The New Royal Blood (Book 1)

By purdynerd

451K 16.5K 1.9K

The royal family in England is looking for new blood, as in new blood lines. They've searched all throughout... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 23

11.5K 490 13
By purdynerd

        I wake up to my maids playing with Princess.       

        "Shut up," I groan and they laugh.

        "Miss, I think you need to take Princess out," Cecily says. Crap, I hadn't thought of that. What was I supposed to do when she needed to go to the bathroom?

        "But the nobody else is allowed to see her," I say.

        "We know. That's why we've made you this coat. It's huge and furry and has an inside pocket that will hold Princess," Josee says while Courtney holds up a long white furred coat.

        "Thank you, ladies," I yawn.

        I quickly put on a bra and then they help me slip on the jacket.

        "And Princess goes here," Cecily says, putting Princess in the little pocket.

         I slip on some flats and then make my way downstairs. I can't take her out of the palace walls...but I can take her in the garden. Two guards block the entryway to the garden. I go to walk out but they stop me.

        "No one's allowed outside till after breakfast," one of them says.

        "Really? Because the prince told me I go out there anytime I like," I lie.

        They aren't convinced.

        "The prince didn't tell us this so we can't let you outside," they say.

        "Would you like me to go get the prince?" I say. I hope this'll just scare them into letting me pass but these two guards are smart.

        "Yes, miss, we would," they call my bluff. I'm a little shocked but recover quickly.

        "Very well," I turn on my heel and make my way up to the fifth floor. As I start up the stairs, I hear one of the guards call after me.

        "I don't think the prince will be very happy that you woke him up," one of them says.

        "He'll probably send you home," the other yells.

        I hear them both snickering as I go up to the fifth floor.

        "I need to see Princess Rose," I command and they nod.

        One of the guards breaks off and I follow him to Rose's room. I thank him and then go inside where I find Rose asleep. I walk over to her bed.

        "Rose," I sing while shaking her.

        "Rose, wake up," I shake her harder.

        "Wha?" she opens her eyes, sitting up.

        "I need to take Princess out," I say.        

        "Okay but that doesn't explain why you're in my room at 6:00 in the morning," she says and my eye's go wide.

        6:00 in the morning? I had no idea.

        "The guards wouldn't let me take her out to the gardens and I threatened to get Daxton but that didn't change their minds so now I'm up here and I need you to come with me to show me his room so I can get him," I say this all in one breath.

        "Fine," she grumbles.

        She rolls out of her bed and grabs a robe that was on a chair.

        "Follow me," she says and I offer her a weak smile.

        "Wait," she stops, "where is Princess?"

        "In here," I motion to my coat.

        "Can I see?" she asks.

        I tug open the coat and Rose peers inside. In the pocket, Princess has curled up and fallen asleep.

        "Awww," Rose says and leads me into the hallway.

        "Yeah, you think it's cute, but try being woke up to take her out," I huff.

        "I am being woke up so you can take her out," Rose says.

        "Daxton really needs to get her like a litter box or something," I suggest.

        "Isn't a litter box for cats?" Rose wonders as we wander the halls.

        "Yeah but anything is better than having to hide her in this coat," I agrue as we stop.

        "Okay, this is his room. Have fun trying to wake him up," Rose says and leaves.

        I stand outside his door for a second, realizing I'm intruding on his privacy. But he come's into my room all the time without permission so I don't feel as bad. I slip into his room and have to let my eye's adjust to the darkness. Once they've adjusted I can see his room clearly.

         His bed, instead of being in the center of the room, is on the side to my right. Next to the bed is a night stand with what looks a couple books and a lamp on top of it. A little ways over from the bed is a door, which I'm guessing is the bathroom. On the opposite side of the room is a sitting area and in the corner is a desk with lots of papers and books on it. There's another set of doors close to the sitting area which leads to the balcony. I see a third door and peek through it. It leads to another sitting area. How many people does he think are going to be in his room? All throughout the room are chests that I'm pretty sure are full of clothes.

        I tiptoe over to his bed. He lies peacefully sleeping, his arms and legs spread out so they take up almost all of the bed. I move his hand over and then sit where it once was. The second I sit down, his arm stretches over my legs. I laugh.

        "Daxton," I shake him but he doesn't wake up.

        I do this a couple times before I sick Princess on him. She stands on him and licks his face. He mumbles something in his sleep. Princess grabs his shirt and starts tugging on it. She starts licking him again and I start shaking him.

        "Daxton," I say as I loudly as I can without alerting guards.

        He sleepily opens his eye's.

        "Camry? Lie down and go back to sleep, love," he says.

        He's about to roll over, with Princess still on him. I do a bellyflop on his chest, which ends up being his side, and grab Princess before she can fall to the ground.

        "Camry? What in the world are you doing?" Daxton asks, fully awake now.

        "Saving Princess," I say, cradling her to my chest.

        "Why are you in my room?" he looks around confused.

        I explain to him my situation.

        "She really needs a litter box or something," I finish.

        "You're right. I'll get you one by the end of today. For now, follow me," he says.

        After I put Princess back in the little pocket, I follow him out room. We go back down to the first floor and stop at the garden door. Both of the guards seemed very surprised that I have the prince with me.

        "Told ya," I shrug.

        "She is allowed to go outside at all times," he says to the guards. He turns to me.

        "I'll see you at breakfast, love," he kisses my forehead and is gone.

        "Excuse me," I go into the garden.

        After I've walked a ways into it, I let Princess down. I'm surprised she hasn't already gone to bathroom on me or Daxton. I watch as she sniffs around and when she's done, I put her back in my little pocket and go back to the palace. Once I'm inside, I go back up to my room. After setting Princess on the bed, I collaspe next to her.

        "No you don't, miss. It's time to get ready," Cecily says.

        Princess jumps on top of me and starts licking my face.

        "Okay, okay. I'm up," I push her off of me and get out of bed. They quickly get me ready for breakfast. After I've been bathed, put makeup on, and my hair done, they slip me into a gorgeous day dress that kind of reminds me of Princess. It's all white except for the sleeves, which are gray.

        "Watch Princess for me. I'll probably take her out after breakfast," I say.

        With that, I leave for breakfast.

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