Expecting the Unexpected (Bak...

By LadysDaze

793K 35.7K 25.9K

"Hey... you like fucking coffee?" Had you known that Bakugou's request toward you as you both held onto your... More

A Warning Before Reading This Book
A Warning to Future Readers... Again
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 13
Week 16
Week 18
Week 20
Week 22
Week 24
Week 26
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 33
Three Months
Six Months
Eight Months
Nine Months
Eleven Months
Fifteen Months
Seventeen Months
Twenty Months
Twenty-Four Months (Part 1 Finale)
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 13
Week 18
Week 21
Week 25
Week 29
Week 33
Week 40
Birth (Part 2)
Newborn (Part 2)
Month 1
Month 3
Month 6
Month 12
Month 15
Month 18
Month 21
Month 24
Month 38
Month 39
Month 40
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Bonus #10

Month 9

5.7K 337 108
By LadysDaze

Month 9

You removed your hands from your eyes quickly, smiling brightly. Katsuro gave you a surprised look. His big (eye color) eyes wide and his mouth open.

"Peek-a-boo!" You smiled, and saw him smile back.

He erupted into giggles, reaching for your hands and grabbing them with his own chubby tiny ones. You stifled a laugh of your own, imagining your son was trying to tell you to not 'disappear' on him any longer. So you sat on the floor with him a bit more. His left hand wrapped around the tiger plush and his right thumb in his mouth.

"You sure are a cutie, Tsuro." You sighed happily. "Even if you do look too much like your daddy when he was your age."

Katsuro removed his thumb from his mouth and handed his toy towards you. "Mamamamama."

"Why thank you." You eagerly took his toy.

You pretended to play with it for a moment, noticing your son starting to get impatient. He watched his toy with a frown and then started to point towards it, babbling on a word that nearly sounded like 'mama'.

"Here you go." You gave him his toy back. "Thank you for sharing."

Katsuro merely hugged his toy close, putting a thumb back into his mouth. He watched you, still wanting to play. You were about to start another exciting round of peek-a-boo when the sounds of your ringtone made you pause.

"Hold on, baby boy." You told him and got up to grab your phone.

Katsuro watched you go, seeming to quickly get over the fact that his game with you ended as he started to play with his tiger once more. You were glad he wasn't as needy in the attention department as his sister had been. Thus, you felt comfortable leaving him for a few minutes while you spoke to whoever was calling you. Juba's contact information showed and you picked it up.

You spoke to your teaching assistant for no more than fifteen minutes. She was reporting how the students were doing, hos Midoriya was doing as your substitute, as well as how you and Katsuro were. It was a quick conversation, but by the time you had hung up and made your way back to where you were playing with Katsuro in front of the couch... the baby was gone.

You hummed, seeing as the new mobile Katsuro had a great disappearing act. So with the baby missing from the baby blanket and his tiger left behind, you started your search to find wherever he could have crawled towards.

But... you needed the expert to help you.

You knocked gently on Katsuko's door, despite how it was open. She was happily coloring in a book, and stopped immediately when she heard you knocking. She tilted her head to the side, wondering what you were doing here.

"Tsuro has gone missing again. Want to help me find him?" You spoke.

Katsuko's eyes widened and she nodded eagerly. She jumped up and immediately started searching for her brother. You followed her, and smiled at how much Katsuko enjoyed this 'not really a game' game.

"Last time he was hiding under daddy's desk!" Katsuko told you as she dove into Bakugou's office.

She checked under his desk, and then behind the couch. You looked in all the other tiny little cracks the boy could have gotten himself into. But no signs of Katsuro in this room. So the pair of you moved on.

"Let's look in his room." You told Katsuko.

She ran to the room across the hallway. She crawled under his crib, and looked in the closet. You looked once again anywhere he could have crawled and gotten stuck. But still no baby.

Katsuko hummed, tapping her foot on the ground. "Ah! How about your room, mama?"

You nodded. "That sounds like a good place to look."

You both entered your and Katsuki's room. Katsuko dove under the bed, moving light boxes and lost socks and she looked. You went towards the closet and bent down. You giggled as you saw your son. He looked up at you, holding one of his father's shoes in his hands.

"Found him, Ko." You called her.

She came crawling out from the bed and then crawled into the closet next to her brother. Katsuko took the shoe he was holding out to her and then handed him one of your shoes.

"He really likes shoes." Katsuko spoke, watching her brother hand her another shoe, followed by another.

"I think he just wants to share with you. Or play with you..." You guessed, not knowing what exactly your son wanted with all the shoes.

You and Katsuko watched as Katsuro put one of his tiny legs into one of Bakugou's running shoes. He babbled on, pointing to his foot in the giant shoe. Katsuko helped him put on another shoe and then moved to help him stand up. You watched with a sharp eye, knowing that Katsuro was just learning how to stand, and that Katsuko wasn't able to hold him up for too long.

"He's ready to train with daddy and I!!" Your daughter shouted. "You just need a quirk now, Roro!"

You hummed, reaching forward and grabbing Katsuro. His little feet easily slipped out of Katsuki's shoes when you took him. Katsuko watched you, a slight pout on her lips caused by you taking her brother out of her hands.

"He's going to have to wait another few years for that." You spoke, feeling Katsuro happily cuddle into your embrace.

Katsuko sighed, crawling out of the closet herself. She kicked a few shoes as she did so, but none escaped the closest luckily. She looked at you in envy, seeing as she too wanted to carry her brother around, but was not allowed to. She could only hold him on the couch with either her mom or dad next to her.

"Roro wants to train though..." Katsuko spoke with a pout.

"He will one day." You spoke, maneuvering one of your arms free and ruffling Katsuko's locks of ash blonde. "I promise."

That seemed to be enough for Katsuko, as she happily jumped and spun around you, talking about what she and Katsuro would do when they both could train with Bakugou. You smiled, happy to see how much your kids adored one another.

It didn't take long after the little impromptu game of hide-and-seek for Katsuko to return to her coloring and for Katsuro to fall asleep. You used the peace to start on dinner and get Katsuko to finish her homework. She did it in no time, the little girl having also picked up on her father's smarts it appeared.

As you put the dinner in the oven to cook, the sounds of your son crying made you walk to his room. He was standing on his feet, supporting himself by holding on tightly to his crib. He stopped his crying as soon as he saw you.

"Ready to get up?" You spoke and lifted him up.

As soon as you put him down, he was off. Crawling like he had somewhere to go. You followed him, Katsuko joining you when she saw her brother and you going somewhere. Katsuro paused before the entrance to the apartment, sitting and looking at the door.

"What's he doing?" Katsuko asked.

As you were about to respond, the door opened and in walked your husband.

"I'm home-" He started, only to pause when he saw his entire family standing in the doorway before him. "This ain't a damn museum..."

You hummed, pointing to Katsuro. "Someone knew you were about to walk in and came to wait for you."

Katsuki blinked, slipping off his shoes and putting down his duffle bag before leaning down to pick up his son.

"Hey brat. Are you a mind reader like your mom?" He asked.

"Mama can't read minds, daddy!" Katsuko answered for you.

You rolled your eyes, glad your daughter knew the truth. Bakugou only clicked his tongue and made his way past his two girls. Katsuro played with the strings on his sweatshirt.

Katsuko ran up behind her father, finding his free hand and putting her own hand into it. A moment after she did so though, she pulled away and pinched her nose.

"Ew!! Daddy smells, really bad!!" She cried, running to you and hiding behind you.

You broke into laughter, thanks to Katsuko's reaction and the face of betrayal Bakugou was making.

"She's right." You smirked. "I can smell you from here."

"Not my damn fault that villian I caught today led me into a fucking sewer chase!" He groaned.

"Give me my son before you make him smell too." You cautiously walked forward. "Now go shower... dinner will be ready soon."

Bakugou sulked away, not believing he smelled that bad. It seemed his life of smelling like caramel instead of sweat made him not realize how bad he could smell when doing the work he did.

By the time the table was set and the food was resting on it, Bakugou made his appearance. His locks were still a bit damp and he looked to be smelling the towel around his next to make sure he didn't stink anymore.

"Can you get Katsuko's portion while I cut up Tsuro's?" You asked him and saw your husband nod.

Dinner was served, Bakugou smelled good once more, and the kids were enjoying the food. You couldn't be happier.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Katsuko tugged on his t-shirt. "Roro played hide-and-seek with mama and I again today!"

Bakugou paused in his chewing and looked between his daughter and son. He swallowed the food and then turned to you.

"He's still doing that?" He asked you.

You nodded. "It seems Katsuro is more mobile than even Katsuko was as a baby. He was in our closet today, playing with your shoes."

"My shoes?" Bakugou blinked, looking to the baby boy. "What's so damn interesting about my shoes, brat?"

"Dadadadadada. Bababababa." Katsuro explained.

You hummed in agreement. "You heard him Katsuki."

Bakugou sighed. "I can't wait until you learn to talk..."

"Me or the baby?" You gave him a coy smile.

"Both of you weird asses." He snarked back.

You giggled, Katsuko copying you. Soon Katsuro joined in, wanting to copy his mother and sister. Bakugou watched as the three of you laughed, thinking of how he would be very outnumbered in any argument where he was on the opposite side.

"Daddy! When can Roro come train with us?!" Katsuko asked him suddenly.

"Huh? You want him to come train with us?" Bakugou blinked.

"Yes! He's already good at running and hiding! So we just need to teach him how to fight!!" Katsuko explained.

"Ah I see. And who's this we? I'm the teacher and you're the student, brat." Bakugou spoke, ruffling Katsuko's locks. "As for Tsuro, he's gotta wait until he's at least your age."

Katsuko pouted. "Mama said we have to wait until he gets a quirk... and now when he's my age! It keeps getting longer!!"

Bakugou rolled his eyes. "For right now, it's you and me only. And you never know, Tsuro might get your mother's quirk. So he might not even be able to train with us."

Katsuko's face looked horrified. "R-Roro won't ever train with me..."

Bakugou's eyes widened, seeing as he upset his daughter. "U-Uh no! H-He just might need to try with your mama more. B-but you two can still spare when you're older!"

Katsuko hummed, looking down at her plate. "I hate waiting to find out... hurry up and grow up Roro..."

Bakugou exhaled, seeing that he had avoided another crisis. You merely watched your little family continue their dinner conversation. Your eyes falling onto Katsuro, and seeing him quietly watching his sister and father interact.

You didn't know why... but somewhere in you... you felt Katsuki was right. And that one day soon... you and Katsuro would be spending a lot of time together developing his quirk. But... until then, you would watch him grow and wait for the day his own quirk came in.

And hoped it wouldn't be as noisy as his sister's did.

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