The Real Magic Knight

By BakastaWaifu

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What if lichita didn't decided to leave asta at the church? What if asta and liebe had met At the beginning o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (A Date)
Thank You!
Chapter 16
Bonus chapter✨
Another book
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 9

2.8K 62 39
By BakastaWaifu

After their battle with the diamond kingdom mage, who was now in a special cage, made by Klaus steel creation magic while Klaus himself was holding his grimoire, " Are you sure that's gonna work?" Asked Asta while yawning. Nero on his head.

"Are you doubting my magic?! he is uncouncious and I have his grimoire" said Klaus looking annoyed.

"Well I'm just happy that none of us were siriously injured" said Mimosa smiling who was now out of the flower healing cage.

"Are you sure you should be moving now, you were hit badly.." said Noelle looking concerned.

"Oh no I'm fine, I'm mostly healed now and thank you for defending me back there" said Mimosa thanking Noelle.

"Hmph! I'm not defending you..You're always to use fall over.. make sure be more careful" she said looking embarrassed from the praised .

"Well thank you anyway!" said Mimosa.

Klaus then coughed getting their attention, "Anyway it looks like we were the ones to reach the treasure hall first, so we won the competition, but I guess just this once will allow you to walk in with us" he said.

" Oi shut up, If me, Noelle and Luck wasn't arrived in here to saved your ass, your career as a NOBLE are done for four eyes.." Said Asta annoyed.

"How dare you call me that?! we had everything under complete control and would have succeeded without you" said klaus annoyed.

" No you wouldn't you four eyes" Replied Asta. We're defineltey involved now" thought Yuno with his expressionless

"Perhaps we should go to the treasure hall now" said Noelle pointing at the treasure hall door and stopping the argument.

"Alright we're going to go in there and claim what's in there for the clover kingdom." ( Yeah I'm gonna be reach!!!!) thought Asta while holding his demon slayer sword.

" Hmph! As if you can destroyed this door" Said Klaus. Asta cut a big triangle hole in the door with his demon slayer. The piece of the door that was cut off vanished. " Huh? You said something four eyes?"Asked Asta. " Well nothing" replied Klaus suprised and embarrassed a bit.

"Whoa there's so much treasure" said Asta looking surprised as he walked into the treasure hall with the others.

"How lovely" said Mimosa holding up a red cloak.

Yuno picked up a book and when he opened it a small light geeen orb flew out of the book and started moving further into the room. He decided to follow it.

"Hmm I can smell gold.." Said Liebe as he suddenly appeared on Asta shoulder. " I thought you gonna sleep forever?" Asked Asta.
" Erghh look like money wakes me." Replied Liebe.

"I wonder what this is?" said Noelle poking at a small bubble that was glowing with some kind of power inside it. When she poked it didn't pop.

Klaus just stood there and was starting to look annoyed, "Would you all stop messing around, there could be some dangerous magical artifacts in this room!" he said getting Asta attention .

"Oh come on sir spectacles why do you have to take the fun out of everything" said Asta calmly making Klaus looking annoyed.

"What did I tell you about callling me that?!" he said.

"Asta, who is this annoying guy?" Asked Liebe.
" What... the... wh-what is that weird creature?!
Why you have a weird pet with you?" Said Klaus. " Huh?!!! What did you said!! Do you wanted me to eat you?!" Shouted Liebe. " Shit, this creature looks hell scary I wanna go away from him" Said klaus as he go away from Asta.
" Relax Liebe.. he always like that" Asta said tried to comfort Liebe. " urghh annoying, by the way Asta let's go another room.. who knows, maybe there are some items that can boost your body" Liebe said. " Oh you're right Liebe! Let's go" Asta replied as he and Liebe go to some room.

Yuno continued to walk through the treasure hall when he saw a small table surrounded by wind. The only thing on the table was a scroll which he went to pick up, when he unrolled it there was some kind of writing on it, "This writing, I haven't seen anything like it before" he thought looking confused when his grimoire started to glow and the same happened to the scroll. The light was so bright it got everyone else attention.

When the light stopped shining, "Just what was that?" asked Klaus

"I'm not sure" said Yuno looking at the scroll only to be suprised when he noticed the writing on it was now gone.

With Asta

" Woahh Liebe look what I found!" Asta called Liebe. " Huh what is it?" Asked Liebe. He found some item look like a bottle and has a water in it. The bottle was covered with a dark Aura. " huh? Hmmm I dunno but it look like energy boost" said Asta. " You wanna take it?"
" Hmm well I will, who knows maybe My body will become buff like captain Yami hehe" said Asta as he imagined his body like Captain Yami. " well it's up to you, anyway it looks like there's nothing in here, I will go to grimoire back, if anything happened call me" Said Liebe as he disappeared. " Alright! Let's take this " Said Asta as he put the bottle in his pocket.

With Klaus and the others

"Strange, we have someone with a four leave clover grimoire, meanwhile another one with a grimoire that looks old but has the power to dispel magic, how is it possible a commoner got such a power" thought Klaus. He then look at the Mars grimoire. "This grimoire doesn't look like a single grimoire" he thought before looking surprised when the grimoire started glowing.

Then it flew quickly towards the treasure halls entrance that was then destroyed by diamond kingdom mage, inside the his crystal golem and was glaring at the clover kingdom Magic Knights.

"The weak must be destroyed" said Mars trying to ignore the images playing in his head as flames surrounded his body.

"How his be back up again and those flames" thought Klaus looking suprised , "Is that flame recovery magic, how is he using more then one magic attribute" he thought when crystals shot up from the ground trapping himself, Yuno and Luck.

A blast of water hit Mars but it did not put out the flames, "If I can put out those flames, it will make it be easier to beat him" said Noelle pointing her wand at the diamond kingdom mage. But she was then hit by the golems right hand sending her flying.

" Noelle San!!" Shouted Mimosa as she saw her cousin was being hit. The middle of her dress had been cut open down the middle where she was bleeding. She had a pained look on her face as she tried to move.

With Asta
Asta now was on his way to go to the others
" Well looks like there's nothing that I ca—
Asta monologue was cut off as he saw Noelle lying on the ground unconscious with her chest bleeding. " No...elle?" Asta said looking shocked and froze.His mind then begin to travel the memories he had when he was a child.

" YOU!!! I WILL KILL YOU!" Shouted Mars as he send Asta flying toward the wall. " ASTA!" Shouted Yuno.

Asta then just sat on the ground froze while his anger and hatred slowly started to rise up. "Noelle? No, No, No th-this can't.." Said Asta as anti magic aura started to appeared around Asta. " Hey Asta what's happening?" Asked Liebe in Asta grimoire. He then realised that his power was being suck forcefully by Asta. " Wh-what? Asta calm yourself!" Liebe said. " Kill, Kill.. I will not forgive them.. they will pay, I WILL KILL THEM!!!!" Shouted Asta as he body begin to changed. " Asta Noo!!!!" ( This is not good, I must get out from his grimoire now) thought Liebe as he get out from Asta, with his chibi form. He then saw Noelle lying on the ground. " MISS!" Shouted Liebe.

With Mimosa

"Noelle san!" said Mimosa rushing over to her, "This wound is very bad, healing flower robe" she said as her grimoire opened. She was then covered in a rhobe with flowers on it and there were even wings made of flowers on it. Her hands started shining a green light over Noelles wound, "I'm not going to let you die" she said looking determined as she thought back to when ever she fell Noelle would help her up. She even worried about Noelle when she heard about her having difficulty with her controlling her magic.

"I'm not going to let you die!" said Mimosa

"The weak must die!" said Mars as he made the crystal golem start moving towards to where Mimosa was healing Noelle.

Suddenly a black slash appeared and going straight to Mars sword completely destroying it. " Wh-What?!!" Shouted Mars. Everybody then saw the one who threw the slash, and to their suprised, it was Asta but in difference form. They all looks suprised.
Mars then begin to scared " Th-This guy.. is not a human anymore..."

" Wh-what the hell is happening?!" Shouted Klaus scared. " Asta?" Said Yuno. " He..look terrified..." Said Luck as he begin to shake.
Liebe then started to make his way toward Noelle. " Hey Miss! Wake up!" Shouted Liebe looking concerned. "How is she conditions?"
" hmm y-yeah.. The wound is truly deep but I think my heals worked on her.. she's okay now" Replied Mimosa. Noelle eyes then started to slowly open. " Noelle/Miss!" Shouted Liebe and Mimosa feeling relieved. " Wh-what is happening..." Asked Noelle as she slowly started to get up. " You were hit by the mages before, but thank god you are okay!" Said Mimosa.

" Wh-where is Asta...?" Asked Noelle.Liebe and mimosa face suddenly changed into worried face. " Asta is right there." Said Liebe. Noelle then looked at Asta with shocked and worried face. " Asta! What is happening?!" Asked Noelle.

" Not good miss..he's going berserk.Asta right now was loosing his control of Anti Magic power after he saw you being hit..if this keep going.. his body can't accommodate it anymore and Asta will..." Liebe stopped. " Will what Liebe?! Tell me!" Shouted Noelle worried. " Die" Liebe said.
" WH-WHAT?!" Noelle shouted worried.

With Asta

"I WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU! YOU WILL PAY! I WILL KILL YOU!!" Shouted Asta with venom voice as he now begin to fly toward Mars with incredible speed. " What?!! I can't read his move!" Thought Mars as he suddenly got hit by Asta sending him several meters from Asta.
"Urghh I can't get up!" Thought Mars as he then struggled to get up.

Asta then begin to walked toward him slowly while holding his Demon Slayer Sword.

" Asta! Hold yourself! Noelle was fine now! Calm down!"Shouted Liebe. Asta ignored him and keep going. " Crap what are we gonna do?!" Said Liebe panicked and worried about his brother condition. " Asta! I'm Okay.. You hear me Asta!!" Shouted Noelle. Asta didn't responded.

Noelle then looked determined and start Running toward Asta. " Noelle No! Where are you going?! Shouted Mimosa.

Asta then was infront of Mars lift his sword and ready to kill Mars. Suddenly, he felt someone was hugging him from behind. " Asta! I'm Okay! Please calm yourself!" Noelle said as she was hugging Asta tightly from behind. Asta then begin slowly to back to his sense. " Noelle?" He said as he started to turned toward Noelle. " Yeah Asta! Is me.. I'm fine now" Said Noelle smiling feeling relieved. Asta smiled while his tears slowly rolled down. " Noelle, I'm glad y-". Asta transform slowly vanished.He now was shocked because he suddenly felt pain through his whole body.
" Asta?! Are you okay?!" Shouted Noelle worried.

Asta then started to fell to the ground but was caught by Noelle. " Asta! Wake up!" Shouted Noelle as she laid Asta head on her laps.Asta now was unconscious." Mimosa! Come here heal Asta Now!!" Noelle called Mimosa. " Alright Noelle san" said mimosa as she and Liebe ran toward Asta and noelle and started to heal him.

"This is bad, can I even heal it with the magic power I have left" she thought looking worried when the crystal golem got back up.

"He's still able to move after that attack?!" said Klaus looking annoyed.

"I'm almost free!" said Luck as lighting surrounded the crystals trapping him.

" Erghh this guy is annoying, if Asta wasn't use my power too much before, I will definitely defeated this guy with ease." Said Liebe annoyed.

A big crystal sword appeared in the golems right hand and raised it above to where Noelle and Mimosa who was trying to heal Asta, "Be gone" said Mars.

"ASTA!"yelled Yuno as he burst through the crystals that had trapped him, "I can't let him die here, but no matter what spell I pick,it will be too late" he thought as the pages in his grimoire quickly turned. But then just as the sword was about to hit them, time suddenly stopped for everyone accept Yuno.

Yuno looked confused wondering what was happenning until he looked to his right to see a small fairy wearing a green dress. The little fairy yawned before opening her eyes and looked at its surrounding. She then blew some kind of magic at the crystal sword. Then everything started moving forward again as the wind destroyed the sword and the golem completely. Mars was sent flying into a wall with a complete look of shock on his face before he fell onto the ground.

Klaus and Luck were free as the crystals that had trapped them were now gone, "Yuno was that your magic?" asked Klaus

"No there was this little person, she used the magic" said Yuno looking confused as the little fairy was now gone.

"Little person, Well we can worry about that later" said Klaus.

Yuno then looked at his grimoire to a suprising sight, there was new writing in it, "This writing, its like the one from the scroll" he thought.

the dungeon began to shake as parts of the ceiling started to fall down.

"This isn't good" said Klaus looking worried.

"Celestial wing" said Yuno as wind formed underneath him creating a cloud big enough to carry all of them, "Everyone get on" he said looking serious. " Luck take Asta!" Said Noelle.

Lucks arms and legs were covered in his lighting armour as he quickly grabbed Asta from Noelle and jumped onto the cloud.

"Mimosa take care of Asta" said Yuno after everyone else got onto the cloud. "Got it" said Mimosa as she went back to healing Asta.

"Where's the exit, Mimosa can't heal Asta and lead us out of here at the same time" thought Yuno looking annoyed.

"Take a right up here" said Luck with a sirious look on his face as he stood next to Yuno, "I can lead us out of here" he said.

"Got it" said Yuno as he followed Lucks directions. As they moved threw the dungeon more rubble began to fall from the ceiling making Yuno have to dodge it. Some rubble was destroyed by Klaus steel magic and Lucks lighting magic. Liebe now going back to Noelle head while they were on their way to get out. " Miss look out!" Shouted Liebe while sat on Noelle head.

One piece of rubble got close until Noelle destroyed it with a blast of water.

"I actually hit it!" said Noelle staring at her wand before looking at Asta, "I won't let you die here Asta ,because after we get out of this I will... I will.." she thought looking determined and blushed.

"We won't let him die here!" thought Klaus and Luck as the two of them thought back to when they saw Asta fight in the dungeon.

"There's our exit" thought Yuno as they went through another passage, then with his magic, Luck and Klaus magic they burst through wall in the dungeon and made it outside.

An hour later.

In the forest outside of dungeon, Asta slowly opened his eyes while still being heal by mimosa. Everyone in there felt relieved that Asta had finally woke up. " Hmph! You got me worried back then you idiot, thank god you didn't hold long that power of Anti Magic" Said chibi Liebe.

" Yeah.. sorry Liebe" said Asta with a weak smiled.

"Thank goodness you're alright" said Mimosa.

"You had me worried back there" said Noelle.

Asta began to sit up, "Ow" he said still feeling some pain.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't able to heal you completely" said Mimosa.

"No it's nothing, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here now, so thanks" said Asta smiling. Mimosa looked embarrassed before she got up and hide behind Noelle who looked confused by the girls actions.

"Asta you cant die until we have our fight, beside, your transformation before look sick!" said Luck punching his fists forward.

" ohh.. I'm sorry you guys had to look my terrified form before, I'm acting like a monster before" Said Asta as he regretted what he had done before.

" Asta.. you're not a monster, actually you didn't hit any of us.. you were just trying to saved me.. th-thanks Asta" Said Noelle blushing. Everybody nodded and agreed with Noelle. " Thank you Noelle" Said Asta smiling to her.

Asta then slowly to got up. " Auch.. my back hurts" Said Asta. Suddenly, "Yuno, Asta" said Klaus getting their attention. Then surprising both of them he hugged the two young Magic Knights, "I'm so sorry, I looked down on both of you because you were both commoners, but now I see I was wrong, the Magic Knights are lucky to have you two" he said looking like he regretted what he thought of them.

"Uh sir" said Yuno, "You're too close".

"Yeah kind of in pain here sir spectacles" said Asta looking like he was in pain.

Klaus quickly backed away before he pushed up his glasses, "Right and I thought I told you not to call me that" he said. " You deserves that called" Interrupted Liebe. " Asta.. could you please shut your pet" Said Klaus. " What! Do you wanted me to eat you!?" Shouted Liebe.
" Hmph! As if gonna happened"( Crap.. I'm done for.. please forgive me) thought klaus scared.

Asta looked towards Noelle, but he then blushed when he realized something, "Uh Noelle your clothes.." he said.

Noelle looked confused before she looked down to see some of her chest was exposed, "Ahh!" she said bringing her hands up to cover herself when she felt someone put something over head. She looked to see Asta had put his own black bulls robe over her to help her cover up.

"Here this should help until we get back" he said smiling at her.

Noelle smiled back, "I think I will admit now that I.. reallly have fallen for you Asta" She thought before leaning her head on Asta shoulder, making him blushed while Mimosa looked suprised .

" Urghh please don't do some shit sweet scene in front of me you lovebirds" Said Liebe annoyed before getting pecked again by Nero in his eyes. Everybody laughed at Liebe while Asta and Noelle blushing.

Heyo guys! The chapter is finally out!! Anyway, did you guys watched the new episode? Damn Nacht look sick.. I can't wait to watched the next episode! Liebe will get his appearance next week! God damn it. Anyway, see you guys onto the Next chapter.

Let me know what you guys think in this chapter. Don't forget to leave a comment and Votes guys!

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