collateral damage 🔞 - COMPLE...

By sd_luvs_bangtan

123K 3.6K 580

"Jungkook... I know that you love her... But can you help me understand how, and why, you would overlook ever... More

Before you read
•one• before
•two• before
•three• before
•four• later
•five• before (M)
•six• before (M)
•seven• before
•eight• later
•nine• later
•ten• before
•eleven• before
•thirteen• later
•fourteen• later
•fifteen• before
•sixteen• before (M)
•seventeen• before (M)
•eighteen• before (M)
•nineteen• before (M)
•twenty• before
•twenty-one• before
•twenty-two• before
•twenty-three• before
•twenty-four• before
•twent-five• later
•twenty-six• later
•twenty-seven• later
•twenty-eight• later
•thirty-six• later (M)
•thirty-seven• later (M)
•forty• later
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•seventy-three• (M)
•seventy-six• (M)
Author's Note

•twelve• later

1.4K 58 15
By sd_luvs_bangtan

Recap of •nine• later

Jimin and Hoseok don't have time to even process what is happening when the little girl runs to them yelling 'Papa' over and over. She grabs Jimin's leg and clings onto him like a koala. Embarrassed, he bends down to try and take her arms away from his thigh. When he does this, she begins crying and continuously saying 'Papa'... The boy she came with comes to her, and tries to pull her away, but she won't budge.

A teacher apologizes and leaves to get her guardian. After a few minutes of Jimin trying to soothe the leech attached to his leg, the door opens again. When he looks up his breathing stops...


"Park Jimin... You have alot of explaining to do."



"Park Jimin... You have alot of explaining to do."

Jimin is absolutely flabbergasted at seeing Naeun here of all places. Her anger is evident, and he knows that if they weren't surrounded by children, she would probably kick his butt. She has always been protective, and loyal, when it comes to Haerin, so he knows Naeun must hate him too. This thought makes him sad, and he finds another reason why being an idol may not have been worth it.

"Papa! Papa!"

"Mi-Hi! Let gooooo!"

Ye-Jun is growing increasingly agitated at his sister's behavior. His fear is that she'll ruin everything because she can't speak much. He loves her endlessly, but right now he's frustrated. His temper can be something to fear, and he's approaching his limit.

Naeun walks to the small girl attached to the bulky thigh of Jimin. She kneels in front of her, making the man look at her with a confused face.

"Mi-Hi, honey. Let go of him please... It's time to dance. You love to dance don't you?"


"I know Mi-Hi... We'll talk about that later. Let go so everyone can learn the dance."

Mi-Hi allowed Naeun to take her hands from Jimin's leg and be carried to the cubby area. Hoseok doesn't know at all what just happened, but he can tell his friend is deeply affected. The quiet cries of 'Mama' and 'Papa' are still heard from the little girl, but with an audience it's not the time to ask.

"H-Hyung? I-I'm s-sorry about m-my sister... Sh-she do-doesn't know any be-better."

Their attention is brought back to the young boy in front of them. He looks familiar to both of them... Like he's someone they know, or have met...

"Don't worry... We're not mad. Will she be alright?"

"Y-Yes Hyung. Sh-She will be fine."

Hoseok calls for everyone's attention, and gets the lesson underway. Jimin is thankful for the distraction from all the questions in his mind. Every once in a while he catches a glimpse of the little leech girl twirling and dancing to her own beat. He can't help but grin when he sees it. She's so carefree, but he wants to know what's wrong with her.

The kids are enthusiastic students, and they have it down in no time. Well, most of them... Mi-Hi is dancing her own version, and both of the idols find her adorable. When the song ends, Hoseok calls for a break so everyone can get some water. The 2 men sit together away from the kids, hydrating and lost in their own thoughts.

A commotion draws their attention, and they witness the little girl, Mi-Hi, trying to get out of her brother's hold. It seems she's trying to run back to attach herself to Jimin, and her brother is not having it. Jimin stands to maybe go and help when Mi-Hi sinks her teeth into her brother's hand, causing him to howl in pain. As the small girl begins to move away to get to Jimin, one of the teachers hollers at her, using her full name. This causes her to freeze. Jimin's heart pounds in his chest when the name settles in his mind. He meets Naeun Noona's wide eyes, and things fall into place immediately... Jimin whispers out the name in a breath...

"jeon mi-hi..."

~~~~~ Haerin

Once Naeun Unnie leaves with the kids, I head to change my clothes. I put on the black lace lingerie, and then the black leather pants that hug my curves. Saving the top for last to not get any makeup on it, I sit at my small vanity. I stare at my reflection in the mirror and hardly recognize the girl looking back. Eyes that used to twinkle, are now cold and empty. The easy blush I used to get when I was flustered, hardly ever makes an appearance. I see the beauty in the mirror, but it's tainted now.

The once full cheeks are now hollow, and my neck is thinner, making it appear longer somehow. Not wasting more time, I put my long, wavy hair into a messy bun and begin to apply my makeup. It's actually more like armor to me now. Where once I would apply light, natural highlights, I now use dark shades that make me look more mature than my 23, almost 24 years.

The dark smoky eye makeup, the black eyeliner, and the thick coat of mascara make my brown eyes look darker. I apply a heavy layer of blush on my cheeks, creating a contour that makes my cheekbones look sharp. Lastly, I grab the blood red stain and glide it all over my plump lips. When I'm finished, I let my hair down, ruffling it to let the dark, almost black waves cascade over my back and shoulders.

Standing from my seated position, I grab the sheer black crop top and pull it on. Buttoning it, leaving the top 2 open, I check myself in the full length mirror. Thinking I need more, I go to my jewelry box and take a black choker and a pair of large silver hoop earrings. Checking myself again, I'm finally satisfied. I grab my black heeled ankle boots and walk to the front door. After I grab my keys, phone, and purse I leave the apartment.

I notice the looks people throw my way as I hurry to my destination. I've stopped caring what others think long ago. They would never understand me, or my life. Words like 'slut' and 'whore' are whispered as I pass by women walking with their men who can't keep their hungry eyes off me. I'm dangerous to those women, because I just don't give a shit. I feel the strong gazes of those same men as if they have their hands on me already. Most of them can only dream of touching someone like me. I'm quite expensive...

I turn into an alley that brings me to the back of the club I'm heading to. It's still early, but I want to have a few drinks and maybe my friend Chul will have some X. If not that, I know he'll at least have some weed, and I can get mellow before I go to work. The security guard greets me, opening the door. Stepping inside, the music from the front vibrates my chest. It's a bass forward song that makes people feel their bodies are tingling. It adds to the effects of the alcohol and drugs people consume, somehow making them more libidinous.

I walk with confidence, and swing my hips to the music. Stopping first in the locker room, I leave things I won't need behind. I take a last look in the mirror and make my way to the bar. I see Chul pouring drinks for a couple old men that come in every afternoon. Both of them are widowed, and like to flirt with the girls here. They are completely harmless though, just lonely.

"Hey Raven! You look smokin'!"

I smile at the compliment from Chul, and take a seat next to one of the old men. I order my usual tequila shot and tell Chul to leave the bottle. He cocks his brow but doesn't argue.

"Rough day baby?"

I feel myself flinch at the name. That's what HE used to call me. I hate it when I hear it now, but it's not Chul's fault, so I let it slide.

"You could say that... You got anything special today Chul?"

"What are you thinking? A blunt?"

"If you have any, I'd rather do some X."

"Sure thing! Give me a little bit and I'll hook you up."

"Perfect! You're the best Chul-ie!"


When the dance lesson is over and the 2 idols are getting ready to leave, I watch Jimin. I want to speak to him... I want to understand why they did that to Haerin. A feeling of sadness washes over me when I think back to the girl they left behind. The girl that is lost now because she was alone when she needed them the most. I would like to believe that somehow those same people that left are the key to bringing the old Hae back.

Mi-Hi is inconsolable watching the men pack up. Her weak and tired cries are heard throughout the room. It's nap time for the kids, and I am laying down on the mat with Mi-Hi. I'm aware I was only allowed to stay in the room while the guys were here to help with the disturbed young girl.

If I were to approach Jimin here, the other parents watching in the viewing room would make a big deal. It's bad enough that some of them have tried to get Mi-Hi kicked out because they think she's a disruption and not meant to be here. If they think for a second that I got to interact with the idols because Mi-Hi misbehaved, it would not be good.

Mi-Hi is finally asleep with the first 2 fingers of her right hand stuffed in her mouth. She's always been a finger sucker, especially when she is upset. Her cheeks are flushed from all the crying, but she definitely wore herself out. I can't help but to smile at the little angel and I move to stand from the mat.

I go and speak to the teacher, again apologizing for Mi-Hi. The director of the kindergarten comes into the room to speak with the idols. I watch as they laugh quietly with her. Just as I'm about to leave to go home and check on Haerin, I see Jimin coming towards me. The other man, Hoseok, is watching from the corner with a confused look on his face.

"Noona... Can we talk?"

"Not here."

"Of course... Would you like to come for lunch with us?"

"You want to talk in front of him?"

I gesture towards Hoseok with my chin.

"Ummm... I guess so. He is my roommate, and I tell him everything anyway."

"Mmmm... Is it safe to go to lunch in public? I can't afford any scandals saying I'm dating an idol."

"We have a place... Noone will see you with us."

"I'm trusting you... Whether you deserve it or not."

I saw his face fall, and pain flashed across his features. Good. Maybe I'm shallow, but he deserves a little suffering after everything. Guilt creeps in when I realize he's going to be in agony if I tell him everything honestly. I'm wrestling with how much I'm even allowed to share. If Haerin had a say right now, she'd not want me to tell him anything.

"I understand Noona."

With his head hanging he goes back to his group member to let him know our plan. I don't know if I should be talking about Haerin in front of him. He doesn't know her at all, and he may think poorly of her if he finds out the things that have happened. Sighing, I take one last look towards the kids. Ye-Jun has moved to his sister's mat and is cuddling with her. I take a mental snapshot to remember this moment.


I follow Chul to his locker in the men's area. He's a really good looking guy, and has an incredible build. He's always been a great friend in the dark places of my life. He doesn't judge my choices like some others have. I didn't realize he's watching me stare at him until he clears his throat. I giggle in embarrassment, but don't blush like I might have years ago. He takes something from his locker before shutting it with a bang.

"Here's the X doll."

"How much do I owe you?"

"I'll think on it... You know I don't want money from you... Just enjoy it!"

He walks to me and holds the pill in front of my full lips, waiting. Staring into his eyes, I open my mouth for him to place it on my tongue. He smirks at my vulnerable pose, but gives me what I want. When his finger is about to pull away I close my lips around it and begin sucking it seductively. My tongue swirls around the digit while I graze my teeth along the length of it. His eyes darken, and I know he is enjoying my little show.

I release his finger from my mouth after I've swallowed the pill. He grins wickedly at my tease and takes a step towards me.

"I hope that was just an introduction to what you can do doll... I have to go back to the bar for now, but let me know when that pill is working and if you need my help."

I just hum in response.

I follow him back to the bar area, and instead of sitting, I stand facing the dance floor. I take another shot of tequila, and enjoy the burn in my throat. I can sense the X is beginning to work when my body starts to feel warm all over. My sex is becoming damp just standing here leaning against the bar. The music seems to be adding to my need as it gets louder. The bass is something I can feel between my legs now, and I push off from the bar to head to the dance floor.

As the drug makes me forget anything but the ache, I give myself over to the rhythm of the music. My whole body is moving sensually to the beat of the song. My own hands running over my body while I throw my head back with a moan. My hands are soon replaced by a much stronger pair. A firm chest collides with my back and our hips move seductively to the same rhythm.

A firm hand is splayed over my bare abdomen, and I can feel hot breath on my shoulder. The erection of my dance partner is obvious against my ass, and I grind back into it. His hand slides up under my top and I feel him massage my breast over the thin lace. My nipples are hard and erect, and my sex is positively dripping inside my leather pants.

The lights around the dance floor seem brighter, and every touch of this man sets a fire in its wake. I'm spun around and our chests collide. I feel a burning in my scalp as his hand fists my hair and drags my head back. Lips crashing onto mine... His thigh is in between my legs allowing me to grind my needy cunt on it... My bra is pulled down to expose my tit to his fingers... I moan loudly and unabashedly when he pinches and pulls my hardened bud...

His mouth moves to my breast and his tongue swirls around the erect nub. I grab and pull him closer by his belt, fingers swiftly moving to undo the buckle. I can feel his erection pulsing behind his tight pants, and I want to free it. I separate our mouths to get some oxygen into my burning lungs. My hands have opened his pants and before I can reach inside for what I want, his hand on my wrist stops me.

I raise my eyes slowly to meet his...



Hmmmm... A lot of 'before' is needed to explain Haerin's behavior...

Please, please, please!!! Vote, comment, and share.

Love you all!!


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