addicted || porco galliard <3

By misscube642

86.3K 2.3K 5.6K

having a crush on your older brothers bestfriend was hard... secretly hooking up with him was even harder. More

01 - first time
02 - sneaking in
03 - mall
04 - quality time
05 - 18
06 - talk
07 - quiet
08 - confused
09 - accident
10 - someday
11 - goodbye

3 Years

6.8K 159 226
By misscube642

this chapter is going to have EXTRA smut so... yeah i wrote this at 2am... enjoy it.

also sorry the chapter is so long lolol it has a lot of smut toward the middle

3 years later....

You're birthday had just past.

Your life has been going surprisingly well. You had gotten a small job at the ice cream place down the street with your brother Eren, he just graduated high school. Your older brother Zeke moved out a few months ago, things have been different and lonely. You and Eren have been getting along at least..But just the other day, Zeke stated he was coming back into town for a high school reunion party.. So basically, you, Eren, and Zeke were able to go since you all went to the same high school.

You haven't heard from Porco in weeks, he texted you every now and then checking in on you and your family. Sometimes you missed him, a lot.

You have had no luck with love at all, you began thinking love truly wasn't for you, something always had to go wrong. You tried going out with Colt but it didn't work out, you guys were both better off as friends. Porco was the only person in your life you truly had feelings for. You felt your best around him even though you really shouldn't have had..

"How long does it take you to put that stupid makeup on?" Eren asked you as you stared into the small mirror in Zeke's truck.

"One more second.. Gee, what are you in a rush for Eren?" You asked brushing the mascara onto your eyelashes.

Eren clicked his tongue as he laid back into the seat. "I just wanna get in there! We are already an hour late as it is."

"You're as annoying as always Eren." Zeke said scrolling on his phone and stroking his beard.

You guys were about to head into the high school, it was pretty exciting honestly..

You dressed nicely wearing a black maxi dress and black heels. You wore your hair just how you liked to and put a bit of makeup on.

"Alright, I'm ready now." You threw the bottle of mascara into your bag which sat on the floor of the car. You flipped the mirror back up.

You, Zeke and Eren got out of the car. Your stomach had butterflies in it because you were so nervous yet so excited.. You were happy to see all of your friends together once again.

"Zeke, you are our ride home right?"

"I'm the one with a vehicle, aren't I?"

You entered the school building through the front doors, there were signs everywhere to go to the school gym. There was loud music blaring your ear drums as you walked closer.

A wave of memories hit you has you passed the cafeteria. You remembered all the fights, everytime someone was asked out or even asked to prom. It felt refreshing and nostalgic.

You passed by a few people on the way, you and Zeke waved. Eren wasn't familiar with them since he was younger. Eren really shouldn't have been there either because of the alcohol, you had to be 21+.

"Alright guys! We are splitting up for the night." Zeke said before pushing on the doors to enter the gym.

"Why? Did you already find a girl to fuck?" Eren replied loudly speaking over the music. Zeke pushed his lips out, "I'm meeting up with someone."

"Who?" You asked with a curious look on your face. "You told us earlier that none of your friends were going, did you find someone else?"

"None of your business." Zeke replied and pushed open the gym doors.

It reeked of alcohol badly. It was dark and the only source of light was the colorful strobe lights coming from the ceiling. It was hot and you already felt like you were sweating.

You pulled your dress down a bit more, it was super short. It went up every time you walked which made it even more annoying.

You looked around after hearing the doors slam shut behind you, just like that you were all alone.

"Well uh... I guess I'll try to find Pieck or Colt.." You whispered to yourself and began walking.

As you walked, you spotted a table set up with a bunch of alcoholic beverages. You decided to grab a shot before heading to find your friends.

Surprisingly, the shot wasn't bad for cheap alcohol. It was strong though. You leaned on an empty table as you took a minute to process it.

Suddenly, you felt your dress being pulled down. The hands felt, familiar..

"Your dress is too short."

Your heart quickly jumped and you turned around almost knocking the table you leaned on over.

Since it was dark you could barely make a face out of the person. They were tall and built.

"Don't touch me you creep." You said sternly. "I'm here with my brothers."

  "I know you are, Zeke told me." The voice spoke. It sounded so familiar but you could barely figure out who it was. Your heart was beating against your rip cage until the light above you both shined down.


  "Yeah well.. That's my name." He replied with an awkward laugh placing his hand on his neck.

You blinked a few times, you struggled to get words out. This was so unexpected you had no idea what to do, was this who Zeke was meeting up with.

"W-what are you doing here?!" You shouted and stuttered. "You came all the way from out of state to come to a high school reunion?"

"Well I knew you'd be here because y'know.. You like to party." Porco looked down at you making eye contact.

God he looked so good. His hair was slicked back but slightly messy. His face was more framed than it was the last time you saw him. He looked like an adult now.

"You came here because I was gonna be here?"

  "Yeah.. I figured you wouldn't have let me over your house because of how things ended... This was probably the proper time."

You stayed silent. You couldn't form words. You wanted to say so many things but you didn't know how to..

His lips parted before he spoke, "You look really good.. Your dress is also too short." He looked down at the lower half of your body.

Your stomach filled with butterflies. "Like I care. You don't own me."

"Not yet I don't." He blurted out with a small laugh.

Your face quickly became hot. "I don't know what you mean by the Porco."

"Nothing.. I meant nothing..." He shook his head softly. "Do you wanna grab a drink or did you already get one."

"I had a shot already." You crossed your arms and looked away out of slight embarrassment. You felt like you embarrassed yourself already in front of him.

"Are you embarrassed?"

  "What?! No! Why would I be-"

"Don't lie to me." Porco said moving his hand closer to your face. "Your face is really warm."

  You stayed silent as his hand laid on the side of your face. He spoke again.

  "I've seen every inch of your body... And you still get embarrassed in front of me? C'mon."

  "No. It's no-"

Porco completely interrupted you as a new song came on, he put his hand in front of your face. "I like this song."

You raised your eyebrow, "I mean I guess it's alright..." You blinked a few times as he started smiling.

He looked back down at you as he put his pointer finger on your chin, he lifted your chin up to look at him. "Let's dance."

You rubbed your fingers together as they soon became sweaty, "Wait, for real?"

"Yes for real." He said quickly as he grabbed onto your hand. "It's a good song to dance to.."

Your mouth soon formed into a smile as Porco pulled you into the dance floor with him.

He moved his hands down your waist as you put your hands on his shoulders. He pulled you closer to him pushing your hips against his.

"Gosh I missed you so much." He spoke in your ear as he looked at your bottom over your shoulder. He slowly moved his hand down.

"Did you really?" You asked him being unsure.

"Why wouldn't I?" He replied and pushed you against him again.

"I don't know... We did say our goodbyes and shit which was sad."

"The goodbye wasn't proper enough." He whispered into your ear and brushed your hair back behind your ear.

"Huh?" You asked before Porco spun you around. He placed his hands on your lower stomach and used his thumbs to softly rub.

You knew exactly what Porco meant, but you didn't even bother. Your vision was already getting spirally and you wanted to say things that weren't appropriate. You were trying to contain yourself as much as you could.

"You know what I mean."

He slowly moved his hands down your stomach almost reaching your private area before you stopped him, "If you want to fuck so bad just say that..."

Porco's hands laid froze on your lower stomach again. "Really?" He asked.

"In private... Not in front of people. We can go back to my house."

"Obviously." Porco replied with slight attitude. "I can't wait until we get to your house. I want you now."

"Well... Where then?"

Porco pulled off of you and began leading you out of the crowd, still no sign of your friends. You were excited and your stomach felt warm and fuzzy. Porco looked back at you every few seconds making sure you were still following him. He stopped at a door.

"Boys bathroom? You're joking." You crossed your arms as Porco entered before you. "That's gross."

"Quit being such a prissy little bitch and get in here." Said Porco aggressively. He was desperate for you, throbbing in his own pants already.

The side of your mouth creased as you enjoyed the aggressiveness. Porco pulled you into the boys bathroom and shut the door behind him. It was empty and smelled like cleaning supplies.

Quickly, Porco placed you up against a wall and smashed his face against yours not giving you a chance to breathe. He placed his warm tongue into your mouth.

You weren't just tipsy now, you were drunk. You put your hands on the side of Porco's face and tilted yours a little as both of your tongues slid together. Porco squeezed both of your ass cheeks gripping them tightly.

You could feel Porco getting hard inside of his pants which made you go crazy. Porco began walking with you as he sloppily made out with you to the bathroom stalls.

He lifted your dress up the smallest bit before entering into the stall. It revealed your (f/c) underwear.

"W-Wait." You stuttered and pulled away.

"I can't." He replied as you began to open the stall door.

The stall was cramped as you both entered. You both were sweaty, hot, drunk, and desperate for each other.

Porco flipped the toilet seat down with his foot. "Sit down." He said as he placed you down onto the toilet.

You leaned back against the wall behind you as Porco began unbuttoning his t-shirt. You ran your fingers through your hair as you watched him.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asked you casually, as if you weren't getting soaking wet after every word he spoke.

"What do you think?" You snapped back, and though your statement was supposed to sound stern, your words slurred.

"Are you thinking about how I'm gonna fuck you in this bathroom?" Porco asked you as he stepped closer to you. "Just like how I used to fuck you, years ago."

You didn't reply. Porco sat on his knees in between your legs. His index finger trailed from your ankle to the lace on your underwear. Your back arched slightly as his hand made contact with your thigh. "I've been thinking about you for so long." Porco admitted. "The slightest thought of you gets me hard, you know that Y/N?"

You nodded your head as you smiled down at him. You felt fuzzy inside again when he began pulling down your underwear, he threw them to the side as you lifted your dress up. Without another breath Porco's tongue was against your clit. You could feel Porco form a smile as you let out a small gasp. He widened his tongue and moved up and down as you gripped onto his hair tightly.

"You haven't been touched like this in a while huh?" He asked. His words vibrated on your pussy making you quietly gasp again. Porco enjoyed it.

The way Porco was kissing and licking your bundle of nerves made you want to scream so loudly, but you weren't in private. You couldn't act how you truly wanted to act. You breathed harder and louder as the heat bubbles in your stomach began forming and a sensation grew from your core. Your hands were tied in Porco's hair as you squeezed his head with your thighs.

Porco loved the feeling of you melting for him.

There was a final kick against your pussy as Porco stood back up, he wiped his wet mouth. He exhaled heavily and replaced his mouth with his finger. He thrusted his fingers into you causing you to jolt up almost falling over. You haven't felt his good in so long.. No, this is the best you have felt. Being drunk and getting finger fucked by the man you missed the most was amazing.

You felt wild butterflies erupt in your stomach again as Porco hit your g-spot, he always knew exactly where it was. You were struggling to even get a moan out, he was going so fast. Shoving two fingers inside of you and using his thumb to stimulate your clit..

"I love seeing you struggle like this." He teased you as he made eye contact with you.

You groaned, not sure out of annoyance or how near your orgasm was. Porco didn't mind you almost passing out from the pleasure. You haven't even gotten to the best part yet. You felt your fluids leak onto his fingers and on everything under you. You leaned your head on the wall behind you again trying to catch your breath.

You felt Porco's hand reach into your hair and pull you to face him again. Your eyelids were droopy and loopy, you looked at him with a goofy smile on your face as he stared down at you. From the angle Porco was looking at you from, you looked like a meal to him, like a predator looking straight at its prey.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked.

   "Y—Yeah." You hesitated as you blinked slowly.

"Say it clearer. I wanna hear you say it."

Your eyes bored back onto him. You rolled your eyes and looked back away. You felt him grip onto your hair tighter and then pull away.

"Fine. We will do it my way then."

  "What's your way Por—"

  Before you knew it Porco was taking off his belt and his pants. He almost tripped a few times as he did so being so desperate. Porco put his arms under your shoulders and stood you back up as he sat down on the dripping wet toilet seat.

"Get on." He looked down at his erect cock.

You smirked. "You want me to ride you Porco?"

"God yes please..."

You stepped back toward Porco and put your hands on his shoulders for support. He placed his big hands on your waist as you slowly sat down onto his cock. You guys both let out a moan at the same time feeling the amazing pleasure. You have never rode Porco before, it was always him fucking you in missionary or doggy style.

You took a few seconds to try and get used to the feeling of him being inside of you, it felt different then it used to have. You barely had time to think. Porco already had began moving your body up and down.

  You wrapped your arms around Porco's neck trying to get pleasure out of this pain. It felt so good yet so hurtful.

You buried your head into Porco's neck as you started thrusting yourself onto him, he was still helping you get used to it. You bit onto his neck as you held onto him for dear life, you felt like you were going to pass out.

It started feeling really good for the both of you. Porco positioned you slightly different to hit your sweat spot. You tightened your pussy around his cock as you lifted your head.

  You pulled Porco into make out with him again as you rode on top of him. Spit dribbled out of the sides of both of your mouths. Porco's hair fell down to the sides of his hair to form a middle part as you bounced onto him.

You felt like you were gonna cum again as you sucked onto Porco's tongue. You held your mouth onto his swirling tongues again as you stomach bubbled and a sensation grew again.

Porco was getting the same amount of pleasure you were getting. The sounds of you both moaning and fucking were filling the entire bathroom. The beats of the music outside became louder as you both were about to reach your climax. Porco pushed you up and down harder as you thrusted yourself upon him.

Porco pulled his mouth not even an inch away from your as he reached his climax, you also did. Porco moaned into your mouth quietly as he pulled himself out of you.

You felt like your itch was finally scratched as you came all over Porco's lap. You felt Porco's cum land onto your stomach and start dripping down.

Porco breathed in and out as he tried catching his breath. He tried slicking his hair back again but it just fell down the sides.

You laid your head on the side of Porco's chest as he put his hands on your lower back. It was dead silent, just the sounds of you guys both breathing heavily and the music blaring from outside.

"I'm not done— yet." Porco struggled to say as he got up from the toilet he sat on with you. You stumbled backwards almost falling over, your legs were shaking, weak and you were drunk.

Porco laid his hand on your stomach wiping up his own cum. He pinned you up against the stall door and put his pointer and middle finger in his mouth making you suck his cum off of his fingers. He was still hard, he wanted you. He wanted to make you weaker then you already were.

"Turn around and bend over." He commanded. You obeyed and bent over, you put your hands in the stall door for support as Porco thrusted his cock inside of you again.

Porco began thrusting against you in a brutal pace.. He watched the ripples on your ass disappear and reappear with every hit against it. Porco grabbed both of your wrists and restrained them above your head. He used his free hand to grab onto your hair. He hit deeper inside of you with every thrust, he has touched placed nobody had ever touched before and it felt so good.

Small tears formed into your eyes realizing that you were going to cum again. Porco was overstimulating you. You loved it but hated it. Porco began teasing you realizing you were going to cum. He went slower.

You realized. "Let me cum Porco."

"Again? How many times has it been?" He asked you with a small laugh. Sweat dripped down his nose as he began going harder and faster again. You moaned loudly as Porco pulled your hair harder and you began releasing. 

Porco was about to cum again... He thrusted harder and harder. Porco released himself inside of you, a loud groan of pleasure came from his mouth as he pulled out of you. You heard your fluids dropping all over the floor.

Porco let go of your hair and wrists. You closed your eyes as everything became silent and dark.

Porco caught you before you fell over onto the hard ground. Your legs shook like crazy even when you were passed out.

Porco was just that good.

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