Trespassing - |H.S|

Par Treatyoulikeawoman

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And then I felt her lips on mine. It was soft and it was sweet and it was slow. I couldn't move. If I moved... Plus

Welcome besties


215 8 19
Par Treatyoulikeawoman

The last punk who fronted got a mouth full of false teeth
I'm known to gas a hottie and blast the shottie

Put it on - Big L

After I ran away from both Harry and James at the party, I got lost in the music.

I didn't have to explain to the girls what was wrong but they could sense it in me and that I needed distracting.

Harry appeared about an hour after I ran away and proceeded to stand in the corner of the lounge for the entire party.

I could feel his eyes on the back of my head but he didn't move or attempt to approach me, not once.

There was practically hundreds of girls throwing themselves at him trying to get his attention by pushing their boobs up and batting their eyelashes. Some of them were almost draped across him and they weren't even bothered, I had second hand embarrassment just watching them.

He didn't pay any kind of attention to them though, clearly what they had to say (or show) wasn't very interesting.

They didn't give up though.

One girl even tried to put her hands in Harry's hair but he clearly wasn't very fond of that because he pushed her hand away before her nails could reach his scalp.

I always knew he was sensitive about his head of hair.

Whilst I was dancing I asked Niall about Harry and the girls, whether he was ever into any of them at all.

Niall said Harry was always quite good at sleeping around but he'd never had a girlfriend. Apparently he just gets bored with them, after he's slept with them a few times he just tosses them to the curb.

I feel awful for those girls nobody deserves to be treated like that but I can't say I'm surprised that Harry acts like that.

It's always been evident to me he thinks he's better than everybody else.

I don't know where he comes from or what kind of fancy ass house he lives in but it doesn't sit right with me that he can just toss women around like their objects.

On the other hand, Niall said everybody knows Harry's objectives and the girls know what their getting themselves in for.

That boy must be good in bed because I physically cannot think what else about him is appealing.

"The only girl he's had any sort of relationship with was called Izzy, they were never officially together but they've always had a 'thing'. She's the only girl Harry's slept with over maybe four of five times." Niall told me after we'd stopped dancing for a bit.

I had actual droplets of sweat dripping from my forehead and I probably looked like a wet dog at that point but I didn't care because I was having fun.

Even with the beady eyes trained on me.

I have no idea who Izzy is but she must be one hell of a saint to put up with Harry.

"Have I met her?"

"Who Izzy? Probably not, she doesn't often come to these parties. She was in the year above us but she didn't leave town for college so her and Harry still hook up sometimes."

I see.

Wonder what this Izzy looks like, she can't be that great if she didn't go to college. I guess she's probably got a job somewhere nearby.

Oh my god I bet that's where Harry goes when he disappears.

Have I just solved the mystery of the vanishing boy?

Who knows?

Maybe I'll ask him about it.

Harry still hadn't moved from the corner of the room when James came in.

He was scanning the room like he was looking for something and I really hoped it wasn't me. It wasn't that I didn't want to talk to him because I did.

I just didn't want to talk to him with Harry watching my every move.

It was too late for that though because James spotted me in between the mess of people and started making his way over.

Either he didn't notice Harry or he didn't care about him.

"Hey Elodie, I'm not really sure went down earlier but if I said anything wrong I'm super sorry and I never meant to upset you." He looked so sincere and I instantly felt bad for him.

"James I promise it was nothing you said, don't worry." I couldn't exactly explain to him about Harry, I wasn't even entirely sure he knew who Harry was.

"Okay, well if your sure?" His voice was laced with concern which instantly melted my insides.

"Yes I'm sure." I involuntarily reached out my hand and snaked it down his arm from his bicep to his wrist.

As soon as I realised what I'd done I whipped my hand back to side of my body.

I heard a soft chuckle from behind me, I recognised it.

Without making it obvious to James that I was distracted I quickly glanced behind me and there leaning against the wall was Harry himself.

He'd obviously moved from his previous position to get an earful of what I was saying to James.

I have no idea what he finds so interesting about me or why he has this incessant need to watch my every move but it's starting to drive me insane.

And why was he laughing.

Was it because of what James said?

Or because I tried to stroke him like a cat?

Oh god I bet it was the latter.

The devil on my shoulder was back and she was screaming at me to tell Harry to get lost. Why did he get the right to follow me round and watch what I was doing.

We aren't even friends, I have the right to talk to whoever I want to.

James still hadn't picked up on the whole Harry thing which I was entirely grateful for.

"Did you maybe want to meet up at some point in the week?" James seemed nervous as he asked his question, his fingers twiddling, not quite making eye contact.

I smiled at his request, he seemed so sweet and innocent no ulterior motive in sight.

There was no way I could make the poor boy squirm for any longer than he already was, you would never have guessed he was a few years older.

"Yes James I would love too." I couldn't see much in the dim room but I saw the spark that lit in his eye as I agreed to his plans.

I heard the chuckle behind me again, I ignored it.

James looked back at me his smile reaching his eyes "Okay great, how about I pick you up after school on Monday and we can go to the skatepark?"

My stomach dropped, there was absolutely no way I could try and skate in front of James, did he forget he was basically a professional.

I know he didn't know I was rubbish but if I told him I'd probably put him off for life and I'd decided I quite liked James.

He could sense my worry though and tried to fix it. "We don't have to though if you'd rather do something else?"

I didn't want to lie but there was absolutely no way I was about to embarrass myself at the skatepark in front of someone who may or may not be asking me on a date.

The first date I have ever been asked on.

"Maybe we could go to the cinema instead, there's a new one out I've heard about called Titanic." My tactic was to suggest something else so that James knew I was still interested, just not in the whole skating thing.

"If you're sure?" James asked again.

"Yes, you can meet me after school on Monday. I'll be ready."

"Okay." James looked a bit lost as to what do do next. It was sweet, endearing.

He hesitated then leaned down to hug me.

I was super glad he didn't try to kiss me because I wasn't quite ready for that and I was sure my breath smelt like beer still.

His long arms wrapped around my torso, we were both warm with party sweat so the hug was short.

"I'll see you on Monday." James spoke into my ear, his breath was warm but it was nice not to shout against the music.

He turned back to his friend with one last glacé and smirk in my direction.

They headed back to where they came from.

I could only assume they were going to James' room or somewhere more private.

"So little miss El's only gone and got herself a date with Santa Monica's one and only Mr hot shot!" Harry's English accent was sloppy, he was drunk.

He was still leant against the wall his arms crossed over his chest a bottle of beer in his hand.

It was obvious he'd been running his hands through his hair, seeing as he wouldn't let anyone else touch it.

His cross necklace was hanging out of his black t shirt, every so often it would reflect off of the strobe lights in the room.

I couldn't take my eyes off it as I spoke "Maybe I have."

"He's bad news, I don't like him." Harry's voice was serious.

Why was I not surprised that Harry didn't like James? I bet it's because James is the only form of competition Harry has around here.

I've seen the way girls look at James, it's the same way they look at Harry.

Except ALL the girls try to talk to James but the only girls that talk to Harry are the ones that want to sleep with him.

Nobody trusts Harry as far as they could throw him and I was one of those girls.

"Well Harry you don't have to like him. I do."

Harry's eyebrows raised at that "He isn't honest El, you'll get hurt."

"As if you care, I think you'll happen to find James is very nice and he actually likes me. You have no authority over me whatsoever, we aren't even friends." I huffed.

"Ouch!" Harry feigned upset clutching his hand to his chest where his heart would be, if he actually had one.

"Besides why have you been watching me all night?" I'd finally plucked up the courage to ask or maybe I was just one too many vodkas deep.

I hadn't had this much to drink since the first party and it was starting to hit me quite rapidly.

"Bold of you to assume I was watching you." Harry drawled.

Was I being paranoid this whole time? Was Harry not actually watching me and he was really just stood in the corner?

No I sure he was watching me, I'm not that stupid.

My cheeks flushed red. I felt quite put on the spot and I didn't know how to respond.

One side of Harry's mouth was upturned and the green in his eyes had started to sparkle.

He was lying.

He had been watching me I knew it. But why?

There was no way he'd answer that but why was he watching me and not anyone else in the room? More importantly why wasn't he paying any attention to the girls who were so interested in getting down his pants?

"Just don't, okay." Wow Elodie way to shoot back at him.

Harry chuckled again, that sound was starting to drive me up the wall. He stood up from leaning against the wall and made his way toward me.

The party was still going on all around us, the lights flashing and the bass vibrating thought the floorboards.

I felt rooted the floor once again, some how Harry had this unimaginable power over me. Moreover he had this power over my feet because they just wouldn't move.

He took a large mouthful of his beer and brought his lips to my ear similarly to how James had just done but this was different.

Harry boiled something in my blood, made me feel this rage I couldn't quite place. He didn't actually have to do anything to annoy me, his presence was enough for me.

"Good luck with him love." Harry was so close now, too close.

Nobody around us was paying any mind to the situation so nobody could see my chest heaving and my laboured breathing.

Harry smelt of sweat and cologne. A weird boyish mix that suited him perfectly.

If anyone asked me to describe how he smelt I don't think I could but it was unique and I feel like I could pick it up out of a line up, not that I'd ever need to do that. But you know if I did.

He was close enough to touch, I could push him away and storm out.

I didn't.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." And with that he was gone.

Hope you're all doing well besties :)

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