Stuck With You💖

By MinisterofMovies

6.3K 111 32

They have a bond through the force. Neither of them know how to stop it. Sometimes they appear in front of th... More

1- Hard to Ignore
2- Hard to Resist
3- Easy to Retaliate
4- Hard to Tell
5- Hard To Understand
6- Easy to Wonder
7- Hard to Breathe
8- Hard to Speak
9- Easy to Stare
10- Hard to Know
11- Hard to Control
12- Easy to Forget
13- Hard to React
15- Easy to mistake
16- Hard to Decide
17- Hard and Easy

14- Hard to Explain

289 7 3
By MinisterofMovies

Rey didn't know what to do. At first she just sat there on the Falcon, feeling the sweet taste of Kylo's lips on hers even though the force bond had broken she could still feel the pleading sensation for more. She was frozen there in thought before she realised what had just happened and jumped up screaming and laughing at the same time, and huge grin on her face. Then she stopped.

"What do I do now?" she said to herself.

Bringing clean scavenger clothes from her draws in her chambers, Rey removed the black clothing that she wore and put on the arm wraps and tied her hair up, she didn't need questions to why see looked like she had joined the first order. Wiping the last of the dark makeup off her eyelids, Rey walked out into the main part of the flacon. Sitting on the long holo-chess table were Rose, Finn, Poe, BB-8, and Leia, they looked worried, anxious, but when they saw Rey they all jumped up and surrounded her with a warm embrace.

"Rey! Are you alright?" Rose said.

"Of course I'm alright" Rey smiled. "What do you mean?"

"You don't remember?" asked Poe.

"Remember what?" asked Rey.

"You've been asleep, in a trace, for almost two days now!" said Finn.

"What?" Then Rey remembered; she hadn't been on the flacon when the bond had connected her and Kylo, she had been outside, training with Finn when he had walked off. She was with Kylo for hours, when she didn't wake up, they must have moved her into her bedroom thinking something was wrong, that must have been what was tampered with the connection and made it longer.

"General Leia told us that you have been having connections, with- with Kylo Ren" Rose said, shuddering at the name.

"Leia?" said Rey, looking over to the General who rose from her seat.

"I'm sorry my dear, I had to tell them. The whole resistance is worried sick" Leia said.

"That's okay, I needed a way to tell everyone anyway, and it was longer than usual. But I'm fine, actually... I'm great!" said Rey, remembering Kylo's face after he had kissed her, and before when he hadn't been able to take his eyes off her.

"Rey, why didn't you tell me?" asked Finn.

"Because I can handle it myself. You were wrong Finn, he won't hurt me.... for more than more reason." said Rey.

"This is how we're going to win!" said Poe. "We can use this connection to lure him here, then we can kill him and-"

"No!" said Rey. "We're not killing him. I can see him turning back to Ben Solo! I won't be long now."

"But-" said Poe.

"Are you positive Rey?" interrupted Leia.

"Yes, please just trust me" said Rey.

Leia nodded.

"Everyone back to work now, let Rey rest" said Leia. Rose hugged Rey once more, BB-8 beeped at her, happy she was safe, and Poe nodded to her. Finn didn't move.

"Finn-" said Rey.

"Why didn't you tell me? Rey, you are the most important thing ever to me. I love you" he said. Rey was not surprised, she had felt it coming, but she still didn't know what to say.

"I don't know what to say Finn, everything's just so complicated-" she began, aware that Leia was still in the room.

"But it doesn't have to be!" said Finn, taking Rey's hands in his. "We can take down the first order together, we can be together."

"No Finn, I'm sorry, but I can't" said Rey, pulling her hands away.

"Why not?" said Finn.

"Because I love him, I love Ben" she said. Finn backed away, shock and hurt clear on his face. He stomped down the ramp of the falcon. "Leia?" Rey turned to the general.

"I'm still glad, now I'm happy" she sounded very weak. "This is a wish that came true. My Ben will be safe, and he will come home."

She sat down, she had gone pale, and her eyes looked fat away.


"Take care of him Rey, you are Dyad" she spoke before her head fell back slowly and she took the breath which would be her last.

"Leia!" Rey screamed and everything happened at the same time.


Yes. Kylo had felt it, but he knew it was really Ben who had. His mother was dead. The resistance was weak, this would been the perfect time to attack but he couldn't do it, not just because of Rey, but because of himself. He was weak just like the light was. Kylo sat on the edge of his bed just staring at the floor. Even his kiss with Rey had left his mind.

He headed to a training room, it was empty and no one could get in or see him. He threw off his cloak and his shirt, leaving a sleeveless vest to cover his muscular chest. Destroying the training droids one by one with his reed saber, sweat poured down his face and arms in rhythm with his exhausted breathing. At hearing the doors side open, Kylo spun to face the visitor, then turned off his saber when he saw who it was.

"Supreme Leader" Hux said, closing the doors behind him.

"Not so loud!" snapped Kylo.

Hux raised his eyebrows.

"A little hung over are we?" he said. "Did you have company?"

"None of your business" Kylo mumbled.

"I'll take that as yes" said Hux. "So, who was the lucky girl-"

"What do you want Hux?" said Kylo.

"I have news, the planet killing weapon is ready, it would be wise to attack at dawn" reported Hux.



"I will not attack in these circumstances" said Kylo.

"And what circumstances are they?" asked Hux.

"General Organa is dead" said Kylo, managing to hold in his emotions.

"Dead!?" Hux exclaimed, a smile appearing on his face. "Well, I do send you my regards."

Kylo held out his hand and Hux was in midair, scratching at his throat for breath.

"I don't need your regards" said Kylo trough gritted teeth. He dropped Hux.

"You are weakening Ren!" said Hux, regretting it immediately as Kylo held out his hand once more and Hux shot across the floor face to face with Kylo.

"Well then, if that's what you think General, prepare the ships for battle. We attack at dawn."

With that, Kylo marched out of the training hall, pulling on his cloak and shirt. He was not weak!

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