The Hostage - Suayeon fanfic...

By Uyenlai810

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Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 27
chapter 28 - end

chapter 26

428 28 0
By Uyenlai810

Chapter 26.

Bora's supercar rushed on the road, the fear inside Siyeon seemed to explode.

"I'm still watching, can't predict the exact time, so please come back as quickly as possible."

- Damn - her nerves were tense like strings, her heart was about to burst.

On the way, Siyeon kept praying, her intelligent forehead wrinkled, her eyes widening, her pupils seemed to want to break ...

- Please…

Bora used to drive like crazy to save Siyeon….

This time Siyeon also needed to be like that….

- Please ... please ... Bora can't die - Siyeon tightened her lips, her gaze focused on the distance ahead, not daring to blink once.

With her best effort, after only 3 hours, she came home.

- YOOBIN !!!

Siyeon ran like a ghost chasing inside the house, giving the bottle of antidote to Yoobin….

Yoobin quickly took it, then inserted the needle, infused Bora, after a few times, finally passed half a liter ...

The heart rate monitor was still running, there was no sign of standing still, Mr. Lee Myungsoo wore thick glasses, looked closely at the screen ...

- The virus is in a stopped state, it seems the medicine is working ..

Siyeon sighed in relief, she shed tears in happiness ...

- Injuries are slowly recovering, Siyeon, look, the antidote is walking towards the destroyed parts, the path is the opposite of the virus - Yoobin showed Siyeon.

- Who created these? Genius - Mr. Myungsoo opened his mouth in shock.

- So ... when will she wake up? - Siyeon asked with a trembling voice, her breathing still fast from the speed trip just now.

- I don't know, but things are so positive, just a few more hours, the destroyed parts will heal, if at this rate.

- Yoobin, thank you so much.


Yoobin and Mr. Myungsoo left, the room left with only Siyeon and Bora, she was lying beside Bora, continuing to hold Bora’s hand. On the screen, the antidote is still on the move and making the healing process ..

- Bora, everything has been settled, I'm feeling very happy.

- …………

- I will always be by your side, when you wake up, the first picture you see is me, I can't wait for that moment ...

- ……… ..

- You’re safe, my love - Siyeon pressed her face against Bora's head, she watched Bora at a close distance, waiting and waiting….

After a few hours, as Yoobin predicted, the antidote reached its final point, which was the first point when the virus started, that position was on Bora's wrist.

Siyeon lifted her head and looked at Bora, anxiously waiting ..

She waited, and waited, and waited….

Bora hasn't woken up yet ...

The breath is still there, the heart is still beating ...

Feeling puzzled, Siyeon picked up the phone to call Yoobin, reporting the status.

"I don't know, there is only way to wait, please be patient a little bit"

And in the end, Siyeon waited until the night ...

After a total of 11 hours, ever since Bora was given the antidote, she is still in a coma ...

- Bora ... when will you wake up ... I need you ... I really need you - Siyeon nuzzled her face into Bora's neck, and cried again ..

Although she didn't want to, but she couldn't stop her tears from flowing, she didn't understand what was going on ...

She took Bora’s hand, placed it on her cheek, she inhaled the warmth coming from that hand, and held herself back, to be a little more patient, Bora would definitely wake up, she needed more patience ...

The night was coming, and Siyeon was extremely difficult to sleep, and her mind was gradually taken over by negative thoughts ...

Could it be, Minji deceived her, this is not the antidote ...?

Maybe, she couldn't make it back in time, right ...?

And she brought all that stress, fell into a deep sleep, ... ..

During that time, Siyeon had had extremely bad dreams, and fortunately she was unable to remember those dreams in detail when she woke up ...

But why tonight, she has a feeling, this dream is very clear, she is aware of it, she remembers it ...

In the dream, there were Siyeon and Bora ...

Why is it such a terrible dream, with Bora here? it is impossible….

In a chaotic crowd, Siyeon could not tell where she was standing, she saw Bora standing far away from her, she chased after Bora, but Bora coldly walked away ...

Bora’s face is very expressionless, different from real life, since she met Bora until now, Bora has never looked at her like that ...

Kim Bora, Siyeon’s dear, she always looks at Siyeon with an extremely emotional look, her gaze, will make everything vibrate, even inanimate objects.

But why did Bora look at Siyeon so cruel in this dream ...

Siyeon couldn't help herself from hurting ...

She was really in pain, and she cried again ...

Siyeon thought that if she cried, the pain would disappear, like tears, but no, the more she cried, the more pain she felt.

Bora’s image became clear and fuzzy, getting farther and farther from Siyeon’s line of sight. Siyeon ran so fast to capture that image, she felt that, if she didn't do her best, she would never be able to see Bora again ...

She had screamed Bora’s name, but in this chaotic crowd, no one seemed to hear her screams, she tried to scream nonstop, her throat, her arms, hurt so much that she wanted to leave body ...

- Kim Bora, don't leave me ...


- Please God, don't bring her away, please ...

End chapter 26      

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