From Enemies In Lovers

By crissjqk

4K 60 14

Lizz just moved to America from Canada . Here she makes her best friend, Millie and a boyfriend. But Lizz d... More

Meeting the enemy
A Little Favor
Exchange For A Night
"Nerd To The Nerd,,
Meet the Bitches
Say Thank You
Spark Of Love
Soy Miguel.
Instagram photo
Mi Señora (My Lady)
Meet My Mom
You're Arrested For Murder
Welcome to The Panic City
She's missing.
White Tea
My B-day/Announcement

Little War

313 6 0
By crissjqk

I was sitting in bed when a woodpecker at the door was hearing. He was the new roommate.
"Oh my God, what are you doing here?,,
" Well, I'm the new roommate.,, Who do you think it was? "Um no, you're not,there was supposed to be a girl, not a boy,,  " I'm sorry to tell you, but I was Jason's roommate and the principals sent me here.  Don't worry, I don't even like it.,,After he came into the room, we set the rules while he was arranging his things.

L's room part

Louis' room part


(The hall with the door of your room)


The boy in the last bank was my new roommate, I knew it was going to be a tough war between me and him.
After my enemy entered the room, I needed some air, I met outside with Millie who was with her boyfriend Jason.
"So who's the new roommate? ,, She didn't know what was waiting for her." Actually, I'm with a boy, the guy who gave me the books and the phone on the floor.,, "I'm so sorry. Noah, and now this,, I was a little upset, but I didn't want to show. " Millie I understand you, I'll be fine, I promise you,, "Fine take care of yourself, okay?,," yes, I promise you,,
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, good night.,," Night,, Then I stood outside for a while and watched the sunset get lost in the branches of the trees.
It was already 9 o'clock,I was on my way to the bedroom, and in front of me came Noah and Lila, stopped in front of me and started saying "I want the jacket and the hoodie back.,,"fine,, I answered dryly, I was already tired of him and  I answered dryly, I was already tired of him and Lila.  " Lizz, you know, I never liked you. I'm sorry to say, I used you.,, At that moment my whole life to collapse on me.
"What?,, I was angry and upset. "Well, karma what do I say,, Lila said that, since she's been with Noah, she's gotten a lot worse. I'm fine pulling her hair.
" What's yo-,, My bedroom door opened and the boy came out of the last bank in his pajamas in the hallway "What's going on?,, Noah and Lila turned around, then Noah turned to me." You've already replaced me?,, "He's not-,, The boy from the last bank had come towards me and taken my hand" yea, a problem with that?,, I was looking at him and then holding my hand, hating him. "Come,, Noah had gone with Lila and I was watching Noah leave again.
I turned my head and walked to the room. The boy in the last bank grabs my hand, and turned me towards him" Who is he?,,      " my ex, now leave my hand creep,, There were a few seconds of silence, then my phone rang.    " I'm going to the cafeteria, do you want anything?,,Louis had left me by the hand ready to leave for the cafeteria.  "no,, Then I went to the bedroom and changed into my pajamas, went to bed and fell asleep. Louis had come to the room with a glass of water and he'd go to bed.

<Phone alarm>
I woke up, and I went into the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth, got dressed and got out of the bathroom, the boy in the last bank was still in bed. I didn't care about him, I walked out the door and left for class.

(Chemistry, first class )
I had 10 minutes left of my hour.
"Ok class, you have to do the draft on page 68 on Tuesday. You'll have partners, Jason with Millie, Lili with Eliah, Y/n with Louis, Sarah with Lila and Noah with Marcus.,, When I heard my name, and when I heard who I was going to be partnering with, I said life was still against me.

I finished classes at 2:30, went to the room, and I changed into a dress, meanwhile, the boy from the last bank showed up.
"Where are you going?,,
" It's none of your business,, The boy in the last bank had activated his evil brain
"You look awful,, He said, and then he started laughing." Thank you, I'm sure I don't look worse than your mother.,, Then I took my phone and went outside.

I met Millie in front of high school and then I went for a walk through town. I spent two hours talking to Millie about a lot of things.


When  i came from outside, I found my hoodie on the bed that said with black marker
"Mommy is the best,,
And below was written
" XOXO Partridge,, It was one of my favorite hoodies, I knew I had to make it up to you, so I started looking around, next to the door were Partridge's pair of jordans, and I came up with an idea , I took them and to the side I wrote
"from nerd to nerd,,

It was 4:00, the boy in the last bank isn't back yet. I was wearing my hoodie with his message and I was sitting in bed kooking at my phone.
After 30 minutes, my roommate came back. I left slippers on his bed to see you.
He'd just walked into the room, taken his jacket off and noticed slippers.
"Oh my God, what have you done?,,
" If you can sign yourself somewhere why not me?,, I looked at him, and I started laughing. He turned to me and gave me a look, being a sign to prepare for the worst.

The next day we started the chemistry project, of course I did mostly because the boy in the last bank mostly talked about his personal life, which I didn't care about.

It's 6:00 in the afternoon, me, Millie, Megan and Eliah went to a restaurant, it was fun.

I was on my way to the dorm, I was on my phone, on my instagram, I stopped a little bit and I looked up from my phone, four people were standing in front of me with bunny masks. I was looking at them and they were looking at me. Then they came running, I got scared, I thought maybe he'd kidnap me or something. In the meantime, I'm getting to the dorm.

I got in front of the door, and I pressed the doorknob, the door was closed, I took the key out of the bag and I opened the door. We usually keep the door open when one of us is in In the room, but this time I don't know what happened. I opened the door and the boy in the last bank was in bed.
"why was the door closed?,, He looked at me funny and then he started laughing.
"What?,, I said with a high tone
" Well, I brought a girl into the room, and you know, I couldn't do with the door open. ,,
"Oh my God, it's gross, you better not say,, I said grossly

I went to put my phone on the nightstand when I noticed a rabbit mask in Louis' nightstand. I took it out of the nightstand.
"Seriously?,, I asked him angry
" Since when are you allowed to go through my stuff?,, "Louis, I'm not kidding, was that you? " maybe,, I took a deep breath and said "It was you... why didn't I think ,, I put the mask on his nightstand and went into the bathroom to change, then I come back in the room and I went to bed. After 5 minutes I fell asleep, I don't know what the boy in the last bank did, but I didn't care either.

(3:18 at night)
I heard the door had opened, I woke up halfway and I turned to the other side, it was Louis, he had just entered the room
"Where the hell have you been?,, I had a sleepy tone and I picked up my phone from the nightstand to see what time it was. " What the hell, Louis, it's 3:00 at night and you're walking down the hall? In your pajamas?,,
He didn't even notice me , he went to bed and turned his back on me, he seemed upset.
"Hey, are you okay?I said in whispers, but I don't know why, we were both awake. Again, he didn't answer. I got a little angry, seemed to be talking to walls. "All right then, good night, or what's left of it,,Then I turned my face against the wall. When I turned, I heard that Louis turned too.
" Night,, That was the only word he said. Then I fell asleep again.

I woke up and turned my face to Louis' bed, it was empty. I picked up my phone from the bedside table and looked at what time it was.


I was already late for English class, I panicked and started to catch my hair and put a dress on myself, then I ran to class.

I walked into the class, the teacher looked at me in wonder, the boys in the last bank started laughing.
"Again miss Joss?,,
" I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened, my phone didn't ring or..,, I remember that Louis said last night that he was putting his phone onto sound the alarm. I turned my head to class and I stared right at Louis, and he gave me a mean smile.
" Or what?,, I heard the teacher's voice and turned to her." It doesn't matter anymore,,
"All right then, go to the bank, and after hours you're an hour in detention,,
I thought I'd like to punch the teachers and Partridge in the face.But I couldn't.
I turned my back on the teacher to talk to Partridge .
"Why didn't you wake me up?,,
"it's not my job to do that,, I closed my eyes for a moment, and then I took a deep breath.
" yea, you're right.,, I turned around and smiled, I knew exactly what I was going to do to him.
Noah looked at me and Louis as we talked, he realized that we were not together as Louis said.

By the end of class everyone was out of class, it was just me and Noah, we were both picking up our stuff. I was on my way to the door when Noah says my name.
"lizz!,, I turned to him and he came closer to me "I know you and Partridge aren't together, I see you arguing every day.,,
"So what?,, I knew he wouldn't say anything, because he had nothing left to say. I got out of class, Noah had two minutes left. I was on my way to Millie, but I saw something with the tail of my eye, it was Lila and Jack, they were kissing.
I repeatedly took my phone out of my pocket and took a picture. Then I continued on my way to Millie.
"Why did you stop?,,
"Look at this,, I showed him the picture I took of Lila and Jack.
"Well, what can he say, it's bitch,, Then we both started laughing.
After we stopped Millie asked me
"Do you want to sleep in my room tonight?,, Jason can go with your new roommate, I hear they were before.
" yeaa, but I have to ask Louis first, maybe he doesn't want to.,,
"wait what.. Louis its your new roommate?,,

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