The Secret Weapon Against Mor...

By LoveYourTalent

273K 6.7K 752

Sarah can trust no one. Her secret about who she is, is vital she keeps it to herself. As the fellowship of t... More

The Secret Weapon Against Mordor
Something is stirring that i fear
He wants me back
Getting to Rivendell
My dear, your marking is your Secret Weapon against Mordor
Fellowship of the Ring
No Sarah you can not fall in love
The mines of Moria
They're are coming
My Identity is out....
The ring has taken over Boromir
Be at peace, son of Gondor
Gollum and The trail of White Roses
Meat is back on the Menu boys!
Théoden and Gríma
I have lost her Twice. This time for good...
We have some Hope left
The Battle of Helm's Deep
I see my Father
Pippin and the Palantir
The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!
Going our separate ways
the King of the Dead
Frodo and the Spider
The Fight for Gondor!
A plan for A diversion
War against Mordor Part 1
It all ends. The Ring is Gone
everyone lived happily ever after
Author Note

The journey to Helm's Deep

6.3K 176 7
By LoveYourTalent

*Sarah Pov*

“Where is Théodred? Where is my son?” Théoden asked. We lead him to the tomb where he held as white flower in his hand, before it slipped through his fingers and spirals down to the land among similar flowers in front of the tomb. I stood beside Ganadlf, as I opened up my hand to reveal a perfect white rose flower. I walked forward and placed it on his tomb, before I walked back. I paused when I got to Théoden, as I gave him a rub on the shoulder. I could see the tears in his eyes.

“Simbelmynë. Ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebearers.” He spoke in a cracking voice as he turned to look at Gandalf and I.

“Now it shall cover the grave of my son. Alas, that these evil days should be mine. The young perish and the old linger. That I should live to see the last days of my house.” He spoke before turning back, as I sighed.

“Théodred’s death was not of your making.” Gandalf spoke in sorrow, as I could see Théoden giving up, as the tears fell down his cheeks.

“No parent should have to bury their child.” He sobbed as he fell to his knees and began to weep over the loss of his only son Théodred.

“He was strong in life. His spirit will find its way to the halls of your fathers. Westu hál. Ferðu, Théodred, Ferðu. (Be-thou well. Go-thou, Théodred, go-thou.)” I spoke in elvish as Gandalf and I turned to go back to the hall and leave Théoden to grieve in private. We spotted two children on horseback. The boy collapses and falls off the horse. I run over in lightning speed, as the boy exhausted struggles to stay awake. Lifting him back on, I held him, as I grabbed the reins and rode the two into the castle. Later, inside the Golden Hall, the two children are eating at a table, and Éowyn is with them.

“They had no warning. They were unarmed. Now the wildmen are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go. Rick, cot and tree.” Éowyn told us, as I sat next to Legolas and Aragorn.

“Where’s mama?” The little girl Freda asked, as Éowyn placed a blanket round her.

“Shh...” Éowyn whispered.

“This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash. All the more potent for he is driven now by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on. Draw him away from your women and children.” Gandalf spoke as I watched as Gandalf leans forward and puts a hand on Théoden’s chair. Théoden looks at his hand warily.

“You must fight.” Gandalf warned him as Théoden just shook his head.

“You have two thousand good men riding north as we speak. Éomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their king.” Aragorn spoke as his head lifted up towards us. I got up in my seat, and stretched my legs by walking around the room with my arms crossed.

“They will be three hundred leagues from here by now. Éomer cannot help us. I know what it is that you want of me. But I will not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war.” Théoden spoke rather rudely as I snarled between my clenched teeth.

“Open war is upon you. Whether you would risk it or not and whether you like it or not!.” I snapped as I walked over towards him as he glared up at me.

“When last I looked, Théoden, not Aragorn or a Ranger, was king of Rohan.” He spat as I hissed. Aragorn was up at his feet holding me back. Gimli takes a drink and burps, before wiping his mouth with his beard.

“Then what is the king’s decision?” Gandalf finally asked, as I grunted and tugged myself from Aragorn’s grip.

“Leave her Legolas.” Ganadlf called as I walked out of the throne room.

“By order of the king, the city must empty. We make for the refuge of Helm’s Deep. Do not burden yourselves with treasures. Take only what provisions you need.” The Solider announced from the platform as I rolled my eyes. People are moving about, gathering their belongings and preparing to move, almost in a slight panick. Gandalf and Aragorn made their way to the stables as I followed after them.

“Helm’s Deep! They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their king.” Gandalf snapped obviously disappointed with the King’s decision.

“He’s only doing what he thinks is best for his people. Helm’s Deep has saved them in the past.” Aragorn spoke as we entered the stables.

“There is no way out of that ravine. Théoden is walking into a trap. He thinks he’s leading them to safety. What they will get is a massacre. Théoden has a strong will but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan. He will need you before the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you. The defences HAVE to hold.” Gandalf spoke as he placed a hand on Aragorn’s shoulder.

“They will hold.” Aragorn and I promised.

“Sarah” he whispered as he looked at me, and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“They will need you. So desperately they will. I fear that without you Rohan and Helm’s Deep will fall. I know you refuse to accept any of your gifts. But child it is essential for the safety and survival of middle earth. But first take care of Helm’s Deep. Your equal to twelve thousand men in an army” He spoke to me as I nodded.

“Helm’s Deep will hold” I told him as he sighed happily. Gandalf turned to Shadowfax as he stroked him.

“The Grey Pilgrim... that’s what they used to call me. Three hundred lives of men I’ve walked this earth and now I have no time. With luck, my search will not be in vain. Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the East.” He told us as we opened the gates for him.

“Go.” I spoke to him, as he was soon off with the wind. Legolas jumps back as Gandalf rides out of the stable and over the plains of Rohan.

*Aragorn Pov*

Sarah sighed as she left to go to Shadow. I let her be, as I dragged Gimli and Legolas out of the stables as shut the door behind us. Gandalf’s warning, that if we lost Sarah Helm’s Deep wouldn’t keep was a lot to ask of her. I sighed and made my way upstairs where I saw Éowyn opens a chest in which lies a sword. She unsheathes it and begins to practice. She swings around and is met by my dagger, I block her parry. She glares at me, as I am unfazed. Sarah’s glares could kill. Éowyn’s would barely scare a cat.

“You have some skill with a blade.” I asked her as with a swift move, Éowyn swings her sword and renders me vulnerable, gaining the upper hand. I let her have it, but she took a step back and sheathed her sword.

“Women of this country learned long ago: Those without swords may still die upon them. I fear neither death nor pain.” She spoke trying to sound brave. I could hear the hint of fear of the unknown in her voice.

“What do you fear, my lady?” I asked her as she turned back to me.

“A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them and all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire.” She spoke slightly uneasy.

“You are a daughter of kings, a shieldmaiden of Rohan.” I spoke as I sheathed my knife.

“I do not think that would be your fate.” I told her, as I bowed as I walked away to go find Sarah. I could still feel Éowyn’s gaze in my back as I left.

*Sarah Pov*

The people of Rohan are moving out of Edoras towards Helm’s Deep, with Théoden leading the way. Gimli is on a horse, chatting with Éowyn who is leading it by the reins. I had gone quiet as I rode Shadow. I haven’t spoken a word, and every time King looked over at me I glared and led Shadow on. I had my hood up as I kept my eyes on forward. Legolas was walking, as he stopped by me, I didn’t look down at him.

“Sarah?” He asked but I couldn’t bring myself to speaking.

“Sarah please talks to me” He pleaded, as I sighed and shook my head.

*Aragorn Pov*

“It’s true you don’t see many Dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, haha that they’re often mistaken for Dwarf men.” Gimli was telling Éowyn. She laughed and looked back at me as I gestured towards my face.

“It’s the beards....” I whispered as she laughed and turned her attention back to Gimli.

“And this, in turn, has given rise to the belief that there are no Dwarf women. And that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground!” Gimli spoke as Éowyn laughs.

“Hehehe! Which is of course ridiculous… Whoa!!” Gimli added before his horse suddenly rears up and gallops away as Éowyn loses her hold on the reins. Gimli falls off after a short distance and lands with a loud thump.

“Ooh!” Éowyn gasped as she rushes forward to Gimli. I struggling not to laugh to loud, as I glance over to Sarah. She had her hood up, looking forward. She wasn’t speaking, as I could see her in deep thought. What Gandalf told her about using all her powers really has shut her down. The only power I knew she had was she could control Orcs. What more does she have?

“It’s alright, it’s alright. Nobody panic. That was deliberate. It was deliberate.” Gimli spoke as he struggled to get before he dusted off his amror. Éowyn helps Gimli up. She laughs as she brushes him off and looks back at me with the sun behind her and the wind in her hair. At that particular moment, I seemed enchanted by Éowyn’s light-hearted image. But then I shook my head, my heart was torn between Sarah and Arwen. I don’t like Éowyn. But what am I going to do….

*Sarah Pov*

The next say we continued on our journey to Helm’s Deep. Gandalf’s words kept ringing in through my head. Could I really accept myself, and use my powers. Could I let go of my fear? I was lost in thought as I realized my arm began to sting, I looked down at my mark and saw it glowing. Oh NO!

*Aragorn Pov*

Éowyn is walking alongside me, as we had an uncomfortable silence between us. Until Éowyn broke it with a question that made me freeze.

“Where is she? The woman who gave you that jewel.” She asked pointing towards the necklace of the star Arwen had given me, when we left Rivendell. I felt myself stop, as I couldn’t think.

“My lord?” Éowyn asked me as I shook my head back to present day.

“She is sailing to the Undying Lands, with all that is left of her kin.” I spoke in a whisper as she nodded and looked back down at the ground as we kept going.

*Legolas Pov*

I watched as Gamling and  Hamá ride to the front, passing me as they went. I turned back to Sarah who pulled on the reins of Shadow and gasped. She pulled her sleeve back as I saw it glow slightly. Our eyes connected as I ran towards Gamling and Hamá to warn them.

“What is it? Háma?” Gamling asked as their horses become restless.

“I’m not sure.” He replied looking around as I ran after them. A warg scout appears on a slope above and charges at them. The warg attacks Háma and kills him.

“Wargs!” Gamling shouts out. Just as it starts to turn on Gamling, I run over and kills the warg with an arrow. I then draws my knife and kill the Orc.

“Argh!” I shout out annoyed.

“A scout!” I shouted to Sarah as Sarah rode back to where Aragorn and King were.

“What is it? What do you see?” The king asked.

“Wargs! We are under attack!” She spoke bluntly, before charging back over. Hissing under her breath….

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