
By Yachi2005

357K 7.6K 2.4K

Ben finally beats Vilgax, but with a huge cost. All of the people Ben loves is dead, Gwen, Kevin, Julie, his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Ships Adventures(short side story)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Memes + A/N
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 10

10.8K 234 66
By Yachi2005

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the story

      "Hello Omni-X." She said

     "Hey Black Canary." Ben said

    Black Canary walks up to Ben, putting a hand on his shoulder.

    "How are you feeling?" She asked

    "Better." Ben replied

     "That's good. Eat your breakfast and let's go talk somewhere private." Black Canary said

    "What about school? I have my game today" Black Canary asked

     "I already called them and let three know you won't be at school but you'll be at the game." Black Canary said

    "Oh ok." Ben said

    Ben finishes making his breakfast. He sits down on the floor too lazy to get up and eats his breakfast there. Black Canary eats an apple on the couch. She notices Ben sitting on the kitchen floor eating his breakfast.

   Black Canary finishes her apple all the way to the core. She throws it in the garage, and waits for Ben to finish his food. Ben puts the dishes in the sink and starts to wash them. Ben washes the dishes, dries them up and put them in there rightful places.

   Black Canary motions Ben to follow her. She leads Ben to her room. Canary opens the door and motions Ben to take a seat of the bed. Ben sits on the bed confused.

   "Omni-X , the league decided a few things yesterday." Canary starts off

   "What?" Ben asks

   "One we decided that for now on you will live here and do online school, we checked it out and you can still play soccer at the school but you won't go to school there."

   "So, I'll only go to the school and town for soccer?" Ben asks

   "You can keep going to the town to see your friends and soccer practice and games but you won't live there or go to school there." Canary answers

    "Oh. Ok." Ben says slightly relieved

   "The second thing we decided is that I will be your counselor." Canary says calmly

   "Counselor?" Ben asks confused

   "Omni, you may be strong and a good fighter and your smart but your still a kid. You just had your family taken away from you, then when you tried to die you came to another world and stopped an invasion. Now you just had you house blown up." Canary says

   Ben stays silent, trying not to have another meltdown.

   "That's a lot for you. It would be a lot for anyone of us hero's. But your a kid still and you don't know how to handle and deal with it. That's where I come in. I'll be here for you when you need me and I'll teach you ways to cope and whatever you tell me, stays in this room." Canary explains

   Ben nods his head in understanding and agrees that he might need a counselor. Ben takes deep breaths.

    "Omni there's something I need to ask you." Canary gently says

   "What is it?" Ben asks

   Canary pulls out a picture of the four tentacled purple alien with a visible brain. Omni eyes widen knowing what that is.

    "Superman and Wonder Woman found this at your house after they cleared the fire. We think this caused it. Do you know what it is?" Canary asks

   Ben doesn't say anything. The tears poke out of Ben's eyes and rolls down his face. Ben tries to run to his room but instead of taking a step he falls down on his knees. He cries harder on Canary's floor.

   Canary gets off of her chair and goes to Ben. She attempts to calm down. Canary hugs Ben and rubs circles on Ben's back while she  hums trying to calm Ben.

   "Let's go to your room ok?" Canary whispers

    Ben nods his head, and stands up while his legs wobble about. Canary puts Ben's arm around her and holds onto him and take him to his room. Canary sets him down on his bed. Ben pats his hand around his bed looking for Ship. Ship being awake goes up to his face and licks the tears off his face.

   Canary walks out of Ben's room, giving him time alone. She closes the door and leans up on the door. Canary let's out a sigh.

   "Something happen with Omni?" Batman asks

    "When i showed him the thing you found at his house, he started to have another breakdown." Canary explained

   Batman sighs. He turns around and walks away. Canary looks at the time, and walks to the zeta-tubes punching in her coordinates and walks through them.

   Batman walks up to the other five hero's. They noticed him and saw that he was slightly upset.

   "Did you find anything about the creature?" Batman demands

   "Besides that it's really ugly, we don't think it can do much like this." Flash said

   Batman gives Flash a look like he's raising his eyebrows in confusion and are you joking at a time like this.

   Manhunter speaks up. "What Flash means is we think it needs a host body to be able to do more things."

    "Did you talk to Canary and Ben?" Lantern asks

   "Canary yes. Ben no." Batman responds in simple way

   "Everything ok with Ben?" Wonder Woman asked concerned

   "When Canary showed Ben a picture of the thing, Ben had another meltdown." Batman says

   "So he must know what it is, and it made him upset." Manhunter said

   "I'm thinking Ben should take a month off of hero business. He should focus of school, friends  and soccer." Batman said

   "Do you really think that's a good idea? You saw how Ben was during that week, plus he likes doing hero stuff." Superman said

   "I know that, but Ben is still grieving and he's not doing so well mentally." Batman says

   "Maybe instead we give him simple missions, like a simple bank robbery or mugging." Flash defends Ben

    "And he has to take a week off every month for at least a year. That way he can heal while still doing hero stuff." GL added

    "Fine. We'll do that." Batman agreed. "Diana I want you to talk to Ben again once he calms down. Only ask simple questions and be slow with him."

   Diana nodded her head and the other hero's went back to their posts or city's. Wonder Woman went to Ben's room and knocked on the door. 'Come in' was what she heard. She opens the door and saw Ben sitting on the floor.

   Diana walked into his room and closed the door. She turned on the lights temporarily blinding Ben and Ship. She walks up to Ben and sits on the floor across from him.

   "Ben, we need to talk." Diana says calmly

    Ben takes off his tinted glasses wiping the tears off of them. "Am I in trouble?"

   "No, your not in trouble. We're just worried." She says

   "About what?" Ben asks

   "You and how your doing mentally." She starts off. "That's why we decided that we would only have you do simple heroism like a simple bank robbery or mugging and you have to take a week off every month while also going to the counselor."

    "I don't have a say in this do I?" Ben ask

   "No you don't." Diana says

   Ben sighs in defeat and nods his head in agreement. I mean hey at least he can still go out and do some hero stuff.

    "Now, Ben. This may be hard for you, but we need to know. What are those creatures we found." Diana asks seriously

   Ben takes a couple of deep breaths before he begins. "There called Xenocite. There alien parasites from my world. They attach and bond themselves to hosts and make DNAliens." Ben says

   "Are they dangerous?" Diana asked

    "No, not unless they become DNAliens. Then they can be." Ben says

    "What are DNAliens?" Diana asks

    "There when Xenocite take over humans or aliens brain and body. They can spit out slime out of there mouths, enhanced strength, and jumping. They also can handle technology. They also use id masks. Their weakness is heat, fire and loud frequency's." Ben explains

   "Id masks?" Diana asks

   Ben grabs his bag that's full of all his technology. He takes out a mask that has a human face on it.

   "This is an id mask. I stole a couple of them from them. They can change the user's appearance and can turn invisible. They can also be used to copy objects. My best friend Kevin taught me how to fix them, so I might be able to make more." Ben explains

    "Did you fight them a lot?" Diana asked

   "Yea. A couple years ago, I took off the omnimatrix, and stopped being a hero to focus more on school but the dnaliens kidnapped my grandpa so I put it back on and teamed up with my cousin and my used to be enemy now friend to save him." Ben explained. "If it wasn't for them kidnapping my grandpa, they would still be alive."

    Diana rubs Ben back, trying to keep him calm. "Your game should start soon. How about you go get ready mkay?"

   "Ok." Ben said

   Diana walks out of his room, leaving Ben alone. Ben stands up and puts his soccer clothes on and his black cleats on. He pets Ship goodbye and heads out of his room. He heads to the zeta-tubes and types in the coordinations. He was sent off in the alleyway. He ran up to the school he was playing at.

    He went into the locker room and met up with his team. They all said hey, and sorry for your house and high five'd him. They all chatted until their coach came in and gave them a motivational talk.

    Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson were sitting at the bleachers, waiting for a soccer game to start.

   "So why are we here again?" Dick asked

     Bruce looks at him, and sighs. "I know one of the boys on the soccer team."

    Dick looks at Bruce confused. "How?"

   "I work with him and his family."  Bruce said bluntly

    Dick sighs, knowing he's not going to get much out of him.  Dick sits bored, waiting for the game to start.

    Dick notices a red haired boy around his age sit below him, with three trays full of food. A man with brown hair sit next to the red haired boy. The man had four trays of food. Dick got a weird powerful vibe to both of them. The brown haired man greets a different man with blonde hair and a women with blonde hair.

     Then a black haired goddess sits next to Bruce. She also has a powerful vibe to her.

    "Diana." Bruce said

    "Bruce." The black haired goddess or Diana said

     Dick looks at both of them confused on how they know each other.

    "You must be Dick. I'm Diana Prince." Diana Prince said

    "It's nice to meet you. How do you know Bruce?" Dick asked

    "Dick. Don't be rude." Bruce said firmly

    Diana laughs. "Don't worry about it Bruce. Bruce here funds the museum I work at. I'm a archaeologist."

    "You work at the Smithsonian museum?" Dick asks

    "Yes I do." Diana responds

    "Oh. Very nice." Dick says as he turns his attention to the field as the players come out.

    As Wallys walking to his seat he notices a boy his age and a grown man next to him. Wally sits down with three trays of food. Barry sits next to him with four trays of food.

    "So when did you become interested in soccer?" Wally asks with his mouth full

    Barry laughs. "I know a boy playing. I work with him and his family sometimes, so I thought we would take a break from you know what and come support him."

    "Hey! Barry." The blonde hair man said

     Two blondes came over to where Barry and Wally was.

    "Oliver!" Barry says happily

    "What's up man." Oliver says. "Whose the kid?"

    "This is my nephew Wally. Wally come meet a good friend of mine Oliver." Barry says

    "Hey Oliver." Wally says

   "What's up kid." Oliver says

    "What's up Dinah." Barry greets

    "Thought you forgot about me." Dinah joked

    Barry put his hand on his chest where is heart would be a dramatically gasped. "I would never!"

   They all laugh at Barry's reaction. They all sit down, as they see the soccer players come out.

    Ben and his team walk out into the field, where they can see hundreds of people sitting at the bleachers watching them. They go to their bench area where there coach was waiting for them.

"Alright team, remember do not focus on what will happen after the game in the future. Focus on what's happening right now. This game is our win! Now go out there and win!" He shouted

"YEA!" Ben and his team yelled

The team sit on the grass in front of their bench warming up. They spread their legs and try to reach their toes. Then they do butterfly pose. They do a couple jumping jacks and running in place.

The team heads out to the field with Ben in front of the net. The team captains go up to each other where the referee was standing.

"Heads." Ben's captain said

"Guess, I have tails." The enemy's captain said

The referee flips the coin in the sky and catches it with his hand. He flipped it over and put it on his other hand. He showed the captains the coin. Tails.

The other captain smirks and took the ball. The captains went back to their positions. After a couple of seconds of everyone staring at each other the referee blows his whistle and the enemy team kickoff the ball that's heading to the sky going at a weird angle. The person who sent the kickoff backs up not allowed to touch the ball until someone else does. And thus the game has begun.

"Why are they flipping the coin?" Dick asked

"How am I supposed to know, I don't watch soccer." Bruce responded

"I think it's how they start the game?" Diana said unsure of herself

"The coin determines which team gets to do the kickoff." The red haired boy said

"Kickoff?" Dick says confused

The red haired boy sighs. "The kickoff is when a player kicks the ball in any direction, it's how they start the game."

"Huh." Dick said

"So why are you here? Clearly not because you enjoy soccer." He joked

"My old man here decided to come and drag me along here since he knows one of the players and his family." Dick responded

"Ha that's the same reason my uncle dragged me. Usually I would watch this at home." The boy laughed

"So who does you mr uncle know?" Dick asked

"No idea, he won't tell me the name. What about you?" The boy asked

"My old man won't tell me either." Dick sighs

Each boy looks at their guardian with glaring eyes because they refuse to tell them anything.

"So, what are they chances our guardians know the same family and we're supporting the same family?" The boy asked

"One in one trillion." Dick answered right away

"How'd the hell did you get that answer?" The boy asked

"It's basic math-" Dick was about to respond but got interrupted but Wally.

"How is that basic math?" The boy gasped

Ben stands in front of the net, watching his teammates run after the ball. Ben is the goalie in today's game. Ben doesn't mind being the goalie, it means he doesn't have to run as much. But being goalie is one of the most important roles in the game of soccer or football for most countries. (Ya weirdos)

Ben stands there, shoes all tied up, with no chance is coming unloose and all gloved up. Ben stands there watching the ball like a hawk. Ben won't let the ball out of his line of sight.

One of the enemy's players kick the ball, straight to the net. Ben's teammates yell at Ben to catch it. Ben waits for the ball to come a little bit closer. The audience is pulled in a trance to see if the ball goes in or not. As the ball gets closer, Ben jumps in front of the ball, he was barely able to push the ball away from the net. But that little push changed the course of the game. Thanks to that little push on the ball, it didn't go into the net. Winning his team some points.

There side of the audience screamed in applause and happy cheers. You could hear the applause a mile away. Ben's teammates came up to him and jumped up, hugging him, giving himself high five, and patting him in the back.

Now for the next round.

2804 words

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