Draco Malfoy Imagines

By hogwartseclipse

90.1K 1.4K 553


i put a spell on you
guilt & regret
he's in love (part one)
he's in love (part two)
record player
put up with my bullshit (part one)
put up with my bullshit (part two)
everywhere but me
authors note :(
drunk dray
tradition (part one)
tradition (part two)
tradition (part three)
a sunday kinda love
what are you looking at?
spending the years together (part one)
spending the years together (part two)
whatever happens, i love you
dating draco would include

pleasure over treasure

3.7K 49 69
By hogwartseclipse

Heyy everyoneee💕

House: Any
Year: Any
Bloodline: Anyyy
Warnings: Lil bit of angst


Your first few years at Hogwarts were everything you could've wanted and more. You were sorted into Slytherin house and that's where you had met your best friend, Draco Malfoy. You had a decent amount of popularity and you were third top in class, behind Draco and Hermione Granger. Hogwarts was your home, and never did you want to leave.

You and Draco were practically joined by the hip. Inseparable. You were always together, laughing, studying and messing around like teenagers do.

But what he was oblivious to, was that you had the biggest, fattest crush on your ferret best friend. You adored the way he walked, with such pride and confidence, yet you knew how soft and gentle he could be. Deep down, the infamous bully, Draco Malfoy was a huge softie- and you loved it...damn it you loved him

You were planning on asking him out in just a weeks time. Why not now? Because you needed to plan. You already came up with the idea of setting up a picnic by the black lake with all of his favourite fancy foods and then asking him to be your boyfriend. Sounded perfect. All he needed to do was say yes. It wasn't that hard was it?

You felt confident. Very confident. Some of your friends had mistaken yours and Draco's relationship in the past, thinking that you were somewhat together. I mean, you couldn't blame them...The way your smiles lit up when you saw each other and the way you were never seen apart. The way you always knew how to cheer the other one up. It was like some sort of love fairy tale. But unfortunately, the pair of you were friends. Fucking friends!

So, it was the night before your big plan. You'd asked Draco to hang out in your usual spot (the black lake) at noon the next day and of course he accepted, not knowing of the real reason you asked him.

Everything was going great. The day prior the pair of you had acted how you usually do; laughing around, messing around and hanging around the secret passageways after curfew. Surely nothing would have changed by noon tomorrow? Right?


The next morning, you scrambled out of bed at the ridiculous time of 7AM and wasted no time in making yourself look the best you ever have- with the exception of your gorgeous look at the yule ball. You let your hair down and applied some light makeup along with slipping on a new outfit you'd bought from Hogsmeade especially for this occasion. Needless to say, you looked beautiful- as always :)

You grabbed everything you needed and rushed down to the black lake and began setting up, forgetting all about breakfast.

The weather was perfect considering it was a fine spring morning. You could hear the birds chirping in the forest across from the lake in front of you. The water was rippling peacefully as you perched yourself down on the picnic blanket.

And there you waited, until you heard the pretty voice of your best friend, hopefully soon to be boyfriend, Draco Malfoy

"Y/N! What's all this, love?" you blushed at the name and looked up at his gorgeous face

"Just thought it'd be nice" you smiled as he took a seat quite close next to you, his shoulder brushing against yours making the swarm of butterflies erupt in your stomach

The pair of you ate, chatted and laughed with each other as you usually did, but you knew the time was nearing where you'd have to ask him...

You took an immense deep breath and gulped before starting "Dray..Have you ever considered a girlfriend? I mean..like..obviously you have but do you want one?" you hinted trying your best to conceal the unbearable nerves

"Yeah actually I have...considering one now actually" Draco was gazing off into the black lake, looking extremely lost in what looked like a lovely thought..you could've sworn you saw the hearts in his silver eyes.

"Really?? You are??" you shrieked

"Yes Y/N calm down, love" he giggled at your excitement

You really couldn't contain yourself. Your insides were exploding and your mind was racing at a questionable speed, before your thoughts were interrupted.

"Astoria Greengrass" he blurted

"What?" you questioned, dumbfounded.

"That's her" he said dreamily as he turned his gaze to you "she's the one I want to be with, I want her to be my girlfriend! Who wouldn't? Her hair...her ass...those lips..she's just so...hot?" his face was lighting up and there you definitely saw the hearts in his eyes. Fuck

You said nothing. Your heart breaking into a million pieces. All this effort for nothing. All this time spent trying to make him happy, was for nothing. All the hand holding, name calling, flirting...it clearly meant nothing to him. He had seen straight past your attempt to ask you out and instead...he was thinking about her. She was the one he wanted be with..and not you.

You almost forgot you had to reply to Draco's heart breaking comment

"Oh...um...Dray...that's fantastic" you choked out.

"Everything alright Y/N/N?" he once again giggled at your dramatic mood, noticing your change of heart. Draco always knew when something was off due to the fact he was your best friend- you so wish he wasn't though. You wanted to be the one he wanted, not some hot girl who wears hideous clothes.

You were about to pretend that everything was all fine and dandy. But no, you couldn't keep lying to him- you weren't going to hide it any longer, you physically couldn't.

"No Draco. No everything in fact is NOT alright!" you cried "You know this..." you gestured to the picnic and food laying beside you "this was all for you! because I wanted to ask you to be mine! I wanted everything to be perfect because I fucking fancy the shit out of you! God dammit I might even love you! But never mind me hey?? never mind! I clearly don't mean as much to you as I thought!" you were now bawling your eyes out

"Y/N darling-"

"DON'T call me your "darling"" you mimicked, which immediately shut him up

"Go have a lovely picnic with Astoria yeah? I hope you fucking enjoy yourself"

You didn't care how selfish you sounded. You just got up and stormed to your dormitory, leaving a very guilty, confused and sorry Draco Malfoy

No, he didn't like you back..but he still felt extremely upset. You were his bestfriend and he'd just accidentally ended your friendship in the worst way possible. He had no idea you liked him..he thought the hand holding and flirting was just something friendly..nothing that could do anyone any harm...but there...it just harmed the girl who loved him...his somewhat ex-bestfriend.


It's been three weeks since your heart break. The first week afterwards, you were like any other heartbroken teenage girl- scoffing ice cream, crying at 2AM everyday and not even bothering to get up and dressed for classes

But that phase was over. Your friend Pansy gave you a girly heart-to-heart, telling you that you needed to show him what he missed out on. He needed to be shown how stupid he looked for choosing some slut over you -considering the fact him and Astoria had started dating the very day your disaster - ridiculous if you ask me

Pansy was right. You needed to show him what he was missing. What he could've had.

And with Parkinson's help, you had a huge makeover. You hair was curled beautifully and your new style in clothing was very trendy and suited you perfectly. Your brows were plucked, nails were painted and lashes were curled. Damn that boy was gonna regret his whole life!

With as much courage as you could pluck up, you walked through the hallways of Hogwarts catching everyone's gaze. They were all completely astonished at your huge glow up. You could've sworn your heard Ron Weasley mutter to his best friend Harry Potter "Bloody hell! She looks like she's walking in slow motion!"
Not only that but you were sure you heard Seamus Finnigan whisper to Dean Thomas "Blimey! Look a' that! Malfoy really looks like git now, eh?" he snickered afterwards.

Not only did you look incredible, you felt incredible

You rounded the corner and there were your two "victims"- Astoria and Draco

Astoria's face distorted into an ugly scowl and Draco's jaw practically dropped to the floor. You knew he had realised now, just how beautiful you were. You smirked, knowing your plan had worked and continued your way through the Hogwarts hallways, feeling like a Goddess

But to be honest, the void in your heart could only be filled by Draco- abs that shit hurt. You did everything for him and yet he still didn't love you back. But there was no way you were going to give up. Absolutely no way.

Something told you that Draco wasn't going to be with Astoria forever. When you watched them jealously in public, they were never laughing, smiling or messing around like you and Draco used to. They didn't seem to have any chemistry. Any connection. It looked as though they were simply there to satisfy each other...if you get what I mean?..

You knew for a fact that if you were with Draco, you'd make sure he treated you well, because damn you deserve better.


You were now taking your daily evening stroll through the school, this particular evening you chose to walk through the paths of the vegetable patch.

It was quiet and peaceful. A time you could escape all your worries and problems and simply admire the beautiful school you attend

All was well until you bumped into a tall figure in front of you. You gasped and almost stumbled back into the many rows of vegetables to your left, but a large pale hand grabbed your risk and pulled you back up so you were now stable on your feet

It took you a few moments to recognise the figure stood before you but you soon made it out to be your ex-bestie, Draco

"Oh uh...thanks Dray" you didn't even care you were still calling him Dray, you doubted Astoria was using any other name than for him than "daddy"

"Y-Y/N..." he said, clearly at a loss of words- you didn't know wether it was because of how stunning you looked or the fact the pair of you haven't spoken in a month, but you felt extremely and unusually confident

"How's things with Astoria?" you asked crossing your arms and raising your brows

"U-uh...good I suppose. Y/N I really...am very..sorry" he mumbled

"It's okay...I know someday I'm gonna be with you....whether you like it or not." with that you smirked, kissed his pale cheek and carried on your walk along the vegetable patch, once again leaving a very confused and guilty Draco behind.

If only he had just chosen you. The person who made him truly happy. In his eyes...the most beautiful girl of them all...but no...he chose pleasure over treasure.

DAMN this is long. I rlly rlly hope you like to cuz this is probably one of my favourites. Btw thank you all for the votes lately I appreciate it so much!

Have a great day/night🤎

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