classroom of the elite onesho...

By spaceishere

463K 6.9K 3.2K

this is for experience, so advice and what my flaws are is what im looking for, but if you come to enjoy my w... More

A Chess Match
Secrets Getting Out
A/N and Vote
Tales of a Seductive Senpai
Simp War Short Story
A Deal. (2k reader special)
Meeting with the Little Devil
5k Reads Poll
NTR God: Horikita Suzune
NTR God: Shinohara
NTR God: Ichinose Honami
Possible Book Idea?
NTR God: Karuizawa Kei and Kikyo Kushida
Thank You and Announcement!
Another Announcement.
Red String
Lover's Abyss
100 Follower Q&A Announcement!
Haruka x Sakura Lemon
Cursed Content
The Boy In The Back
Kiyotaka's Backstory: REMASTERED (1)
A Day With Sakayanagi (with bonus chapter at the end)
Another Thank You
Glass (Preview)
Pink Lemonade
The Boy in the Back (Mini Series) Part 1
The Boy in the Back Part 2
The Boy in The Back Part 3
Collection of Short Stories
Bad Ending
Kei Teaches Love: Introduction
Mission: K.E.I.
The Great Simp War Part 2
Kei Teaches Love: Hugs
A very simple, thank you
Doing Short Versions of Requests Readers Made
Ichika's First Move
The Day After
200k Special Announcement
losing motivation
felt like writing again
fake dating (i think?)
fake dating part 2
another random idea that came to me

New Things

7.9K 165 66
By spaceishere

A/N Before We Start: Sorry for no updates, had some personal stuff going on, then had to do schoolwork on top of that. This is mostly a make up chapter for you guys, since you basically missed out on two days of content, this chapter will be 2000 words long at the very least. Sorry again.


Currently, I was looking through Kiyotaka's computer. He was out looking for ingredients and supplies for our study session, so I had plenty of time. Why, you may ask? To learn more about him, of course! He knew lots about me, while I didn't know much except that he's holding back.

Ignoring the dumb romantic questions he searched up, there was nothing really. How can he be so smart in other things, but so clueless in love? It still confuses me to this day. Anyway, I had one more place to check. His email. There wasn't much except school stuff and the occasional threat from Ryuuen. Huh, Ryuuen sure hates him. I was at the end when I saw a weird email.

It was called,

Your Home

I clicked on it to see 4 videos. All labeled, in chronological order.

WR_Classfied1, WR_Classfied2, WR_Classfied3, WR_Classfied4

I clicked on the first video.

There was a boy in the corner of a completely white room, who looked very familiar.

"I-Is that... Kiyotaka?!" I exclaimed, soon covering my mouth due to it being pretty loud.

I turned my head back to the computer. He was... smiling. It beamed like the sun on a good day, giving warmth to even the most coldest of people. I couldn't help but adore him. He was reading a book it seemed like, it's red and gold cover sticking out like an orange in a bag full of apples. Soon, a man came in. The peaceful atmosphere quickly left, as I tensed up. Kiyotaka looked up to lose that smile, his face quickly turning into one of fear. The man grabbed Kiyotaka by the collar of his gown, lifting him up. Kiyotaka tried to struggle, but it was useless as he got punched in the gut, making him spit blood out as fell as taking a harsh fall to the ground. Kiyotaka started to cry.

"Don't start to cry, you brat! Get back up. For crying, you get another punch." The man yelled. Kiyotaka got up, blood dripping down his face, mixing with his tears. The man punched him in the gut again, almost knocking him unconscious. He left soon after, leaving Kiyotaka on the floor, the now dark red colored blood leaking out of his mouth, staining the white floor like paint.

I couldn't take this. I started to break down, crying a river at the sight. To any kid this would be enough for people to puke, but when it's your boyfriend it takes that feeling to another level.

I took a second to gather my composure, and restarted the video, preparing myself for anything else. Suddenly, a Narrator came.

This is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. A young, bright young boy, with a great talent in music. Although being born to average parents, he possesses a great ceiling of potential in psychology, as well as a great amount of determination and a high resistance for a child. Sadly, he couldn't have a normal life.

This piqued my interest. I had wondered what could have made Kiyotaka the apathetic, emotionless person he was today. I had narrowed it down to his past, but never pried further. Now, it was right here in front of me. With each video, my mission would come closer to being complete. That mission was...

Who Is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

I un-paused the video.

After his mother died, his father had put his own son in the White Room. It was a facility that trained kids to be the best beings on the earth. Of course, you can't do this with the regular methods, so they used more forceful ways of getting them to learn.

The words being, and forceful stuck out to me. "Beings"? Why choose that choice of wording? Why not human beings? And what forceful methods were they using? Wait...

Forceful methods,

And the earlier video,

Don't tell me...

These methods were punishments. Depending on their performance, they would either be disposed of, or beaten. Little Kiyotaka here, was on the verge of choosing the latter.

A sudden jolt of fear and despair ran through me after that. Knowing what could've happened if Kiyotaka didn't pass, scares me to the bone.

Luckily, he was still decent enough to keep up, but not enough. So, his father decided to talk to him. Kiyotaka starved for his father's attention and love, yet never received it. He would just be looked at as data for his father to show off, but that reality hadn't hit Kiyotaka.


His father walked into the room, seemingly showing a cold glare.

Those eyes, the eyes that lured me into being Kiyotaka's partner. The darkness I had seen showed nothing. Like a void, it was empty, devoid of any emotion. It basically suffocated me, giving me no room to breathe. They still scare me to this day, but for some reason, his father's eyes were weaker. They didn't compare to what I saw that day.

Kiyotaka got up slowly, wiping the blood from his face, giving a tired smile. It was sad how that smile would be removed soon.

That line added sadness onto the tense atmosphere.

He went over happily hugging his father's leg.

That's sweet.

Before getting pushed away.


Kiyotaka fell onto his bottom, with tears welling up in eyes. He looked up at his father, before wiping the oncoming tears and stood up. He walked at a distance from his father, before going to a room called...


I knew what this meant, but I racked my brain for what would be in there. Dead bodies? No, that would be too extreme, even for this. Maybe a room where they beat all of them? Before I knew it, I was thinking of multiple different gory situations. I realized this was very weird, and un-paused the video.

"This is the Failure Room. Look very closely Kiyotaka." The man said, lifting his child up. This would be insignificant to most people, but this is the most affection he's ever gotten. Even if it was leading to his eventual loss of his emotions.

The room was filled with kids, one was banging their head on the wall, another one was hugging their knees, rocking back and forth. One was mumbling to themselves, while another was trying to choke themselves, only for it to be a futile attempt at suicide.

I wanted to pause the video at this point. I honestly think I need to pause the video. But, I kept going, tears rolling down my cheek, filled with anger and sadness.

Kiyotaka's eyes widened. He had never seen what happened to the failures, all he knew was that they were never seen again.

"If you don't get better, you'll either end up like them, or you'll die. Do you understand?" The man asked, putting as much venom into his voice as possible.

"Y-Yes sir." Kiyotaka said, unable to take his eyes off the glass.

It had been laid out for him. If he was going to be able to make it, he would have to do his best. He was motivated, but not out of determination, out of fear. Fear that he would die, not seeing anything other than the color white around him at all times.

I quickly paused the video. If I was going to watch this, I needed it to be on my computer. So I downloaded the video and put it onto my flashdrive, marking the email as unread right after. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. I quickly shoved the flashdrive into my pocket, and opened the door. It was Kiyotaka.

"Hello, Kei."

"H-Hey, Kiyotaka." God, why can I never be calm in these situations!?

"Are you okay, Kei? You seem to be sweating." Kiyotaka said, somehow giving a hint of concern.

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay. Let's start the study session, shall we?" I said, still nervous.


I was walking back to my room, somewhat excited and very scared for what I would see next.

The video was already gruesome as it was, and adding Kiyotaka onto that makes it ten times worse. Seeing him break down, and witness all of that traumatizing stuff would make anyone here uneasy, even Ryuuen.

I opened the door to my dorm, walking in and closing the door. I grabbed my laptop off of the table, placing it onto my bed. I then changed into my pajamas, covered up with my Kiyotaka body pillow, and plugged in the flashdrive.

The videos slowly loaded onto my computer before finishing, 4 videos ready for me to watch.

I got to about 48 minutes before I got interrupted, so I moved right back to that part, and un-paused the video.

Over the next few weeks, Kiyotaka's scores flew through the roof. He was getting better mentally and psychically, beating every single one of his fellow classmates. There was a sacrifice however.

His emotions.

This line hit a nerve in me, and I listened attentively, getting closer to the screen.

Day by day, bit by bit, the most emotional boy there, slowly became an empty being.

That warming smile was gone, and the only emotion that existed was fear

Pure fear.

It's what kept every kid there going, regardless of the task.

The uncertainty that you might get beaten or even killed, drove them to be the best.

But there would only be one survivor.

I looked at that line again.

"One survivor? If Kiyotaka is still here then..."

That survivor is the best White Room student to ever live.

One that could rule over the world if he wanted to.

"Don't tell me-"

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

I have so many questions.

How smart is he really?

What is his full capability?

Rule the world?

This all hit me like a train, and I didn't know what to do. If Kiyotaka could rule the world, why isn't he doing it?

Then it hit me.

Why would he want to live a normal life?

Because he's never had one.

His father doesn't love him.

His mother is dead.

He got beat almost daily.

He's never had a normal life.

He's just been trapped in those white walls for most of his life, and was never able to experience what most people get to experience normally.

It brought me to tears.

I couldn't stop crying today, it was just break down after break down.

I found a small puddle where I was crying at, and got up.

Taking a deep breath, I moved onto the next video.

The Only Wish

Was a weird title, but that's not the point right now.

There was always one wish that Kiyotaka had held deep in his heart.

It would change depending on the situation, but it was usually the same.

It was to please his father.

All this time he just wanted his love, and yet he would get denied every time.

I thanked god for having good parents.

As he lost emotions, this wish went deep into the depths of his heart, where even he could not touch it. What replaced this, was a deep hatred. It wasn't known to him, but if he could, he would do anything in his power to ruin the man's plans.

I wasn't surprised at this, if I was abused and my father only added onto it, I'd hate him too.

Of course he wouldn't stop doing the challenges, because he didn't wanna die, however whenever he could, he would do something to mess with him. Delete all of his saved data on the computer, trip him in the hallway, petty things like that.

He eventually gave this up however, with his emotions going completely blank.

The hatred didn't grow anymore, in fact it was shrinking.

He felt nothing towards him. Whether he succeeded or not had no effect on Kiyotaka. Unless it was harder training, he didn't care.

Although there was something that he did care about at this point.

There was only one person there who he cared for.

Suzuki Shizuku.

She was his first love, one that he will never forget.

I gripped the bedsheets a little more than I intended.

She was a girl with dirty blonde hair, and emerald eyes, like a gem that had just been cleaned. She was a very cheerful girl, and was able to keep her emotions intact all this time.

But today, she will end her life.

I gasped. I didn't expect that to happen.

She found Kiyotaka in the library, and walked up to him.

"Do you wanna go on a walk with me?" She asked with a smile.

"Sure." He responded.

They walked around the building, having casual conversations.

"Have you ever wondered what ice cream tastes like?"

"No, not really, why?" He responded, a bit curious.

"I wanna try it. I would get 3 flavors in one, so I can get triple the taste!" Although she was in college education, she was still quite childish.

I chuckled at the conversation. Regardless of what their relationship was, they were cute together.

This girl had helped Kiyotaka through so much in the White Room, and her emotion is something he strived to have if he ever got out of here.

They stopped at the bathroom.



"Would you kiss me?"

At this point I didn't care, I was crying.

"Would it make you happy?"

"Well I wanna experience a kiss before I die, but if you don't want to, you don't have to. But promise me this. You will experience all the things I didn't get to do. Can you do that?" She said, crying.

Kiyotaka's eyes widened at the sudden claim, before he went behind Shizuku and chopped her on her neck lightly, so she would pass out.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

If she was going to die, it would be by Kiyotaka's hands.

And the atmosphere is tense again. I'm on the verge of tears as I watch this, waiting patiently for what will happen.

He laid her down and sat on his knees beside her. He moved her hair over to give her a kiss on the lips, before coming back up. He could see her lips curve up to form a smile. The last smile she would ever give to another human.

I never thought I would cry this much, for my boyfriend's ex of all people, but this was special.

He applied pressure onto her neck, letting her quickly die without feeling any pain.

He looked down at the peaceful Shizuku.

And began to cry.

From that day on, Kiyotaka's only wish is to meet her in the afterlife, and show her everything she missed out on, as she requested.


A/N" SORRY FOR THE LACK OF CHAPTERS, HAD STUFF GOING ON. Anyway, how'd you like this chapter? I think that's the most words I've done, so that's cool. I tried my best with the reactions, but I couldn't think of one most of the time, so you got the bare bones stuff. Have a good night/day everyone, and I hope your pillow is warm on both sides when you turn in over :D

2454 words


Oh and also credit to @ejjs27 for the oc and the backstory for the oc! its one of the best made oc i've seen out there!

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