The Lone Gunman

By AnimeFan0930

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A man wanders the rotting land of the Empire removing each and every infection he comes across. His focus is... More

Chapter 1: Busy Hunting
Chapter 2: Assassins
Chapter 3: Recovering
Chapter 4: Head Hunting
Chapter 5: The Beheader
Chapter 6: Death Of The Executioner
Chapter 7: Things From The Past
Chapter 8: Blindness Or Ignorance
Chapter 9: Bonding
Chapter 10: A Girl And Her Dog
Chapter 12: Freezing Return
Chapter 13: The Three Demons (1)

Chapter 11: Never Forget

1.1K 25 5
By AnimeFan0930

Night Raid Hideout

Y/N had returned to the Night Raid hideout after almost dying to Seryu and Kuro. When Y/N was introduced to the leader of Night Raid, something inside of him snapped. He went to attack her out of nowhere as soon as he saw her face and heard her voice. The members of Night Raid were taken off guard by Y/N's actions. Thankfully they acted quickly and were able to hold Y/N back from killing their leader.

"Let me go now, I need to kill her for what she's done" I tell the people grabbing onto me. "If you don't back down now, we will kill you" Akame tells me putting her sword to my jugular. "No, she needs to die" I say trying to break free from their grip. "Listen hotstuff, don't do this in front of the girl" the blonde haired girl tells me. I look over at Mika who is scared and didn't know what was going on.

Before she could summon one of her friends and make things worse, I decided to stop fighting. Once I stopped I was let go but they were keeping their guards up. Before they can do anything I take out my revolver and fire a shot at that bitch. The bullet doesn't hit her but it does graze her cheek, creating some blood. As the members of Night Raid go to kill me they were stopped by their leader. "Enough, all of you stop, he isn't going to kill me" she tells them.

"But boss" a guy with a green jacket says "he almost killed you" Mine says. "If he was going to kill me he wouldn't of grazed my cheek" she tells them. "Are you sure I didn't just miss?" I ask cocking the hammer on my revolver back. "Because I know your skill and you aren't one to miss an easy shot" she answers. "So you remember me?" I ask with venom in my voice "unfortunately I do" she answers.

"Boss what is going on here?" The guy with pompador asks "this man here is someone from my past, a past that I would like to forget" she answers. "You know this guy?" Tatsumi asked "yeah she does, her and her Empire buddies raided my homelands and killed my friends and family mercilessly" I answer. Everyone was shocked to hear me say that "boss" the blonde hair girl says.

"What he says is true, when I was a general in the Empire's army, I was apart of the group that raided the western lands and killed many who got in our way and tried to stop us" she tells them. "What else did you do?" I ask as my anger starts to overflow. "I raided his village and killed just about everyone there, I caught him and handed him over to the Empire" she answers.

"Your boss is a ruthless and evil person who deserves death" I tell everyone there. "Regardless of her past, our boss Najenda is fighting for the freedom of the people of the Empire" the guy with pompador tells me. "I don't care about that, I may also hate the Empire but she is the start of all my problems" I reply showing them my prothsteic arm.

"I am sorry for what she did to you and there is no way I can ever make it up to you" Najenda tells me. "I need blood, yours then hers" I reply "and you will get that blood but not now" Najenda says. Suddenly I feel someone grab onto my leg, I turn around and see Mika. Seeing her face I let out a sigh, you didn't kill my mother and father and you didn't torture me for years, my anger isn't directed towards you, you were just a puppet but now you've cut your strings" I say.

"Great, now let's get things back to a calm environment" the girl with the blonde hair says trying to change the subject. "Leone is right, now thank you for saving Mine" Najenda says to me. "Sorry that I was unable to save the other girl, Sheele" I reply. "Her death was unfortunate and will effect us but she understood what she was fighting for" Najenda says.

"Now with that over and done with, I will be taking my leave" I say walking away. "Wait, don't leave, with one of our members dead we could use your help along with the young one" Najenda says to me. "I don't think you know this but I already don't like you and I am doing my best to hold my anger back also Mika will not be used as an assassin's weapon" I reply. "I understand and I won't force you to stay but for now, I would advise you stay until the heat in the Capitol cools down" Najenda says.

I think about that for a second, she was right about waiting for the heat to cool down. Guards and military police would be looking around the streets for where I went. I didn't want them to catch me as I was returning home with Mika. If she felt threatened who knows what would happen with one of her friends. "Fine, but I am only the staying the night" I say "I understand, thank you for staying" Najenda replies.

"Wait, he gets to know where the hideout is and isn't forced to stay but I am?" Tatsumi asks. "Do you really want to be the one to tell him that he has to join us or work in our factories?" The guy with the green jacket asks Tatsumi. Tatsumi looks at me and shudders "yeah, your right about that" Tatsumi says.

"Follow me to your room hotstuff" the blonde hair girl says grabbing onto my arm. She then begins to forcefully lead me to a room "come on Mika" I say telling Mika follow behind me.

Time Skip

I was in the shower bathing myself while Mika was sleeping in the room we were using. I was busy thinking about how everything went tonight, I never expected for all of this to happen. I also didn't think I would forgive one of the people who took everything from me. I figured there was no point in killing her, those other Night Raid assassins would eventually end up killing me with their imperial arms. So for now, I was going to play it safe for mine and Mika's safety.

"Mind if I join you?" A voice asks me, I turn around and look through the steam to see the blonde chick with the large chest, naked in front of me. "Sure, I don't mind" I answered "wow, normally a guy would blush and be embarrassed by seeing a woman of my caliber naked" she said. "Honestly, I am at a point in my life were I just don't care about things like that anymore" I replied. "Interesting, so hot stuff, is it okay if I wash your back?" She asked me.

"I don't mind" I answered, she then grabbed a wooden stool and I sat down. "I don't think we ever got to properly introduce ourselves to one another, mine name is Leone" she said to me as she scrubbed my back. "My name is Y/N" I replied "I see that you carry a lot of baggage" Leone said looking at my scars all over my back. "They all are a story of how my life has gone" I replied. "And to think, I thought I had a rough life" Leone said as she continued to scrub my back. Leone then touched where my arm use to be "what happened here?" She asked.

"A monster took it from me so I could never shoot again" I answered. "I see you overcame that" Leone said "nothing can stop me for long" I replied.  "I like that in a man" Leone said pressing her body against my back. That kind of made me blush a bit, I wasn't expecting to feel her breasts on my back. "So, what's the history between you and the boss?" Leone asked me.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked "if it hurts you don't have to tell me" Leone said. "No, I'll tell you" I said "okay, but if you feel like stopping you can" Leone replied. "I am sure you heard but I grew up in the western continent and after many centuries of peace the Empire invaded and Najenda was one of the generals who lead the invasion, she helped the monster who took my arm kill my friends and family along with destroying my home" I said telling Leone my story. Leone grew silent as she stopped scrubbing my back.

"Then after that, I was sent to a prison were a was tortured for many years until I escaped" I said standing up. "Thank you for scrubbing my back but I think I am done for the night" I said walking away from her. I grabbed my towel and my arm and left the shower.

Time Skip

After my shower I put on my clothes and went to find the room where Mika was at. As I walked through the halls I was stopped by Najenda. "What do you want?" I asked "I want to talk to you about something" Najenda answered. "Like I said before, I don't want to talk, I just want to find my room and get some sleep" I said. "I know you don't want to talk then can you just listen to me?" Najenda asked grabbing onto my prothsteic arm with her metal arm. "Did she do that to you?" I asked "yes she did, it was a year after what we did to your land and your people" Najenda answered.

I let out a sigh "it hurts me to say this but I forgive you, I won't forget what you did but it looks as though you are trying to make up for what you did" I said. "I know it will take a lot more to make penance for my sins but your forgiveness is a first step" Najenda said. "Look, don't make a big deal about it, my vengeance doesn't involve you, it involves her and the Empire" I said. "Let us help you with your quest for vengeance" Najenda said "no, that is something I need to do on my own" I replied.

"Well then, before you go to bed here is something that think you might want" Najenda said handing me a wooden box. I took it and looked at it "you can open it whenever you want, good night" Najenda said before she walked away. I sighed "what am I thinking?" I ask myself as I walk to the room.

Small Time Skip

I was sitting on the bed as Mika slept quietly next to me, I looked at the wooden box Najenda gave to me. I decided to open it and see what was. I opened the box and found that there was black metal object that looked like a handle of some sort that had a loop on the end of it. I grabbed the handle and tried to get a better look at it. Suddenly three blades came out of the handle, letting me see what it actually was.

"Subtle, very subtle" I say closing the blades back into the handle. I then felt a tug on my sleeve, I looked over and saw Mika looking at me. "Okay, I'll get some sleep now" I said putting the weapon on the table. I took my arm off and laid down on the bed, Mika cuddled up close to me. "Tomorrow we're gonna head back home" I said, Mika nodded and closed her eyes. I still couldn't believe that I was here and I didn't kill one of the people who destroyed my home. I guess there was a first time for everything and this was one of those times.

A/N: So Y/N has forgiven Najenda and has been given the offer to join Night Raid. He's also been gifted a new weapon from Najenda and it does look kind of cool. Also, Y/N has gotten close to Leone a bit, I know a few people want to see her as the love interest and I kind of agree with them on that. Now like I have been saying Y/N is still going to stay neutral throughout the story until something happens. Now I am always answering any questions you may have about the story or anything else in general. If there is a question that you want answered either message me or comment on a chapter with your question. I will do my best to answer your question to the best of my ability. As usual the feedback helps me make sure that the next chapter is better then the last one. As always thank you for reading and I will see you later

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