Starstruck| Sk8 x Reader

By lpunchlinel

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┏━━━━•❃°•°❀°•°❃•━━━━┓ In which an ex-surfer girl, grows a new passion for skating, after 3 years moving int... More

Visiting Cherry at the Hospital
Reki's Route


12.7K 508 711
By lpunchlinel


(OwO ...)

The race between Joe and Langa continued on this cool night. I had wrapped my arm around Reki's as we both looked at his phone to see the race. Joe was really putting all he had at the moment but I knew so was Langa.

"Then Joe is going to win," A skater guy says who was not too far away from us. We were in an area of the track where there were only a few people, in the spot we were in, it was just Reki and me with three other guys.

"Well Snow's a rookie, after all, he's no rival," The other says in a taunting manner as they start making fun of Langa which made me get annoyed how they were bad-mouthing him.

"Hey! What do you know about him? His air is so high and beautiful! It's just like...a snow flurry, I've watched this whole time, his effort, his senses,... just how much he loves skating" Reki interrupts them, speaking in honesty. The three skater guys turned around and looked at Reki as if he were a joke.

"You cheering, for Snow? Then we should make a bet" One of them say with a smug look. Before I could chime in, I was interrupted by one of the other skaters.

"We're gonna bet on Joe-"

"Come on! I thought he pulled away at the corner and their gap is smaller than before" Another says in surprise making Reki and I walk over to that man and see for ourselves from the guy's tablet.

Langa seems to be going straight forwards faster meaning... but then we see Joe get down on his board, held on the sides of it, and balanced his lower body, straight up in mid-air, almost like a plank which made him skate faster. Whoa, Joe really pulled out the big guns in this.

"Whoa! He's perfect both on corners and on straightaways! He's on a whole different level" One of the guys complimented in amazement.

We noticed from the screen that Langa was already far behind making me frown. I noticed an empty look on his face as he slowed down, where was the spark he always has?... Is he really going to lose?... And just at that the area we were in, people started cheering for Joe who passed the track we were in.

"Isn't Snow here yet? Maybe he gave up?" One of the guys snicked making my blood boil at how they were mocking him,

I clutched on Reki's arm as I hated to hear the people already making fun of Langa. But not too later on we see him appear, skating at a steady pace on the track, looking lost in his own world. I could hear people yelling at him in disappointment and others with some words of encouragement. Though he's skating really slow, what is going on with him? Why is he like this?

"What's up with him?" Reki whispered in shock at seeing him in that state.

"Wait...could it be because we're not here for him?" I whispered making Reki look at me in disbelief.

"Do you really believe that? But he's such an amazing skater, he shouldn't give up so damn easily! Y/n...we have to call out to him so he can snap out of whatever he's doing" Reki said in disbelief at what I said and I felt his hand tense, due to him clenching his hand hard. In his mind, he was confused as to why Langa was like this.. I felt my heart sink a little at what he said at first...I really do believe we a part of Langa's mind when he me.

"Okay..." I said as I nodded at the redhead with a gentle smile. His amber eyes softened a bit before then removing my arm around his, to hold my hand gently.

"Langa!" Reki and I call out to the pastel blue-haired teen who was close to passing by us.

For Langa, it felt like his world stood in slow motion, his doubts the sudden sadness he felt..was gone. Seeing Reki actually here, calling out to him caused his heart to skip a beat, he saw the hood fall off from the redhead revealing his puffed down hair and an encouraging look on Reki's face...Reki was here, he's here. And seeing Y/n's bright e/c eyes with a hopeful look on her face made his heart beat faster than ever. Seeing her h/c flow gently like waves from the breeze of air...she looked so mesmerizing like a beautiful siren. A sense of warmth flushed on his pale cheeks by just looking at her. Y/n....I can feel my heart racing again.

"Don't give up! Keep going! You got this, L!" I yelled out to him as he skated slowly past us, looking at us in surprise in those blue eyes of his. I could see that spark in him ignite at seeing us and noticed his cheeks flush when he looked at me.

And not too long then he gained his confidence back, he started to skate fast and took a shortcut, with using his air so high, he was able to jump to the other side perfectly with a smile on his face. Langa I believe in you...He was already caught up to Joe, close behind but once they made it into the mine, Joe made an aggressive move. The older male had gone up on a ramp and made his own shortcut inside the mine.

"Snow won't make it in time with that route, "One of the guys say making me roll eyes at them talking.

"No, I have confidence that he will, right Reki?" I said and he looks up from the screen and looks down at me with those amber eyes. He still looked sad...with those dull eyes which made my heart clench. The taller male didn't show any expression again and just let out a small hum.

As we looked down at Reki's phone again, we see Joe kick the large steel with his board making the steel move forwards and back, but Langa had his own trick up his sleeve. He managed to dodge it but it was coming right back which got Reki and I worried, but he somehow used Joe's power which made him go in front now. Langa was able to pick up that move so fast! Langa is really amazing.

Joe and Langa were skated beside each other with determined looks, as they reached the finished line, Langa passed him more by almost an inch. I couldn't help but feel so proud of him.

"SNOW WON!" The announcer said from the speakers as the crowd and everywhere in S roared in excitement at this win. It was a good race between Joe and Langa, both were incredibly awesome.

"He won...against Joe" Reki whispered in shock as I smiled feeling happy for Langa.

But my smile dropped when I noticed on the screen that Langa had snapped his board when he finished skating. The live recording finished for that part of the race as Reki turned off his phone. I glanced at Reki who looked down at his black screen which made my heart drop. He..didn't seem happy at all...but earlier it seemed he was...

"Y/n...he won, but I'm not happy at friend won, but I can't be happy for him, why am I even here? Y/n you should have not encouraged me here...I was just frustrated...I don't want to cheer others on...I want to be skating right next to the both of you!"Reki whispered out, gritting his teeth as he was visibly shaking. His eyes closed as tears started to fall down uncontrollably.

"Reki..."I whispered out as he engulfed me in a tight hug, catching me off guard as he leaned down more, placing his face down on my shoulder. "I'm sorry for pushing you to come here.."

"Y-y/n, I'm sorry for being selfish. You should have also went off to race too since you're so incredible and all. I really envy you for that too, like Langa too. " Reki muffled out from my shoulder as I ran my hand up and down but paused in shock at what he said."I'm sorry for keeping you all to myself most of the time these days...I'm sorry for preventing you from skating beside Langa and going against the others. So I want to stop this..."

While this conversation started, Adam and Cherry will be racing up next, meanwhile, Langa was already heading to find Reki and Y/n with Joe's encouragement to go after them.

"Reki...what-I'm not blaming you, I don't blame you for how you've been. There's no need to stopping whatever you're talking about... I'll always be by your side, I don't care if it means to stop skating too" I said to him which made him tense from my hold and reluctantly let me go.

A look of bewilderment shone on his face as he let out a bitter laugh as he wiped away his tears making me stand there in confusion and feeling nervous.

"Y/n...that's what I meant by being selfish. Because of my selfishness, you still follow what I would say and still choose to be on my side. Don't you resent me at all? That I'm holding you back?!" He raised his voice making me flinch and frown.

"No, I don't resent you Reki, I never had and you're not holding me back. I'm just keeping my promise, I really care for you Reki, and for Langa. I'm empathetic to how you've been feeling because I was in your shoes once and it was hell. But I haven't chosen any sides here, I still make time for you and Langa because as I said, I care for you both so much. You know I'm not one who likes choosing sides. But I am also your best friend, and I'll always be there for you no matter what" I tell him in a reassuring manner.

"Y/n, you don't understand...-"

"Reki I know, sometimes I won't understand you at all but I'm always going to be here for you, listening to you, being your friend. There are things that I don't know about you such as there are things you don't know about me. But what's nagging me right now is, why are you suddenly pushing me away, now out all times. You could have asked for space a while ago...why just now" I question him as my heart was beating fast. I could feel myself crumbling inside but I had to stay strong. He frowned and looked down at me as he walked closer to me again.

"Y/n...I just want to be alone. I can't have you near me at all, it's suffocating! Wait no not suffocating, I'm sorry. Look, I'm just selfish Y/n, I'm super fucken selfish and just tired. I'm nowhere near you and Langa and I hate it. I hate it so much because I really wish I was at both of your levels. I'm sorry for using you during these times of my fucked upstate" Reki yelled out earning looks from the others but we ignored them. I didn't dare to speak until he finished.

"I enjoy your comfort, I enjoy you always listening to me, I enjoy your presence, I enjoy our hugs and our late nights together. But I can't have you all to myself right now, as much as I want to,I just can't do that with you right now. I wish we could have gone back where there was no drama at all, no stupid races, and Adam, where it was just us and only us like before and I just can't have you tied down with me in this path. You're free to do whatever you want Y/n, I'm pushing my selfishness and insecurities right now to push you away. I want a break, I want you to be away from me for now. It's not a forever thing but...please let's have some space. I need it and you should too" He spoke more gently this time as I felt a pang in my heart, my throat suddenly felt so suffocating.

My anxiety was on the roof as I wanted to break but he is right...he does need his proper alone time and so do I. I bite my lip and looked down at my shoes as I felt an empty feeling in me, I didn't know what to feel at the moment. I guess I was too stunned, but I need to give him a reply.

"Okay...we should then...Reki I..." I was lost at words when I felt my chin being held up as I was now looking up to Reki's pretty, yet sad amber eyes.

He placed his hand on my cheeks and didn't hesitate to lean down to my level. It felt like a force of magnet pulled me more into him as I closed my eyes and felt his soft lips on mine. Our first kiss...I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen in the kiss as our lips moved together gently in sync. I almost forgot how to breathe as I felt tears hit my cheeks. My heartfelt like it was about to explode. And soon then we both slowly pulled away as Reki was crying again and my eyes were getting glossy as we tried to catch our breaths.

"Y/n...I've...always been in love with you..but when I feel better again, maybe we can talk again and continue this" He whispered with a sad smile as he leaned again to kiss my forehead as I was lost at words. He took a step back as he pulled over his hoodie again. "I have to go now, see you, Y/n.."

I watched him leave as it all felt so unreal. I could still feel his lingering lips on mine and his hold on me. Love...he's been in love with me. I feel shocked but a sense of good warmth in me from hearing those words. I've also had fallen for him but what he just did it's bringing my feelings to resurface harder this time.

"Y-yeah see you soon...Reki" I whispered out as he was now farther out of view. I hope you take care of yourself...

"Y/n!" I hear a familiar voice call out and I turned to see that it was Langa.

"Langa!" I said as I mustered up a smile as I wiped away my leftover tears and walked up to him.

Langa was actually running around and looking for Reki and I but I told him that he had left already and that he wasn't feeling well. Langa was of course bummed about that but he was a bit happy to see me again. In the meantime when we were walking back and talking a bit, Cherry and Adam were racing. The race between Cherry and Adam seemed to have been going well but Adam wasn't too happy with who he was racing against.

Even I felt something strange about Adam when he was racing, he didn't seem like his weird self but he looked a bit scary with the bored look on his face. This resulted in him unexpectedly doing a move and hitting Cherry harshly with his board. The sound of his board hit Cherry made me flinch as the whole crowd watched from their screens in shock. Cherry got knocked out from his AI board.

"Cherry" I whispered in worry as Langa frowned at what Adam did. Adam looked down at Cherry unfazed at what he did to him.

"The reason why I didn't respond to your beef was simply because it was boring. In comparison Snow! You are truly wonderful, you should be able to go together with me...because you are the one I found...Eve!" Adam declared loudly for everyone to hear and see. Langa looked at the huge screen in surprise and confusion.

"Eve?" Langa whispered as he clutched his broken board.

"But let's not forget someone else too...I've been keeping an eye on you secretly, especially when you skate've been straying away from me Little Sirenita, my dear Lilith, I know you're here...see I do not intend to let you go because you will also be together and race with me ~" He spoke loudly making me freeze as he looked at the camera with a wide smirk. It was like he was staring right at me...

"Lilith? He's been watching me?... Just who the hell is Adam...?" I whispered out feeling unwary as I felt panic surge through me. Langa placed his hand on my shoulder in comfort but I was still worried...for myself. Who is this crazy man?...



Hey readers!

Lol I was able to watch and write this chapter the day this episode came out! SO REKI WAS THE FIRST KISS! I was initially going to have Langa to be Y/n's first kiss but a lot of you had wished it was Reki so why not and well added a bit of angst to it too. Well if the next episode Langa and Reki reconcile again, maybe Reki will talk to Y/n again, Maybe, cause they still need some time to think and process what they both did together. So uh Adam has been watching us...*cough* I mentioned her bumping into some 'business' guys and feeling like she was being watched.

Alright thanks for reading everyone! Stay tuned till next week!

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