Not From Here [Miraculous Rea...

Oleh Pickle_142

23.2K 576 535

Y/n, the 16 year old, adopted daughter of Billionaire Tony Stark and Pepper Pots is sucked through a portal... Lebih Banyak

Where Am I?
Ok then...
I Want to Stay
First Day Jitters
Plutonium Chase
A proper introduction (NAC)
The Dreaded AN
Thank you, Phone Lady!
You're Not Bad
Where's my RoboDad?
Hearts Tend to Lie
Should've Expected This

I Want My Mummy

1.5K 43 25
Oleh Pickle_142

"Dad I swear, I am one hundred percent mature, I already have an apartment here. so why can't I-"

"Y/N I am not having this conversation again."

"Dad, I'm a sixteen year old super hero, might I add, who pays for pills and! and, saves this god forsaken city"

"Y/N" Tony said with a more authoritative tone this time. 

"I already got permission from Mom, and a Mom's word is bigger than the father sooooo..." I started to twiddle my thumbs and ogled the very 'interesting' coffee machine.

"are you saying that you won this argument?" Tony Swiveled around and put a 'really?' look on his bearded face. 

"Yes I did," I crossed my arms whilst puffing the chest in order to look more 'manly'. "I promise that I will take care of Morgan while you guys are in America taking care of business." 

My Dad and Mom were going back to America for a couple of months and I begged Pepper AND Tony to let me keep her here. As Mom was already placing another bun in the oven. 

"Anthony Edward Stark" Dad crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "I have a job, two actually but that's not the point." 

"Get on with it Theodore" My dad inquired whilst peaking into my soul.

"ok, you Tony Stark, multi-billion air poopoo head is butt rich, and here you worrying about bills, and my maturity." I said while doing hand movements in order to exaggerate. "I promise I will do everything with my powers to keep Morgan happy and safe. I put my right hand on my heart as if doing a seance. 

I saw Dad do this over dramatic eye rolled for 20 seconds and finally give in. 


"YES!" I cheered with much glee, and started doing a happy dance and ran to Morgan's room. 

"MORGAN PACK UP" I said with maybe a little to excitement, She looked up to me pondering why in the heck is her older sister barging in while she's having an important tea party with General Fluffs. 

"You're moving in with me" I Informed her with a cheeky smile as I saw her run up to me and attempt a bear hug. 

"I can't wait, we can have tea parties, make forts, have snacks past our bed time and-" Morgan started to rant on to me.

"hold it Squirt, You're moving in, not becoming a wild one, got it?" I chuckled at her and how she kind of deflated.

"now let's pack up, yeah?"

"heck ya"

_After Packing candy, etc_

I was helping Morgan pack in her things, when out of no where I heard her scream. In a panic I ran down stairs and outside with a sandal and looked around to find a bunch of...mummies? Surrounding my Apartment's street, I grabbed Morgan and General Fluffs and ran inside making sure to lock everything and putting the self-defense system up P.A.M aka Parkers Awesome Machine, with the help of Morgan.

"P.A.M what's happening?!" I boomed, looking at the wall that is also our TV. 

"It seems like there's another Akuma happening in the City Ma'm. It's a man, who seems to be able to change into any other beings involving the ancient times. Such as Anubis-" 

"ok thank you P.A.M now,I could go for some Pickled Babies" Suddenly my suit appeared on my body. Fricken Dad and his Nano Bots. I ran to Morgan, picking her up and placing her in the master bedroom, which is also a safe room.

"Ok Baby Bunny, there's a problem in the City again and I hafta go andfix it. OK? There's snacks in the fridge over there" I said pointing at the miny fridge "stay in here and no matter what, unless its our secret code, open this door. Got it? ok love you BB!" 

"P.A.M! engage safe room one!" I exclaimed while jumping out the window. Normally I wouldn't care for these little things, but those stupid Mummy things attacked my little Sister, and no one does that to Morgan.

I swung as fast as I could to the scene of the crime, and I found a huge ass beam going into the sky, where there is a black hole. 

"what the fuck?"

I observed from below as hundreds- maybe thousands of Mummies expand and contaminate other Parisians. I looked at the 8 foot Oscar and saw that he had that chick from my class on his shoulder. I swung down and starred him down, or I suppose up in an attempt to look strong.

"AYE BUTT-HEAD! COME PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE" I sized him up as he looked over to me.

"another masked hero?" I heard his crusty ass voice.

He turned to me and started walking to me, the mummies around me observing from afar. With him power walking towards me 

I started to run as he started to jog. A foot away he tried to strike me, I attached two webs to his shoulder's and knee'd him in the face, throwing him back. I grabbed the girl and swung away in a dash. Putting her down, and making sure that she's not injured. 

"are you ok Ma'm?" I questioned while looking back at the old geezer.

she didn't reply which made me a bit worried. I snapped my fingers and tilted my head.

"ye-yeah, just a bit surprised that there's another hero in Paris." she almost whispered as if in a daze still. 

"Ma'm I'm going to need you to do something for me" I asked while looking out for the other Mysterious heroes. 


"put the phone down" I grabbed her phone and placed it back in her breast pocket. I saw her 'sneakily' grab her phone and start to record. "stay here, don't die, got it?" not waiting for her response I jumped down and towards the pharaoh looking man. 

"so the spider came back." he barked. 

"yeah I am, now let's finish this." In a hurry picked up a man-hole cover and maneuvered my body to build enough force for it to hit him. 

He was huge and slow, I am small and faster, who do you think'll win this?

It looked like a dance, the way Y/N and The Pharaoh swung at and dodged the other. Not wanting this to go on any longer, T.P suddenly stopped causing him to get punched in the face and away.

"Sekhmet, give me your strength!" He curled up, and now has a black panther mask. After that power up he punched me in the stomach, which hurt A LOT.

"CGH" I flew back and tumbled multiple times, struggling to get on my knees I looked up at him as he chuckled. Getting ready to clap his hands when a black shiny boot kicked him in the side of his head, knocking the history loving man down.

"It looks like you could use a paw" laughing at his own joke he put a hand up for me to grab, grabbing his hand we both made it up to the roof of an apartment building.

"thanks for" breathe in "the help cat-boy." I gasped grabbing my hips and cracking my back, twisting it to hear that satisfying crack.

"what's this guy's deal?" I questioned while pointing at the Oscar man whom's trying to find a cat and a spider. 

"No clue, ya shoulda asked Alya." He noted while looking around for his dotted buddy.

I groaned and started walking towards the guy, but then I saw her, ladyBubs. She did some movements and reached for the pendent that the dude is wearing when I hear.

"give- wings!" and there they go..

I attached a web to this dude's back and I went flying too. 

"OH MY GOSH! WEE HEE" I cheered another smile on my face, as this is pretty fun.

"NOT THE TIME FOR A JOY RIDE!" LB barked at me. I grabbed her hand and jumped off the dude, kicking him in the back while doing so.

I dove down at an accelerating speed.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME INTO A PANCAKE!?" she screamed in my ear while holding on for dear life. 

"NO NOW HOLD ON TIGHTER" I activated my wings and glided down to a roof top with not a lot of grace. 

after tumbling with each other and getting to 2nd base with one and other, I panted and screamed with excitment.

"oh my GOD what a rush!" I laughed, as I was laying to the roof Ladybug already got up and ran towards The Pharaoh who had Alya in his black hands again. 

'Not again, fricken chick should've stayed on the roof.' I swung down towards the man while still keeping my distance, I saw as he asked for wings and placed her on the beam. I looked at her in awe as she slowly beamed up. I know it's bad but I try to make the best of my situations. 

'okokokokok, think, I could go to the Eiffel Tower as use my wings or or I could'. I started to think to my self when I saw as the Pharaoh grab LB and Alya, throwing Alya towards the ground and placing Ladybug onto the beam of light.

I grabbed Alya before she could get a sore bum from the triangle and land onto a different roof.

"Girl, I told you to stay put" I sassed her up as It's a little annoying when you try to save some one and its like they don't even want to be saved.

"No you didn't, you just said 'put the phone down'" she said puffing her chest and making her voice deeper. 

"Fine that's all I said, but you should've got the point" I claimed while squinting my eyes and raising a brow. 

While Alya and I were talking to one and other like a married couple, I saw that a bunch of butterflies fly everywhere fixing all of the madness and chaos surrounding us.

"That was cool" I said looking around, I grabbed Alya and brought her down to the streets and saw as Ladybugs and Noir did their 'pound it' thing. 

"So, how old are you?" Alya asked whilst pointing her camera at LB.

"Definitely older than a highschool student that's for sure. Ladybug chuckled while putting her hand behind her head. After greeting and saying goodbye She grabbed a chimney and swung away not wanting to answer 1000 questions from her #1 fan. 

"Don'tchya wanna know how old I am?" Cat Boy said while stroking his chin and posing.

"In a minute I'll be able to find out myself." she giggled while pointing at his ring which had one last blinking toe-bean. Chat looks at Alya and chuckled rubbing his head as well, swiftly after running away probably into an ally.

she turned to me and asked me who I was.

"SO, who is this mysterious hero in Paris dressed in shiny white, pink and blue?" she asked recording everything I do. 

"The name's Spider Women or Greg, I don't care. I'm here to make sure nothing goes to hell around here." I answered leaning on one hip. 

"Ooo fascinating" she said with glee in her tone. She leaned in, with hopes of getting to know more about the hero in shiny metallic spandex.

"Yeah as much as I'd like to answer your questions I gotta go, see ya later Hun" I attached a web to a chimney and pulled my self away not wanting to be an internet sensation. 

Somewhere in a blonde teenager's bed room.

"Come on who do you think she is?" Adrien asked his brother.

"Why are you pestering me with these questions when we should be practicing for the history test tomorrow Adrien." Felix informed his brother not even glancing at him as he types on his computer.

"Because she seems.." Adrien looked into the sky through their window "amazing."

"You don't have yet, another crush on a hero, do you?" Felix swivels around on his chair and gives his brother dead panned stares.

"Maybe, I don't know" Adrien rubs the back of his head as he questions himself if he has yet another crush that most likely won't become a reality.

"just start studying bone-head." Felix told his 'younger' brother and spun back around to face his screen.

"fine" Adrien grabbed his history textbook and started to read the most noted chapters and write those important details down.

Felix didn't want to admit it, but the new hero has been in his head more than once after the 'interview' with Alya.

_at home_

"So you helped defeat that, guy" Morgan asked as she pointed at the wall-TV. 

"Yep, I did, and it was super duper totally awesome, you should've seen it." I crossed my arms and puffed my chest while making a shit-eating grin on my face. "All of the mummies were like, 'BLEURRRRRRR' 'BLAAAAH!'." I rose both my arms to make it look like a zombie, when I had the split idea to tickle BB.

The sound of Morgan giggling and laughing was heard through out my apartment as I tickled her ribs and stuffed my head in her neck. I couldn't contain my laughter and started to burst open as well , and it sounds like a donkey was in here. After a few more seconds of this, Morgan told me that she was rather hungry and wanted 'din-din' since she didn't eat after the attack. I could make some chicken Alfredo or some tacos, but there's one option in my head, Mac 'n' cheese which is Morgan and I's personal favourite.

"So what do ya want to eat hm?" I picked her up and started walking towards the kitchen, the sound of my squeaky ducky slippers echoing. 

She put a finger on her chin, looked up and moved her mouth and said "Mac and cheese." Without hesitation I replied in a manly esc voice.

"yėeåp" and a ps, I make a bomb-ass Mac 'n' cheese.

Word count:2300

Hello peoples, yes i know i've been gone for what...4 months? but i made it up and wrote a 2000 word chapter for those who actually enjoy my writing. -deuces 

also this is unedited because im a lazy shit and i dont wanna do it. (I edited it the next day hello)

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