My Demons {Johnnie Guilbert F...

By Shyanne_Jeanne

5.8K 204 101

I wrote this when I was in my cringy phase, so this is very cringy and bad. You have been warned. Shay is jus... More

Somethings Gotta Give
The Good Life
Alone Together
All Around Me
Can You Feel My Heart
The Edge Of Tonight
Waiting for Superman
I'm so very sorry


960 25 11
By Shyanne_Jeanne

Hell. That is what my life was. Burning anguish and betrayal everywhere you turned. Someone you trusted, leaving you to rot in the dust. Someone you you thought you could depend on, stomping all over you like snow on a busy sidewalk. People who you have known since toddlers, ridiculing you for every flaw that grew with age. It was a pit filled with hate and pain. Demons swarmed all around me as I stumbled through this chaos reality called life. It all started when my mother mysteriously disappeared at age six. Thats when my hell truely began.

I start out the day gaining bruises for every flaw in my existance. I was too fat, slap. I was to ugly, whack. I was useless, bang. Bruises littering my body in a vicious pattern. I continue the day walking into the innermost circle of hell, school. I gained more bruises and scars on my heart as they threw every word in the book at me. Freak, emo, bitch, dyke, whore. After that, I went back for the morning's cycle to repeart once more. Slap, whack, bang. When it was over I would crawl to my room in a mess of tears and pain. I would find my silver friend and add to my collection of self inflicted scars that criss crossed on my arms and legs, watching the blood roll onto the beerstained carpet. I would cry myself to sleep, wondering how long it would take to push me right over the edge. The next day, the hellish cycle would repeat.

I woke up one morning, feeling like a zombie. I always felt that way. I felt as if I was on autopilot, sleepwalking through life. I dragged myself down the stairs, ready to confront the beast, aka, my father. When i got to the bottom of the stairs, I froze. I heard the beast arguing with a woman. What woman has the guts to stand up to him? I craned my neck so I can hear the shouting more clearly. "You're the one who left us Sheryl," The beast snarls. "For a rich man in fact."

"I didn't leave because he was rich," the woman argues venomously. "I left because you hit me and he treated me better."

"Why did you leave her then, huh?" He asks. "Why do you care now?"

I can hear the anger radiating from her voice. And "I wanted to give you a chance to straighten yourself out," she explains. "But then I come back to see my daughter in pain? I'm taking Shayley back to San Jose with me and that is final!"

I gasp as I hear those words. M-Mom? With wobbly knees, I walk into the messy kitchen to see the beast and the woman, my mother. I step on one of the many beer cans that littered the floor of the house. They both look at me in shock. The wo-I mean Mom, had firey red hair with clear blue eyes. She wore expensive, high end clothing. Everything about her was fancy and tucked into perfection. I felt a sting of jealousy at her beauty. How come I couldn't have inherited her beauty? I only had plain brown eyes and brown hair that I dyed black with purple streaks. She had a figure that was flawless, while I was just a lazy pile of fat that no one cared for. She stared at me with those crystal blue eyes, "Shayley?"

I wince at my full name being used. She was the only one who ever called me by my full name. I nod hesitantly as her eyes begin to fill with tears. She stumbles over, wrapping me up in her arms. I froze at the sudden touch. The only touch I have known from these years was pain. This was...different. It was...loving. Slowly, I snake my arms around her shaking form. "My baby," she mutters, stroking my hair. "My precious baby."

She escapes the hug, holding me at arms length to look at me. I hadn't put on any makeup, so all of the bruises were in the open for her to see. Tears were streaming down her face, mascara coating her face. She didn't seem to care. She started shaking again, but this time in anger. She stands up slowly, facing the beast. "You will never touch her ever again," she tells him.

His eyes narrow, "You can't take her."

At those words, Mom jumps into action. She gets closer to him, punching him straight in the nose. Automatically, blood started pouring from it. Remind me never to piss her off. He falls to the floor, yelling, "You bitch!"

He was holding his face, trying to stop the bloodflow. I know what it's like to have a broken nose. He did that to me once...or twice. She turns to me slowly, looking me straight in the eye. "Shayley, go get dressed and pack your things. We're leaving."

A small smile appears on my face at her words. I nod, rushing upstairs to my room. I threw all of my belongings I owned onto the small cot I had to call a bed. Not anymore. I only had a few shirts, a few pairs of skinny jeans, a pair of Vans, foundation and eyeliner, a hairdrier, a flat iron, my bracelets and my phone. I throw it all into a small duffel bag I kept, just in case I needed to run away. I dress in a My Chemical Romance tank top, the millions of bracelets I owned, black, ripped skinny jeans and my black Vans. I straighten my hair quickly and put on some makeup to cover the bruises. I grab my phone and duffel bag and rush down the stairs where my mother was waiting. She smiles at me, "You look beautiful honey."

I blush slightly. No one ever told me that. "Thanks...Mom."

She leads me out the door to an Audi that was parked in our cramped driveway. As she gets in, I throw my bag in the backseat. As I sit in the car as it's going, I put in my headphones. King for a Day by Pierce the Veil started blaring through my ears as I smiled internally. This is my chance for a new life. An escape from hell. I was about to enter a new chapter in my life. Don't fuck this up Shay, I scold myself. This may be your last chance to start over. Don't fuck up.

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