2:Fire & Ice || Yizhan Ff ||

By Script-Symphony

393K 27.7K 2.6K

Completed!! They were like Yin and Yang, good and bad fire and ice. Both from different world, different back... More

01; Just Wanted to Burn For Once
02; Only Family
03: Second Encounter
04; Coldness
05; Not again
06; New Job
07; An Asshole Boss
08; Triggered An Attack
09; Meeting The Brother
10; Short Tempered
11; Sharing a Bed
12; Furious Uncle
13; Hint of Jealousy
14; Taste of Craziness
16; Ten Percent of The Truth
17; Defensive Xiao Zhan
18; What Lurks Within
19; Ambush
20; Different Direction
21; A Mob Boss
22; Mr Xiao Ying
23; Wang Haikuan
24; Forgiveness
25; Thunderstorm and Bedtime Stories
26; Her Boyfriend
27; His Ex
28; HeartBreak.
29; Savior
30; Gone Wrong
31; Pain and Anger
33; Numb
34: Played With Fire&Ice
35; Ice
36; Talk With Uncle
37; Talk With Haikuan
38; The Club I
39; The Club II
40; One Down
41; Problematic
42; Fight It! 18+
43; A Taste of Her Own Medicine
44; Done Running
45; Gotcha
46; Another Twist
47; How Would it End
48; Chilling Feeling
49; A Sudden Betrayal
50; Her Point of View
51; Is It Over?
52; Five Years Later
Special Thanks!!!
Epilogue 01
Epilogue 02
Extra Chapter; A Happy Ending
Author Note

32; Too Late

5.1K 422 53
By Script-Symphony

"Do you think his husband is that stupid!" FanXing vociferated to his boss as soon as he hanged up the call after speaking to Wang Yibo. He knew his boss was ignoramus but not that stupid.

Seemed like they had no idea on who they just called but luckily, FanXing was not dim-witted. He knew all about the monster on his way.

The boss shrugged. "Even though he comes with the police, we'll kill them all and takes the money and before Madam Hua gets here, I am already a 50million reacher"

FanXing scoffed inwardly, a smirked curved on his lips. They distinctly had no idea on what was coming. He turned his gaze back to Xiao Zhan, who was just lying on the floor, letting out cries of agony once in a while.

Let's just hope Wang Yibo gets here before anything happens to any of them. He thought turning his attention back to his boss. "You will surely regret this"

The boss laughed out loud. "I am Wei Wen and I have more than an hundred men in this building, I fear nothing and would regret nothing"

"Don't you think two days is too long boss, the pregnant one doesn't look like he would make it for that long" one of his men pointed out and the boss nodded his head and began typing in his phone.

"Tomorrow it is then. It's already late, let's get some rest and wait for millions"

"Wait for our deaths you mean..." FanXing whispered silently to himself as he shut his eyes and rest on the chair, waiting for a short death as well.

A few hours later, the sound of clamorous gun shots was what woke him up as he roused with a jolt.

"What's going on?" The boss catechized, his voice vibrating as they sound got ostentatiously and louder.

FanXing smirked. "He is here"

"Who is here?!!" The boss hollered at FanXing tearing off his mask from his face, revealing a pure and angel like face, completely unblemished and impeccable.

"The one you called to bring you money, beast of the underworld, Wang Yi Bo!" He voiced, eyeing his boss who suddenly widened his eyes as reality clobbered him like lightening.

Wei Wen turned to his men. "You go out and make sure you kill him" he bade  and they immediately rushed like folks who were tired of existing.

A few minutes later, the sounds of guns and the cries of fallen men got louder and louder, Wei Wen's body wobbled as he pulled out his gun when something heavy hit the door.

"If am going to die, I'll bring him with me" he pointed his gun at Xiao Zhan, FanXing's eyes widened as he immediately acted without thinking. He grabbed a dagger from his pants and quickly cut off the ropes bonding him, without wasting a second he lunched towards him, tracking him to the hard floor and the gun fell out from his hand, landing beside Xiao Zhan who slowly opened his eyes and adverted his sight to find FanXing and his boss rolling on the floor, throwing punches at each other but his boss was stronger as he was now hovering over him with a knife close to the little one's neck when the other held his hands trying his hardest to push the dagger away from his neck but the boss smirked as he pushed the dagger closer and closer to the other's throat, then...


The loud sound nearly deafen FanXing's ears and his boss immediately turned snuffed and his grip got weak, blood poured out from his mouth and soon, he was on the floor, dead with wide eyes staring into nothing.

FanXing immediately turned towards the door but it was not uncloged yet, so that meant the person who shot Wen was...he gasped loudly as he immediately turned only to find Xiao Zhan on his feet with a gun on his shaky grip but he was falling as the gun fell out from his hand but luckily, FanXing was fast as he caught him before he landed on the floor. He shook him but Xiao Zhan was now completely unconscious, blood rushing out from between his legs, tears slipped out from FanXing's eyes as he held Xiao Zhan close to his chest, waiting for someone to find them and soon, the door was blasted opened and there stood was none other than Wang Yibo dressed in all black, his hair was disarrayed and his eyes was blood shot, completely animal like and hanging low on his hand was a katana sword dripping with blood.

"Help" FanXing cried out and that was when Wang Yibo's gaze landed on Xiao Zhan, lying unconsciously in a young boy's arms, both were in a pool of blood coming out from Xiao Zhan. His eyes widened and immediately, the sword fell out from his hold and he rushed forward, taking Xiao Zhan out from the other's arms.

"Xiao Zhan!!" he called the lifeless person with raw emotions dripping from voice and when be didn't hear any response from him, Wang Yibo didn't waste any more time as he immediately carried Xiao Zhan in a bridal style and rushed out from the room, Haoxuan and Yuchen came in and took FanXing with them.


Fuck" Wang Yibo cursed pulling his hair backwards painfully as he pace from one corner of the hospital waiting lobby to the other. His eyes were red, his hair was mess, his black clothes were covered him blood but he didn't care, didn't care if he was staining the white floors of the hospital, how could he care when his bunny was fighting for his life in that room and he couldn't do anything about it.

His fault, everything was his fault. He should had saved him sooner or better yet, he should've had gone to work then he would have been able to watch over him, not only was Jiyang fighting for his life, Xiao Zhan was also in a critical state and everything was his fault. Fuck, he cursed again fisting the first wall his eyes met and he groaned but the pain wasn't enough to suppress what he felt in his heart.

A few minutes later, Zhucheng with a man came in, probably Xiao Zhan's uncle as Wang Yibo had never seen the man before.

"How is my boy?" The man asked.

"The doctor is not out yet" Yuchen had answered since Wang Yibo didn't look like he was in the right mind to say anything or face anyone.

"I failed to protect him from her" the old man cried as he slowly sat down on the chairs. Wang Yibo's movement halted and he turned to the man.

"Her...?" He grilled, staring at him closely.

"Her, Wang Hua" he answered keeping his head low but Wang Yibo felt there was more to the story, from what this man was saying, the witch wasn't targeting Xiao Zhan because of him but for something else.

"You know Wang Hua?" Wang Yibo continued to asked and the man nodded his head, he opened his mouth to speak again but restrained himself as he thought this wasn't the right place to talk about that blood sucker.

A few more minutes of waiting, the doctor finally came out from Xiao Zhan's room. Everyone were immediately up on their feet.

"How is Xiao Zhan?" Zhucheng was the first to ask.

The doctor sighed and shook her head sadly. "I have good news and a bad news"

"What's the good news?" Mr Xiao questioned.

"The good news is, we were able to pull the patient out from danger, he is now sable but the bad news is, we were not able to save the child, he went through a late miscarriage as the gestation was to weak to endure any physical hardship especially with the effect of the sleeping drugs in his system, he had an overdose of it which had trigger the fetus, it would be a miracle if he would be able to conceive again because the drug did more harm to his system as he was pregnant" The doctor finished.

Wang Yibo couldn't hold it back as he suddenly felt numb, he sat on the floor, it was as if something in him had died but if he was like this, how would Xiao Zhan be feeling?

"Can we go see him?" Mr Xiao asked in a shaky breathe.

"Yes but in two hours, excuse me"


Next chapter coming up shortly.

I really want to say thank you guys for reading my book, I never thought I would come this far but your comments and votes has kept me from stopping half way.

Thank you so much my fellow readers and authors, I really really appreciate your efforts.

Stay safe and be happy...!

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