Redneck Romeo [Completed]

Від BoOk_DrEaMeR

301K 6.3K 933

(Excerpt) I looked up into his gorgeous, honey-colored eyes and felt my heart begin to thrum with the love t... Більше

Redneck Romeo
*Chapter 1*
*Chapter 2*
*Chapter 3*
*Chapter 4*
*Chapter 5*
*Chapter 7*
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
*Chapter 10*
*Chapter 11*
*Chapter 12*
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
*Chapter 15*
*Chapter 16*
*Chapter 17*
*Chapter 18*
*Chapter 19*
*Chapter 20*
*Chapter 21*
*Chapter 22*
*Chapter 23*
*Chapter 24*
*Chapter 25*

*Chapter 6*

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Від BoOk_DrEaMeR

  I gently placed my head in my hand as I tried to stay awake. This class just keeps dragging on and on. It didn't help that I still had a headache from crying all night. This week was only halfway over, but it felt like it had been a life time since I had just been able to relax with my boyfriend last weekend. In fact, I don't have any plans to look forward to this weekend. Maybe that would help my glum mood.

Suddenly the bell rang, signaling the end of first block. I didn't have any interactions with Luke, which was surprising since he was in this class with me. Actually, I don't think he was even in the class. That just made my day. A huge grin broke across my face at the thought of a Luke-free day.

I walked down the hall where I ran into Sean. He took in my expression and a returning smile lit up his face.

"Why so smiley?"he asked, taking a spot to my left.

I glanced at his upturned lips,"I could ask you the same question."

"Girlfriend!"he said in his best gay voice,"You and I are besties! If you are happy, then I am happy."

I laughed and gave his shoulder a hard shove,"You are so weird! Why did I ever choose you?"

"Because I am awesome,"he said, his voice back to its normal huskiness that all the girls fawned over.

"Whatever helps you sleep tonight. Are you ready for Home Ec?"

He thought it over,"It depends what we are doing today."

"Well, we are learning how to knit, so I will take that as a no,"I chuckled as he nodded in conformation, a sour look on his face.

"I can't believe you are making me take this class! I feel like an old lady!"he complained ten minutes later as the teacher passed out our large knitting needles.

"I didn't force you! We need this class to graduate you dimwit,"I scolded, trying to do the knit one pearl two pattern that the lady in the video was instructing.

"Man this senior citizen sure can move her arm fast!"I complained, wiping a fake bead of sweat off of my forehead.

A guy sitting at the table diagonal from me laughed. I turned to give him a smile, before returning my attention to Sean who was frowning at his knotted mess of yarn. After I got it untangled, I faced forward again. Someone cleared their throat, but I ignored it. It happened again but louder and then came a tap on my shoulder.

I turned to see the guy that had laughed earlier giving me a wide smile. He was actually pretty cute, with strawberry blonde, wavy hair messily sitting atop his head and wide brown eyes. I was surprised I had never noticed him before. I wasn't even sure what his name was. Henry? Jake? Or was it Kyle?

"Hey,"he greeted,"I'm Aarron, with two a's and r's."

"Hi Aarron with two a's and r's,"I chuckled,"I'm Isabella, but you can call me Izzy."

"I know who you are,"he winked.

I gave him a strange look,"You do know that I am dating Clark, right?"

"No I didn't. Is Clark the guy sitting next to you?"

That earned him another strange look,"No. He's the star football player that graduated last year. This is just my friend, Sean."

"Why are you looking at me like that? How was I supposed to know?"

"Because EVERYONE knows Sean and they also know that I have been dating Clark for over a year. Have you been living under a rock?"

"No. I've been living in Florida,"he smirked.

"Ohhhh! You're a new student,"I smiled. I love new students!

"That I am,"the bell rang.

I grabbed his hand and started tugging him out of the room with Sean and I.

"You are going to eat lunch with us,"I cheered happily, releasing him only to clap and open my locker.

Soon we were in the lunch line. After we had gotten our slop, I led him to my usual lunch table. Everyone was already sitting down and gave Aarron questioning looks.

"Hi everyone this is Aarron. He's new here. Aarron, this is Samantha, Jared, Jessica, and of course you've already met Sean,"I intoduced everyone and they all said hi.

I sat down and Aarron followed suit. He was immediately engaged in some football talk by Jared and Sean. Something about the best quarterback or something. I decided to not even fuss over it and turned to the girls. Samantha was useless because she was staring at Jared as he spoke with admiration in her eyes. He had his arm around her shoulders and every once and a while he would look at her with evident love in his eyes.

It made me jealous. Me, Isabella, was jealous. I rarely ever got jealous. Especially over something so petty. I mean, I have a boyfriend for goodness sake! I guess I wasn't jealous of the boyfriend part, I was just jealous that she got to be around him all of the time while I was forced to only see my boyfriend on the weekends and holidays.

I shrugged it off a zoned into the conversation that I have been pretending to pay attention to. 

"Well I think that I am going to ask Toby to the girls ask guys dance,"Jessica stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I'm not sure who I'm going with,"Samantha teased, causing Jared to fake frown and shove her lightly away.

A pouty expression took over his face and he ignored her attempts to apologize. 

"Fine,"she huffed and dug around in her bag. She pulled out a white rose with a black ribbon tied around the delicate stem. She turned to him with a hesitant smile on her face and her cheeks turned a faint crimson,"I was going to wait until tonight and make it more romantic. But, will you go to the dance with me?"

He seemed to think about it which slowly made Sam's lips drop. Finally he turned with a cheesy grin,"Of course Sammy!"

Her face burst with a grin and she lifted up to give him a quick peck. She had given us this whole spiel the other day about how she hates large amounts of PDA. I am totally with her on that one. Unless it is at a party, then I have no limits.

The whole table burst into cheers and I laughed at how sweet the whole situation was. Then I about had a heart attack.

"I forgot to ask Clark! When is it?"I asked hastily, looking around the table for an answer.

"This weekend, silly. Just call him and ask,"Jessica offered.

"I wanted to do it in person,"I pouted.

"Well, it is on Saturday so drive down there after school and ask him. I'm sure that it isn't too late,"Samantha rassured and I gave her a greatful smile.

Before the bell rang for us to leave, I text both of my parents telling them the plans. They hadn't replied by the time I was sitting miserably in my third block. Sean had a football meeting so I had nobody to talk to. Boo.

The teacher gave us our assignment, but I didn't get to start because the door burst open to reveal the one and only Luke Anderson. Where has he been all day? Why did he have to ruin my Luke-free day?

I groaned and he gave the teacher his late slip. He plopped down beside me and I turned to give him a glare. He just returned my hateful look with a bright smile before turning his attention to the assignment.

The day went by quickly despite Luke's reappearance. I just stomached the cheery smiles that he kept sending me and tried to look forward to asking Clark to the dance. Happy endorphins flooded my brain when the final bell rang and I tried my best to not jump up and down in excitement.

I gathered my things and quickly went to my locker. I opened it and switched out my books for the homework that I probably wasn't even going to do. When I slammed the locker back shut I was startled by Luke with a cheshire grin that made him look mental.

"Asshole, you about gave me a heartattack,"I tsked and tried to walk around him to the exit.

He stopped me before I could even make it two feet. I turned to give him a glare. I don't have time for his bullshit.

"There is no way you are leaving I have something to show you."

"There is no way I'm stay ing. I have places to be and people to see,"I pressed back, but his strong grip wrapped around my elbow and practically dragged me up a set of stairs that I never knew existed.

"Where are we going?"I asked in confusion, my anger overwhelmed by curiosity.

"Narnia,"he smirked and I slapped his arm.

We finally made it to the top and he opened a heavy metal door with a key that I noticed to be one of the school's collection. My eyebrows squeezed together once more but I didn't open my mouth knowing I would get my answer soon enough.

I stepped out onto the concrete floor and a slightly chilly breeze began to whip my hair around my face. I scanned around me as Luke closed the door with a groan. There was a picnic blanket spread across the middle of the school roof. There were various things from broken lawn chairs to a few packs of condoms. Now we know what the school roof is for.

He led me to the blanket and forced me to kneel down. He got down and sat across from me.

"What do you think?"

"I think that you are wasting a lot of time and creativity on me. I'm sure any other girl would be kissing the ground you walk on right about now,"I shrugged and began to get up.

"Just sit down and eat. I made your favorite chicken salad sandwich,"he grinned and I gave him a glare.

I stood up and looked down at him impatiently,"We are not dating. We are not friends. Now, like I said before, I have places to go."

"You are just saying that to avoid me,"he smirked.

"No. I have to go and see Clark."

"Who's Clark?"he asked in confusion.

I gave him an 'are you serious?' look,"He's my boyfriend and he wouldn't be very happy if he saw what you are doing."

I spun on my heel without a second glance. I hate him so much that it hurt to refrain myself from smacking him. I fumed as I climbed into my car, now twenty minutes later than I should have been.

I sped almost all the way to the campus, only stopping to pick up a tiger lily for Clark. I squeeled into the parking lot and crossed the pavement to find his dorm building. I climbed the stairs trying to erase the frustration from my face and replace it with a wide grin.

I rapped my fists on the door a couple times before it opened and showed Clark's roommate, Greg. He gave me a smile that I returned.

"Is Clark here?"I questioned.

He gave a nod and opened the door wider for me to enter. I walked through and saw Clark lounging back on his single bed with a xbox controller in his hands. When he saw me enter his face brightened up and he turned off the gaming system.

"What ya playing?"I asked, holding the flower behind my back.

"Black Ops. What did I do to earn a visit from my beautiful girlfriend?"he grinned and patted the spot next to him on the bed.

As I walked over I realized that he was shirtless and only wore a pair of bright orange UT sweatpants. I struggled to make my gaze fall back onto his electric eyes as I plopped down beside him.

"I came to ask you to the Girl's Ask Guys Dance,"i grinned and handed him the flower.

"Oh gosh. I don't know what to say! Let me go ask my BFF and then I'll get back to you on that,"he said in a feminine voice before crawling over to where Greg was and whispering in his ear.

Greg seemed to ponder something before nodding and whispering back. Clark excitedly bounded back towards me and fluttered his eyelashes. He licked his lips trying to act like a sexy girl and leaned forward over me. I shuddered as his body heat collided with mine and he gave me a crooked grin.

"After much contemplating,"he began,"I've decided to agree to come to the dance with you on one condition."

I gave him a bewildered look, but motioned for him to continue.

"You have to kiss me."

Before giving me any time to repsond he leant forward and pressed his soft, warm lips against mine. It wasn't too long, just short and sweet. A goofy grin overcame my face as he pulled away and just looked into each other's eyes.

"Get a room!"Greg gagged from his place at the desk.

"Whatever,"We both shrugged it off and he gave me a big hug.

"How about I take you out for dinner?"I offered.

"I would love too, but let me check my class schedule first,"I nodded and he went to look at a calender on the wall.  He frowned and I glanced at the clock. 4:30.

"I have a class at 5, but I have that class with Greg so he can lend me his notes. Just let me get dressed and we can be on our way."

I nodded and sat down on his bed. I have the best boyfriend ever.


Not the best ending but I wanted to save the date for the next chappie.

I hope that you enjoy :)

Okay, thank you so much for the comment, now on this chapter I need a comment AND three votes before I update the next chapter!

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