Stuck With You💖

By MinisterofMovies

6.3K 111 32

They have a bond through the force. Neither of them know how to stop it. Sometimes they appear in front of th... More

1- Hard to Ignore
2- Hard to Resist
3- Easy to Retaliate
4- Hard to Tell
5- Hard To Understand
6- Easy to Wonder
7- Hard to Breathe
8- Hard to Speak
9- Easy to Stare
10- Hard to Know
11- Hard to Control
12- Easy to Forget
14- Hard to Explain
15- Easy to mistake
16- Hard to Decide
17- Hard and Easy

13- Hard to React

291 7 1
By MinisterofMovies

She was cautious as she pulled her towel higher up her body and walked out into the main room of Kylo's quarters. Rey didn't know what she was doing, what was she even going to do? Ask if Kylo had any women's clothing tucked away in his wardrobe? Each step she took told her to go back to the bathroom and pull her alcohol-smelling clothes back on, but she didn't she kept walking.

Kylo wasn't anywhere to be seen. Rey saw a tray of newly baked croissants and two mugs of steaming coffee sat on the side of the drinks bar that had been polished and refilled, as well as cleared. The whole room was spotless once again, the bed was made, all the random bottles and clothing had been cleared away, and the room smelt fresh. Her lightsaber sat on the sofa's table, she assumed Kylo had taken his with him. The curtains were pulled open, revealing a world full of stars and far away solar systems, Rey was drawn towards the magnificent sight and she placed her hand on the chilling glass window, pressing her palm against the smooth surface. That was when she realised that only a towel covered her bare body and she stepped away.

"Ben?" she called.

No answer.

"Ben?" she called again.

"I'm in here" Kylo deep voice came from another room.

"Can I come in?" asked Rey, walking towards the door.


Rey hoisted her towel higher up her body before opening the door. It was a huge wardrobed room full of shelves and shelves of black and grey clothing. On a stand in the corner of the room, a cloth covered some sort of hidden object that Rey could not quite recognise. Kylo stood on one side of the room, pushing a drawer back into place before tuning to Rey. Rey took in his damp hair and fresh, clean aroma, he must have had a second shower room or something. The man was dressed in his usual shirt and trousers, minus the cloak and gloves.

Kylo tuned to look at Rey, but his head immediately averted it's gaze to the soft carpet by his shoes as he saw her damp, loose hair rest on her bare shoulders and the rest of her figure covered only in a towel.

"Sorry" Rey apologised, going a little red.

"Don't apologise." said Kylo. "Come with me."

He walked past Rey and out of the room, avoiding looking at her. He desperately wanted Rey to trust him, nothing else. Rey followed Kylo across the hallway where he pulled a tiny golden key out of his pocket and placed it in the lock. He pushed open the door, letting Rey step in, she almost dropped her towel in wonder of the contents. It was like Kylo's own wardrobe room but filled with plies and piles of shelved women's clothing, it all all black and grey, a mirror was on one side of the room along with a hairbrush and other hair products, as well as trays of dark makeup. There were two other doors in the room, they were both open to a neatly made double bed layered in fluffy blankets and pillows, through the other door there was a bathroom that had shelves full of washbag products, and a pair of pulled back dark patterned curtains hung on the wall, revealing the same beautiful sight of the galaxies wonders. Rey stared in awe, finally Kylo spoke.

"I'll leave you to get ready, held yourself to anything you want" he said.

"Wait!" said Rey. "What is all of this?"

"When I asked you to join me, Rey" he said looking at her finally, deep into her eyes. "I meant it, I meant that we could rule together. This is all yours if you are willing to take the chance."

"Thank you, Ben" Rey whispered. The she did something out of instinct, she wrapped her arms around Kylo back and pulled him down into a hug. "I had no idea that you were willing to actually so all of this."

"Your welcome, Rey" Kylo was shocked, but after a moment of just standing there frozen he pulled away and cleared his throat. He desired to hug her back, but he didn't know if he could, if he was allowed to embrace her when she wore nothing but a towel. He nodded to her swiftly as he felt pink tinge at his cheeks and walked out of the room, carefully shutting the door behind him.


Rey decided that she wanted to scare Kylo. She dressed in a tight black tunic, zipping it up over her chest, letting her feminine frame stand out, then tying a long cloak around her neck and letting it trail down her dark trousers and past her tall leather boots. Brushing a delicate shade of dark eyeshadow across her eyelids and then coating her lips in balm lightly, Rey let her dry hair fall on her shoulders and tightened the belt around her waist. She stepped out into the main room where Kylo was sitting, he looked up and Rey could have sworn she saw a smile grace his face before his expression disappeared into awe. His lips were parted and his eyes were soft and wide as he looked Rey up and down not being able to hide his pure attraction to her.

"I have a headache, is that normal after you drink a lot?" Rey asked, smirking at his expression.

Kylo nodded, not saying a word. Rey walked into the room, placing her hand over the steaming coffee mug. She sat down next to Kylo on the sofa, hooking her lightsaber into her belt.

"Ben" she said, waving her had in front of her face. His eyes were still wide and he moved closer to Rey on the sofa.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

Kylo nodded. She realised now how close he actually was to her, and how his eyes were on her lips. Gradually very gradually he leaned in. Before Rey knew what was happening, his lips were pressed against hers, they were soft and gentle, the girl didn't know how to react, she had never kissed anyone before, so she leant in as well, pressing her lips against his. When they pulled away he had a smile clear on his face, and his eyes filled with love, that was the last thing Rey and Kylo saw before the other disappeared back into their own side of the galaxy and were left alone, their lips longing for more touch.

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