Rescue Riders: Ask Or Dare 3...

By UltraJackieJackal

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At long last, it's the third and final ask or dare of the series! More details inside. Have fun and nothing i... More

Hello Everyone! (Rules&Requests)
1. Visit
2. Eating
3. Crush
4. Cora
5. Play Date
6. Trick Vacation and Previews
8. Chocolate
9. Song
10. Hated
11. Castle Crashers
12. Bacon Hair
13. Puzzley
14. Ask Or Dare
15. Sunset
16. Sing
17. Freeze
18. Toothless
19. Stone Ocean
20. Splatoon
21. Songmate
22. Stitch
23. Some Fun
24. Rescue Runts
25. Slinkwings
26. Opinions
27. Roblox
28. One Pound Fish/Twist
29. Death
30. Angel
31. Wood Nettles
32. Lurke and Vizza
33. Story
34. Among Us
35. Forgetting
36. Nether
37. But
38. VR
39. Mission
40. Human
41. Dream
42. Godzilla
43. Eli
44. Children
45. Twisted AU
46. ProGoof914
47. Themes
48. Leoson
49. Jetty and Winder
50. Burple
51. Stormslicer and Thunderclap
52. Pikmin
53. Pokemon
54. Genderbend
55. Video
56. Stop
57. I said stop
58. Snowflake's backstory
59. Covid
60. Pokemon Crossover
61. Delivery Dance
62: Wedding
63. Chillgill
64. Cuphead
65. Orb Of Light
66. Wings Of Fire
67. Anthro
68. Cutter's Parents
69. Androids
70. Reaper Leviathan
71. Twisted AU Part 2
72: Avatar
73. Songwings
74: Ender Watchers and Frostbourne
75: Goodbye
76: Tongue
77. Suffer
78. Outfits
79: Nutshell
80: Elementals
81: Backflips
82: Frosty Twins
83: Kiss
84: Bye again
85: Little Nightmares
86: Rematch
87: Transform
88. Hug
89: Rescue Bot Academy
90: Screw you I had headphones in
91: Dak And Summer
92: Hugo's Fanfic
93: Spiral and Shadow
94. Chillblasters
95: YEET
96: Amusement Park
97: Backstory
99. Real hugs
100. End
101: Whisper
102. Cake
103: Moon
104: Finale
105: The Final, Final Farewell

98. God Dragon And Dark Nix

188 3 12
By UltraJackieJackal

(Lucasrescuerider helped me out with this one!)

Dak: wait, we're gonna visit Yutakan again? But going to sky temple?


Winger: first, let's go to hidden world & get Toothless.

Toothless: *lands* I'm right here, man!

Winger: oh. Toothless: so, shall we go?

Luna & night lights: *also lands*

Toothless: kids? Honey? What are you doing here?

Luna: the kids wants to go as well.

Ruffrunner: we just wanna take a pictures!

Dart: daddy, can we go too?

Night lights: *cute eyes* please~?

Toothless: ......oh, I can't say no to these eyes. Ok, you 3 have my permission.

Luna: thank goodness...

*after 5 hours & 59 minutes of flying...*

Burple: *panting* are we....there...yet...?

Leyla: well, almost.

Cutter: *sees statue of God Dragon* hey, is that a statue?

Toothless: that means we're made it!

All: *lands*

Luna: we're here, kids! Wake up!

Pouncer & Dart: *wakes up*

Ruffrunner: *sleepy* 5 more minutes, mom...

Toothless: you don't need to, son. We're here!

Ruffrunner: *groans & gets up*

Aggro: alright, let's find these two.

*statue of God Dragon shines*

Dak: ack, it's so bright!

Burple: what's going on?!

*light stops shining*

Burple: *opens her eyes then gasps* uhh, guys? You might wanna open your eyes.

Others: *opens their eyes then gasps*

God Dragon: *opens his eyes* well, if isn't Rescue Riders...Lucas told me about you all. & you two are the humans that has the abilities that can understand the us dragons. & you're Toothless, right? My family & friends read a book about you.

Dak: we're glad to meet you!

*landing sound behind Toothless*

Toothless: *turns around* huh? Is that...

Dark Nix: oh! You're...Toothless, right?

Toothless: how do you know about me?

Dark Nix: we heard rumors.

God Dragon: oh hey, brother!

Dark Nix: hey!

Summer: you two are...brothers?

God Dragon: of course! We were created by our ancestor, Amorru!

Dark Nix: in ancient times, we-

Leyla: we know, Nuri told us about the war of light & dark.

Dark Nix: oh, right. Also, I was evil in ancient times & I didn't realize that Kades was controlling me. To fool my friends that I've rampaged for unknown reasons.

Cutter: I got a question-

???: *pours ice bucket on Cutter*

Cutter: *exclaims* WHAT THE HECK?!

???: *laughes*

God Dragon: son! How many times do I have to tell you not to prank visitors?

God Jr: sorry dad, I can't handle it!

Aggro: who's that?

God Dragon: *sigh* that's my son, God Jr.

God Jr: 'sup, guys?

Angel Jr: *lands* hey, I'm Angel Jr!

God Dragon: ....where is she?

Luna: who?

*angelic vocals comes while Angel Dragon is landing*

Angel Dragon: *lands* hello.

Toothless: *gasp* whoa...

Luna: wow....just like an angel...

Angel Dragon:

Toothless, we've read a book about you.

Angel Jr: *sees night lights* aww! You guys are so cute!

Ruffrunner: oh, thanks!

Pouncer: you really think so?

Dart: *blushes*

Leyla: can I ask you something?

Angel Dragon: go ahead.

Leyla: can you talk about you all? I need it for my dragon diary!

Dark Nix: really? We'd love to!

God Jr: *pushes Dark Nix* ME FIRST!!

Dark Nix: nephew!

God Jr: *clears his throat then explains about him*

Summer: this is gonna take a while, isn't it?

Winger: I doubt it.


God Dragon: now that's all about us.

Ruffrunner: do you guys have a friend?

God Dragon: yeah-

*3 dragons lands*

God Dragon: oh! Baal, Rafael, Spicy! You guys are here!

Spicy: hey, buddy!

Baal: hey.

Rafael: what'd we miss?

Dark Nix: Rescue Riders, Toothless, & his family are here to visit.

Spicy: oooh, you guys look amazing!

Cutter: thanks! So do you!

Summer: you guys are the dragons that sealed Dark Nix in ancient times?

Baal: we are.

Leyla: can you tell me about you all?

Rafael: well-

Leyla: I need it for my dragon diary!

Spicy: just a- *sees 3 dragons* hey, you 3 made it!

Lighting Dragon: yo!

Power Dragon: hi!

Frost Dragon: hey.


Power Dragon: could you chill?

Leyla: ok, ok. What are you guys exactly?

Dak: oh boy, here we go again. Thanks for the dare & until next time!

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