Wolfstar Oneshots

By hpnerd__

15K 233 182

Hi this is my first book on here and it's just a lot of wolfstar Oneshots because they are my favourite thing... More

I'm Scared
The confession
History Repeats Itself
A Welcome Surprise
Drunken Love
The night it all fell apart
Teddy Lupin Headcannon
Absolutely Smitten
The Prank tm
The Story of Blackinnon
Jesus we're blind!
I shouldn't have done that

James' Confusion

996 23 6
By hpnerd__

James POV
I swear McGonagall can really drone on when she wants to, I thought I might as well have died of boredom right then and there! Not to mention, we had two essays due at the end of the weekend. I could barely hold all the books! (I'd dropped them at least three times on my way down the corridor.)

Hold on... I stopped dead in my tracks. What was going on here? To my left I could see Remus and Lily sitting on the ledge overlooking the lake. Normally I wouldn't bat an eyelid, but that was known as the spot couples went to. Now I thought about it, the two had been spending an awful lot of time together over the past week... I kept walking, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was going on between them. I'm sure Remus wouldn't betray me like that he knew I'd liked Lily since, well forever. Still, something was off.

"Hey Prongs" Sirius caught up to me carrying an equally large number of books.

"Oh, hey" I replied, tearing my eyes away from them. I noticed Sirius was also casting occasional glances at Lily and Remus, did he know something I didn't? Or was he equally confused as I was?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Freedom washed over me, as the wind rushed through my hair. I could see the snitch ahead of me, and the slytherin seeker was nowhere near. This was my chance. All I had to do was reach ahead... I stretched my hand out straining to catch up, while pushing my broom as fast as it could go.

"Aha, got it!" I shouted as my hand closed around the fluttering object. Cheers and claps erupted from the crowd, filling my ears with the sweet sound of victory. The cup was ours! I knew there would be a massive party tonight to celebrate, I was excited already!

The party was wild! Frank had snuck loads of snacks in from the kitchen and Sirius, as usual, had provided enough alcohol to get an elephant wasted. Unsurprisingly, Sirius was dancing on the table and knocking almost everything over. Marlene and Alice tried desperately to get him down. Peter was standing in the corner nervously, but where had Remus got to?

After a few moments, I spotted him. I was glad that he wasn't reading during the party, but sitting at a table with... wait was that Lily! Jeez James you need to stop being so jealous! They can both be friends with whoever they want! (emphasis on friends!)

What were they doing anyway? Hold on, Lily was giggling and Remus was... Blushing! Were they flirting?! I mean, they sure looked like it, but Remus wouldn't do that, would he?

I wanted to ignore them, but a horrible sinking feeling ran through me. I had always thought Lily and I had a chance, even if she did call me a toerag at least once a day. But, why shouldn't she like Remus, he was smart, loved books like her, and from what I could tell; they got on really well. The more I thought about it, the more depressed I got; I needed some firewhiskey, immediately!

"Hey, Pads," I said, only slightly drunk.

"Uh huh, what's up?" Sirius responded (after he had finished downing enough alcohol to kill someone!)

"You don't think, Re and Lily could ever have a thing, do you?"

"What makes you say that?" His usual easygoing smile had been wiped off his face and he seemed genuinely worried. Wait did he like Lily too?! No, now you're just being paranoid...

"I don't know, but I think I saw them flirting earlier"

"I'm sure it's nothing." the finality in his voice made it clear the conversation was over. He turned away and started drinking twice as fast as normal. Talking about Sirius, that was really something! One of the things I had just said had stressed him out, but what?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I kept an eye on the two of them after that, nothing suspicious had happened yet, but i was still panicked about it. I could just ask Remus, but I didn't want to be made into an idiot or make things awkward.

I was in fact taking a nice lunchtime stroll around the castle, when I saw them together again. They were lying side by side in front of the lake and from what I could tell, cloud watching. I couldn't believe my eyes! That was definitely a couples activity.
Although I was rather far away, I could see Lily laughing and Remus smiling, looking flushed. They looked so peaceful and happy, I didn't have the heart to disturb them, but rage still boiled inside of me.

Part of me was saying I was being irrational and there was an obvious explanation for this, but I wasn't really listening to it. I clenched my fists and felt my anger exploding. I wanted to punch something! Remus was one of my best friends, I couldn't believe he would do something like this! I turned on my heel and stormed off, before I did something I would regret.

I found an empty classroom and sat, running over the events of the last few minutes in my head. Once the fury had subsided, I started to just feel stupid again. The rational side of my brain took over, and I realised I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that. Me and Sirius hung out all the time, and we weren't dating. I wasn't really annoyed at Remus anymore so much as curious. Even if they weren't dating, I had a feeling the explanation wasn't so simple.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Though slightly reluctantly, I had put the Remus/Lily situation to the back of my mind. This was partly to focus on studying and partly to stop myself going berserk!

I was eager to get the day done as tomorrow it was a hogsmeade weekend. Practically running, I went down to breakfast. However, the sight that greeted me was not a welcome one. I noticed Remus was not sitting with Sirius and Peter like usual, so I scanned the table and, to my dismay, saw him sitting down at the end with Lily and the other girls.

I had hoped this wouldn't happen. Even though I knew it was kind of selfish, I really couldn't stand the idea of Remus and Lily dating. I liked her far too much for that! Slipping into the gap next to Sirius, I kept my eyes fixed on the two supposed love birds.

"Why isn't Remus sitting with us, you haven't annoyed him or anything have you?" I told Sirius, still not moving my eyes and using a fake laugh to mask my fear.

"Oh I dunno, he said something about needing to talk to Lily."

"Alright" I looked away from them and started helping myself to food. I was glad it wasn't definite, like Remus saying he needed to sit with his girlfriend or something. But it did very little to stop the uneasy feeling in my stomach. I dared to look back up at them, and saw the exact thing I feared. Lily was grinning at Remus who was laughing and jokily shoving her. Now that was flirting if I ever saw it!

"So Prongs, got anyone special to take to hogsmeade?" Sirius was smiling mischievously as he spoke.

"No, Lilyflower still hasn't said yes, you?"

"No surprises there! And no, but i'm hoping a certain person will ask me" he shifted uncomfortably and laughed nervously as he said it. Before i could say anything, he
started talking again, eager to change the subject. "I heard Peter has a date though."

"Oh yeah, I'm going with Desmonda Lewis" chirped in Peter.

"Good for you Peter, need any dating advice you know where to come."

"Yeah, i'll be sure to ask Sirius"

I mocked being hurt and they laughed, I was glad to have a distraction.

"Guess who I heard Marlene was going with?" Sirius added

"I dunno, who?" Now I was interested.

"Dorcas Meadowes" he said definitively, before taking a sip from his goblet.

"Yes! I knew it." I responded enthusiastically, "Peter, you owe me 5 galleons"

"Darn it! I really thought Dorcas was straight!"

There was a lull in the conversation and my mind had time to wander back to Remus and Lily. I decided that, that night I was gonna confront them. There was no way there wasn't something happening!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

That night, I stormed into the common room, and as expected saw Remus and Lily sitting together. It worried me, even if Sirius was also with them. I half ran straight to them and took a seat opposite, trying to remember what I'd rehearsed.

"You," I pointed a finger right at Remus and Lily, "you two are dating". I sat back in my chair and folded my arms, but they did not react at all like I expected.

"What us?!" Remus gestured between him and Lily and then they both burst out laughing. I was a little taken aback, but I continued anyway.

"B-but I kept seeing you two together, and it definitely looked like flirting!" I stammered out, trying not to turn the colour of a tomato.

"Ok, number one, I would never date Lily since I know how you like her and I'm not that mean. Second, you have the worst gaydar ever!" Remus chuckled.

"Well that's a relief... wait what?!" Now I was really confused.

I could tell Lily was trying to hold in laughter, "if you'd been here like five minutes ago you'd have witnessed Remus asking Sirius out to hogsmeade!"

"Wait you two are gay!?" They nodded, "you are!" Now I really looked at the scene before me, I noticed Remus and Sirius were holding hands. "Well good for you, but I can't believe you didn't tell me!"

"Oh, shut up James,"

"Alright, alright" I put my hands up in mock surrender and retired to a sofa in front of the fire. My mind reeled with all of this new information.

Remus and Lily weren't dating so that was a relief, but Remus and Sirius?! Don't get me wrong; I'm happy for them, but it was certainly a shock! I mean, half the girls in school like Sirius, and I wouldn't be surprised if he'd hooked up with most of them.

The evening wore on, and soon the new couple had sat on the sofa next to mine. Remus rested his head in Sirius' lap while Sirius played with Remus' hair. I had to admit, they were a very cute couple. Not long after, Lily came over to me with a book and read quietly, looking extremely adorable. Every once in a while, a lock of hair would fall in her face and she would blow it away; a habit of hers I absolutely loved. I don't know how long we sat there, but the moment was calm and homely, with the fire blazing brightly. When Lily fell asleep on me, it was everything I could do to keep my heart from beating out of my chest.

The conversation James thought were flirting

"Hey Lily, can I talk to you about something."

"Of course, let's sit here. What is it?"

"Well, I really like this person, and i'm not sure what to do."

"Oo who is it? No, don't tell me. Alice, Marlene, Mary?"

"No, none of them"

"Is it a slytherin?!"

"Also No, thankfully"

"Who then?"


"Sorry what was that?"

"I'm gay and I like Sirius!"

"Yes! You guys would be so cute!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Hey, Remusss"

"What is it, Lily, I'm reading"

"First of all the fact that you're reading during a party is a crime. Here put that down. Second, didn't Sirius look hot on that broom."

"Oh will you shut up. I'm seriously starting to regret telling you."

"Don't you mean, Siriusly"

"Ugh I hate you!"

"No, you don't"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Oh hey, that one looks like a turtle"

"I'm pretty sure it looks like a cloud"

"Jeez Remus your being a bit of a downer"

"At least i'm not in denial about my feelings for James"

"I do not like James!"

"Sure you don't. But come on, when are you finally going to admit you like him."

"Let me think... when you eventually work up the courage to ask Sirius out."

"Oh, I guess never then"

"No! You should do it! I'm sure he'll say yes!"

"You know i'm too scared. Plus it'd be awkward if he said no"

"I will not accept that as an answer. You will do it Remus John Lupin!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Hey Lily"


"I've decided i'm gonna do it"

"Do what?"

"Ask Sirius out. I'll do it tonight before Hogsmeade tomorrow."

"Yay! I'm so happy for you."

"But can I sit here with you, i'm way too scared to be around him right now"

"Oh you're such a wimp! But yes you can sit here. You'd better do it though or i'll be annoyed"


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