears, getting her to wince at the pain.

She wanted to go back to the darkness. She wanted to return to the safety of it, where she didn't have to worry about anything happening around her.

Her vision cleared and she instantly recognized the white haired man that looked at her with curiosity.

"Well, well," Dr. Brenner smiled down at Nikki as she struggled at the straps that kept her from running or pulling out the IV that was stuck in her hand.

She thought quickly and tried to make an orb to help her get out of hear nightmare. She held up her shaking hand as far as the strap would allow her to go, expecting to see a blue hue starting in the palm of her hand.

Nothing was there. She push her mind more to focus.


She looked back at the man that stood still looking at her.

"Welcome back, Nine."

Authors note

I may come back and change this if it does work with the new season coming out. But there won't be much for a change if it does. We'll just have to see!

Love ya!!❤️❤️❤️

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