Shattered Memories

By bellaPiiink

160K 4.3K 304

A lot can change in two years. You can turn into a nerdy girl to a popular girl. You can turn into an ugly gi... More

Shattered Memories
Prologue: Car Accident
Chapter One: The Lost of Two Years
Chapter Two: Family Matter
Chapter Three: Home Sweet Home... I Think
Chapter Four: Miss Popular?
Chapter Five: Embarrassing Moments
Chapter Six: Stuck With You?
Chapter Seven: Jealous? You Got To Be Kidding
Chapter Eight: Diamond Ring
Chapter Ten: The Cake and Us
Chapter Eleven: Xavier's Story
Chapter Twelve: The Clash of the Friends
Chapter Thirteen: Sudden Holiday
Chapter Fourteen: The Swimsuit
Chapter Fifteen: Guilty Kisses
Chapter Sixteen: She's the Reason
Chapter Seventeen: Best Friend Knows Best
Chapter Eighteen: Caught in Act
Chapter Nineteen: Like Before
Chapter Twenty: Blackmailing Boyfriend
Chapter Twenty-One: Masquerade
Chapter Twenty-Two: Prom Night
Chapter Twenty-Three: Secrets Revealed
Chapter Twenty-Four: Questions and Answers
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Girl in the Attic
Chapter Twenty-Six: Sandor's Plan
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Breakfast
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Blue Eyes
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Apartment in Massachusetts
Chapter Thirty: Convincing
Epilogue: The Surprise
Author's Note

Chapter Nine: Friends Again... Well, Almost

4.3K 123 2
By bellaPiiink

"No, I can't remember me giving you a diamond ring," Summer said, frowning as she shook her head.

"Are you sure?" I clarified.

"Yeah, I am."

"How about you, Mandy?" I turned to her.

She was reading a novel on the sofa. She put it down and looked up at me. "No, I didn't give you a diamond ring. You know me... if I would have a diamond ring, I wouldn't give it to anyone, least of all you."

I rolled my eyes. Summer laughed as I turned back at her. We were sitting on the dining table, eating breakfast. It was the day after I ditched class with Xavier. And last night, I found a diamond ring just below my bed. I was shocked then convinced myself it was just a coincidence. But when I asked Summer and Mandy if they gave me a diamond ring before, I have a feeling that Xavier's diamond ring and mine are one.

But it's impossible! Why would he give me something like that? That diamond ring was for the girl he loved and I'm pretty sure I'm not the girl. I'm the girlfriend of his brother, for God's sake. He doesn't love me -- he can't love me. I'm practically out of bounds and forbidden. 

I sighed. All this thinking made my head ache... again. I heard Summer chuckle again and I gave her a look. She shut up and smiled apologetically. "Why are you having such a problem, anyway? It's just a diamond ring."

"But it's not just a diamond ring." Then an idea hit me. "Wait. Did Mom and Dad gave me a diamond ring before?" Hah! That must be right! My parents would have afforded buying me a diamond ring. They're rich now.

Summer frowned. "I don't think so. You hated our parents more than I do. Everything they gave to you, you threw it away. You wouldn't keep it -- even it was a diamond ring."

"Well, there must be a-- Wait, did you just say, 'I hated our parents more than you do'?"

She blushed in embarrassment.

"Holy crap," I swore, my eyes wide.

"Your parents are very easy to hate," Mandy spoke aloud, not even looking up from her book. "No offense."

"None taken," Summer said. She faced me again. "Sorry I didn't tell you earlier. It was something I don't want to speak about."

"I understand... it's just... I can't believe I'm been a bitch even to my parents. I was not that kind of girl, Summer."

"Well, it's their fault for changing so much," Summer said quietly.

For a moment, silence enveloped us. But Summer broke it by saying, "Can you pass the salt?"

I grabbed the salt and handed it to her. "Anyway, who do you think gave me the diamond ring?"

"Maybe your boyfriend?"

"Sandor? I think he's not the kind of guy who would just give a diamond ring..."

"What is with the diamond ring?" Mandy cried out, exasperated.

"Yeah, what's with the diamond ring?" Summer asked curiously.

"Well... Xavier and I hung out yesterday and he told me something about the girl he once loved. He stole something for her. It was a diamond ring and until now she have it. But then the girl moved awy and maybe she can't remember him anymore. Anyway, the point is that I have a feeling that the diamond ring I found last night was just the same with Xavier's ring."

When I was done explaining, Mandy and Summer looked at each other. Then, in unison, they turned back at me, their eyes wide open. I frowned at them and shrugged. "What? Did Xavier gave me a ring?" I asked. Then I realized that it sounded stupid so I laughed. "Well, that would be something. Him giving me the ring."

Summer nervously laughed. "I find that very hard to believe."

Mandy nodded over-cheerfully. "Yeah, it is!"

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. What were they thinking? It's obvious they know something about the ring. They just won't tell me. I opened my mouth to say something but a beep came from outside, stopping me.

"That must be your ride," Summer said quickly.

"You should go. You don't want to make those bitches -- sorry, friends of yours -- wait for you," Mandy said, smiling.

I sighed and kissed Summer's cheek. "Okay, I'll go. But don't think it's over. I'm still interrogating you guys." Then with a final wave to Mandy, I stepped out of the mansion and opened the gate.

Okay, it must be my imagination because the car that was waiting for me wasn't exactly a car. It was a motorbike and I was pretty sure Claire and Kelly don't own a motorbike. What's more, it wasn't just any motorbike. It was Xavier's.

I broke out into a grin as I walked quickly to the motorbike, excited. I don't know why but I just wanted to see Xavier again. Plus, I wanted to talk to him about the diamond ring.

But then the person who was riding the motorbike turned and my heart sank. It wasn't Xavier.

It was Sandor.

"You look disappointed," he chuckled. "Who did you thought it was? Tom Cruise?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Brad Pitt."

I walked to him and then he leaned closer to me, giving my lips a kiss. "It's nice to see you, Autumn."

"Where's Claire and Kelly?" I asked.

"I called them last night to tell them I'm the one who'll pick you up."


He snorted. "What do you mean, 'why'? Because I'm your boyfriend, silly." He tapped my nose affectionately. "My car broke so I borrowed Xavier's motorbike."

I gave him a look. "You want to pick me up in the moment when your car broke."

Sandor laughed. "Yeah, I know. I'm pathetic. But I'm your pathetic," he teased.

I rolled my eyes, but there was a smile on my lips. "Well, what about Xavier?"

"Nah, he'll be fine," he dismissed. "Anyway, we better go. Don't want to be late, do we?"

I grinned and sat on the seat behind him. I placed my hands on his waist as the motorbike roared to life.


We arrived at school at the right time. Sandor parked the motorbike on the far side of the parking lot and I spotted Xavier hopping out of a black car with a dude with spiky hair. 

I hopped out from the motorbike quickly and threw Sandor an apologetic look. "Sandor, I have to go. I need to talk to someone."

He frowned. "Surely it can wait."

I shook my head. "It can't."

"Autumn, we are not spending time with each other anymore. I have a huge feeling that this is all about your accident. Maybe you feel awkward because you learned we're suddenly... this?"

I shrugged. "I might feel that way some of the times but... well..."

He sighed. "Fine, you can go. "

I beamed. "Thanks!"

I turned around to leave but then he suddenly spoke: "Wait."

"Yes?" I asked, looking at him over my shoulder.

"Autumn, I love you."

And just like that, my blood went cold. I fully faced him, my mouth open. I don't exactly know what to say. What should I say? Should I say that I love him, too? But I don't want to lie, because I don't really love him. 

"Um... Uh... Look, Sandor, I..."

He raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"


"Oh good,  you're here," somebody interrupted me. I turned and saw Xavier, scowling at his brother. "I missed my motorbike."

Sandor rolled his eyes and hopped out of the motorbike. "Knock yourself out." He gave me a look -- a really, really hard one -- and then walked away.

"Sandor, wait!" I protested as he walked past me, but he just ignored me. He walked away and I sighed wearily. "Oh shit."

"What's the matter?" Xavier asked, as he walked towards his motorbike and peered over it.

I shrugged. "Nothing... It's not that serious." I considered it for a moment. "Scratch that. It is serious."

Xavier chuckled. "Like what?"

"He told me he loved me and then I just stammered. I didn't say that I love him, too." I sighed once again.

He frowned. "Why didn't you?"

"Uh, because it's lying?"

"Well, you used to lie a lot before you got your accident," he said nonchalantly. Then he froze and looked at me. "Oops, sorry. I didn't mean to say that."

"No, no, it's okay. I know I've turned into a horrible bitch," I said with an eye roll. Then I suddenly remembered what I'm supposed to ask him. "Hey, Xavier? I have a question."

"Hmm, what?"

"Did you gave me a diamond ring?" I asked slowly.

He didn't say anything first. He shuffled on his feet, looked away then finally looked at me. His eyes were uncertain and I could see his hands shaking slightly. "What -- what diamond ring? I told you that the only diamond ring I had was given to that girl."

"You didn't say 'only'."

"I might have forgotten about it," he said shortly. "Anyway, I better go to class. You should be, too."

"Yeah, you're right," I said, nodding. "Well, I'll see you around."

"See you." With that, Xavier walked away. But he looked like as if he was running away from me.

I just sighed and walked to my first class: Home Economics. When I walked in, the teacher, Ms. Ford, was already there.

"Oops, sorry I'm late," I apologized.

"No worries, Ms. Bailey," Ms. Ford said, grinning. "Go to your seat now."

I smiled at her gratefully one last time then walked to the seat at the back. There were thirty-nine people in this class and I was the unlucky one who doesn't have any partner. I sighed as I sat down on my seat. 

As I sat, somebody stepped in the class. "Hi, Ms. Ford."

I looked up and saw a familiar blonde. Furrowing my eyebrows, I wondered why Olive was here. However, Ms. Ford smiled at her warmly. "Hello, Ms. Lawson." She turned to her class. "Ms. Olive Lawson is going to be here every first class from now on for certain reasons."

Olive smiled at the class. "Hi."

"Ms. Lawson, take the seat beside Ms. Bailey at the back."



I saw Olive stiffen and glance at me. "Uh, Ms. Ford? Is there someone who doesn't have a partner in this class?"

"Oh yes, there is."

Olive smiled, breathing a sigh of relief. "Well, then, I'd like to be partnered with him or her."

"Well, that's Ms. Bailey for you."

She glanced at me one last time and I could see the hate in her eyes. I don't know what to do but I don't want her to be my partner, too. I don't want her to suffer to be with me -- the girl she very much hates. 

"Fine," she finally said and made her way to the seat next to mine. She sat down and didn't give me another glance.

Ms. Ford started to discuss about deserts but I could feel someone staring at me. I turned around and caught Olive glaring at the back of my head. Feeling annoyed, I glared back at her. "Stop it."

"What are you talking about?" she asked innocently.

"I didn't ask for you to be my partner," I snapped. "And you know what? I don't want to be. That's because you're such a bitch."

Her eyes flashed. "I'm the bitch? I was the one who tortured people with words--" 

"I'm very much aware of my reputation, thank you very much," I said coldly. "You don't have to fucking remind me every two seconds."

"Touched a nerve, didn't I?" She smiled sweetly.

"God, what is wrong with you? I try to be your friend but you ignore me like hell."

"Well, let's stay it that way."

"Just leave me alone and I'll leave you alone."

"Fine with me." She shrugged.

I started listening to the discussion of Ms. Ford but it was just so damn boring. I mean, why the hell would we want to know about chocolate cakes or puddings? It's not like all of us are going to be chefs when we grow up.

"Chocolate cake is a cake flavored with melted chocolate or cocoa powder..."

Next thing I knew, I heard someone saying, "God, Autumn, wake up!"

I snapped my eyes open then glanced at Olive, confused. Oh my God, when did I fell asleep? "What the fuck happened?"

"You fell asleep," she replied, rolling her eyes. 

"Ah damn," I groaned.

"Anyway, we have to work on something. The both of us," she said slowly, as if she haven't said the phrase for a very long time.

"The both of us?" I repeated. "But why?"

"We're partners, remember? We have to bake our own chocolate cake and present it in two days time."

"No worries, I'll just have to order an imported cake in Italy or France or something," I said dismissively.

She scoffed. "I don't want to cheat, Autumn. We'll do it in our own hands."

"But why?" I groaned.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class. Olive sighed and grabbed her bag. "I'll see you in the parking lot later after class. We'll do the cake in your house."

And with that, she walked away.


Sorry for the short chapter! I wasn't in the writing mood today. -.- I just hope you'd like it, xxx.

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