Expecting the Unexpected (Bak...

By LadysDaze

793K 35.7K 25.9K

"Hey... you like fucking coffee?" Had you known that Bakugou's request toward you as you both held onto your... More

A Warning Before Reading This Book
A Warning to Future Readers... Again
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 13
Week 16
Week 18
Week 20
Week 22
Week 24
Week 26
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 33
Three Months
Six Months
Eight Months
Nine Months
Eleven Months
Fifteen Months
Seventeen Months
Twenty Months
Twenty-Four Months (Part 1 Finale)
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 13
Week 18
Week 21
Week 25
Week 29
Week 33
Week 40
Birth (Part 2)
Newborn (Part 2)
Month 1
Month 3
Month 6
Month 9
Month 15
Month 18
Month 21
Month 24
Month 38
Month 39
Month 40
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Bonus #10

Month 12

5.7K 347 203
By LadysDaze

Month 12

A year passed sooner than you knew. Holidays were celebrated, school ended and started again, and your teaching life started up again. Today was a break from the usual norm luckily, as it was a certain little boy's birthday. Katsuro was officially a year old today, and thus his accomplishment was to be celebrated at the park both of your kids were fond of.

You and Katsuki were busy setting up a few picnic tables as Katsuko and Katsuro ran about the playground. Well... Katsuko ran, Katsuro mostly watched his sister from where he sat in the sandbox. His tiny hands made piles of sand into castles, and sticked various rocks and leaves into them.

"Roro!" Katsuko called from the monkey bars. "Watch me! Watch!"

Her little brother watched with awe in his eyes as his big sister successfully made her ways across the most extreme part of any playground. Katsuko landed with a smirk on her lips and her hands on her hips. Katsuro clapped for her.

"Good!" He called out, knowing a few words and was slowly starting to speak.

"I'm really good, huh?!" Katsuko ate up the praise. "I'm going to teach you one day!"

You watched with a smile on your features. Your kids got along wonderfully and you could only hope that stayed the sentiment as they got older. Speaking of getting along with someone, your usually irritable husband was working diligently.

He was putting out a few bowls of various snacks: chips, pocky, fruits. Anything that the kids and adults would be drawn to while the party went on. You scooted next to him, starting to place out the juice boxes and sodas, as well as some bottled waters.

"You're not as against inviting people for kid number two... huh?" You gently teased Bakugou.

He rolled his eyes and gently pushed you away. "I'd rather not get a headache from trying to make sense of your motherly nonsense."

You hummed and raised a brow. "That's what you say... but wasn't it your idea to invite Yuuto and Hiroki so Katsuko had someone to play with?"

Bakugou inhaled, caught off guard by how observant you were. He should be used to this by now... and yet here you were once more, making him feel like a big embarrassed fool in front of you. Even so... his heart pounded fast in his chest when you laughed and smiled brightly at his reaction.

"They're dads may be fucking extras, but their kids make Katsuko happy." He shrugged. "I'd be a piece of shit dad to deny her that."

"I'm glad you see the merit in Katsuko having good friends." You smiled and rested your head momentarily on your husband's shoulder. "Though... we still need to work on your interesting language when describing others."

"Extras are what they are." Bakugou clicked his tongue.

"Rivals, former classmates, even friends...? One of those would work better, Katsuki." You waved your finger at him.

He scoffed and tossed a pretzel at your face. You used your quirk to guide it to your mouth and happily munched down on it. You sauntered off a moment later, going towards the birthday boy. Your husband watched you go, shaking his head in annoyance, but the truth of his feelings laid with the smile that was on his face.

About thirty minutes later the guests finally started to arrive: Katsuki's parents, your mother and your father, Kirshima, Mina and their twins, Kaminari and Jirou with their daughter. Along with the Todoroki's and the Midoriya-Urarakas. It wasn't a big party, just a few close friends and their kids.

Katsuro held himself on your legs, looking at the numerous faces around him. Each bending down to say hello to him, only for the little boy to hide behind your leg. He was quite shy it seemed. You soothed the boy enough for him to say hello to his pairs of grandparents, and then it was back to hiding behind your legs.

Katsuko was the opposite. Right as she spotted Hiroki and Yuuto she abandoned her own family and dragged the little boys away from their own. The three children could now be seen playing some game of pretend in the jungle gym, laughing happily, if not a bit over the top from Katsuko.

"He looks so much like Kacchan." Midoriya spoke, bending down and looking at the shy little boy.

Katsuro peeked out at the green-haired male. He looked familiar to the boy, but he couldn't place it. Through some miracle though, Katsuro came out in front of the pair of you and gave Midoriya a little wave.

You blinked in surprise, knowing of how shy Katsuro was. And yet, it seemed he felt comfortable enough around Midoriya to actually say hello. Perhaps it was all the times Midoriya came by to pick up or drop off Katsuko... or that Midoriya's alter-ego was usually seen fighting off villains with Katsuro's father on the television.

"O-oh! Hello, Katsuro-chan!" Midoriya looked a bit startled. "H-happy Birthday."

Katsuro nodded, pulling on your legs again. He hid his face and then looked up at you. You smiled down at him and knelt down. The boy buried himself into your arms and you hummed.

"I think he likes you, Midoriya-kun." You winked toward him.

"W-what?! Me?!" Midoriya stuttered no doubt in shock that any child of Kacchan could like him.

"Katsuro has a hard time talking to others, but he just waved at you. So... I'd take it as a compliment." You smiled.

Midoriya was left in silence, mulling over what this could mean. You left him to pinder and mutter, making your way over to where everyone else was mingling, or watching children. It seemed Kaminari was performing some kind of party trick.

The straw blonde male smiled widely, holding out Setsuko to everyone before him. The little girl's face was expressionless. Watching with curiosity, if not a little concern, were Kirishima, Mina, Todoroki, Momo, and Bakugou. Jirou stood behind them all, looking slightly mortified of what Kaminari was about to show off.

"Now my former classmates!" Kaminari started. "You may ask yourselves why I am holding my adorable daughter before you all!"

He turned Setsuko to him, her expression still dull. "Well, it's because I've learned a trick that can make any baby or kid laugh!!"

Everyone looked at each other and Kaminari with expressions that seemed doubtful of his talent. Kaminari chuckled, holding up a single finger. He put it in his hair and twirled it, catching some of his locks. As he did so, small sparks of electricity started to form.

Setsuko watched with slight interest as he father slowly poked her nose with his sparky finger. The action caused a spark to fly off her nose and create a tiny little glowly spark to illuminate before her.

Suddenly Setsuko's eyes lit up and she clapped happily. A delightful little laugh sprang from her lips and she eagerly tried to catch at the spark. Kaminari made sure to hold her tightly, not wanting the baby girl to accidentally get zapped.

Kaminari then turned to everyone, showing off the now happy and bubbly Setsuko, who was crying out "Dada! Dada'' in an attempt to get him to do it again. Kirishima and Mina's eyes were just as glowly as the baby's, but everyone else looked at Kaminari with a questioning look.

"She loved it!" Mina clapped her hands, motioning to Aiko and Akane. "Look! My babies loved it too!"

True to her words, the Kirishima-Ashido twins looked just as awestruck. It seems they inherited both their mother and father's fascination with... anything and everything.

"You've really mastered how to get the attention of kids!" Kirishima proudly gazed at his friend. "Way to go, Kaminari Denki!!"

Kaminari waved them off, glad his trick went off well. Or at least he did feel that way until Bakugou spoke up.

"Must only work on idiots..." He grumbled. "Ponytail's daughter and Katsuro didn't even look impressed."

Kaminari stiffened, as if Bakugou's words were a direct hit to his heart. He recovered quickly though and glared at Bakugou.

"Maybe your kid is just hard to impress! I'd like to see you do better!!" Kaminari challenged Bakugou.

Bakugou let out a single chuckle. "Oh yeah? Then watch how a real dad does it... and how you make real fucking fireworks."

Bakugou came forward, massaging his hands for a moment before launching his hands upwards towards the sky. He let out several cries that were a match to the sounds of explosions. The sky filled with several displays of explosions, only these ones seemed to have a few tricks to them. They would explode outwardly first and leave a design in smoke when finished.

When finished, Bakugou had expected to have a smirk on his lips thanks to the adoring reactions of the kids around him. And while the kids all did look impressed, one in particular made Bakugou's smile turn into a frown.

"K-Katsuro!" You tried to calm down your son.

He was bawling heavily, trying to hide himself in your shirt. You cooed him and stroked his back, but it seemed the combination of flashing lights and loud sounds and scared him into a crying fit.

Bakugou came forward, immediately feeling terrible. He didn't want to scare his son, especially on his birthday. He looked at you and you saw the look on his face. You nodded and started to let him take Katsuro.

Right as Bakugou got his hands onto his son, the little boy suddenly let out an even louder screech and started to thrash about in his father's arms.

"Mama! Mama! Mamaaa!" He wailed, making it hard for Katsuki to hold him.

You took the boy back, calming him as best you could. Katsuki stood and watched, not knowing what to do. His son had taken one look at him after Bakugou had taken a hold of him and started to panic.

It took you a few good minutes to finally calm Katsuro down. You softly sang his favorite lullaby to him, seeing as the tears slowly dried. The party still went on, everyone seeing this as nothing more than a simple mistake that someone as young as Katsuro would be frightened of... but this was something more.

Over the past few months, Bakugou had noticed a steady decline of Katsuro wanting to be around his father. The boy would always be attached to you, and never Bakugou. This wasn't even the first time the boy had screamed when Bakugou tried to take him from you.

"Not so high and mighty now, huh Pro-Dad?" Kaminari snickered.

The sly smile on the straw blonde's face was wiped away when Bakugou sent him a look that sent chills down Kaminari's spine. Before Bakugou could curse Kaminari out though, Kirishima's hand was patting Bakugou's back.

"Relax, man!" He smiled at Bakugou. "Aiko and Akane are really attached to Mina too! It's the allure of mom's heartbeat!! They'll warm up to both of us soon!!"

"Whatever..." Bakugou rolled his eyes, though internally he hoped the shitty haired redhead was right.

"Daddy!" Katsuko suddenly called his attention.

Bakugou turned to see her running up to him, Hiroki and Yuuto on her tail. Bakugou sighed, glad that at least one kid adored him.

"Daddy! I've decided I'm going to marry Hiroki and Yuuto!" Katsuko declared with a wide smile before taking both of the boys' hands into her own.

Bakugou's mouth fell open and his eyes widened. Kirishima and Kaminari could sense trouble brewing within the ash blonde and slowly started to take steps back.

"That's it! We're getting new fucking friends with kids!!" Bakugou screamed, stopping all conversation at the party.

It was said that had it not been for your own stubborn nature, Bakugou would have ended the party right then and there. But thanks to you, it went off fine for another hour, despite your brewing husband.

They were only kids after all... and thus, nothing they said should be taken too seriously just yet.

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