Beyond the King's Gate

By ElenaAlexandra10

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A servant's daughter befriends the prince and finds an unlikely friendship. One that would be greatly scrutin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Eleven

271 12 3
By ElenaAlexandra10

Taking a small step towards the king, Bethany trembled.

"Do you understand why you're here?" The King's voice carried through the courtroom. The cold that drifted from his voice, wrapped it's icy fingers around her heart.

"No, Your great Highness."

"You don't, huh? Well I will inform you then." The King sat forward, intimidating Bethany. "You were caught trying to woo my son!" His voice boomed, as her breath caught in her throat. She trembled in her shoes.

What did mother say? In face of danger, in face of fear, one must have courage not to crumble. To rise above. That's what she must do.

"A lowly servant with my son?" His voice once more carried another arrow to her heart.

She gathered courage to answer. Straightening she replied, "I mean you no harm, Your Majesty, we are simply friends. That's all." The trembling she felt but a moment ago seemed quiet now.

"That better be all. My son will marry within the year, and you will watch it all happen." He gave a cruel laugh. The news spilled like ice into her tunic dress.

The smile on his face was swift to disappear, he turned abruptly to her.

"I better not see you with him ever again, is that to be understood?" Bethany watched the queen walk up to where he sat upon the throne, and whisper into his ear. Whatever the queen said made the flames in his eyes subside. Another moment of tension passed as he seemed to consider his wife's words.

"I considered throwing you out of the courts. But upon hearing such glowing reports," he said with sarcasm dripping in every syllable, looking at his wife with slight annoyance, "I won't waste my time looking for another servant. But if I see you one more time with my son, you will never see inside these gates ever again. I will make sure of that." 

Bethany bowed once more. "Thank you for the mercy you've shown me, Your Majesty." Bethany lied through her teeth. She wasn't grateful to him, rather the queen.

"You're dismissed." The king banged the staff against the marble floors and Bethany jumped. "Go." He commanded once more when she didn't move. Bethany scrambled away as fast she could, as the tears began to trickle down her cheeks.

She was out the door and walking fast when she heard someone catching up to her. "Wait, Bethany." He called after her. Bethany knew who the man was before even turning. Head butler to the prince and King, Henry.

"I don't want to talk right now." Yet he still pulled her to a stop and turned her around. Bethany looked down while she swiped at her tears in irritation. He was as close as a father figure as one could be. He knew the raw emotions in her eyes. And right now she wanted to hide them, not talk about them.

"Darling, you don't have to be cross with me. I know what happened back there. Talk to me." He was in the courtroom? Bethany became more embarrassed.

"So you saw me almost get kicked out huh? I can't believe the prince didn't do anything about it, he's the one who convinced me to get on that horse, I could've walked back, but no." She raised her chin.

Henry gave a pointed look. "Don't think you're the only one to feel the King's fury." Henry grabbed her gently by the arm and they walked as they talked. "And by the way if it wasn't for him being on that horse, you would have gotten sick. More than the prince did." Bethany looked up at him.

"He got sick?" Worry etched in her heart.

"Yes he got sick. He also got in trouble as well. You shouldn't be so cross with the prince. He stood up for you." Henry told her of how the King became enraged that Ronald said he wanted to be nothing like him. Bethany was astonished.

But that still didn't change the fact, Ronald was keeping things from her. Her mind went to the wedding announcement, "Did you know about the wedding?" She blurted out.

A few emotions fluttered across his aging face. "He asked to keep that from you."

"Why? He doesn't think I'm trustworthy enough?" Pain marked every word. She searched for truth in Henry's eyes.

"No, quite the contrary, he didn't want to upset you with the news."

"Upset by that? Why would I be?" She lied, because it hurt more than she cared to admit. That he would keep something like that from her.

Although it wasn't something new, Bethany knew Princess Kathrine was set to be wed to Ronald, but the date was never set. And Bethany secretly hoped Ronald would refuse. Turns out, he didn't. And their wedding was set.

And it put her on edge. For reasons she cared not to look into.

"Because you care for him." He said, studying her.

"Yeah I care for him, so what?"

Pity graced his face. "Not in that way, I mean you have come to care for him in a romantic kind of way."

Bethany felt warmth spread. "That's not true!" She hurried to make it clear to him. But he just smiled, as though he didn't believe her. That only set to make her more upset. "I would never be such a fool as to fall for-"

He cut her off. "Love does not come in forms of class and rank. Neither does it care for it. It takes anyone by storm, and catches anyone off guard. You cannot stop yourself from falling in love." He smiled.

Embarrassed by such talk, Bethany wanted to escape to the safety of her room. At least for a moment, until she was called to serve the Lady of Ascott who has once again come to stay with the King of Iris.

Thankfully she wouldn't be seeing Princess Kathrine.

"I wouldn't be so quick to refuse such feelings. After all, I think the prince fancy's you too." Another wave of heat cooked her cheeks when he winked at her, giving her a small playful nudge.

The prince, fancying her? Ha!

"I am required in the kitchen." She tried to hurry away but he called after once more.

"Wait." Bethany stopped and turned. "Have your mother cook up a soup for the prince, he needs something for his cold."

"Of course." She nodded, and left.

As Bethany walked down the steps, her mind kept replying to Henry's comments. And then going back to yesterday when Ronald was acting strange at the doorstep of the servants quarters. A look filtered across his face, one Bethany never saw before.

A flutter once more warmed her stomach.

Why would he have any feelings for her? For him to care for her in such a was unimaginable. She needed to put all such foolishness aside.

She stomped down the cold steps of the servants staircase, picking up her pace. Her worn down leather shoes smacked with each step. Before she was down at the bottom, she had composed herself entirely, for which she was grateful for when she came smack face to face with Marie.

"Hurry up, you got a lot to do." She hissed, pulling her along. "I've had to cover for you long enough." Her sneer was enough to make Bethany want to say something back.

Bethany snatched her arm back and stopped. "I was called in to speak with the king, one cannot simply rush the king." She clapped back at her. Bethany was irritated by her. She was older now, she still hasn't gotten over her hatred of Bethany, whatever the reason was.

"What, did the king finally banish you?" She laughed. As cruel as she was, Bethany ignored her.

"Mother, could you prepare the prince a super?" Bethany said as she came up to her mother. Bethany was horrified to find that he hadn't eaten all day because his father ordered it to be like so. Henry told her he would give him some food in secret.

How could a father do such a cruel thing?

"What will it be?" She stood at the table chopping up fresh vegetables Melissa had brought up from the village with a few other servants.

"A beef stew with vegetables and herbs." Bethany made a face as she thought about him, her worry increased. If the King didn't let him eat, he probably wouldn't let a doctor see him. What if he died? Or suffered like Mother?

"What is it?" Mother asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Oh nothing."

"Bethany!" She used a stern voice. "Don't go keeping secrets from me now."

"Fine." Bethany straightened and took in a deep breath. "The prince is sick." Mother paled slightly. Ever since finding out they were friends, Mother worried about the prince as though he were her own.

"Bring me these herbs, we need to nourish him so he gets better." She listed a few herbs that were essential in healing and Bethany ran to the garden in the back. She gathered the herbs mother asked and ran back quickly.

"I'll make the stew and have it sent up, you go ahead and hurry to meet the Lady before she is here." The room had strict orders. Fresh lavender to aid her in the travel's ailments. She had headaches each time she arrived and they already knew ahead of time to prepare her a warm bath with lavender.

Her irritating rage was prevalent whenever she had ailments of such. Then when they would disappear, so would her anger, and she would pretend as if she wasn't a cruel person just moments earlier. She would smile and say kind things.

Bethany groaned inwardly. At least King of Iris would make things better. She became acquainted more with the king after many travels here for work, he would come alone sometimes and she would serve him trays of food for when he didn't want to dine publicly. And he struck up conversations with her, Bethany being friends with Prince Ronald, didn't feel intimidated and was freely open with him.

She found him to be a man with humor. They often laughed over silly things his wife would tell him, like once she became red with rage over a wrong dress color, she said it made her look like a round peach. They laughed for what felt like half an hour because they both knew she was round without the help of a peach colored silk organza fabric.

They made light of it, but deep down Bethany knew he didn't mean it in harm. He did love his wife but she caused him more travail then good. Bethany pitied him.

Bethany set to work on the room. She caught a whiff of dust and sneezed hard.

"Bless you." Someone said from the doorway. Bethany knew that voice to be the queen's. Bethany straightened and turned around.

"Your majesty." She bowed. Bethany didn't hear a response so she stayed that way. But the slow click clack of the queens short heels told her she neared her.

"Bethany," she put a finger under her chin and pulled her up. Bethany obliged and straightened. The Queen never referred to her servants by name. What caused her to? "I do not agree with how my husband treated you. And for that I'm sorry." Compassion glistened in her amber eyes. It was as if she was looking into Ronalds eyes. He looked like her, a lot. In character and likeness.

A pang of sorrow struck her heart, she would miss him.

"Your majesty I shouldn't have been on the horse then with your son. It's all my fault."

"No it is not. My husband has a short temper, much of the kingdom knows. Even poor King Iris who will have to deal with him now that..." Ronald and Kathrine are getting married. Bethany finished the Queen's sentence in her mind.

It was as though the Queen almost felt for her. Because she said, "I don't like that arrangement either."

"Why not? She's his class, she's beautiful. What's there not to like? She's even educated."

"It's not about rank, my darling." She was shocked the Queen used such an endearing term. "It's about the loveless marriage they both will have to endure." Sorrow spoke volumes in the hidden parts of her heart. Bethany sighed, the Queen must be speaking from her own experience.

"I wish he didn't have to, but if it's for the good of the kingdom, then so be it." Bethany knew the importance of alliances. That knowledge came from Ronald. And the books she read.

The Queen's expression turned dark. Bethany was afraid she had said something wrong.

"He's doing that to overturn the King of Iris." The Queen said. Bethany's stomach dropped.

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