Let Them In


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It's not until their final year of high school that they meet Niall's best friend. The boy they've heard so m... More

Descriptions and Warnings
1- Angels.
3- Let It Out.
4- An Actual Conversation.
5- Protective.
6- A Bad Day.
7- Sunday.
8- Safe.
9- Enjoy Life.
10- Trust.
11- Third.
12- Sealed.
13- Past.
14- Presents.
15- Stop Me.

2- Lime and Coconut.

2.6K 83 38

Niall watched the car drive away before making his way back inside. He quickly spotted his mate and friends at the table Liam had been at previously, so he headed over, taking a seat next to Zayn and cuddling into his side.

"Everything okay?" Zayn whispered to Niall, halting his conversation with the triplets for a few moments.

Niall only nodded and whispered in a small voice, "I don't know what's going on either, but Lottie needed Lou at school, Jay phoned him." before he started talking to Harry, engaging the green-eyed alpha in a conversation about his next class.

Zayn could see the nerves that were flowing from Niall's body. The slightest twitch off Niall's nose as he walked towards them was the first hint, then he started rubbing his palms on his skirt and bouncing his leg. For Niall, no news wasn't good news, it was uncertainty. He never liked uncertainty and it wasn't any better when Louis and his sisters were in trouble. "I'm worried, Z." Niall admitted as the four alphas walked him to his biology class.

"I know, bub. But Louis and Liam are with Lotts and will sort everything out, everything will be fine." Niall nodded and wrapped his arms around Zayn's bicep. The alpha wrapped his free arm around Niall's waist, pecking his forehead in reassurance.

"Thanks for walking me, see you all after." The omega walked into his class, anxiously, telling the teacher that Louis wasn't going to be there and proceeding to check his phone for any news.

He checked his phone discreetly every few minutes for a text from Louis or Liam, maybe even Zayn if he had heard anything from the pair.

There was a big problem and as soon as Louis seen his sister, he went into protective mode, wanting to fix whatever the issue was and shield her from anything somewhat similar to it in the future, even though he didnt know what was going on yet, he still hated seeing Lottie in such a state.

She told the alpha and omega everything when they walked through the double doors, well, as much as she could through her recent hysteria.

Louis cuddled her to the point where she calmed down enough to properly talk to the pair and then she set off, clearly stating the events of the morning, her breathing still noticeably quicker than usual .

Although Lottie didnt show it as much as Fizzy, she was still deeply affected by what her father had done to them. So, when she walked into the classroom that morning, she immediately felt something wrong. She couldn't place it, but something was off to her and she could only focus on that. Throughout the two hours of her confusion, the young girl racked her brain for any possibility of what could be happening and when it clicked, she freaked out.

Mr Young. Her new teacher for the year looked eerily similar to her father. She knew it wasn't Mark, but that didnt mean she wasn't upset. Of course she was. This man, who she had never met before, was about to be her teacher for a year, yet he looked so close to someone who had done such horrible things to her and the people she loved most and, obviously, that upset the small girl. She would have to look at him every day, for hours on end and be reminded of what happened before she came to Cardonald, relive all of the pain she and her family experienced.

And Louis felt so bad, he didnt like seeing any of his family in this much pain, especially when Mark had something to do with it. He was seething deep down, trying his hardest to keep it at bay.

So, he did his best to calm her down and get her settled enough with Liam to the point where he could sort out the problem. Just after he got her into Liam's hold on the small couch in the school's reception he was called into the headmaster's room, placed a soft kiss on Lottie's head and a passed a grateful smile to the alpha who was being so amazing in this extremely unusual situation for him, and made his way into the woman's office.

Louis explained the problem to the teacher and they came to the quick conclusion that Lottie would move into the other primary 7 class and she would just have to hope she wouldn't see Mr Young very often in the future. Louis profusely thanked the woman for being so understanding, to which he was just told it was nothing major and she was happy to help, before he made his way back to his little sister and his best friend.

"They've changed your class, angel." He told her softly as she moved back over to hug him, wanting comfort from her big brother before he had to leave her alone, "You feeling better?"

Lottie only nodded before she was burying her head in Louis' neck and breathing deeply. In all honesty, he wanted to take her home and get her to bed, giving her all of the cuddles and feeling of safety he could. After the night and morning she had experienced he knew she would just want to be in the comfort of her own house, but they both had to get back to school, so he kept her close, his hand in her hair for another few minutes before saying a sorrowful goodbye.

"If you, or any of the girls, need me again today, phone me and I will get here as soon as I can, okay?" Louis whispered in her ear.

"Okay, thank you for helping." She answered and Louis' heart clenched. This girl was so innocent and pure yet her father was such a disgusting man, life isn't fair.

"Not one problem at all, Lotts. Now go and say goodbye to Li before we have to go." The blue-eyed girl obeyed and walked over to the alpha giving him another hug, thanking him too and then watching as they made their way to Zayn's car and were on their way back to school.

The two walked up to their history class when they got back to school, arriving back at the building just after their class had started.

When they got to the room and greeted Niall, he asked what was wrong after telling them he had told the teacher where they were. Louis recapped the last hour and a half for the other omega before they all got on with their work, knowing and concerned glances being given to Louis from the mates for the rest of the period.

The three split at lunch, Liam meeting up with Zayn and the triplets whilst Louis and Niall made their way outside. Zayn, too, had been concerned for the boy and his family, immediately pulling Liam aside and asking what the problem had been, feeling extremely relieved when Liam had told him it was all sorted. The triplets had noticed Zayn's nervousness throughout their last two periods and of course wondering about Liam's sudden absence from school but decided not to bring it up to the pair after because of the obvious seriousness of the situation, which they felt was none of their business, even though they wanted to make sure their best friends were okay. They watched the two boys and let small smiles slip as Zayn huffed out a huge breath and pulled Liam into a hug. Once the two boys returned to the table, the 45 minutes went by fast and all of a sudden the bell was ringing and most of them headed to class.

Louis sat in the lunch hall, biology jotter and Niall's notes spread out on the table in front of him. He had a quarter of an hour left of his free period which he was using to catch up on the work he had missed from the morning and he had made good progress but naturally he got lost in his thoughts again. This was the second time today that he had lost track of time, everything that had already happened in the past few hours was swimming around in his head, problems fighting for dominance of which one to dwell over first.

His shoulders shook as the loud bell rung through the school, notifying him of the new class he had to move on to. He packed away all his things and walked towards the large senior staircase.

Louis' nose twitched as he arrived in the corridor that his French class was located. A strong scent of fresh lime filling his nostrils and alarms going off in his brain. He had never liked an obvious alpha smell so much and he really didnt want to. He can't trust alphas.

The teacher droned on about her seating arrangement and the way she wanted all of her pupils to behave before she finally moved to the seating plan, telling them it would be in alphabetical order and she wanted no complaints. All the while, Louis could smell the lime scented alpha somewhere over the other side of the class, his thoughts flicking back to the scent without restraint, much to his dismay. Louis listened intently to the names in his class, trying to ignore the fresh smell in the air that was drawing him in, his curiousness heightened but his guard rising more and more as the minutes went on, before he was hearing Miss Hamilton address Marcel Styles and tell him to go to the 1st seat in the 4th row, and getting ready to sit near him.

"Lewis Tomlinson, 4th row and 2nd seat please." She said curtly, rattling through to the next name as though nothing happened. But little did she know, Louis was beside himself. Every time someone called him 'Lewis' he was sent back to his days in Doncaster, the days that still haunt him and this instance was no different.

He tried his best to push the anxiety bubbling in his chest away as he slowly moved over to his seat. He slid his bag off of his shoulder and gently placed it on the floor before slipping into the assigned chair, hands shaky and left leg bouncing.

"Hi Lewis." Marcel greeted kindly. But there it was again, he couldn't hear it again.

"Hi Marcel. It's nice to meet you and I don't mean to be rude in any way but my name is 'Lou-ee'." Louis tried his best to keep his voice level and sweet, although it was proving to be more difficult than he had imagined.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you for telling me, now I can talk to you properly." Louis could tell that Marcel meant no harm by the name and he couldn't help the small smiled that grazed his features.

"It's okay. People get it wrong all the time." His heart rate was starting to level out, and his bounding leg was slowing as his short conversation with Marcel came to a close, Miss Hamilton handing work out to the class for the remainder of the lesson.

He was progressing with the work well, rattling through the questions easily until he got to number 14. The grammar threw him off, it was something he had always struggled to understand and this level was harder than he had ever come across, slowly messing with his brain. He just wished Miss Hamilton had explained it a bit more but he could understand too, she wanted to see what they could do before they got straight into the course but he could still wish. He read the question over a few times more, trying his best to comprehend what it was talking about but he was already tired and growing more frustrated by the second, so he decided he should just ask someone.


The teacher would call him 'Lewis' again and in his current mental state he knew that would not go well, so he spent a few moments plucking up the courage to ask Marcel for help.

"Um, Marcel. Have you done question 14?" He asked shyly, completely ready for a shut down from the alpha.

"Yeah, do you need any help?" Marcel replied, fully ready to help the small boy if needed.

"If it's not any bother, please." Louis felt his skin flush, really not wanting to upset the green-eyed boy.

"It's no bother, honestly." Marcel carried on to show Louis a table he had got originally from Liam and explained to him how it worked before making sure the omega knew what he was talking about.

"Thank you so much. Can I copy this table up, please?" Once the words escaped Louis' mouth he realised how ungrateful he sounded, completely disregarding Marcel's help for his own benefit. In his eyes anyway, "Never mind, it's fine, thank you for helping."

"Louis, it's fine. It's not even my table anyway, got it from Liam." Marcel winked and Louis nodded softly, embarrassed he had caused a scene for the alpha over something so minuscule.

Louis thanked Marcel again as he passed the written up table over the desk to him, he got out his highlighter and ruler before copying it down, feeling Marcel's eyes on him.

The rose tint to his skin didnt budge for the rest of the lesson and Louis could feel the heat in his cheeks and on the tips of his ears.

Once the bell had rang, Marcel said a kind goodbye to Louis, to which Louis returned before they separated to go to their last class of the day.

As Marcel walked to his physics lesson his brain was occupied by everything related to Louis. The boy's soft fluffy hair and bright blue irises being utterly contradicted by his thick thighs and large bum, all of the features Marcel struggled to shake from his thoughts as he sat down in the classroom.

And to say, during his last period of the day, he was distracted was an understatement. Once he had thrown Louis' looks from his mind all he could hear was his voice, his shy demeanour and rosy cheeks accompanying the velvety smooth sound. The soft voice that fit so well with how Louis looked, if you were given 15 voices and 15 people you could so easily pair Louis and his voice together. Marcel loved that.

He noticed Louis' scent too. The luscious coconut smell that radiated from him, as well as the floral perfume that was coming from his clothes, just made Marcel melt. He could already tell that he was intrigued by the omega, after only a few conversations Louis just captured him and drew him in, Marcel wanted to know more.

Although, he had a feeling it would prove to be difficult, from what he could tell Louis was extremely shy. Louis wouldn't let him or his brothers in easily, fuck, he didnt even know if Louis would want more than one alpha. But, he and his brothers were a package deal, so he guessed they would just have to find out.

Meanwhile, in Louis' history class, he was thinking about how Marcel affected him. He knew he didnt want an alpha, they couldn't be trusted, but Marcel was being so nice to Louis and he didnt think he deserved it. He was annoying and anxious and Louis knew Marcel picked up on it. He probably just thought it was first day nerves but Louis was always like that and no alpha would want that.

He couldn't help but just admire the alphas looks, though. His vibrant forest eyes and short, bouncy curls framing the glasses that sat on his nose, he suited glasses. The muscly arms and long legs. That was the thing that surprised Louis, at the end of the lesson when the pair stood, Marcel was much taller than him. Standing almost a foot taller and making Louis feel so small, especially since Zayn and Liam were nowhere near as tall, he was shocked. He had to tilt his head back to even see the boy's shoulders, let alone make eye contact when they spoke to each other.

Louis wasn't stupid, he knew Marcel was one of Liam and Zayn's friends, one of the Styles triplets.

And that meant Marcel knew who Louis was, and he was fairly annoyed that he hadn't met Niall's best friend sooner.

"I'm telling you, he's the cutest person I've ever met." Marcel gushed that night to his brothers. When speaking about their day his French class had been brought up and the first thing he spoke about was Louis. He hadn't stopped for almost 10 minutes. "His little nose, his cheekbones and he even blushed when he asked me for help and it was so cute!" Harry laughed, patting Marcel's shoulder as he went to put their plates in the sink. "You two would love his eyes the most, though. They're this gorgeous blue that just shine. They sparkle and glisten in the light and when he talks, they're so pretty."

He had officially grabbed Edward and Harry's attention. All three of them were suckers for eyes.
(A/N Lets be honest for a minute. Who isn't a sucker for eyes? They're the first thing I look at in a person)

"I guess H and I have to meet Louis soon, yeah Marce?" Edward smiled as the three of them moved from the kitchen to their cozy living room.

They got comfy on the couch and put on some background movie as they spoke about their day some more, Edward speaking to Harry from his place behind Marcel as he cuddled the younger lad's back into his chest, placing occasional kisses to the back of his head.

The youngest alpha slowly fell asleep as his older brothers spoke softly at either side of him, halting their conversation when they noticed the boy peacefully sleeping. They sat in silence for a while, watching Marcel as he released slow and even breaths, fondly taking him in and pushing back the inevitable of having to wake him up to get upstairs.

"You wake him, Ed. I'll get clothes out." Harry whispered, removing his little brother's legs from his lap and heading towards their shared bedroom, after they let Marcel sleep for a couple of hours while they watched a movie.

"Hey, Lovely. Let's get to bed, okay?" Edward gently shook Marcel's shoulder and pushed his curls from his forehead. The latter nodded and stood up with Edward by his side, moving under his arm and leaning on him as he sleepily stumbled with him up to their bedroom. "H, has clothes out." Edward mentioned as they traversed the upstairs landing towards the door between them and Harry.

Edward knocked the door open with his foot, dragging Marcel in behind him as he walked to their bed. "Come on, you big baby. Get changed then we can all go to sleep." Marcel wordlessly slipped his joggers and school shirt off before redressing in the clothes Harry had gotten out for him and getting into the middle of the unmade bed.

Harry and Edward joined him in bed shortly after, scooting over to the middle as well and getting comfortable as they cuddled together, Harry between his brothers. Marcel knocked out again after only a few minutes, listening to Harry's gentle humming from next to him.

Edward grabbed Marcel's hand that was resting on top of Harry's hip and rubbed soft patterns into the skin, watching him with gentle eyes as Harry kept his own trained on Marcel's face. Edward fell asleep not long after, him too, to Harry's quiet singing of one of his favourite songs.

The only awake triplet, leaned down and kissed Edward's forehead, grabbing his free hand at the same time as he closed his eyes, letting sleep take him away from his bed and to a bright world of dreaming.

Chapter 2 for you all.
What are we thinking Lovelies?
Also look at me go releasing a chapter when I said I would.

Love you all and thanks for your support.
Make sure to stay hydrated and well fed,

Beanz <33

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