Rainbow Six Siege (Ela Bosak...

By aegis1st

111K 1.7K 710

The White Masks...it didn't start as a terrorist organization, you created it to help people...you could say... More

The White Masks
A Boring Life
Exclusive Tour
Settling In
It's been a while
Making Friends
The Heist
The Party
Bomb Threat
Shifting Tides
An Old Friend
Cerberus Vs White Masks
First Date Ever
The Black Dragon
The Program
Void Edge
No Rest
The Information Dealer
Next Step
Shocking News
Time For A Change
Museum Siege
First Encounter
A Bold Request
Wolves in Japan
Enemy Ace
Rescue Mission
New Work Environment
Business Meeting
The Reunion
The End of a Threat
Biological Affair
The Start of a New Life
VIP Mission: Captain's Wife
Author Note: Legacy
Legacy: Big Bad Wolf
Legacy: Assassination Attempt
Legacy: The Strongest
Update: Remake?

Behind The Mask

1.1K 30 26
By aegis1st

Sunday, February 21, 2021
White Masks HQ
Markus PoV 

"So the wolves got rid of my people in The Netherlands and Poland...It doesn't matter. They are just newcomers that think they can do better than Rainbow," I chuckled

"The way I see it. The Wolves are kicking our ass," Allen said and I rolled my eyes 

"Is that what you think?" I smirked as I stood up from my chair and asked him to follow me 

"Ever since I took control of the white masks I started planning on how to control the world, you must think that's a child's dream but for me, it's not the case, I am tired of following orders and what I want is to let the world know how much I hate that!" I shouted at the end 

"So? If you aren't born to be a leader you are born to be ordered around," Allen said and I chuckled 

"You are right. My Father was born to be ordered around, as a result, my mother died. He was ordered by his superiors to kill us because we were just dead weight for him," I said 

"Who would want your father to kill you?" Allen asked me 

"Years ago the Special Air Service or SAS created a black ops team, My father served and (y,n) father did too, the idea of that was to eliminate targets the military could not officially take care of," I said as we continued walking towards our destination. We got inside a car and drove towards our destination 

After a few minutes, we finally reached our destination. A massive complex linked to my secret weapon. An orbital station called "Zeus" this orbital weapon will bring the world to its knees. These "Wolves" Think they got us by freeing Poland and The Netherlands from me but the truth is that those countries already fulfilled their purposes. I was planning to blast Rainbow HQ in Greece but we cannot target the base or speak to our spies inside for some reason. All I know is that Six was moved from there but we don't know to where. 

"You are inside Markus," Allen told me and I chuckled. 

"Me? I don't think so," I kept chuckling  then I contacted the orbital station 

"Markus to Zeus station. Time for target practice, connecting to targeting drone," I said. I looked at the drone's camera and it was approaching the target. 

"Nighthaven HQ is on sight awaiting orders Sir!" Zeus said 

"Since you work for me I want you to set a targeting mark in the Rainbow HQ itself," I ordered him then looked at the screen 

"You are clear to take the shot, Zeus," I said then I proceeded to watch the show and I must say...it is so rewarding. 

"Obviously we are going to reduce the firepower, we want to control the world, not to erase it. Nighthaven was located in a faraway place, our next shot should give you time to escape the blast," I said 

Fifteen Minutes Earlier
The Region of Elis, Greece
Aruni PoV 

"I wasn't expecting this to be done so fast," Grace asked me and I just rolled my eyes 

"Actually this 'Tournament' thing was a good excuse to round the spies up. At that and the fact that you worked really fast, helped me a lot," I smiled at the Korean girl 

"I think we should thank the Captain because he is the one who insisted me to keep track of what Rainbow was doing ever since this 'Wolves' thing started," Grace said 

The remaining members of Team Rainbow were packing their things and getting ready to leave this place and move to their old base, I have been here like two days and I noticed that this place is falling apart, earlier we were able to do a friendly match and it ended with Ash punching Kali right in the face, I stayed away from it because I don't work for them. Our job here was over so it was time for us to pack and head back to base, while I was packing I was told by Chelsea that Jordan was coming to see me. Grace just looked at me and smirked then left 

"Are you coming to laugh at me?" I turned around to face Jordan 

"How did you know I was coming?" He asked me and I thought on Chelsea but instead of revealing Chelsea's cover I just shrugged 

"I had a feeling," I said and he chuckled 

"I hope there's no hard feeling between us," Jordan said and I chuckled 

"I should be the one saying that, I mean I did kick your ass," I smiled at him 

"Tell him about the part when you winked at him. Or the part when the dumb bastard tried to breach a soft wall with his thermal charge," Chelsea said through comms and I almost laughed 

Before he could react to my attempt of laughing, we heard a scream coming from far away, Thermite and I looked at each other and rushed towards the source of the scream. When we arrived we looked at the news and Kali was crying, I looked at the news and saw the replay of what just happened. 

"The blast destroyed Nighthaven HQ. No one survived..." Hibana said. I almost forgot that the captain also sends her here yesterday. She was spending time with Pulse so I hardly noticed her around 

Kali's behavior is the worst but no one deserves to be left alone at a time like this. Everything she has worked for and all the people that believed in her...all gone...in a single blast. I told Chelsea to contact the captain and she left to find Grace, all of a sudden Kali turned around to see me. she was angry while tears were coming down her cheeks.

"This is all your fault!" She yelled at me

"We still don't know what could have caused the blast but all we know for sure is that it came from Space, our people are working as fast as they can to locate the origin of the blast and deal with it. Until then...god helps us all," That was the response of the U.S army. But truth be told...I know they are not prepared for this...not of us are. Suddenly Grace came running, she was panting and I noticed that fear just consumed her. 

"The terrorists are coming!" Grace shouted and my eyes widened in fear. Suddenly Chelsea appeared

"I've contacted the captain and filled him with the details, he is on his way but he told us to protect Grace," She said

It makes sense...Yun and Leon when they are on the field they use a jamming device coming from their phone, in Grace's case her tablet, this prevents the enemy from finding them, and thank god she is the only thing standing between us and an orbital strike.

"Listen Kali. I know you are mad but right now if we don't want to die we have to keep Grace safe because if the terrorists get to her...we are going to die," I tried to reason with her 

3rd Person PoV 

Aruni and the rest left the room on their way to get their equipment but it didn't take long for the terrorists to arrive, they started their attack by shooting rockets at the facility. The team tried to move as fast as they could until one rocket landed on where Grace and Aruni were, it didn't kill them but it was enough to split grace from them. Allen saw her and he knew she was the one he needed to reach. Allen told his team to stop as he went in. He ran towards Grace as he led one person behind in charge of the team, that person was David Blackwood, a white mask lieutenant.

Allen ran towards Grace but Grace due to the fall was injured, she tried to get away from him but she couldn't, then Allen grabbed her and just when he was about to destroy her tablet Chelsea appeared and punched him in the face, causing him to drop Grace. The wraith attacked Allen but he was easily dodging her attacks. 

"Is that all?" Allen said then he started to attack and one of his hits caught Chelsea and broke her mask and she fell to the ground before she could get up Allen stomp on her leg and broke it. As she screamed in pain Allen lifted her and looked at Grace.

"And here I thought I came to have some fun," Allen broke Chelsa's neck. He made it look like he just broke a toothpick.

"NOOO!" Grace and Aruni yelled for the loss of their comrade 

Chelsea was killed in action and the rest couldn't do anything, they were far and unarmed, and now Grace was at the mercy of the terrorist. Allen grabbed her by the neck and just before he could continue a ship arrived at the place, the ship started to shoot at the white masks while opening the back Kai Reegar jumped off the ship and ran towards Grace and Allen. 

"You are fucked up!" Grace smirked at Allen

Reegar punched Allen and even though he guarded Reegar still punched through Allen's defenses and landed a blow on his face that brought him to his knees. David knew Allen was in problem so he went to help him but he encountered (y,n) along the way. There he was...the wolve captain looking at the dead body of his wraith. 

"Who did this?" (y,n) asked Grace and she looked at Allen 

"Kill that mother fucker..." (y,n) seriously said then looked at David and started to walk towards him.

Reegar had Allen grabbed by the neck and when he heard the voice of his captain he knew (y,n) was sad. It is always difficult to see people dying under someone's command but this is war and people are bound to die. Reegar smashed the head of Allen on the ground and started punching him, as he kept punching him Allen's face was getting bloody and the ground beneath his head was cracking and Reegar kept doing it until Allen died. Allen stood up and looked back at the captain who just killed David by breaking his neck, (y,n) dropped David took off his mask and placed his hand on his face trying to cover his tears.

"This is tough..." (Y,n) said trying his best not to cry but the tears were already coming down his cheeks. 

"This is what it means to be a Captain. Isn't it? Don't lose yourself," Kai said as he looked at Grace who was laying next to Chelsea's body crying then Aruni came 

"If you waver, who can we trust?" Kai added then he looked around 

"We have to leave (y,n)" Kai said. (y,n) turned around and headed towards Chelsea's body and picked her up.

Time Skip
Wolves HQ

Ela PoV 

We were sent to South Africa to hunt down some hunters that were killing Elephants for their tusks, after we dealt with them we returned to base, and there we found out everything that just happened. Raven and the rest of the Wraiths were hurt by the loss of their friend. The only thing I could be to be there for them and then when the least I expected I was called by the Captain and he got a wolf to escort me to where he was. I was expecting to meet up with him at the office but the wolf took me to another place. 

"We arrived..." The wolf said and I nodded. I entered the room I saw him sitting in the back of the long hallway. I noticed the walls had names written on them. I noticed the captain was without his mask but he was looking down and his long (h,c) hair was covering his face 

"That's close enough..." He said and I stopped 

"I let this happened...I should have stopped Markus months ago but I let my guard down and now Kali lost everything," He said 

"There is no way for you to know what Markus was planning," I said trying to reassure him then he chuckled 

"What's so funny?" I crossed my arms 

"I never knew you could reassure someone," He said and I scoffed 

"Don't get used to it," I said. After a few moments of silence, I looked around because the walls called my attention 

"Those are the people that have died from Cerberus to now," He said 

"Is (y,n) here?" I asked him 

"I supposed..." He shrugged 

"He died so he should be here but you don't seem to care," I raised my voice 

"I care, but why would I care for someone who hasn't died yet..." He said. My eyes widened in surprised and when I turned around there he was...The Wolves' Captain was (y,n). He stood up and grabbed a sign and placed it on the wall. 

"Chelsea Park," I read

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked him and he sighed 

"You had your life going so why would I bring something from your past back to life," He said 

"I thought my life would get better after your death and it did for a while, my ex-boyfriend Taylor wasn't the man I expected, and now turns out he works for the white masks, it broke my heart to hear that you didn't have anything to do with my father's death and then I couldn't protect my niece and mom. Yeah! What a way to continue my life without you," I chuckled at the end 

"I hated you so much ever since I escaped. When I needed you you weren't there for me, I trusted you and you took that trust and threw it away as you blindly trusted what you were told. Then I realized...I am glad you didn't," When he said that my eyes widened in surprise, I looked at him confused 

"Markus would have killed you, Ela, and when I thought of that I also realized that I still love you..." He said then I stood up 

"No (y,n) you deserve someone better than me all I did was screw you and it wouldn't be fair to keep abusing from your kindness," With all the pain in my heart I said it. I turned around and saw Kai, Raven, and Vy standing right behind me 

"As much as I agree with you Ela you and the captain deserve each other, so think about it," Raven surprisingly said. I nodded and took one last look at (y,n). He wasn't the same man I used to love before and I'm the one who causes that smile to fade away.

I'll think about it, even though there's nothing to think about, but right now he needs to focus on dealing with Markus, the last thing he needs is to deal with someone like me. 

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